Home / Episode Guide / はぐれポケモン・ヒトカゲ / 「ポケモンXY」大特集、増田さんが驚きの最新情報を発表! / 15周年を迎えるポケセンとのコラボ企画が実現!? / 映画最新情報!/Stray Pokémon Hitokage / A Special Report on 'Pokémon X & Y', Where Masuda Announces Surprising News! / A Collaboration Project with the Pokémon Center, Which will Soon Celebrate its 15th Anniversary, Comes to Fruition!? / The Latest Movie News!
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  • Japan はぐれポケモン・ヒトカゲ / 「ポケモンXY」大特集、増田さんが驚きの最新情報を発表! / 15周年を迎えるポケセンとのコラボ企画が実現!? / 映画最新情報!
  • Japan Hagure Pokémon Hitokage / 'Pokémon XY' daitokushū, Masuda-san ga odoroki no saishin jōhō wo happyō! / 15shūnen wo mukaeru PokéCen to no collabo kikaku ga jitsugen!? / Eiga saishin jōhō!
  • Japan Stray Pokémon Hitokage / A Special Report on 'Pokémon X & Y', Where Masuda Announces Surprising News! / A Collaboration Project with the Pokémon Center, Which will Soon Celebrate its 15th Anniversary, Comes to Fruition!? / The Latest Movie News!


OP/ED List

Episode Actors Regions
The episode started with the hosts greeting everyone with a PokéMorning, before Golgo introduced the "You Choose! The Pokémon Anime Requests" segment.

Shoko-tan mentioned how they show has received a lot of mail for this segment asking for a Hitokage episode, and shows off several of these, before presenting today's chosen request, a letter from 7 year old Masashi Tanaka from Chiba, who says he wants to see the episode where Satoshi first met Hitokage. This happened in Pocket Monsters episode 11, Stray Pokémon Hitokage (はぐれポケモン・ヒトカゲ), and Shoko-tan explained that this was a really popuar episode that she liked a lot as well. A summary of the episode can be found in our episode guide. Professor Red then cut to the episode with "Ok! PokéReq GO!"

As we returned from the rerun episode, the International Division joined the other hosts, before Professor Akido suddenly walked onto the set, telling them that he had been living inside a hole on the roof of the set for a while now, heard the hosts coming, and thought this would make a good opportunity to explain the core concepts of the Pocket Monsters games to everyone.

Pokémon X/Y Special

Before that, though, the narrator explained that this episode was a Pokémon X/Y special, where we would be shown the newest info on the X/Y games, which are being released worldwide this October, and Shoko-tan introduced the person who would give us this info: the God of Pokémon games, Masuda from Game Freak. With that, Masuda walked onto the set, greeted everyone, and showed off a set of covered posters.

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Golgo asked how far along the games were at the moment, and Masuda said the packaging has just recently been finalized, pulling the cover from the first poster, revealing pictures of their designs, which showed off the new legendary Pokémon: Xerneas, which can be encountered in Pocket Monsters X, and Yveltal, which can be encountered in Pocket Monsters Y.

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Masuda then prepared to pull off the next cover to reveal more information, but Akido stopped him, saying they should go over the basics of Pokémon in detail once more before proceeding. He then asked Yamamoto and Baba to come with him, which they weren't all too happy about, as they usually end up getting hurt during Akido's experiments.

Akido took the two to his lab, where he explained that a lot of kids are going to play X and Y as their first Pokémon games, and that they should explain the history of the franchise to them. The narrator then gave a quick overview of the series, showing off all the main titles, starting with Red and Green's 1996 release, where he explained how the concept of trading monsters wth friends via link cable created an entirely new and innovative game experience. Professor Akido then launched his breakdown of the series' key points.

The first key point is how the games have you start your journey as a Pokémon Trainer by selecting one of three starter Pokémon as your partner. He then demonstrated this by having Baba, dressed up as a Youngster, choose between the three starter Pokémon from Black and White: The Grass Type Tsutarja, the Fire Type Pokabu, and the Water Type Mijumaru, here portrayed by Yamamoto in a costume. Youngster Baba doesn't think Mijumaru looks all that cute from the hat and down, but still ends up choosing it, as Akido explains that one can choose Pokémon based on either type or looks - it's all up to you. The narrator then showed a clip presenting the three starter Pokémon from X and Y, the Grass Type Harimaron, the Fire Type Fokko, and the Water Type Keromatsu, asking the viewers which of the three they want to start with.

The next key point is, of course, how Trainers catch new Pokémon on their journey and add them to their teams, with the narrator explaining that one of the goals of the game is to catch all the Pokémon and register them in your Zukan. Yamamoto, dressed as the Worker Trainer class, joined Professor Akido, as they went to the world of Pokémon Diamond & Pearl, where they searched around in a thicket, the narrator explaining how this is the most common way to find Pokémon. Suddenly, a wild Pachirisu, or at least a man in a Pachirisu costume, jumped out at them, and Worker Yamamoto started the battle by sending out a Naetle, portrayed by Baba in a costume.

The narrator explained that wild Pokémon need to be weakened with attacks before they can be caught, and Worker Yamamoto decided to have Naetle Baba start off with a Tackle attack, but the Pachirisu attacked him first with Quick Attack, a move that always hits before the opponent. Naetle Baba then hit back with a Tackle, and Yamamoto decided to try a monster ball, the item used for catching Pokémon. Since Pachirisu was so big, Akido gave him a specially-made giant monster ball, which Yamamoto pointed out was just a bead cushion. Still, he threw it at the Pachirisu, and it went into the ball, though popped back out shortly after, the narrator explaining that the more you weaken a Pokémon, the easier it is to catch.

Naetle Baba continued the battle by using Razor Leaf, portrayed by him tossing salad at the Pachirisu man, followed by putting a leaf-motif bucket on his head and knocking on it. Yamamoto pointed out that that wasn't a leaf, but Baba said it still seemed to do damage, so Yamamoto tried throwing another monster ball. Once again, Pachirisu went inside the ball, and it started to shake, the narrator explaining how you have to wait until the ball stops shaking before the Pokémon is caught. And unfortunately, the Pachirisu broke out before the ball shaked for the last time, attacking Baba as the narrator explained that no matter how much a Pokémon is weakened, it's never guaranteed you'll catch it, which adds to the suspense.

Yamamoto threw a third monster ball, and the Pachirisu stayed in this time, with the narrator explaining how you'll keep catching Pokémon on your journey, using your assembled team to win gym badges, and work to fill the Pokémon Zukan.

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With that, Akido, Yamamoto and Baba returned to the set, as Masuda prepared the next announcement; the revelation of the adventure's protagonists. He pulled off the cover on the next poster, and showed off the designs of the playable boy and girl characters, with the hosts pointing out how stylish and cool they looked, with Neese doing a little dance to introduce himself to them at Akido's request. We're then introduced to an entirely new feature: the ability to alter your character's appearance, choosing between three combinations of skin and hair color.

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Next, Masuda says he has some really noteworthy info to reveal; the setting of the new adventure. He pulls off the cover from a third poster, revealing a map of the new region, the Kalos Region, and Shoko-tan points out a snow-covered area and a castle as particularly interesting places. We're then shown a closer look at the city in the center of the region, Miare City, as Masuda pulls off the cover from another poster showing a picture of it, the hosts calling attention to a tower in the background and what looks like an open cafe.

Masuda then says he'll show us a video clip from Kalos and Miare. The clip has ever before been shown on TV, and shows the protagonists running through the city, giving us detailed views of them up close. One of the scenes shows the girl running diagonally, which really surprises everyone, Baba saying he's always wanted to run diagonally in a Pokémon game.

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Finally, Shoko-tan asks Masuda to reveal the biggest news of all, and he pulls the cover off the last poster, revealing some all-new Pokémon:
First is the Generation Pokémon Erikiter (エリキテル), an Electric/Normal type, a type combination never before seen, with height 0.5 m and weight 6.0 kg. Shoko-tan says looks like it can evolve, and Golgo asks what it sounds like, and Masuda tells him he'll have to wait and see when the game comes out.
Next, the Japanese Robin Pokémon Yayakoma (ヤヤコマ), a Normal/Flying type, 0.3 m tall and weighing 1.7 kg. Shoko-tan is captivated by how cute it is, but the narrator says it's likely to be really fierce in battle.
Next up is the Mischievous Pokémon Yancham (ヤンチャム), a Fighting type, 0,6 m tall and weighing 8.0 kg. Shoko-tan is once again beside herself with how cute it is and asks Masuda to stop already, then asks if it evolves, Yamamoto saying it looks like it'll get really strong upon evolution.
The final new Pokémon is the Ride Pokémon Gogoat (ゴーゴート), a Grass type, 1.7 m tall and weighing 91.0 kg. The hosts wonder what is meant by "Ride Pokémon", Maru asking if it means you can ride it, prompting Masuda to show a new video clip. The clip starts off by showing Gogoat battling a Yancham, and we see that it can use the Grass type move Horn Leech. Next, we're shown the boy protagonist riding a Gogoat through Miare City, proving that Maru was right, you can indeed ride Gogoat.

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The narrator says there are still many more exciting clips to show, but Masuda says they've unfortunately ran out of time. Everyone yells at Akido for wasting so much time with his segment, and he says make amends: Every week from now on, he'll promise to present new information on Pokémon X/Y, such as new Pokémon, which he'll get straight from Masuda. With that, Masuda bids his farewell, and everyone thanks him for the info he presented.

The Pokémon Center's 15th Anniversary Events

This year, the Pokémon Center stores are celebrating their 15th anniversary, and there will be lots of fun tie-in event, such as a new exclusive Nintendo 3DS LL design, battle guides booklets, and event Pokémon giveaways. Pokémon Smash will be doing a tie-in event as well: Recruiting new "special employees" of Pokémon Enterprise.

In other words, you can go to a Pokémon Center and receive a specially-made business card with your name on it, making you a special employee of P.e. Baba and Yamamoto then show what happened when they presented this event to the Pokémon Center, showing a clip of them decked out in full suits, entering the Pokémon Center Tokyo, where they talked to staff member Aoike (青池), who's busy hanging up posters advertising various 15th Anniversary tie-in events.

They hand her their business cards, and we're shown that the Pokémon Enterprise members have each made their own personal business cards, with their motto written on the back in their own handwriting (Shoko-tan's says "Youth is finite, always be greedy", which Yamamoto points out is a kinda mean thing to say). He then shows off the empty business cards the kids can fill out, and we're explained that you also get a copy of one of the Pokémon Enterprise members' business cards alongside it.

Aoike says she thinks this is a great event, but says someone else just presented a different event. She takes Baba and Yamamoto to see their rival, which turns out to be Eievui Akiyama, currently having a staff member set up a poster in the store for him! The poster shows all of the Eievui Akiyama Friends, and he explains that this is a popularity poll, and that people can vote for their favorite of the Friends by putting a sticker under that Friend's name on a separate poster nearby.

Baba and Yamamoto point out that Nymphia Nakagawa isn't an option, and Eievui Akiyama says that if he had put her on there, she'd just have won way too easily. This would be the time to decide which of the two proposed events the Pokémon Center will run, but Aoike surprises everyone by saying they'll run both of them at the same time, thus pleasing everybody. We're then given full details on the events: By voting in the Eievui Akiyama Friends popularity poll, held in all Pokémon Centers, you will be given a set of 5 business cards - 3 empty ones to be filled out, and 2 Pokémon Enterprise member cards.

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Genesect Promo Events

The narrator reminds us that the special preorder ticket that allows one to download a special level 100 Mewtwo is currently on sale, before Shoko-tan and the Genesect Army reveal the second event Pokémon for the movie, the one that can be downloaded via local wireless in the theater before the movie starts. This year, it's an alternate-colored Genesect: the Red Genesect from the movie!

The Genesect can be downloaded to both Pocket Monster Black and White and Pocket Monsters Black 2 and White 2. It is level 100, and knows the moves Extremespeed, Techno Blast, Blaze Kick and Shift Gear. Apart from Techno Blast, Genesect can't normally learn any of these moves, which are all powerful, speedy attacks. It also has the Hasty nature, which boosts its speed, and arrives holding the Choice Scarf item, which increases its speed even further. Truly an Extremespeed Genesect.

There's more, too: You won't just get a Genesect for your video game in the theater, you'll also get a special Red Genesect Pokémon Tretta (limited to 3 million copies on a first-come-first-serve basis). The Tretta has 83 Poké-Ene, is Bug type, and uses the Bug-type move X-Scissor.

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And that's still not all, as Red says he and the Genesect Army have another present to give away as well: The second set of Pokémon Scramble U NFC Figures (featuring Eievui, Mewtwo, Gureggru, Zoroark, Hitomoshi and Genesect) will be released May 25th, and in commemoration of that, a set of special Genesect Army NFC Figures have been made. They're a set of 5: the Red Genesect and 4 normal Genesect each with a different cassette slotted into the gun on their back. The set will be given away to 100 Pokémon Smash viewers who write in for the lottery. The deadline is May 29th.

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As the show ended, the Genesect Army reminded everyone to submit their photos in order to join the Army. They then announced details on the presents that would be given out after they reach 1000 members: Once they hit the 1000 mark, 3 members will be given a Nintendo 3DSLL Eievui Edition, and 5 will be given a Download Card for Pokémon Scramble U, all 8 winners chosen via lottery.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Shoko Nakagawa
  • Japan 中川翔子
  • Japan Shōko Nakagawa
  • Japan Shoko Nakagawa
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 馬場裕之
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 山本博
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 秋山竜次
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan ゴルゴ松本
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan レッド吉田
  • Japan Red Yoshida
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Director Lucario
  • Japan ルカリオ部長
  • Japan Director Buchō
  • Japan Director Lucario
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Mijumaru
  • Japan ミジュマル
  • Japan Mijumaru
  • Japan Mijumaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Junichi Masuda
  • Japan 増田順一
  • Japan Jun'ichi Masuda
  • Japan Junichi Masuda
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Niccolo Marangon
  • Japan ニコロ・マランゴン
  • Japan Niccolo Marangon
  • Japan Niccolo Marangon
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Noemi Trijasson
  • Japan ノエミ トリジャソン
  • Japan Noemi Trijasson
  • Japan Noemi Trijasson
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Neese
  • Japan マクヴィカーニース
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Maru Kiuchi
  • Japan 木内 舞留
  • Japan Maru Kiuchi
  • Japan Maru Kiuchi
No notes available for this episode.
Episode Music Regions
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Japanese Music:


Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
10 May 2013 05:37 AM
AnimeBot Automated Bots
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23 May 2013 09:07 AM
Sunain Administrator
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A lot of X and Y details in this episode. It's always fun to see Akido-hakase on the show despite the terrible looking makeup but that's half the charm of it. I guess Masuda will be on a few more times over the next few months to talk about more X and Y info.
23 May 2013 10:56 AM
Adamant Administrator
Joined: 12 Jul 2007
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Masuda won't, it's Akido who will be presenting X/Y news in the upcoming episodes.

Honestly, this one probably the least fun Akido episode yet. Interesting how they spent so much time explaining the absolute basics of how Pokemon games play, though - I guess they figured a lot of the kids watching at the moment have never actually played any of the video games before.