Home / Episode Guide / Py and Pippi and the Shooting Star!/ピィとピッピとながれぼし!/Wish Upon a Star Shape

English Official Summary

Ash, Misty, and Brock are traveling along when they notice a strange shape falling from the sky. They run in to investigate, but soon realized that they were not the only witnesses of this event. Two representatives of an organization devoted to uncovering secrets of the Pokémon world arrive just as our heroes discover that the mysterious falling object was a Cleffa. Though these two Pokémon buffs seem a bit eccentric, Ash and friends share their interest in discovering from whence this Pokémon had come, and so they join forces in investigating a mystery that may shed light even on the very origins of Pokémon life on their planet.

Italian Official Summary

Ash, Misty e Brock sono in viaggio quando notano un oggetto dalla forma strana cadere dal cielo. Corrono a indagare, ma presto si accorgono di non essere stati gli unici testimoni dell'evento.

Portuguese Official Summary

Quando nossos heróis avistam um objeto caindo do céu, eles correm para investigar. Logo, eles unem forças com um clube Pokémon misterioso para revelar os segredos compartilhados pelo Cleffa caído e as estrelas do céu!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Cuando nuestros héroes ven un objeto cayendo del cielo nocturno, corren a investigar. Pronto, unen fuerzas con un club de misterio Pokémon para descubrir los secretos revelados por el Cleffa caído y las estrellas del cielo.

Spanish Official Summary

Ash, Misty y Brock están de viaje, cuando se dan cuenta de que hay una extraña forma cayendo desde el cielo. Corren para investigar, pero pronto se dan cuenta de que no han sido los únicos testigos de este acontecimiento.

English Great Britian Official Summary

Ash, Misty, and Brock are traveling along when they notice a strange shape falling from the sky. They run in to investigate, but soon realized that they were not the only witnesses of this event. Two representatives of an organization devoted to uncovering secrets of the Pokémon world arrive just as our heroes discover that the mysterious falling object was a Cleffa. Though these two Pokémon buffs seem a bit eccentric, Ash and friends share their interest in discovering from whence this Pokémon had come, and so they join forces in investigating a mystery that may shed light even on the very origins of Pokémon life on their planet.

Dutch Official Summary

Als onze helden iets uit de lucht zien vallen, gaan ze op onderzoek. Al snel sluiten ze zich aan bij een Pokémon mysterie club om de geheimen te onthullen  van de gevallen Cleffa en de sterren in de lucht!

French Official Summary

Sacha, Ondine et Pierre poursuivent leur voyage, lorsqu'ils remarquent une silhouette étrange tomber du ciel. Ils se précipitent sur les lieux pour mener leur enquête, mais comprennent vite qu'ils ne sont pas les seuls témoins de cet événement.

German Official Summary

Ash, Misty und Rocko sind allein auf Reisen, als sie einen seltsamen Stern vom Himmel fallen sehen. Als sie sich auf den Weg dorthin machen, stellen sie fest, dass es noch andere Augenzeugen gibt.