Home / Episode Guide / Ligray and the Unidentified Flying Object!/A UFO for Elgyem/リグレーと未確認飛行物体!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States A UFO for Elgyem!
  • Japan リグレーと未確認飛行物体!
  • Japan Ligray to mikakunin hikō buttai!
  • Japan Ligray and the Unidentified Flying Object!
  • Germany Ein UFO für Pygraulon!
  • France Un ovni pour Lewsor !
  • Spain ¡Un ovni para Elgyem!
  • Sweden Ett UFO för Elgyem!
  • Italy Un UFO per Elgyem!
  • Mexico ¡Un ovni para Elgyem!
  • Finland Ufo Elgyemille!
  • Taiwan 小灰怪與不明飛行物體!
  • Poland UFO dla Elgyema!
  • Netherlands Een Ufo voor Elgyem!
  • Brazil Um Ovni para Elygem!
  • Norway En UFO til Elgyem!
  • Denmark En UFO til Elgyem!
  • South Korea 리그레와 미확인 비행물체
  • Portugal Um OVNI para o Elgyem!
  • Russia НЛО для Элгиема!


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English Official Summary

Late one night, Ash and his pals are awakened by a UFO! The next day they stop at a café to discuss the sighting. Some townspeople there tell a story of a friend who had a vision of outer space. The townspeople had visited Professor Icarus, who lives over the mountain, to ask him about the event. Very little is known about this professor (a UFO specialist), but when the townspeople confronted him in the past, they all experienced severe head pain. Cilan is a huge fan of the professor and his work, so he decides they need to go to the professor’s laboratory themselves to get to the bottom of the mystery. While crossing a bridge on the way, everyone in the group has another vision—a premonition of danger. When our heroes arrive at the professor’s house and Cilan explains what a big fan he is, the professor warms up to them and invites them in. The professor describes his theory of dark matter and explains that the UFO they saw is a flying saucer he built when everyone suddenly has a vision of the saucer exploding! Rushing to the lab, they meet the mysterious Pokémon called Elgyem, who shares the professor’s house. They also learn how the two met. It turns out Elgyem is responsible for the visions everyone saw. When a disguised Team Rocket appears and tries to capture Elgyem, a fierce battle ensues! Our heroes emerge victorious, but not before Team Rocket destroys the professor’s saucer. The professor vows to rebuild the saucer and take Elgyem back into outer space. But it appears Elgyem is happy living there with Professor Icarus!

French Official Summary

En route pour Méanville, au milieu de la nuit, nos héros sont réveillés par un Ovni. Le jour suivant, alors qu’ils discutent de l’événement dans un café, les gens de la ville leur racontent l’histoire d’un ami à eux qui a eu une soudaine « vision » de l’espace. Les habitant alarmés sont alors allés trouver le Professeur Icarus (qui vit dans la montagne) pour lui poser des questions à ce sujet. On sait très peu de choses de ce scientifique spécialiste des Ovni, et lorsque les gens de la ville viennent lui poser des questions au sujet de la vision de leur ami, ils sont soudain victimes de terribles maux de tête. Rachid, qui admire beaucoup le professeur et ses travaux, pense que lui-même et ses deux amis doivent aller trouver le professeur dans son laboratoire pour élucider le mystère. En traversant un pont pour s’y rendre, ils ont une vision prémonitoire. Pendant ce temps, la Team Rocket espionne le Pokémon Lewsor, qui vit avec le professeur, et jure de l’attraper. Nos héros arrivent enfin à destination. Rachid exprime au professeur Icarus son admiration pour ses travaux. Celui-ci se radoucit alors et explique à nos héros sa théorie de la « matière noire » puis il leur confie que l’ovni qu’ils ont apercus n’était autre qu’une soucoupe volante de sa construction. Nos héros et le professeur ont alors une vision de la soucoupe en train d’exploser ! En se précipitant dans le laboratoire, ils rencontrent un Lewsor et apprennent qu’il partage la vie du professeur, ainsi que l’histoire de leur rencontre. Ils en déduisent que Lewsor est responsable des fameuses « visions ». Entretemps, la Team Rocket déguisée fait son entrée et tente de capturer Lewsor. Une terrible bataille s’ensuit, dont nos héros sortent victorieux, mais la Team Rocket aura eu le temps de détruire la soucoupe du professeur. Ce dernier n’est guère affecté et promet de reconstruire l’engin pour ramener Lewsor dans l’espace, sa patrie d’origine. Cependant, il s’avère que Lewsor est heureux avec le professeur et souhaite que les choses en demeurent là. Finalement, nos héros disent adieu au professeur et à Lewsor.

German Official Summary

Unsere Helden, die nach wie vor auf ihrem Weg nach Rayono City sind, werden mitten in der Nacht von einem Ufo geweckt. Am nächsten Tag machen sie Halt in einem Café und besprechen das Erlebnis der letzten Nacht, woraufhin ihnen einige Einheimische die Geschichte von einem ihrer Freunde erzählen, der auch eine Weltraumvision hatte und wie sie den Professor Ikarus aufsuchten (der jenseits des großen Berges lebt), um ihn danach zu fragen. Über diesen Wissenschaftler und Ufo-Spezialisten ist sehr wenig bekannt. Als sie ihn mit dem Erlebnis ihres Freundes konfrontieren, bekommen sie plötzlich furchtbare Kopfschmerzen. Benny, der ein großer Fan vom Professor und dessen Arbeit ist, beschließt sofort, dass sie den Professor selbst aufsuchen müssen, um diesem mysteriösen Rätsel auf den Grund zu gehen. Beim Überqueren einer Brücke haben unsere Helden eine Vision, die sie vor einer unmittelbaren Gefahr warnt. Währenddessen beobachtet Team Rocket heimlich das Pokémon Pygraulon, das bei dem Professor lebt, um es bei nächster Gelegenheit zu stehlen. Als unsere Helden bei dem Professor ankommen und Benny diesem erzählt, dass er ein großer Fan von ihm sei, wird jener sehr viel zugänglicher (freundlicher) und bittet sie in sein Haus. Er erklärt ihnen nicht nur seine Theorie zur Dunklen Materie, sondern auch, dass das Ufo, das sie gesehen haben, eine von ihm selbstgebaute Fliegende Untertasse sei, die plötzlich in einer Vision explodiere! Sofort laufen sie in das Labor des Professors, wo sie auf Pygraulon treffen. Sie erfahren, dass der Professor und Pygraulon zusammen in diesem Haus leben und die Geschichte, wie sie sich beide kennengelernt haben. Es stellt sich heraus, dass Pygraulon verantwortlich ist für die Visionen, die alle gesehen haben. Plötzlich taucht das verkleidete Team Rocket auf und versucht, Pygraulon zu fangen. Es beginnt ein stürmischer Kampf, den unsere Helden gewinnen, aber nicht bevor Team Rocket die Fliegende Untertasse des Professors zerstört hat. Der Professor macht sich darüber aber keine Sorgen und verspricht, die Untertasse wiederherzustellen, um Pygraulon damit zurück in den Weltraum zu bringen, auch wenn dieses sich hier sehr wohlzufühlen scheint. Schließlich verabschieden sich unsere Helden sehr herzlich von Professor Ikarus und Pygraulon und setzen ihre Reise nach Rayono City fort.

Italian Official Summary

Mentre dormono sulla strada verso Sciroccopoli, i nostri eroi vengono svegliati dal passaggio di un UFO. Il giorno seguente, fermatisi in un bar, alcuni abitanti del villaggio raccontano che poiché un loro amico aveva avuto una visione dello spazio, erano andati a chiedere spiegazioni al Professor Icarus che vive sulla montagna. Si sa molto poco di questo scienziato, uno Specialista di UFO, ma recatisi da lui, gli abitanti del paese vengono afflitti da un tremendo dolore alla testa. Spighetto, che è un estimatore del Professore e del suo lavoro, decide che devono recarsi loro stessi presso la casa-laboratorio dell’uomo per risolvere il mistero. Si incamminano e, mentre attraversano un ponte, hanno una visione premonitrice di pericolo. Nel frattempo il Team Rocket sta segretamente sorvegliando il Pokémon Elgyem, che vive insieme al Professore, determinati ad acchiapparlo. I nostri eroi giungono alla casa del Professore e, quando Spighetto dice di essere un Ammiratore di Icaro, egli li invita a entrare. Mentre spiega la sua teoria sulla materia oscura e dice loro che l’UFO che hanno visto è una navicella spaziale di sua costruzione, vengono improvvisamente colpiti da una visione di un’esplosione. Correndo verso il laboratorio, incontrano Elgyem e vengono a sapere che abita col Professore. Si scopre che Elgyem è il responsabile delle visioni di tutti. Improvvisamente il Team Rocket travestito appare sulla scena e cerca di catturare Elgyem. Inizia una feroce lotta dalla quale i nostri eroi escono vittoriosi, ma non prima che il Team Rocket riesca a distruggere la navicella del Professore. Comunque il Professore non è preoccupato e promette di ricostruire la navicella e di riportare Elgyem nello spazio, ma si scopre che Elgyem è felice dove si trova. Finalmente i nostri eroi possono dire addio al Professore e a Elgyem e si mettono nuovamente in marcia verso Sciroccopoli.

Portuguese Official Summary

Dormindo tarde da noite enquanto estão a caminho da Cidade de Nimbasa, nossos heróis são despertados por um Ovni voando. No dia seguinte, enquanto param em um café para discutir os acontecimentos da noite anterior, alguns moradores da cidade contam a história de um amigo que teve uma visão do espaço sideral e como haviam ido ver o Professor Icarus (que vive na montanha) para perguntarem a ele sobre o ocorrido. Muito pouco se sabe sobre esse cientista (especialista em Ovni), mas quando o confrontam, os moradores da cidade sentem uma forte dor de cabeça. Cilan, que é um grande fã do Professor e de seu trabalho, decide que precisam ir ao laboratório na casa do Professor e chegar ao fundo do mistério. Ao cruzarem com uma ponte em seu caminho, eles têm uma visão, uma premonição do perigo. Enquanto isso, a Equipe Rocket está secretamente observando o Pokémon Elgyem, que vive com o professor e prometem pegá-lo. Nossos heróis chegam à casa do Professor e quando Cilan explica que é um grande fã de Icarus, o Professor anima-se e os convida a entrar. Explicando sua teoria sobre a matéria escura e que o Ovni que viram é um disco voador que ele mesmo construiu, eles são, subitamente, confrontados com uma visão do disco explodindo! Correndo para o laboratório, eles encontram Elgyem e descobrem que esse Elgyem e o Professor moram na mesma casa. Eles também descobrem a história de como os dois se conheceram. E descobrem que Elgyem é o responsável por todas as visões. De repente, a Equipe Rocket disfarçada aparece em cena e tenta capturar Elgyem. Uma feroz batalha se segue e nossos heróis saem vitoriosos, mas não antes da Equipe Rocket destruir o disco do Professor. O Professor não fica preocupado, porém, promete reconstruir o disco e levar Elgyem de volta para o espaço sideral, mas parece que Elgyem está feliz lá. Finalmente, nossos heróis dizem adeus ao Professor e a Elgyem e novamente voltam a atenção para a Cidade de Nimbasa.

Finnish Official Summary

Pysähdyttyään matkallaan Nimbasa Cityyn nukkumaan, sankarimme heräävät ohitse lentävään Ufoon. Seuraavana päivänä he pysähtyvät kahvilaan keskustelemaan edellisen yön tapahtumista ja kuulevat samalla paikallisten kertovan tarinaa ystävästään, joka oli nähnyt ilmestyksen ulkoavaruudesta ja kuinka he olivat menneet Professori Icaruksen luo (hän asuu vuorella) kysymään häneltä asiasta. Kyseisestä tiedemiehestä (Ufo-asiantuntija) tiedetään hyvin vähän, mutta paikallisten kohdatessa hänet, he kaikki kärsivät vakavasta päänsärystä. Cilan on professorin suuri ihailija ja päättää että sankareidemme on mentävä professorin kotilaboratorioon selvittämään mysteeriä. Ylittäessään siltaa he saavat ilmestyksen tulevasta vaarasta. Sillä väli rakettiryhmä on tarkkaillut salaa professorin kanssa asuvaa Elgyem-pokémonia aikoen siepata sen itselleen. Sankarimme saapuvat professorin talolle. Cilanin selityttä olevansa professorin suuri ihailija, Icarus heltyy ja pyytää heidät kotiinsa. Selitettyään heille teoriansa pimeästä aineesta ja kerrottuaan että heidän näkemänsä UFO oli hänen rakentamansa lentävä lautanen, sankarimme saavat ilmestyksen räjähtävästä lentävästä lautasesta! Syöksyessään kohti laboratoriota, he kohtaavat Elgyemin, ja saavat tietää että Elgyem ja professori asuvat yhdessä. Sankarimme saavat myös tietää, kuinka Icarus ja Elgyem tapasivat. Käy ilmi, että Elgyem on vastuussa kaikkien näkemistä ilmestyksistä. Samassa naamioitunut rakettiryhmä ilmestyy paikalle ja yrittää siepata Elgyemin. Alkaa hurja ottelu, josta sankarimme selviävät voittajina, tosin eivät ennen kuin rakettiryhmä tuhoaa professorin lentävän lautasen. Professori ei asiasta huolestu ja vannoo rakentavansa uuden lentävän lautasen ja vievänsä Elgyemin takaisin ulkoavaruuteen. Näyttää kuitenkin siltä, että Elgyem viihtyy olinpaikassaan. Lopulta sankarimme jättävät jäähyväiset professorille ja Elgyemille ja suuntaavat taas kohti Nimbasa Cityä.

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Mientras duermen en su camino a Ciudad Nimbasa, un OVNI despierta a nuestros héroes. Al siguiente día, mientras hacen una parada en un café para discutir los eventos de la noche anterior, algunos habitantes del pueblo cuentan la historia de un amigo que había tenido una visión del espacio exterior y cómo habían ido a ver al Profesor Icarus (quien vive sobre la montaña) para preguntarle al respecto. Muy poco se sabe sobre este científico (un especialista en OVNIS), pero cuando lo confrontan, la gente del pueblo siente un fuerte dolor de cabeza. Cilan, quien es un gran admirador del Profesor y su trabajo, decide que necesitan ir al laboratorio del Profesor y llegar al fondo del misterio. Mientras cruzan un puente en su camino, tienen una visión premonitoria de peligro. Mientras tanto, el Equipo Rocket ha estado observando en secreto al Pokémon Elgyem, quien vive con el profesor, y se proponen atraparlo. Nuestros héroes llegan a la casa del Profesor y cuando Cilan le explica que es un gran admirador de Icarus, el Profesor les da la bienvenida y los invita a pasar. Al explicarles su teoría de la materia negra y que el OVNI que vieron es un platillo volador que el mismo construyó, ¡de pronto se enfrentan a una visión del platillo explotando! Al dirigirse al laboratorio, conocen a Elgyem y se enteran que Elgyem y el Profesor comparten la casa. También conocen la historia de cómo se conocieron. Resulta que Elgyem es responsable de las visiones que todos tuvieron. De pronto, el Equipo Rocket disfrazado aparece en escena e intenta capturar a Elgyem. Una fiera batalla tiene lugar y nuestros héroes resultan vencedores, pero no antes de que el Equipo Rocket destruya el platillo del Profesor. El Profesor no se preocupa y promete reconstruir su platillo y llevar a Elgyem de vuelta al espacio exterior, pero al parecer Elgyem está feliz con él. Al fin, nuestros héroes se despiden del profesor y Elgyem y nuevamente emprenden el camino a Ciudad Nimbasa.

Spanish Official Summary

Mientras descansan en mitad de la noche en su camino hacia Ciudad Mayólica, el vuelo de un ovni despierta a nuestros héroes. Al día siguiente, mientras se detienen en un café para hablar de los acontecimientos de la noche anterior, unos lugareños les cuentan la historia de un amigo que tuvo una visión del espacio exterior. Estos lugareños habían ido a ver al Profesor Ícaro, que vive al otro lado de la montaña, para preguntarle sobre ello. Aunque se sabe muy poco sobre este científico especialista en ovnis, cuando los lugareños hablan con él, experimentan fuertes dolores de cabeza. Millo, que es un gran admirador del Profesor y su trabajo, decide que tienen que ir al laboratorio del Profesor para llegar hasta el fondo del misterio. Mientras cruzan un puente en el camino, tienen una visión premonitoria de peligro. -------------- Mientras tanto, el Team Rocket ha estado observando en secreto al Pokémon Elgyem que vive con el Profesor y han prometido capturarlo. Nuestros héroes llegan a la casa del Profesor y, cuando Millo le expresa lo gran admirador suyo que es, este baja la guardia y los invita a entrar. Cuando les explica su teoría de la materia oscura y que el ovni que vieron es un platillo volante construido por él, tienen de pronto una visión del platillo explotando. Corren al laboratorio, donde conocen a Elgyem y se enteran de que el Profesor y Elgyem comparten la casa. También se enteran de la historia de cómo se conocieron. Resulta que Elgyem es responsable de las visiones que tienen todos. De repente, el Team Rocket disfrazado aparece en escena e intenta capturar a Elgyem. Tiene lugar una feroz batalla, y nuestros héroes salen victoriosos, pero no antes de que el Team Rocket destruya el platillo del Profesor. Aunque el Profesor no está preocupado y promete reconstruir el platillo y llevar a Elgyem de vuelta al espacio exterior, parece que Elgyem es feliz allí. Por fin, nuestros héroes se despiden cariñosamente del Profesor y Elgyem, y de nuevo dirigen sus pasos hacia Ciudad Mayólica.

English Great Britain Official Summary

Late one night, Ash and his pals are awakened by a UFO! The next day they stop at a café to discuss the sighting. Some townspeople there tell a story of a friend who had a vision of outer space. The townspeople had visited Professor Icarus, who lives over the mountain, to ask him about the event. Very little is known about this professor (a UFO specialist), but when the townspeople confronted him in the past, they all experienced severe head pain. Cilan is a huge fan of the professor and his work, so he decides they need to go to the professor’s laboratory themselves to get to the bottom of the mystery. While crossing a bridge on the way, everyone in the group has another vision—a premonition of danger. When our heroes arrive at the professor’s house and Cilan explains what a big fan he is, the professor warms up to them and invites them in. The professor describes his theory of dark matter and explains that the UFO they saw is a flying saucer he built when everyone suddenly has a vision of the saucer exploding! Rushing to the lab, they meet the mysterious Pokémon called Elgyem, who shares the professor’s house. They also learn how the two met. It turns out Elgyem is responsible for the visions everyone saw. When a disguised Team Rocket appears and tries to capture Elgyem, a fierce battle ensues! Our heroes emerge victorious, but not before Team Rocket destroys the professor’s saucer. The professor vows to rebuild the saucer and take Elgyem back into outer space. But it appears Elgyem is happy living there with Professor Icarus!

Russian Official Summary

Одной ночью наших героев будет звук пролетающего НЛО. На следующий день они обсуждают увиденное в кафе. И тут местные рассказывают им о профессоре Икарусе, специалисте по Нло, который живет за горой. Это очень загадочный человек, и о нем известно очень мало. Более того, при приближении к нему люди испытывают сильнейшие головные боли. Сайлан, который, как оказывается, является большим поклонником трудов доктора, решает отправиться к нему и разгадать эту тайну. Тем временем, Команда Р следит за покемоном Элгиемом, который принадлежит профессору. Они очень хотят его поймать. Когда наши герои приходят к профессору, он встречает их прохладно. Но, когда Сайлан рассказывает ему о том, какой он его поклонник, он смягчается и даже приглашает их к себе. Профессор рассказывает им о своей теории темной материи, а НЛО, которое они видели, принадлежит ему. Дальше они знакомятся с Элгиемом, который живет с профессором. Икарус рассказывает им историю их встречи. Оказывается в головных болях жителей виноват Элгием. Тут появляется Команда Р и пытается его похитить. Начинается битва. Наши герои выигрывают, но злодеям удается уничтожить летающую тарелку профессора. Профессор, впрочем, не унывает и решает построить НЛО заново, чтобы отправить Элгиема обратно в космос. Но тот дает понять, что хочет остаться здесь. Наши герои прощаются с ними и отправляются дальше, в Нимбаса-Сити.

Dutch Official Summary

Onze helden zijn onderweg naar Nimbasa City en liggen te slapen als ze plotseling wakker worden door een vliegende UFO. De volgende dag stoppen ze bij een café om de gebeurtenis van de afgelopen nacht te bespreken en horen daar van de mensen een verhaal over een postbode die ooit een visioen van het heelal kreeg en dat ze toen verhaal zijn gaan halen bij Professor Icarus. Niemand weet iets af over de wetenschapper, (een Ufo specialist) maar als ze hem confronteren krijgen ze last van een hevige hoofdpijn. Cilan, die een enorm fan van de professor en zijn werk is, besluit dat ze zelf naar zijn huis en laboratorium moeten gaan om het mysterie uit te zoeken. Terwijl ze onderweg een brug overgaan, krijgen ze een visioen uit de toekomst en weten ze van te voren dat de brug niet deugd. Intussen, heeft Team Rocket in het geniep de Pokémon Elgyem geobserveerd. Elgyem woont bij de professor en Team Rocket wil hem vangen.Onze helden arriveren bij het huis van de professor en als Cilan uitlegt dat hij een groot fan van Icarus is, ontdooit de professor en nodigt hen uit om binnen te komen. Als hij hen  zijn theorie over donkere materie uitlegt en vertelt dat de UFO die ze hebben gezien zelf heeft gebouwd, krijgen ze plotseling een visioen te zien van de exploderende schotel! Als ze zich naar het lab haasten, ontmoeten ze Elgyem en komen ze er achter dat Elgyem en de professor samen in het huis wonen. Ze horen ook hoe ze elkaar hebben ontmoet. Het blijkt dat Elgyem verantwoordelijk is voor alle visioenen die ze hebben gezien. Plotseling verschijnt een vermomd Team Rocket op het toneel en wil Elgyem vangen. Er ontstaat een hevig gevecht en onze helden komen als overwinnaars uit de strijd, maar niet voordat Team Rocket de vliegende schotel van de professor verwoest. De professor belooft dat hij een nieuwe schotel zal bouwen om Elgyem terug naar de ruimte te brengen. Maar het blijkt dat Elgyem hier gelukkig is. Uiteindelijk nemen onze helden afscheid van de professor en Elgyem en gaan ze weer op weg naar Nimbasa City.

Norwegian Official Summary

Våre helter er på vei til Nimbasa City, og midt på natten når de sover, blir de vekket av en flyvende UFO. Neste dag, mens de er innom en café for å snakke om det som skjedde natten før, forteller noen som bor i byen en historie om en venn som har fått en åpenbaring av verdensrommet, og om at de hadde dratt for å møte Professor Icarus (som på den andre siden av fjellet) for å spørre ham om det. Man vet veldig lite om denne vitenskapsmannen (en UFO-spesialist), men når de konfronterer ham, får de besøkende fra byen fryktelig hodepine. Cilan, som er en stor fan av professoren og hans arbeide, kommer fram til at de må dra til professorens hjemmelaboratorie selv for å finne ut av mysteriet. I det de krysser en bro på veien, får de en åpenbaring - en advarsel om at fare er på ferde. Samtidig har Team Rocket i all hemmelighet studert Pokémon Elgyem, som bor med professoren, og de planlegger å fange den. Våre helter ankommer professorens hus, og når Cilan forklarer at han er en stor fant av Icarus, tør professoren opp og inviterer dem inn. Han forklarer sin teori om mørk materie, og at UFO-en de så er en flyvende tallerken som han selv har konstruert. Og plutselig blir de plutselig konfrontert med åpenbaring av at den flyvende tallerkenen ekspoloderer! De skynder seg til laboratoriet, der de møter Elgyem og får vite at Elgyem og professoren deler huset sammen. De får også høre hvordan de to møttes. Det viser seg at Elgyem er ansvarlig for åpenbaringene alle har sett. Plutselig dukker et forkledd Team Rocket opp og prøver å fange Elgyem. En voldsom kamp følger, og våre helter kommer seirende ut, men det er først etter at Team Rocket ødelegger professorens flyvende tallerken. Professoren blir ikke bekymret av den grunn, og lover å bygge opp tallerkenen igjen og ta Elgyem tilbake til verdensrommet, men det virker som Elgyem er lykkelig der den er. Til slutt tar våre helter farvel med professoren og Elgyem og setter igjen kursen mot Nimbasa City.

Swedish Official Summary

Sovande mitt i natten blir våra hjältar väckta av ett flygande UFO. Nästa dag, då de stannat till på ett café för att diskutera den gångna nattens händelser, berättar några bybor om en vän som såg syner om yttre rymden och om hur de hade gått för att träffa Professor Icarus (som bor på andra sidan berget) och fråga honom om det. Mycket lite är känt om vetenskapsmannen (en UFO-specialist), men när de konfronterar honom, upplever byborna intensiv huvudvärk.Cilan, som är en stor beundrare av professorn och hans arbete, beslutar att de själva ska gå till professorns hus och laboratorium för komma till botten med mysteriet. Medan de korsar en bro på sin väg dit, får de en föraning om stor fara. Under tiden har Team Rocket i hemlighet observerat Pokémon Elgyem, som bor med professorna, och svurit på att fånga den. Vår hjältar anländer hos professorn och när Cilan förklarar att han är en stor beundrare av Icarus, blir professorn vänligare sinnad och bjuder in dem. Medan han förklarar sin vision om mörk materia och att UFOt de sett var en av hans egna konstruktioner, konfronteras de plötsligt med viosionen om ett exploderande tefat! När de rusar till labbet möter de Elgyem och lär sig att Elgyem och professorn bor i huset tillsammans. De får också höra berättelsen om hur de två möttes. Det visar sig att Elgyem är ansvarig för synerna alla sett. Plötsligt dyker Team Rocket upp utklädda på scenen och försöker tillfångata Elgyem. En hetsig strid utbryter och våra hjältar går ur den segrande, men inte förrän Team Rocket har förstört professorns tefat. Professorn är dock inte orolig och lovar att återuppbygga tefatet och föra Elgyem tillbaka till yttre rymden, men det visar sig att Elgyem är lycklig hos professorn. Slutligen bjuder våra hjältar professorn och Elgyem ett hjärtligt farväl och styr sedan åter igen sin färd mot Nimbasa City.

Danish Official Summary

Midt om natten bliver vores helte vækket af en flyvende UFO. Den næste dag, holder de pause på en café for at tale om den den foregående nats begivenheder. En mand fra cafeen fortæller en historie om en ven, som havde et syn, hvor det var som om han var i det ydre rum. Han og nogle andre var gået ud for at tale med professor Icarus (der bor ved bjerget) og for at spørge ham, om han kendte noget til alt dette. Folk ved ikke så meget om denne videnskabsmand (en UFO specialist), og da de konfronterer ham, får byens borgere pludelig meget ondt i hovedet. Cilan, der er en stor fan af professoren og hans arbejde beslutter, at de nødt til at gå ud til professorens laboratorium og komme til bunds i mysteriet. Da de krydser en bro på vej derud, får de et syn. En forudanelse om fare. I mellemtiden har Team Rocket holdt øje med Elgyem, en Pokémon der bor sammen med professoren. Vores helte ankommer til professorens hus og da Cilan forklarer, at han er en stor fan af Ikaros inviterer professoren dem indenfor. Han forklarer sine teorier, og at den UFO de så, var en flyvende tallerken som han selv har konstrueret. Pludselig får de et syn, hvor de ser den flyvende tallerken eksplodere! De styrter ind på laboratoriet, hvor de møder Elgyem. De finder ud af, at Elgyem og professoren deler hus sammen, og de finder også ud af, at det er Elgyem der er ansvarlig for de syn de får. Pludselig dukker Team Rocket op og forsøger at fange Elgyem. En heftig kamp udspiller sig og vores helte ender med at vinde, men ikke før Team Rocket ødelægger professorens flyvende tallerken. Professoren er ikke bekymret og sværger at genopbygge den flyvende tallerken og tage Elgyem tilbage i det ydre rum, men det ser ud Elgyem faktisk er glad nok for at være her på Jorden. Vores helte siger farvel og fortsætter deres rejse mod Nimbasa City!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris
  • Japan アイリス
  • Japan Iris
  • Japan Iris
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris' Axew
  • Japan アイリスのキバゴ
  • Japan Iris no Kibago
  • Japan Iris' Kibago
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie's Woobat
  • Japan ムサシのコロモリ
  • Japan Musashi no Koromori
  • Japan Musashi's Koromori
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan
  • Japan デント
  • Japan Dent
  • Japan Dent
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan's Pansage
  • Japan デントのヤナップ
  • Japan Dent no Yanappu
  • Japan Dent's Yanappu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan's Dwebble
  • Japan デントのイシズマイ
  • Japan Dent no Ishizumai
  • Japan Dent's Ishizumai
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Tranquill
  • Japan サトシのハトーボー
  • Japan Satoshi no Hatoboh
  • Japan Satoshi's Hatoboh
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James' Yamask
  • Japan コジロウのデスマス
  • Japan Kojirō no Deathmas
  • Japan Kojiro's Deathmas
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Professor Icarus
  • Japan イモリ博士
  • Japan Imori-hakase
  • Japan Professor Imori
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Professor Icarus's Elgyem
  • Japan イモリ博士のリグレー
  • Japan Imori-hakase no Ligray
  • Japan Professor Imori's Ligray
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Unova Pokédex
  • Japan サトシのイッシュのポケモン図鑑
  • Japan Satoshi no Isshu no Pokémon Zukan
  • Japan Satoshi's Isshu Pokémon Zukan

Paint Edit

Professor Icarus had various books and notes written in Japanese but displayed in the main anime language. Most of them seem to be his notes as he learned about Ligray. Anime Language transcriptions:

Sheet of Paper with Ligray hand
Anime Language Decrypted Translated
About Ligray
It's said to have come from space, you know
With the lights on its palms
It's said to
Communicate, you see
Lots of research
Is being done, but
It remains a mystery
And can't be solved, they say

Tablet Screen
Anime Language Decrypted Translated
[bwtext]MIDORI NI HIKARU[/bwtext]
[bwtext]AKAKU HIKARU[/bwtext]
With Telekinesis
Glows green
Glows Red

Book on the Right with Ligray
Anime Language Decrypted Translated
[bwtext]RIGURE N[/bwtext]
[bwtext]O YOKOGAO N[/bwtext]
[bwtext]KAGE GA ZENNZENN NAKUT[/bwtext]
[bwtext]PETANN TO SITERU KEDO I[/bwtext]
[bwtext]YOKO KARA MIRU TO ONAKA[/bwtext]
[bwtext]KORISITE[/bwtext], [bwtext]YOUJITAI[/bwtext]
[bwtext]POKEMONN HU[/bwtext]-[bwtext]ZU WO[/bwtext]
[bwtext]TABERUNOKA[/bwtext]- [bwtext]POKEMONN SEK[/bwtext]
[bwtext]NI HA HITO TO POKEMONN NO HO[/bwtext]
[bwtext]NO KANA[/bwtext]- [bwtext]DOUBUTU SE TANNPA[/bwtext]
Ligray's profile
It has no shadow [?]
It looks flat, but [?]
[?] body of an infant [?]
So alien Pokémon also
Eat Pokémon food, huh? In the Pokémon World
Do animals other than humans and Pokémon
Not exist? I wonder how they get animal proteins

Ancient-looking paper on the right
Anime Language Decrypted Translated
It's so wrinkled
That It's Turned
To Ash[?]

Brown Book
Anime Language Decrypted Translated
[bwtext]UFO TO RIGURE[/bwtext]


Paint Edit

Production art from this episode shows Kojiro with the capturing device that disable a Pokemon's moves with it in action as it captures Ligray.

Who's that Pokémon Black and White


Eyecatch Zekrom and Reshiram Updated Eyecatch

Zekrom Commercial Intro Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Reshiram Commercial Return Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Okido Segment Pokémon Live Caster

Pokémon Live Caster & Senryu
Pokémon Waruvile (ワルビル)
Japanese ルールいはん ワルビルわびる わるびれず
Romaji ruuru ihan warubiru wabiru warubirezu
Translated Breaking the rules, a Waruvile apologizes without feeling guilty.

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: BW M51 揺れぬ想い
Japanese (TL): An Unwavering Heart
The group is sleeping at night.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:33
Title: BW M55 An Obstacle
An UFO-like light appears above.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:06
Title: ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03 (ボーナストラック)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Dent goes in his enthusiastic mode for UFOs.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:58
Title: ベストウイッシュ!
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes!
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes!
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:26
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Best Wishes Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:49
Title: BW M25 That's Not Quite Right...
The group asks about the UFOs in the bar.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:18
Title: BW M74 Strange Incidents
The bar clients tell about the strange things they experienced near the professor's home.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:03
Title: ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03 (ボーナストラック)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
As a "Science Sommelier", Dent wants to solve the issue with the UFOs.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:50
Title: BW M75 New Problem
A bridge's step falls off after Satoshi touches it.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:32
Title: BW M14B New Pokémon B
Dent is excited to tell Imori about the UFOs.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:34
Title: BW M39A 戦闘でピンチ!
Japanese (TL): A Tight Spot During Battle!
Imori runs to his laboratory.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:38
Title: BW M14C Today's Isshu Curiosity
The group notices a Ligray in the room.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:27
Title: BW M50 Eyecatch Intro
Eyecatch Break
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:33
Title: BW M06A World of Pokémon
Sponsor Message
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:43
Title: BW M57 Eyecatch Return
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:59
Title: BW M37 ワンダーブリッジ
Japanese (TL): Wonder Bridge
Imori tells about the incident in his childhood that made him interested in UFOs.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:37
Title: BW M40 Village Bridge
Imori explains how he got his Ligray.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:01
Title: BW M10 Rocket Gang's Operation
Claiming to come "from the space station", a disguised Rocket Gang "is interested in Imori's research".
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:57
Title: BW M61E ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M01
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M01 A Turn of Fortune
Imori readies the flying saucer.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:59
Title: BW M73 Victory Fanfare
Ligray saves the flying saucer with the professor and kids from falling into the cliff.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:26
Title: BW M18B ユナイテッドタワー
Japanese (TL): United Tower
Imori invites the group to stop by the house when they're close again.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:54
Title: ポケモン言えるかな?BW
Japanese (Romanized): Pokémon Ieru Ka Na? BW
Japanese (TL): Can You Say the Pokémon? BW
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:15
Title: BW M06C World of Pokémon
Professor Okido's Pokémon Live Caster
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:17
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Best Wishes Episode 34 Preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:45
Title: ベストウイッシュ! (オリジナルカラオケ)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: BW M51 揺れぬ想い
Japanese (TL): An Unwavering Heart
The group are sleeping
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:33
Title: BW M55 An Obstacle
A UFO appears.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:07
Title: ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03 (ボーナストラック)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Its science time!
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:58
Title: Black & White
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:29
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Title card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:51
Title: BW M25 That's Not Quite Right...
Cilan realises they are in Area 28, a spot for finding UFO's.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:23
Title: BW M74 Strange Incidents
The people in the bar explain their experiences.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:06
Title: ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03 (ボーナストラック)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Cilan wants to get to the bottom of this matter, the group then spot a house.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:53
Title: BW M75 New Problem
The group foresee part of the bridge breaking, it then comes true.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:35
Title: BW M14B New Pokémon B
Cilan wants to share his UFO sightings with Icarus.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:37
Title: BW M39A 戦闘でピンチ!
Japanese (TL): A Tight Spot During Battle!
Icarus runs to his lab in a hurry.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:41
Title: BW M14C Today's Isshu Curiosity
An elgyem appears.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:52
Title: BW M37 ワンダーブリッジ
Japanese (TL): Wonder Bridge
Icarus explains his love for UFO's.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:55
Title: BW M10 Rocket Gang's Operation
Team rocket appear in disguise offering dark matter to Icarus.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:52
Title: BW M61E ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M01
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M01 A Turn of Fortune
Icarus readies the flying saucer.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:52
Title: BW M73 Victory Fanfare
Elgyem saves the flying saucer with the professor and kids from falling into the cliff.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:24
Title: BW M18B ユナイテッドタワー
Japanese (TL): United Tower
The journey continues.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:50
Title: Black & White
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 25
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 18
10 Apr 2011 01:26 AM
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: リグレーと未確認飛行物体!/Ligray to mikakunin hikō buttai!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
16 May 2011 01:03 PM
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A nice episode. There wasn't anything really special about that one, though. Ligray was quite cute (didn't have that impression in-game), and sort of reminded me of a 'cutie version' of Deoxys.
I found Dent was quite funny in this episode... I never expected him to be a 'Science Sommelier' fond of UFOs! Thinking back to previous episodes (especially the one in the museaum), I found he was a bit 'contradictory' (I wouldn't say UFOs are really scientific in any way, at least for now ;)).

Anyway, about the next episode : I am so NOT looking forward to it. In my opinion, Shootie is THE worst rival in the whole series' history. I've rarely seen a character with such an over-sized ego. I hope the writers did a good job with him !
Last edited 16 May 2011 01:06 PM by Chance
16 May 2011 02:01 PM
Erlade Administrator
Joined: 05 Aug 2010
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Quote From: Chance
Anyway, about the next episode : I am so NOT looking forward to it. In my opinion, Shootie is THE worst rival in the whole series' history. I've rarely seen a character with such an over-sized ego. I hope the writers did a good job with him !

I wouldn't say he is the worst rival we've seen so far... If anyone should be called the worst rival ever, that would have to be Shinji, in my opinion (even though the closure he got in the last episodes of the Sinnoh league made him look a lot nicer). We've seen him mistreat his Pokémon just to make them stronger (especially Hikozaru), catch Pokémon and then release them because he didn't deem them strong enough to be a part of his team (like the multiple Mukkuru he caught when Satoshi first met him, which he released shortly afterwards) and not care about his Pokémon's feelings in general... So far, Shootie hasn't done anything that would make him look as bad as Shinji was shown to be in the first few episodes of DP... well, except for being a bit selfish and looking down on Satoshi because he's from Kanto.
16 May 2011 02:57 PM
Sunain Administrator
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This episode reminded me of DP149 with the same type of story. A scientist that doesn't like outside people much and tries to stay secluded and then creates an amazing device. Other than that, I liked the episode. I thought Ligray was a likeable Pokemon and I found it funny that Satoshi instantly thought it was an Alien. The episode definitely had its moments.
16 May 2011 03:22 PM
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Quote From: Erlade
Quote From: Chance
Anyway, about the next episode : I am so NOT looking forward to it. In my opinion, Shootie is THE worst rival in the whole series' history. I've rarely seen a character with such an over-sized ego. I hope the writers did a good job with him !

I wouldn't say he is the worst rival we've seen so far... If anyone should be called the worst rival ever, that would have to be Shinji, in my opinion (even though the closure he got in the last episodes of the Sinnoh league made him look a lot nicer). We've seen him mistreat his Pokémon just to make them stronger (especially Hikozaru), catch Pokémon and then release them because he didn't deem them strong enough to be a part of his team (like the multiple Mukkuru he caught when Satoshi first met him, which he released shortly afterwards) and not care about his Pokémon's feelings in general... So far, Shootie hasn't done anything that would make him look as bad as Shinji was shown to be in the first few episodes of DP... well, except for being a bit selfish and looking down on Satoshi because he's from Kanto.

That's very true. Shinji was a real jerk, but at least, there was some interesting writing done with him (like the Hikozaru you mentionned).
But so far, I haven't seen anything really interesting about Shootie so far, except his over-sized ego. He's not just 'selfish and looking down on Satoshi', in my opinion (though I couldn't exactly pin down what I disliked so much in him). What's more, we're quite used to rivals looking down on Satoshi, which is another reason I don't like him. So far, there hasn't been anything original about his character.

Then again, I agree I'm not being fair with Shootie, comparing him to Shinji, who had so many more episodes than Shootie.

Quote From: Shinji
This episode reminded me of DP149 with the same type of story.

That's funny, because I didin't even think about that episode. Maybe because I had the ones with Deoxys in mind.
Last edited 16 May 2011 03:28 PM by Chance
16 May 2011 05:27 PM
Erlade Administrator
Joined: 05 Aug 2010
Posts: 29
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Quote From: Chance
That's very true. Shinji was a real jerk, but at least, there was some interesting writing done with him (like the Hikozaru you mentionned).
But so far, I haven't seen anything really interesting about Shootie so far, except his over-sized ego. He's not just 'selfish and looking down on Satoshi', in my opinion (though I couldn't exactly pin down what I disliked so much in him). What's more, we're quite used to rivals looking down on Satoshi, which is another reason I don't like him. So far, there hasn't been anything original about his character.

Then again, I agree I'm not being fair with Shootie, comparing him to Shinji, who had so many more episodes than Shootie.

Well, if you only take into account the first few episodes of DP and BW, Shootie has appeared in roughly the same number of episodes as Shinji had up to DP40, and also got roughly the same amount of focus (as BW23, 24 and 26 haven't aired yet, we might be missing some of Shootie's appeareances). Even though I agree that Shootie hasn't done anything interesting enough so far that could greatly distinguish himself from Satoshi's other rivals, if you look back into Shinji's first appearances, he didn't have anything interesting going for himself either. Except for being a jerk to his Pokémon, his character only started unfolding after DP40 (at least the way I see it), so I guess we should just be more patient when it comes to Shootie. I think the writers will find something to make him more interesting in the episodes to come. :) Besides, it's not like they haven't tried to differentiate him a bit from the other rivals. We have seen that he also has a soft side, apart from his normal, selfish one, (he used his Hatoboh to protect Satoshi's Mamepato from the Fushide's attack and then lead them to the Central Area of Hiun City in BW22, and also helped Satoshi identify the reason why Mijumaru's Aqua Jet keeps failing in BW34) which, as far as I remember, none of the other rivals had shown so early into the series.