Home / Episode Guide / 釣りソムリエ・デント登場!/Enter Fishing Sommelier Dent!/A Fishing Connoisseur in a Fishy Competition!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States A Fishing Connoisseur in a Fishy Competition!
  • Japan 釣りソムリエ・デント登場!
  • Japan Tsuri sommelier Dent tōjō!
  • Japan Enter Fishing Sommelier Dent!
  • Germany Angeln will gelernt sein…!
  • France Un Connaisseur Pêcheur tend ses filets !
  • Spain ¡Un Sibarita Pescador en un concurso escamante!
  • Sweden En fiske-kännare i en skum tävling!
  • Italy L' intenditore di pesca finisce nella rete!
  • Mexico ¡Un Conocedor de peces en una competencia sospechosa!
  • Finland Kalastustuntijan kalastustunti!
  • Taiwan 釣魚酒侍·天桐登場!
  • Poland Znawca wędkarstwa i rybny pojedynek!
  • Netherlands Een Sportvis Deskundige in een wedstrijd die niet in de haak is!
  • Brazil Um Especialista em Pescaria em uma Competição de Pesca!
  • Norway En fiskekjenner i en fiskekonkurranse
  • Denmark En Fiskekender i en lusket konkurrence!
  • South Korea 피싱소믈리에 덴트 등장!
  • Portugal Um Perito de Pesca Numa Grande Peixeirada!
  • Russia Ценитель рыбалки в деле!


Staff List

OP/ED List

Best Wishes!
Can You Say the Pokémon? BW
Best Wishes!
하나지방 포켓몬 외워보자~!
Let's Memorize the Pokémon of the Unova Region~!
Pokémon Roll Call
Open your Hand
Episode Director
Animation Director

English Official Summary

Our heroes run into their friend Bianca once again! She’s in a hurry to get to a fishing competition nearby. She’s never fished before, but Cilan certainly has...he calls himself a Fishing Connoisseur! He decides to compete, and all of our heroes join him. Meanwhile, it’s revealed that the competition has been secretly taken over by none other than Team Rocket! They plan to steal all the Water-type Pokémon the competitors catch and give the best of them to the Boss. As Cilan wrestles in a huge Basculin and Bianca frantically attempts to catch an even bigger Frillish, Team Rocket changes the plan: they decide to make their escape with all the Fishing Poké Balls while the competitors are distracted! Our heroes catch on to their plot and a serious battle ensues. Jessie, James, and Meowth make their escape after discovering that the Pokémon they planned to steal have been rescued, thanks to Bianca’s new Frillish! And so, with the competition canceled due to Team Rocket’s tomfoolery, our heroes bid Bianca a warm farewell, and their journey to Nimbasa City continues!

French Official Summary

En chemin vers Méanville et le prochain Combat d’Arène de Sacha, nos héros « tombent » (littéralement !) sur Bianca, qui se précipite pour s’inscrire à un concours de pêche. Elle avoue n’avoir jamais pêché de sa vie, mais Rachid, par contre, est un Connaisseur Pêcheur ! Il est donc un spécialiste de la pêche à la ligne (et de bien d’autres choses !) et nos héros décident tous de s’inscrire en même temps que lui. Mais il s’avère que la compétition a été organisée par la tristement célèbre Team Rocket, qui pense ainsi pouvoir s’approprier tous les Pokémon de type Eau que les concurrents auront capturés, afin de les offrir à leur Boss. Mais, après que Rachid a attrapé un énorme Bargantua, et tandis que Bianca tente de capturer un Viskuse encore plus gigantesque, la Team Rocket décide de profiter du désordre créé par ces événements pour filer avec toutes les Poké Balls de pêche ! Nos héros découvrent le complot et un terrible combat s’ensuit. Grâce à leurs sacs à dos spéciaux, Jessie, James et Miaouss réussissent à s’enfuir, mais sans les précieuses Poké Balls de pêche ! En effet, Viskuse a libéré tous les autres Pokémon ! Le concours est donc rendu nul et non- avenu suite aux manœuvres frauduleuses de la Team Rocket et nos héros n’ont plus qu’à faire leurs adieux à Bianca et à continuer leur voyage vers Méanville !

German Official Summary

Auf ihrem Weg nach Rayono City laufen unsere Helden buchstäblich in ihre Freundin Bell hinein, die sich so schnell wie möglich bei einem Angel-Wettbewerb anmelden will, obwohl sie noch nie im Leben geangelt hat! Unsere Helden sind von der Idee so begeistert, dass sie sich auch anmelden wollen und Benny, der wie so oft zufälligerweise auch ein Experte in Sachen Angeln und zudem noch ein Kenner des Pokémon-Angelns ist, sowieso! Doch es handelt sich dabei nicht um einen normalen Wettbewerb. Team Rocket hat ihn ins Leben gerufen mit dem Ziel, alle Pokémon, die die Teilnehmer fangen, zu stehlen und die besten von ihnen dem Boss zu schenken! Benny fängt im Handumdrehen ein riesiges Barschuft. Und während Bell verzweifelt versucht, ein noch größeres Quabbel zu fangen, beschließt Team Rocket, das Chaos, das durch Bells Aktivitäten entstanden ist, zu nutzen und mit all den bereits abgegebenen Angel-Pokébällen der Teilnehmer zu flüchten! Doch unsere Helden machen ihnen einen Strich durch die Rechnung! Es kommt zu einem Kampf. Team Rocket gelingt es mithilfe ihrer Raketenrucksäcke zu fliehen! Dank der Unterstützung von Quabbel, das im Vorfeld bereits sämtliche Pokémon befreit hatte, können sie jedoch keinen einzigen Angel-Pokéball mitnehmen.! So wird schlussendlich der Angel-Wettbewerb, der Team Rocket dazu hätte dienen sollen, Pokémon zu stehlen, abgebrochen. Unsere Helden verabschieden sich sodann sehr herzlich von Bell und setzen ihre Reise nach Rayono City fort!

Italian Official Summary

Mentre continuano il loro viaggio verso Sciroccopoli e la prossima lotta in palestra di Ash, i nostri eroi si imbattono (nel vero senso della parola) nella loro amica Belle che sta correndo in tutta fretta a iscriversi a una gara di pesca, nonostante non abbia mai preso in mano una canna, cosa che invece non si può dire di Spighetto, che è anche un intenditore di pesca! Così, Spighetto e tutti i nostri eroi si iscrivono alla gara. Nel frattempo si scopre che il Team Rocket ha preso segretamente controllo della gara e che ha in mente di rubare tutti i Pokémon Di tipo acqua catturati dai partecipanti e di donare i migliori di loro al Capo. Ma mentre Spighetto pesca un enorme Basculin e Belle tenta disperatamente di catturare un Frillish ancora più grande, il Team Rocket decide di fuggire con tutte le Poké Ball dei pescatori sfruttando la confusione del momento. I nostri eroi scoprono il complotto e ne segue un’accesa lotta. Aiutati dai loro razzi, Jessie, James e Meowth riescono a fuggire, ma devono abbandonare le Poké Ball rubate perché Frillish riesce a liberarle tutte. E così la gara di pesca viene annullata a causa dell’intromissione del Team Rocket e i nostri eroi salutano affettuosamente Belle e continuano il loro viaggio verso Sciroccopoli.

Portuguese Official Summary

Enquanto nossos heróis continuam a jornada para a Cidade de Nimbasa e o próximo desafio da Batalha de Ginásio, eles, repentinamente “trombam” (literalmente) com a amiga deles, Bianca, que está muito apressada para entrar em uma competição de pesca. Apesar dela nunca ter pescado, nós descobrimos que Cilan não apenas já pescou, como também é um Especialista em Pescaria! Obviamente Cilan é um expert em pesca(como em tantas outras coisas), e nós também descobrimos que todos os nossos heróis irão entrar na competição com ele.Enquanto isso, descobre-se que a competição esta sendo secretamente controlada por ninguém menos que a Equipe Rocket, que planeja roubar todos os Pokémon Tipo-Água que os competidores já pegaram e dar o melhor deles para o chefe. Mas após Cilan pegar um Basculin enorme e enquanto Bianca tenta, desvairadamente, pegar o ainda maior Frillish, a Equipe Rocket decide fazer sua fuga com todas as Pokébolas de pesca durante o caos! Nossos heróis descobrem o plano deles e uma séria batalha se segue. Com a ajuda de suas mochilas a jato, Jessie, James e Meowth fogem com sucesso, mas sem nenhuma das Pokébolas de pesca roubadas, graças a Frillish, que liberta todos eles.E assim, com a competição cancelada com a bobagem da Equipe Rocket, nossos heróis despedem-se de Bianca, enquanto a jornada para a Cidade de Nimbasa continua!

Finnish Official Summary

Sankareidemme jatkaessa matkaansa Nimbasa Cityä ja Ashin seuraavaa saliottelua kohti, he kirjaimellisesti törmäävät ystäväänsä Biancaan, joka on menossa kalastuskilpailuun. Vaikka Bianca ei olekaan koskaan kalastanut, käy ilmi että Cilan on myös kalastustuntija! Hän on tietenkin erinomainen kalastuksessa (kuten niin monessa muussakin asiassa), joten sankarimme päättävät kaikki osallistua kisaan. Sillä välin käy ilmi, että kalastuskilpailun onkin rakettiryhmän juoni kaikkien kilpailijoiden nappaamien vesityypin pokémonien varastamiseksi. Parhaat päältä valittuaan rakettiryhmä suunnittelee vievänsä ne Pomolle. Cilan nappaa hurjan kokoisen Basculinin ja Bianca yrittää napata jopa isompaa Frillishiä. Samalla rakettiryhmä päättää paeta poképallojensa kanssa kalastusta seuranneessa kaaoksessa! Sankarimme huomaavat heidän juonensa ja ottelu alkaa. Rakettireppujensa avulla Jessie, James ja Meowth pääsevät pakoon, mutta ilman varastamiaan kalastuspoképalloja. Kiitos tästä kuuluu Frillishille, joka vapauttaa kaikki pokémonit. Kilpailun loputtua rakettiryhmän juonimiseen sankarimme hyvästelevät Biancan ja jatkavat matkaansa kohti Nimbasa Cityä!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Mientras nuestros héroes siguen su viaje a Ciudad Nimbasa y a la próxima batalla de gimnasio de Ash, ellos sorpresivamente “se topan” (literalmente) con su amiga Bianca, quien va rápidamente en camino a una competencia de pesca. A pesar de que ella nunca antes ha pescado, nos enteramos no sólo de que Cilan si lo ha hecho, ¡si no que también es un conocedor de peces! Obviamente Cilan es un experto en pescar (como en muchas otras cosas) y también descubrimos que todos nuestros héroes entrarán a la competencia con él. Mientras tanto, resulta que la competencia ha sido tomada en secreto por nada más y nada menos que el Equipo Rocket, quienes planean robar todos los Pokémon de tipo Agua que los participantes han capturado y entregar los mejores al Jefe. Pero después de que Cilan atrapa a un enorme Basculin y mientras Bianca frenéticamente intenta atrapar a un Frillish más grande. Mientras tanto, ¡el Equipo Rocket decide hacer su escape con todas las Pokébolas de pesca durante el caos! Nuestros héroes se dan cuenta del complot, y se desata una feroz batalla. Con la ayuda de sus mochilas cohete, Jessie, James y Meowth escapan exitosamente, pero sin ninguna de las Pokébolas de pesca robadas, gracias a Frillish, quien los libera a todos. Entonces, con la competencia cancelada debido a las payasadas del Equipo Rocket, nuestros héroes se despiden de Bianca, y continúan su viaje a Ciudad Nimbasa.

Spanish Official Summary

Mientras nuestros héroes continúan su viaje hacia Ciudad Mayólica para el siguiente Combate de Gimnasio de Ash, de repente se tropiezan, literalmente, con su amiga Bel, que va corriendo a inscribirse en un concurso de pesca. Mientras que ella no ha pescado jamás, nos enteramos de que Millo no solo sabe pescar, sino que además es un Sibarita Pescador. Por supuesto, Millo es experto en pesca, como en muchas otras cosas, y también descubrimos que todos nuestros héroes van a participar en el concurso con él. Sin embargo, resulta que el Team Rocket se ha apoderado en secreto del concurso y planea robar todos los Pokémon de tipo Agua que pesquen los participantes para regalarle los mejores al Jefe. Poco después de que Millo atrape a un enorme Basculin, y mientras Bel intenta frenéticamente atrapar a un Frillish, más grande todavía, el Team Rocket decide escapar con todas las Pesca Poké Balls aprovechando el caos. Nuestros héroes descubren el complot, y tiene lugar una dura batalla. Con la ayuda de sus mochilas-cohete Jessie, James y Meowth escapan con éxito, pero sin ninguna de las Pesca Poké Balls robadas, gracias a Frillish que libera a todos los Pokémon. Y así, una vez cancelado el concurso debido a las gracias del Team Rocket, nuestros héroes se despiden cariñosamente de Bel y se disponen a continuar su viaje hacia Ciudad Mayólica.

English Great Britain Official Summary

Our heroes run into their friend Bianca once again! She’s in a hurry to get to a fishing competition nearby. She’s never fished before, but Cilan certainly has...he calls himself a Fishing Connoisseur! He decides to compete, and all of our heroes join him. Meanwhile, it’s revealed that the competition has been secretly taken over by none other than Team Rocket! They plan to steal all the Water-type Pokémon the competitors catch and give the best of them to the Boss. As Cilan wrestles in a huge Basculin and Bianca frantically attempts to catch an even bigger Frillish, Team Rocket changes the plan: they decide to make their escape with all the Fishing Poké Balls while the competitors are distracted! Our heroes catch on to their plot and a serious battle ensues. Jessie, James, and Meowth make their escape after discovering that the Pokémon they planned to steal have been rescued, thanks to Bianca’s new Frillish! And so, with the competition canceled due to Team Rocket’s tomfoolery, our heroes bid Bianca a warm farewell, and their journey to Nimbasa City continues!

Russian Official Summary

По пути в Нимбаса-Сити наши герои буквально сталкиваются с Бьянкой. Она спешит зарегистрироваться на рыболовном конкурсе. И это не смотря на то, что она никогда раньше не рыбачила. Зато мы узнаем, что Сайлан — не только ценитель покемонов, но и рыбалки. Разумеется, он не может пропустить состязания. Остальные герои тоже решают присоединиться. Однако тут мы узнаем, что конкурс на самом деле устроили члены Команды Р. Они хотят украсть всех водных покемонов, которых выловят участники и передать их своему боссу. Но, когда Сайлан ловит большого Баскулина, а Бьянка пытается подсечь огромного Фрилиша, злодеи решают под шумок скрыться со всеми покешарами. Герои узнают об этом. Начинается битва. Джесси, Джеймсу и Мяуту все же удается уйти, но без покешаров. Герои же прощаются с Бьянкой и продолжают свой путь к Нимбаса-Сити.

Dutch Official Summary

Terwijl onze helden hun reis naar Nimbasa City vervolgen voor de volgende Gym Gevecht uitdaging van Ash, botsen ze per ongeluk tegen hun vriendin Bianca, die haastig op weg is om zich in te schrijven voor een vis wedstrijd. Hoewel ze nooit eerder heeft gevist, komen we erachter dat Cilan dat wel heeft, en dat hij ook nog eens een Sportvis Deskundige is! Het is duidelijk dat Cilan een expert in vissen is (zoals in zoveel dingen) en we ontdekken ook dat al onze helden samen met hem mee zullen doen aan de wedstrijd. Ondertussen blijkt dat de wedstrijd in het geheim is overgenomen door niemand minder dan Team Rocket, dat van plan is om alle Watersoort Pokémon te stelen die de deelnemers zullen vangen en de beste daarvan aan de baas te geven. Nadat Cilan een enorme Basculin heeft gevangen en Bianca ondertussen verwoed probeert om een nog grotere Frillish te vangen, besluit Team Rocket om er in alle commotie vandoor te gaan met alle Vis Poké Ball. Onze helden hebben ze door en er ontstaat een heftig gevecht. Met hulp van hun raket jetpacks, lukt het Jessie, James en Meowth om te ontsnappen, maar zonder de gestolen Vis Poké Ball, dankzij Frillish, die ze allemaal bevrijdt. De wedstrijd wordt afgelast vanwege Team Rockets stommiteiten en onze helden nemen afscheid van Bianca, waarna hun reis naar Nimbasa City wordt vervolgd.

Norwegian Official Summary

Når heltene våre fortsetter reisen mot Nimbasa City og Ash sin neste gymkamputfordring, støter de bokstavelig talt på deres venn Bianca, som skynder seg for å melde seg på en fiskekonkurranse. Selv om hun aldri har fisket før, finner vi ut Cilan ikke bare har gjort det, men han er i tillegg en Fiskekjenner! Cilan er tydeligvis en ekspert på å fiske (som han er med så mye annet), og vi finner også ut at alle heltene våre vil delta i konkurransen med ham. Imens viser det seg at konkurransen i all hemmelighet er blitt tatt over av ingen ringere enn Team Rocket, som har planer om å stjele alle Vann-type Pokémonene deltakerne har fikset, og skal gi de beste av dem til sjefen. Men etter at Cilan fanger en diger Basculin og mens Bianca prøver frenetisk å fange en enda større Frillish, bestemmer Team Rocket seg for å rømme med alle Fiske Pokéballene i kaoset som oppstår! Heltene våre avslører planen deres, noe som ender i en voldsom kamp. Med hjelp av deres rakettmotorer, klarer Jessie, James og Meowth å flykte, men det uten noen stjålne Fiske Pokéballer, takket være Frillish, som befrir dem alle. Og så når konkurransen blir kansellert på grunn av Team Rockets toskeskap, tar heltene våre farvel med Bianca, og ferden deres mot Nimbasa City fortsetter!

Swedish Official Summary

Medan våra hjältar fortsätter sin resa mot Nimbasa City och Ashs nästa Gym-stridsutmaning, springer de (bokstavligen) på sin vän Bianca, som är på fartfylld väg att anmäla sig till en fisketävling. Även om hon aldrig har fiskat förut, får vi veta att inte bara har Cilan gjort det, utan han är även en fiske-kännare! Uppenbarligen är Cilan expert på att fiska (liksom på så många andra saker) och vi lär oss även att alla våra hjältar tänker anmäla sig till tävlingen tillsammans med honom. Under tiden visar det sig att tävlingen i hemlighet har tagits över av inga mindre än Team Rocket, som planerar att stjäla alla Vatten-typ Pokémon de tävlande har fångat för att kunna ge de bästa av dem till Bossen. Men efter det att Cilan fångat en enorm Basculin och medan Bianca frenetiskt försöker fånga en ännu större Frillish, beslutar sig Team Rocket för att göra sin sorti med alla Fiske-Poké Balls under det kaos som följer. Våra hjältar uppmärksammar deras plan och en allvarlig strid utbryter. Med hjälp från sina raket jet-packs, lyckas Jessie, James och Meowth framgångsrikt att fly, men UTAN några av sina stulna Fiske-Poké Balls, tack vare Frillish, som har befriat dem allihop. Och så, när tävlingen ställts in, tack vare Team Rockets dumheter, bjuder våra hjältar Bianca ett ömt farväl, och deras resa mot Nimbasa City fortsätter!

Danish Official Summary

Vores helte fortsætter deres rejse mod Nimbasa City og Ash’s næste Sal-kamp, og pludselig støder (bogstaveligt talt) ind deres ven Bianca, der er på vej hen for at melde sig til en fiskekonkurrence. Selv om hun aldrig har fisket før, lærer vi, at ikke alene har Cilan prøvet, han er også et fiske-kender! Selvfølgelig er Cilan en ekspert i fiskeri (som i så mange ting), og alle vores helte vil deltage i konkurrencen med ham. I mellemtiden viser det sig, at det er Team Rocket, der star bag konkurrencen, og de har planer om at stjæle alle de Vand-type Pokémon konkurrenterne fanger, og give de bedste af dem til bossen. Men efter Cilan fanger en stor Basculin og mens Bianca febrilsk forsøger at fange en endnu større Frillish, beslutter Team Rocket sig for at tage flugten med alle Fiskepoké Balls’ne. Vores helte opdager hvad de har gang i og kæmper mod dem. Med hjælp fra deres jetpacks, slipper Team Rocket væk igen, men uden alle de stjålne Pokémon takket være Frillish, der frigør dem alle. Vores helte siger farvel til Bianca og fortsætter deres rejse mod Nimbasa City!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris
  • Japan アイリス
  • Japan Iris
  • Japan Iris
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris' Axew
  • Japan アイリスのキバゴ
  • Japan Iris no Kibago
  • Japan Iris' Kibago
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie's Woobat
  • Japan ムサシのコロモリ
  • Japan Musashi no Koromori
  • Japan Musashi's Koromori
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan
  • Japan デント
  • Japan Dent
  • Japan Dent
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan's Pansage
  • Japan デントのヤナップ
  • Japan Dent no Yanappu
  • Japan Dent's Yanappu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Bianca
  • Japan ベル
  • Japan Bel
  • Japan Bel
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James' Yamask
  • Japan コジロウのデスマス
  • Japan Kojirō no Deathmas
  • Japan Kojiro's Deathmas
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Unova Pokédex
  • Japan サトシのイッシュのポケモン図鑑
  • Japan Satoshi no Isshu no Pokémon Zukan
  • Japan Satoshi's Isshu Pokémon Zukan

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Patrat
  • Japan ミネズミ
  • Japan Minezumi
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Pidove
  • Japan マメパト
  • Japan Mamepato
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Basculin
  • Japan バスラオ
  • Japan Bassrao
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Minccino
  • Japan チラーミィ
  • Japan Chillarmy
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Frillish
  • Japan プルリル
  • Japan Pururill
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Alomomola
  • Japan ママンボウ
  • Japan Mamanbou

Culture Reference

Originally this episode was titled: Hiun City Fishing Conference! Fisher Sommelier - Dent Appears!! (ヒウンシティのつり大会!釣りソムリエ・デント登場!!). The episode was delayed after the Sendai earthquake and tsunami. Original March/April 2011 airing schedule: http://anime.webnt.jp/programs/view/66

Script Error

While both the English dub and Japanese edited version indicate that Ash and his friends are heading to Nimbasa City (Raimon City), the map animation was not edited and the direction still shows them being in Castelia City (Hiun City). According to both versions, they aren't supposed to be in Castelia City anymore. This episode was originally intended to be episode 26 at take place in Castelia City (Hiun City) as the original title suggests, but the episode was rewritten and edited to fit in between episode 39 and 40.

Ash: How much longer 'til we get to Nimbasa City?
Satoshi: Dent, how much longer until we reach Raimon City?
(サトシ):デント ライモンシティまであと どのくらい?


Script Error

Satoshi is unaware of the type of Pokémon that Kamitsure uses at her gym. Ash just randomly cheers to himself in the English dub instead.

Ash: Oh, yeah!
Satoshi: I wonder what kind of Gym it is.
(サトシ): どんなジムなんだろう。

Script Error

Since this edited episode takes place after BW35 - Gamagaru and Muggyo! Battle at the Waterfront!!, there is a continuity error. Satoshi should already have known that Dent is a Fishing Sommelier as he catches his Muggyo with his fishing rod. He wouldn't be surprised about what Dent is doing. Also the Dent introducing his fishing rod would also already have been known as Satoshi would have already seen him use it to catch Muggyo as well.

Character English Translation Japanese
Ash Uh, Cilan, what's gotten into you? What's with you all of a sudden, Dent...? 急に どうしたんだよ デント…。
Cilan What's gotten into me is the fact that I'm also a Fishing Connoisseur! After all, I'm a Fishing Sommelier. 僕は なんと言ってもフィッシングソムリエだからね。


Script Error

Musashi never states that the rod is golden in the Japanese original despite its golden appearance.

Jessie: The incredible "Golden Super-Duper Rod."
Musashi: It's the most awesome fishing rod!
(ムサシ): ものすごすぎる釣り竿です!


Script Error

A unique Fishing ball (フィッシングボール) was given out to participants in the fishing tournament but the English dub changed the name of balls to Fishing PokéBalls.

The Fishing balls (フィッシングボール) are a unique anime-only monster ball used in this tournament. Lure Ball (ルアーボール) is the monster ball type used in the games that is most effective while fishing for Water Type Pokémon.

Meowth: First, we get chumps to reel inlots of Water-type Pokémon, then, we stick them in these fishing Pokéballs!
Nyarth: We'll let the participants fish Water type Pokémon and get them with these fishing balls.
(ニャース): 参加者に水タイプのポケモンを釣り上げさせこのフィッシングボールにゲットさせる。


Script Error

Dent says nothing about cheese during his demonstration like Cilan does. Dent is most likely talking about how a wine often tastes better as it gets older. With the English dub making it a point that Cilan is a connoisseur and not a sommelier, its odd that they would add a cheese reference in its place. Wine and cheese is a classic combination and is practically the definition of a sommelier!

Cilan: Think of it as aging a fine cheese. Perfect. Savor it.
Dent: Almost as if you're looking forward to it ripening with time.
(デント): あたかも 時とともに熟成していくのを楽しむようにね。


Script Error

Dent's references wine once again as he is teaching them patience and waiting for the right time. Cilan talks about removing a soufflé from the oven at the right time instead. Both references denote being gentle and handling with care but the process of getting to the right time is different between the wine reference and the soufflé reference.

The soufflé interpretation works slightly differently from the original aged wine reference as when you age wine, you stick it in a cellar and forget about it for many years as it ages. Cooking a soufflé is generally a very quick process and not too much patience is required. Anyone that has cooked a soufflé knows that monitoring it constantly to make sure it cooks just right is necessary so it doesn't deflate in the oven from being overcooked. Also you never open an oven while cooking a soufflé or it will also deflate but often people will test taste an aging wine to see how it's doing.

Cilan: After it's been hooked, you gently lure it to you as you raise your rod, like removing a soufflé from the oven.
Dent: If you're sure it has bitten, set your rod upright and reel it in. As though pulling the cork of a vintage wine...
(デント): アタリが確実となったら竿を立てて 誘うんだ。 ビンテージもののコルクを静かに抜くように。


Script Error

At the time this episode aired, "it's catching time!" was a phrase exclusively used by Cilan in the English dub.

Cilan: Now it's catching time!
Dent: I'll get you!
(デント): キミをゲットさせてもらう!


Script Error

The English dub adds a line for Jessie while she takes the fishing balls from tournament participants. Musashi says nothing in the Japanese original. The English dubs closed captions also didn't transcribe the line.

Jessie: Great job! I'll take that now.

Script Error

Originally before the Sendai earthquake delayed this episode, Bel was going to continue traveling with Satoshi and friends as she traveled with them in the next episode which would have been BW27 in the original order. Instead they part ways and Satoshi continues traveling to Raimon City without her.

Paint Edit

During the Pokémon Live Caster segment in the Japanese original, the mysterious thing on Zuruggu's head was painted yellow instead of red.

Who's that Pokémon Black and White


Eyecatch Zekrom and Reshiram Updated Eyecatch

Zekrom Commercial Intro Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Reshiram Commercial Return Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Okido Segment Pokémon Live Caster

Pokémon Live Caster & Senryu
Pokémon Zuruggu (ズルッグ)
Japanese ズルッグが にらみきかせる きょうもまた
Romaji Zuruggu ga nirami kikaseru kyoumomata
Translated Zuruggu Leers again today

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M04 (ボーナストラック)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes TV BGM-M04 (Bonus Track)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M04 (Bonus Track)
The group is about to head to Raimon City.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:01
Title: ベストウイッシュ!
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes!
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes!
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:29
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Best Wishes Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:49
Title: BW M14B New Pokémon B
Bel takes out a poster advertising a fishing tournament in the city.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:23
Title: ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03 (ボーナストラック)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
It's fishing time!
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:15
Title: BW M25 That's Not Quite Right...
Kojiro notices the "brats" in the crowd.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:34
Title: ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03 (ボーナストラック)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Dent carefully chooses his fishing rod.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:33
Title: ギザみみピチューにつづけ!
Japanese (Romanized): Giza mimi Pichū ni tsuzuke
Japanese (TL): Jagged-eared Pichu Carries On
Movie 12 BGM - Iris and Bel start using their rods, the latter with less success (the music begins 1:03 minutes through).
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:12
Title: BW M19A 進化
Japanese (TL): Evolution
Dent "teaches" the rest how to fish.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:48
Title: BW M65 勝利は目の前!
Japanese (TL): Victory Lies Before You!
Dent's Yanappu uses Bullet Seed on Bassrao.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:34
Title: BW M22A トレーナーに勝利!
Japanese (TL): Victory over a Trainer!
Dent catches a Bassrao.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:00
Title: BW M50 Eyecatch Intro
Eyecatch Break
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:06
Title: BW M06A World of Pokémon
Sponsor Message
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:16
Title: BW M50 Eyecatch Intro
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:22
Title: BW M66 1番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 1
The fishing "competition" continues.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:07
Title: BW M38B Let's Give It A Try
Iris tries to catch a Bassrao with bare hands.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:36
Title: BW M34B 戦闘!野生ポケモン
Japanese (TL): Battle! Wild Pokémon
Bel has her rod bit straight away.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:14
Title: BW M49 バトルサブウェイ
Japanese (TL): The Battle Subway
A female Pururill lands on Satoshi and uses Constrict on him.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:30
Title: BW M09 Rocket Gang's Work
Nyarth reports on the situation to Musashi and Kojiro.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:18
Title: ギザみみピチューにつづけ!
Japanese (Romanized): Giza mimi Pichū ni tsuzuke
Japanese (TL): Jagged-eared Pichu Carries On
Movie 12 BGM - Rocket Gang's boat moves away because of Pururill (the music begins 37 seconds through).
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:05
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M17
Rocket Gang's Isshu Motto
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:06
Title: BW M45 It's An Ambush!
Rocket Gang sends out the Pokémon to fight.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:15
Title: BW M61E ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M01
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M01 A Turn of Fortune
The pokeballs are scattered in the water.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:46
Title: BW M18A ユナイテッドタワー
Japanese (TL): United Tower
The group heads to Raimon City.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:54
Title: ポケモン言えるかな?BW
Japanese (Romanized): Pokémon Ieru Ka Na? BW
Japanese (TL): Can You Say the Pokémon? BW
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:15
Title: BW M06C World of Pokémon
Professor Okido's Pokémon Live Caster
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:16
Title: BW M63A Celebrating Success Satoshi's BW Theme
Best Wishes Episode 40 Preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:45
Title: ベストウイッシュ! (オリジナルカラオケ)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M04 (ボーナストラック)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes TV BGM-M04 (Bonus Track)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M04 (Bonus Track)
The group head out of a pokemon center.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:01
Title: Black & White
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:32
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Title card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:52
Title: BW M14B New Pokémon B
Bianca lets the group know of a fishing competition.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:26
Title: ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03 (ボーナストラック)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Its fishing time!
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:18
Title: BW M25 That's Not Quite Right...
James notices the twerps.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:36
Title: ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03 (ボーナストラック)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Cilan analyses the quality of the rods.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:36
Title: ギザみみピチューにつづけ!
Japanese (Romanized): Giza mimi Pichū ni tsuzuke
Japanese (TL): Jagged-eared Pichu Carries On
Movie 12 BGM- The group begins using their rods.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:15
Title: BW M19A 進化
Japanese (TL): Evolution
Cilan teaches the group on how to fish.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:52
Title: BW M65 勝利は目の前!
Japanese (TL): Victory Lies Before You!
Pansage is able to fight back.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:37
Title: BW M22A トレーナーに勝利!
Japanese (TL): Victory over a Trainer!
Basculin has been caught.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:01
Title: BW M38B Let's Give It A Try
Iris decides to get in the water and grab a pokemon for herself.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:30
Title: BW M34B 戦闘!野生ポケモン
Japanese (TL): Battle! Wild Pokémon
Bianca gets a bite.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:08
Title: BW M49 バトルサブウェイ
Japanese (TL): The Battle Subway
Frillish binds Ash.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:25
Title: BW M09 Rocket Gang's Work
Meowth reports the situation back to the group.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:12
Title: ギザみみピチューにつづけ!
Japanese (Romanized): Giza mimi Pichū ni tsuzuke
Japanese (TL): Jagged-eared Pichu Carries On
Movie 12 BGM- Frillish moves the boat away.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:58
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M17
Remake- Team rocket motto
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:00
Title: BW M45 It's An Ambush!
Team rocket prepare to battle.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:09
Title: BW M61E ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M01
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M01 A Turn of Fortune
Frilish saves all the caught pokemon.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:40
Title: BW M18A ユナイテッドタワー
Japanese (TL): United Tower
The group and Bianca seperate.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:50
Title: Black & White
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 28
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 21
07 Mar 2011 11:06 AM
AnimeBot Automated Bots
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: ヒウンシティのつり大会!釣りソムリエ・デント登場!!/Hiun City no tsuritaikai! Tsuri sommelier Dent tōjō!!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
07 Mar 2011 02:35 PM
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Yet another Cilan episode. They really are making good use of him.
14 Jul 2011 06:30 AM
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A really nice and funny episode! I just love how Dent get fired up about pretty much everything, and it makes you wonder how many things he's a sommelier for... not that they actually exist, anyway.
He's a really nice character, and they've really managed to make him unique, completely different from Takeshi (though I wouldn't mind him also being a 'Pretty Girl sommelier'... ha ha).

As for the episode, they've managed to make one about fishing fun and interesting, and were able to work a bit more on Dent's characterisation. I really wouldn't mind more episode like these.
Last edited 14 Jul 2011 06:31 AM by Chance
17 Oct 2011 01:56 AM
Sunain Administrator
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I still don't like how the English dub calls Cilan a connoisseur instead of a sommelier as they end up having to change too many wine/aged references in this episode specifically because they don't want to reference wine or alcohol. While the souffle reference is a decent alternate, the cheese reference was just 'cheesy'.

Cilan in the English also has an exclusive "It's tasting Time" phrase that hasn't been used in the Japanese original up to this point. "Now it's catching time!" seemed more appropriate in the English dub than Dent's simple "I'll get you!" so that was a welcomed change that was in character for Cilan.

List of edits for BW26: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/episodes/1247#Edits

Last edited 17 Oct 2011 02:08 AM by Sunain
18 Oct 2011 02:27 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Added a couple more edits to this episode. Figured it was worth mentioning the continuity errors with Dent because now that the air order changed, aspects of some of the things that have gone on in the episode have already taken place in the original aired timeline.

05 Dec 2011 05:25 PM
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Wow Sunain
I'm impressed at how you manage to notice so many subtleties between the original and English versions! Are you the one who does all the edits? That must take a lot of time.

I enjoyed this episode, but I wished that Satoshi would have caught the Pururiru that had interest in him or that Dent would have kept the Basurao he caught. It would have been pretty ridiculous if Team Rocket had gotten away with all of them.
The Pururiru was pretty funny and I also enjoyed Dent's Yanappu trying to run swim away from the Basurao, especially in the preview of this episode. I didn't realize that Basurao was such a dangerous Pokémon before watching this episode! However I must admit the blue one seems scaried than the red one. It was nice that the wild Pururiru helped the Basurao get free, but I still feel like Dent or another one of the characters could have caught one since they should have all been weakened previously. I also liked how Dent showed off his sommelier skills this episode as well.
05 Dec 2011 06:41 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Quote From: Takeshi
Wow Sunain
I'm impressed at how you manage to notice so many subtleties between the original and English versions! Are you the one who does all the edits? That must take a lot of time.

Yup, it takes a little time doing the comparison but its a bit easier than you think the way I do it. Makes it pretty easy to spot the errors to record them here on the site. And yes, there are a lot more edits in Black and White than most people realize.