Home / Episode Guide / Marvel! Mountain of the Giant Kekking!! / A Special Feature on Mewtwo, with a Mighty Battle Starring the Mewtwo You Get with the Special Pre-Order Ticket! / Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku Perform 'Let's Hold Hands'!/驚異! 巨大ケッキングの山!! / ミュウツー大特集、映画特別前売券で貰えるミュウツーの強力バトルも! / 私立恵比寿中学が「手をつなごう」を披露!
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  • Japan 驚異! 巨大ケッキングの山!! / ミュウツー大特集、映画特別前売券で貰えるミュウツーの強力バトルも! / 私立恵比寿中学が「手をつなごう」を披露!
  • Japan Kyōi! Kyodai Kekking no yama!! / Mewtwo daitokushū, eiga tokubetsu maeuriken de moraeru Mewtwo no kyōryoku battle mo! / Shiritsu Ebisu Chūgaku ga 'te wo tsunagō' wo hirō!
  • Japan Marvel! Mountain of the Giant Kekking!! / A Special Feature on Mewtwo, with a Mighty Battle Starring the Mewtwo You Get with the Special Pre-Order Ticket! / Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku Perform 'Let's Hold Hands'!


OP/ED List

Episode Actors Regions
After greeting the audience with a "PokéMorning!", Golgo introduced the "You Choose! The Pokémon Anime Requests" segment. Golgo himself had chosen today's request, which was sent by 8-year-old Hiroyuki Shima from Saitama. He requested an episode about Kekking, and wrote "If he doesn't move much, he'll grow fat" as a comment in the letter. Golgo pointed out that while Hiroyuki hadn't drawn any pictures, his request was chosen because he had written the letter all by himself, something they'd like to see more kids do.

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Golgo chose Advanced Generation episode 180, Marvel! Mountain of the Giant Kekking!! (驚異! 巨大ケッキングの山!!), as a response to his request, and Professor Red started the episode with a "Ok! PokéReq GO!"

Mewtwo Analysis Special

As they returned from the rerun episode, Golgo reminded everyone that the movie "Extremespeed Genesect: The Awakening of Mewtwo" will premiere in just two months. To elebrate that, today's episode will be a special that analyses Mewtwo's character and explains what kind of Pokémon it is. For this reason, they had invited a special guest lecturer to the show, but when Golgo tries calling for this person, no on comes in, so Shoko-tan runs off to search. Right after she leaves, someone calls out "PokéMorning", and the "special lecturer" walks in. She introduces herself as "Miss Nakagawa, CEO of the Mewtwo Research Laboratories", claiming that Shoko-tan asked her to come to teach them all she knows about her darling Mewtwo. Akiyama and Yamamoto point out that "Miss Nakagawa" is clearly just Shoko-tan herself in a costume, prompting her to yell at them to SHUT UP!!

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"Miss Nakagawa" explains that through years of research, she has discovered 3 key points to explain the awesomeness of Mewtwo. The first point is "Mewtwo's creation by human hand". Miss Nakagawa shows some clips from the beginning of the first Pokémon movie, Mewtwo Strikes Back, and explains how its artificial creaton made Mewtwo search for the meaning of life. She asks Red what the meaning of his life is, but when he starts talking about how it's his inventions, she yells at him to SHUT UP!!, saying she doesn't care about his useless inventions. She turns to Neese instead, who explains that his purpose in life is to spread the fun of Pokémon as a PokéSma member, and she tells him he did a GOOD JOB!! with that answer.

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The second key point is "Mewtwo possesses powers far beyond the norm". She shows more clips from Mewtwo Strikes Back that demonstrate this, showing the scenes from the beginning of the movie where Mewtwo destroys the laboratory that gave birth to it. She then asks Robert what kind of powers they possess, and they say that since their work revolves around making people laugh, it'd have to be that. She asks them to demonstrate, adding that abilities and powers can make for a purpose in life, and the comedy trio present a short skit where Yamamoto plays an ambulance, and Akiyama follows him around, slipping random English words into the sound of his siren. She tells them GOOD JOB!!, then asks Red about his powers, but interrupts him with a SHUT UP!! before he can answer.

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The third and final keypoint is "Mewtwo possesses both cruel heartlessness and compassionate kindness", explaining that while Mewtwo may have come across as evil in what they've shown thus far, that's not all there is to it, then shows a selection of clips from the climax of Mewtwo Strikes Back, where Mewtwo commands the copy Pokémon against the original Pokémon, but eventually has a change of heart after Satoshi's sacrifice. Miss Nakagawa starts gushing over this scene, claiming it changed the history of animation forever, and Akiyama says she's definitely just Shoko-tan in a costume, and is once again told to SHUT UP!!

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Miss Nakagawa then says that there will be even more awesome things to see about Mewtwo in the upcoming movie, and launches the full movie trailer to demonstrate. She explains how Mewtwo will awaken and gain even more powers, and that it'll battle other Pokémon that were created by humans in the Genesect. Finally, she promises to show footage proving how awesome the Mewtwo you can get through the movie preorder ticket, before ending the segment for now.

Professor Akido's Pocket Monsters X/Y Laboratories

As promised last week, from this episode an on, Professor Akido will be presenting news on the upcoming game Pocket Monsters X and Pocket Monsters Y, alongside his assistants Group Member Yamamoto and Group Member Baba. This episode, he's presenting one of the new Pokémon that will appear in these games; the Generation Pokémon Erikiter. As Masuda mentioned, this is the first Electric/Normal type Pokémon in the franchise. Akido then shows a new gameplay clip, where Erikiter is shown using a new move. He explains that this move is named Parabolic Charge, and that it damages all the other Pokémon in the battle, including your own allies. The user then recovers HP equal to half the total inflicted damage. Yamamoto mentions that it appears to be an Electric move.

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Akido goes on to mention that Erikiter can take in sunlight and use it to generate electricity, which can then be used to charge electric machinery and appliances. He then wonders if humans are able to charge machines like that too, and decides to run an experiment. Baba is placed on a bike that's connected to a TV via a set of wires, and he pedals as fast as he can, eventually making the TV turn on. The experiment is a success.

The Eievui Akiyama Friends

Today, Baba and Yamamoto have come to the Eievui Akiyama House with a question for Thunders Akiyama. When they knock on the door, however, Eievui Akiyama and Nymphia Nakagawa answer it. The two are surprised to see her, and she says they're "phiamates" (ルームフィア), Yamamoto pointing out that the term is "sharemates" (ルームシェア). They ask for Thunders Akiyama, but Eievui Akiyama says he's not home at the moment, so they decide to ask Nymphia Nakagawa the question instead. The question, from Nao Nakai, Hyogo, is What do you do for fun?

She thinks for bit, then says she likes to "phia". Baba and Yamamoto asks what that's supposed to mean, and she answers by jumping forward, striking a comic pose, and yelling "buccalphiatchacone" (バッカルフィアッチャコーン), parodying her well-known usage of the word "Buccalcone". Eievui Akiyama says she's always doing stuff like this, as she breaks into a dance, chanting "nym-nym-nym, nym-nym-nym, nym-nym-nymphia, nym-nym-nym", making the others join in as well. She and Eievui Akiyama then close the door, making Baba and Yamamoto wonder just what that was all about.

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Back at the set, Miss Nakagawa presents details on the preorder ticket event Mewtwo. It is level 100, knows Psystrike, Ice Beam, and the two event-exclusive moves Heal Pulse and Hurricane, has the Ability Unnerve, and holds an Iban (Custap) Berry. She then shows a set of game clips featuring the event Mewtwo in action. First, we see a demonstration of its amazing Speed and Special Attack, as it enters a battle with the speedy Voltolos, moves first, and knocks it out with a single hit with Psystrike. Next we see it go up against an Ulgamoth. Once again, Mewtwo goes first, knocking out Ulgamoth with a single hit from Hurricane, a move it can't normally learn, and which is highly effective against Bug types, which Psychic types like Mewtwo are weak against. Its next opponent is Rayquaza, a Pokémon Miss Nakagawa says commonly carries the Yache Berry, a berry that reduces damage dealt by Ice moves, which Dragon types are weak against. This Mewtwo's Abiity is Unnerve, however, an Ability that prevents the opponent from eating berries, and Mewtwo thus manages to knock out Rayquaza with a single Ice Beam. Finally, we see Mewtwo in a double battle, where it and a Manyula are going up against a Dialga and a Roubushin, and Dialga uses Trick Room, a move that reverses everyone's Speed stat. This would normally be a dangerous situation for the super speedy Mewtwo, but since it carries an Iban Berry, it is able to move first after all, and knocks out Roubushin with a single hit from Psystrike despite being at so low HP it wouldn't have normally survived that round.

Everyone are truly impressed with this Mewtwo, and we're told that the special preorder ticket that comes with a voucher for this event Pokémon is now on sale. Miss Nakagawa reminds everyone to watch the movie once more, then bids her farewell, the rest of the hosts still pointing out how she's obviously just Shoko-tan in a costume. Shoko-tan returns right after "Miss Nakagawa" leaves, pretending to be sad she missed her, but when Golgo suggest they go call her back in, she says Miss Nakagawa is probably too busy for that, and quickly changes the subject.

Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku's Visit

Shoko-tan announces that they have some amazing guests related to the upcoming movie short Pikachu and its Eievui Friends on the set today, and calls them in. It is the pop group Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku, the singers of the ending theme to Pikachu and its Eievui Friends, Let's Hold Hands, dressed up in clothes based on the Eievui Friends for the occasion, each member portraying one of the 9 Friends. The narrator mentions that the song is used as the ending theme for Pocket Monsters Best Wishes Season 2 Decolora Adventure as well, and we're shown a clip from the new footage used in the ending as per episode 5, featuring the girls in both live and animated form. Shoko-tan says they'll soon perform the song for us, but before that, we'll all get to see the first scene from the short itself; an entire minute's worth of footage.

The short starts off by showing Pikachu, Mijumaru, Kibago and Yanappu on a swing against a black background, which eventually lights up and turns into the short's title card, the swing making the letters appear as it flies over the screen. The short itself then starts, showing the same four Pokémon running through a forest, the narrator voice saying they're full of energy today. As Pikachu reaches the top of a hill overlooking a flower bed, it stops, but the other Pokémon crash into it, and send all four tumbling into the flowers. As they get back up on their feet, they laugh about the situation, and we see a Nymphia run through the flowers for a second before the clip ends.

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As we return from a commercial break, Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku put on their performance, singing and dancing to Let's Hold Hands, with the hosts dancing along on the sidelines. After the song, Eievui Akiyama walks onto the set, telling EbiChu that despite wearing the outfits that they do, he doesn't think they quite become the Eievui Friends, and he wants to test them to see which are the most "appropriate" Eievui Friends. Tune in next time.

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The episode ends with a reminder that the Pokémon Tretta PokéSma Challenge Cup is still running, and that all the Pokémon Centers are also hosting the cup. The cup is held there until May 31st. In addition, the cup will also be held at the International Tokyo Toy Show 2013, which takes place June 15th-16th. See the official home page for further information.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Shoko Nakagawa
  • Japan 中川翔子
  • Japan Shōko Nakagawa
  • Japan Shoko Nakagawa
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 馬場裕之
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 山本博
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 秋山竜次
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan ゴルゴ松本
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan レッド吉田
  • Japan Red Yoshida
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Director Lucario
  • Japan ルカリオ部長
  • Japan Director Buchō
  • Japan Director Lucario
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Mijumaru
  • Japan ミジュマル
  • Japan Mijumaru
  • Japan Mijumaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Niccolo Marangon
  • Japan ニコロ・マランゴン
  • Japan Niccolo Marangon
  • Japan Niccolo Marangon
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Noemi Trijasson
  • Japan ノエミ トリジャソン
  • Japan Noemi Trijasson
  • Japan Noemi Trijasson
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Neese
  • Japan マクヴィカーニース
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Maru Kiuchi
  • Japan 木内 舞留
  • Japan Maru Kiuchi
  • Japan Maru Kiuchi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Tretta Leader Kento
  • Japan トレッタリーダー ケント
  • Japan Tretta Leader Kento
  • Japan Tretta Leader Kento
No notes available for this episode.
Episode Music Regions
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Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
17 May 2013 03:26 AM
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