Home / Episode Guide / ソムリエ対決! イシズマイVSフタチマル!!/Sommelier Showdown! Ishizumai VS Futachimaru!!/A Connoisseur's Revenge!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States A Connoisseur's Revenge!
  • Japan ソムリエ対決! イシズマイVSフタチマル!!
  • Japan Sommelier taiketsu! Ishizumai VS Futachimaru!!
  • Japan Sommelier Showdown! Ishizumai VS Futachimaru!!
  • Germany Kenner gegen Kenner!
  • France La vengeance d'une connaisseuse !
  • Spain ¡La venganza de una Sibarita!
  • Sweden En kännares hämnd!
  • Italy Una vendetta da intenditori!
  • Mexico ¡La revancha de la Conocedora!
  • Finland Tuntijan kosto!
  • Taiwan 酒侍對決!石居蟹對双刃丸!!
  • Poland Zemsta Znawczyni!
  • Netherlands De wraak van een Deskundige
  • Brazil A Vingança de um Especialista!
  • Norway En kjenners hevn!
  • Denmark En kenders hævn!
  • South Korea 소믈리에 대결! 돌살이 VS 쌍검자비
  • Portugal Uma Vingança de Perito!
  • Russia Месть ценителя!


Staff List

OP/ED List

Best Wishes!
心のファンファーレ (バージョン2)
Kokoro no Fanfare (Variant 2)
Best Wishes!
함께 걸어가는 길
Walking Together Along a Road
Pokémon Roll Call
Open your Hand
Episode Actors Regions


Japan 三間雅文 (Masafumi Mima) Voice Director

Japan 松本梨香 (Rica Matsumoto) Satoshi
Japan 大谷育江 (Ikue Ōtani) Satoshi's Pikachu
Japan 宮野真守 (Mamoru Miyano) Dent
Japan 悠木碧 (Aoi Yūki) Iris
Japan 津田美波 (Minami Tsuda) Iris' Kibago
Japan 福圓美里 (Misato Fukuen) Satoshi's Mijumaru
Japan 水田わさび (Wasabi Mizuta) Satoshi's Pokabu
Japan 林原めぐみ (Megumi Hayashibara) Satoshi's Tsutarja
Japan 三木眞一郎 (Shin-ichiro Miki) Dent's Ishizumai
Japan 犬山イヌコ (Inuko Inuyama) Satoshi's Kurumiru
Japan 渡辺明乃 (Akeno Watanabe) Satoshi's Zuruggu
Japan 藤村知可 (Chika Fujimura) Dent's Yanappu
Japan 古島清孝 (Kiyotaka Furushima) Cabernet's Mebukijika
Japan 葉山いくみ (Hayama Ikumi) Cabernet
Japan 石塚運昇 (Unshō Ishizuka) Narration
Japan 石塚運昇 (Unshō Ishizuka) Satoshi's Isshu Pokémon Zukan Uncredited
Japan 林原めぐみ (Megumi Hayashibara) Cabernet's Futachimaru Uncredited

Recording Studio
Aoi Studio
Audio Studio Logo


United States Tom Wayland Voice Director

United States Sarah Natochenny Ash Ketchum
United States Sarah Natochenny Jewelry Seller
United States Eileen Stevens Iris
United States Jason Griffith Cilan
United States Jason Griffith Ash's Scraggy
United States Jason Griffith Burgundy's Sawsbuck
United States Rodger Parsons Narrator
United States Erica Schroeder High-Class Connaisseuse
United States Erica Schroeder Ash's Sewaddle
United States Eli James Cilan's Pansage
United States Michele Knotz Ash's Snivy
United States Michele Knotz Minccino
United States Suzy Myers Burgundy
United States Lisa Ortiz Ash's Oshawott
United States Lisa Ortiz Burgundy's Dewott
United States Kayzie Rogers Iris' Axew
United States Marc Thompson Ash's Tepig
United States Marc Thompson Ash's Unova Pokédex
United States Tom Wayland Cilan's Dwebble
United States Eileen Stevens Kid
United States Suzy Myers Kid

Recording Studio
DuArt Media Services
Audio Studio Logo
Episode Director
Animation Director

English Official Summary

Ash and his friends come across the grand opening of a huge new Poké Mart. It’s as big as a shopping mall! Inside, they find a shop where a Pokémon Connoisseur is checking the compatibility between Trainers and Pokémon. Ash lines up to be evaluated as well, but just as he’s getting impatient with the wait, another shopkeeper invites him over. The proprietor is a girl named Burgundy, who insists that she’s a Connoisseur, too. But Ash gets suspicious when Burgundy says he should get rid of all his Pokémon because he isn’t compatible with any of them—even his best buddy Pikachu! We then discover that she went up against Cilan at the Striaton Gym—and since her defeat there, she’s been holding a serious grudge. So, she studied to become a Connoisseur, then returned to challenge Cilan again. But by the time she got back, Cilan was already on his journey with Ash and Iris! Burgundy challenges Cilan to a revenge battle, saying that if she wins, Ash has to give up all of his Pokémon. Ash is very worried, but Cilan accepts anyway, and in the process of defeating Burgundy, gently attempts to teach her the value of open-mindedness when evaluating Pokémon and Trainer compatibility. Angrily, she vows to come back again to beat Cilan, then stomps away. Ash is just happy that he can keep all his Pokémon, and they can again set their sights on the Castelia City Gym!

French Official Summary

En chemin vers Volucité, où doit se dérouler le troisième Combat d'Arène de Sacha dans la région d' Unys, nos Héros assistent à l’ouverture d’une nouvelle Boutique Pokémon qui ressemble plutôt à un immense centre commercial. En entrant, ils voient un magasin où une Connaisseuse Pokémon vérifie les compatibilités entre un Dresseur et ses Pokémon. Sacha se met à la queue pour profiter de l’occasion, mais il s’avère très vite que l’attente risque d’être longue. C’est alors qu’une jeune fille lui fait signe d’entrer dans son magasin, parce que, elle, Bérénice, est aussi une Connaisseuse, et « de première classe » comme elle le dit elle-même. Mais, lorsque Bérénice déclare que Sacha doit se débarrasser de tous ses Pokémon parce qu’aucun d’eux n’est compatible avec lui, nous découvrons que Rachid l’a affrontée autrefois à l’Arène d'Ogoesse. Il l’avait vaincue, ce qui l’avait mise en colère. Elle avait donc appris le métier de Connaisseuse et était ensuite revenue pour affronter à nouveau Rachid. Mais il n’était plus là, il était parti en voyage avec Sacha et Iris ! Elle défie donc une nouvelle fois Rachid pour un match retour, affirmant que, si elle gagne, Sacha devra changer tous ses Pokémon. Sacha est, bien sûr, choqué et inquiet. Mais Rachid accepte et remporte à nouveau la victoire sur Bérénice, tout en lui expliquant gentiment qu’il est vain de juger de la compatibilité d’un Dresseur et de ses Pokémon selon « le manuel ». Furieuse, elle jure de revenir pour battre Rachid et s’en va. Sacha, quant à lui, est heureux de pouvoir garder tous ses Pokémon, et nos Héros portent à nouveau les yeux vers l’Arène de Volucité!

German Official Summary

Auf ihrem Weg nach Stratos City zu Ashs drittem Arenakampf in der Einall-Region kommen unsere Helden an einem brandneuen Pokémon-Markt vorbei, in dem gerade die große Eröffnung stattfindet. Der Markt sieht wie eine riesige Einkaufshalle aus. Im Markt entdecken sie ein Geschäft, in dem ein Pokémon-Kenner die Übereinstimmung der Trainer mit ihren Pokémon überprüft. Ash stellt sich in der Schlange an. Doch es sieht so aus, als müsste er dort eine halbe Ewigkeit warten. Plötzlich gibt ihm jemand ein Zeichen, in sein Geschäft zu kommen. Und dieser „Jemand“ (Tramina) ist eine Pokémon-Kennerin der Spitzenklasse, auf jeden Fall behauptet sie das. Tramina ist der Meinung, dass Ash sich von all seinen Pokémon trennen muss,weil keines von ihnen zu ihm passt. Doch dann stellt sich heraus, dass Benny Tramina schon einmal in der Orion-Arena begegnet ist, wo sie ihn zu einem Kampf herausgefordert hat. Er hat sie damals besiegt, was sie sehr geärgert hat. Und deshalb fing sie mit der Ausbildung zum Pokémon-Kenner an. (Die weiblichen Kenner nennt man Kennerin.) Und dann ist sie zurückgekommen, um Benny noch einmal herauszufordern. Aber er war nicht da, weil er schon auf seiner Reise mit Ash und Lilia gewesen ist! Und darum fordert sie Benny jetzt zu einem Rückkampf heraus. Wenn sie gewinnt, soll Ash all seine Pokémon aufgeben! Ash ist geschockt und beunruhigt. Aber Benny akzeptiert ihre Forderung. Während er Tramina besiegt, versucht er ihr behutsam beizubringen, dass es nicht von großem Nutzen ist, die Übereinstimmung eines Pokémon mit seinem Trainer nur nach dem Lehrbuch zu beurteilen. Wütend schwört sie, zurückzukommen, um Benny dann zu besiegen, und läuft davon. Ash ist überglücklich, dass er seine Pokémon behalten kann und dass sie wieder ihr Ziel, Stratos City, ins Auge fassen können!

Italian Official Summary

Mentre i nostri eroi si dirigono ad Austropoli, dove si terrà la terza lotta in Palestra di Ash nella regione di Unima, si ritrovano a partecipare all’inaugurazione di un nuovissimo Pokémon-Market, che somiglia ad un grandissimo centro commerciale. Entrando, vedono un negozio in cui un Intenditore di Pokémon verifica la compatibilità tra Allenatori e Pokémon. Ash si mette in fila, e proprio quando si rende conto di quanto la fila sia lunga, qualcuno (Burgundy) lo invita ad entrare nel suo negozio, spacciandosi per un grande Intenditore di Pokémon. Quando Burgundy stabilisce che Ash deve sbarazzarsi di tutti i suoi Pokémon perché non è compatibile con nessuno di loro, scopriamo che Spighetto l’aveva già incontrata quando era giunta nella Palestra di Levantopoli per sfidarlo. Dopo essere stata sconfitta da, Burgundy si era arrabbiata e aveva deciso di iniziare a studiare per diventare Intenditrice di Pokémon. Quando alla fine era tornata per sfidare Spighetto, lui non c’era, perché si trovava in viaggio con Ash e Iris! Quindi ora Burgundy lo sfida in una lotta di rivincita, stabilendo che qualora vincesse lei, Ash dovrà rinunciare a tutti i suoi Pokémon. Ash è scioccato e preoccupato, ma Spighetto accetta, e mentre sconfigge Burgundy cerca con gentilezza di spiegarle l’importanza di non valutare la compatibilità tra Pokémon e Allenatore seguendo ciecamente il “manuale”. Burgundy, contrariata, giura che tornerà per sconfiggere Spighetto, e se ne va. Ash è felice di potersi tenere i suoi Pokémon, e i nostri eroi possono ripartire per la Palestra di Austropoli.

Portuguese Official Summary

Enquanto nossos heróis viajam para a Cidade de Castelia, local do terceiro desafio da Batalha de Ginásio na Região de Unova de Ash, eles chegam para a inauguração do novo Poké Mart que se assemelha a um enorme Shopping Center. Entretanto, eles vêem uma loja onde um Especialista Pokémon verifica a compatibilidade entre treinadores e Pokémon. Ash entra na fila para ser verificado também, mas quando aparece na longa fila, alguém o chama para entrar em sua loja, porque ela (Burgundy) é uma Conhecedora "top class", como ela se auto-entitula. Mas quando Burgundy decide que Ash precisa se livrar de todos os seus Pokémon, pois nenhum deles é compatível com ele, descobrimos que Cilan a havia conhecido anteriormente no Ginásio de Striaton onde ela uma vez o desafiou. Ele a derrotou, e a irritou. Então, ela estudou para se tornar uma Conhecedora (o feminina de Especialista é chamado de Conhecedora), e voltou outra vez para desafiar Cilan. mas ele não estava lá; ele estava em sua jornada com Ash e Iris! Então agora ela desafiou Cilan para a uma revanche, dizendo que se ela vencer, Ash terá que desistir de todos seus Pokémon, o que é uma preocupação e um choque para Ash. Mas Cilan aceita, e no processo de derrotar Burgindy, gentilmente tenta ensinar a ela o valor de não avaliar Pokémon e Treinador pelo "manual". Irada, ela promete voltar outra vez para derrotar Cilan e se despede momentaneamente. Mas Ash está feliz com o fato de que manterá todos os seus Pokémon, e eles podem voltar suas atenções para o Ginásio da Cidade de Castelia!

Finnish Official Summary

Sankareidemme matkatessa kohti Castelia Cityä Ashin kolmanteen Unova-alueen saliotteluhaasteeseen he osuvat ihkauuden, valtavaa tavarataloa muistuttavan Pokémonkaupan avajaisiin. Mentyään sisälle he näkevät liikkeen, jossa Pokémon-tuntija arvioi kouluttajien ja Pokémonien välisiä suhteita. Ash menee myös jonottamaan arviointia, mutta jono tuntuu hänestä loputtoman pitkältä. Kun joku viittoo häntä sen sijaan toiseen kojuun, missä Pokémon-tuntija Burgundy – omien sanojensa mukaan huippuluokkaa – tarjoaa samaa palvelua. Burgundyn ankaran arvion mukaan Ashin pitäisi hankkiutua eroon KAIKISTA Pokémoneistaan, koska he eivät sovi toisilleen. Käy kuitenkin ilmi, että Cilan on tavannut hänet aiemmin Striatonin salilla, jossa tämä oli haastanut Cilanin ja hävinnyt. Tappio suututti Burgundyn ja niinpä hän opiskeli itsekin Pokémon-tuntijaksi ja palasi haastamaan Cilanin uudestaan. Mutta Cilan ei ollut paikalla, sillä hän oli juuri aloittanut matkansa Ashin ja Iriksen kanssa! Siksi Burgundy haastaakin Cilanin kostoksi otteluun ja ilmoittaa, että jos hän voittaa, Ashin pitää antaa pois kaikki Pokémoninsa – mikä tietenkin huolestuttaa Ashia kovasti. Siitä huolimatta Cilan hyväksyy haasteen ja samalla, kun voittaa Burgundyn, yrittää lempeästi opettaa hänelle, että aina Pokémonin ja kouluttajan yhteensopivuutta ei voi arvioida pelkästään oppikirjan mukaisesti. Vihaisena Burgundy vannoo palaavansa vielä päihittämään Cilanin ja poistuu vauhdilla paikalta. Ash puolestaan on onnellinen, kun saa pitää Pokémoninsa ja niinpä matka Castelia Cityn salille voi taas jatkua!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Mientras nuestros héroes viajan a Ciudad Castelia, lugar de la tercera Batalla de Gimnasio en Región Unova de Ash, pasan por la inauguración de una nueva Tienda Pokémon, la cual se asemeja a un enorme centro comercial. Al entrar, ven una tienda donde un Conocedor Pokémon revisa la compatibilidad entre entrenadores y Pokémon. Ash se une a la fila para que también revisen su compatibilidad. Cuando parece que la fila no tiene fin, alguien le hace señas para que entre a su tienda, ya que ella (Burgundy) también es una Conocedora Pokémon “de la clase más alta” como se llama a sí misma. Cuando Burgundy decide que Ash debe separarse de TODOS sus Pokémon porque ninguno es compatible con él, descubrimos que Cilan la había conocido antes en el Gimnasio de Ciudad Striaton donde alguna vez lo retó. Él la venció y esto la enfureció. Entonces estudió para convertirse en una Conocedora (los Conocedores mujer son llamados Conocedoras) y volvió para retar de nuevo a Cilan. ¡Pero él no estaba ahí, había partido a su viaje con Ash e Iris! Entonces reta a Cilan a una batalla de revancha, diciendo que, si ella gana, Ash tiene que renunciar a todos sus Pokémon ¡para preocupación y sorpresa de Ash! Cilan acepta, y mientras vence a Burgundy le enseña el valor de no evaluar la compatibilidad Entrenador-Pokémon al pie de la letra. Enfurecida, antes de marcharse jura volver para vencer a Cilan. Pero Ash está feliz con el hecho de que pudo conservar todos sus Pokémon y de nuevo puede poner la mira en el Gimnasio de Ciudad Castelia.

Spanish Official Summary

Mientras nuestros héroes viajan hacia Ciudad Porcelana, lugar del tercer combate de Gimnasio de Ash en la región de Teselia, se encuentran con la gran inauguración de una nueva Tienda Pokémon que parece un enorme centro comercial. Al entrar, ven un puesto donde una Sibarita Pokémon está comprobando la compatibilidad entre Entrenadores y Pokémon. Ash se pone a la cola para que se lo comprueben a él también. Cuando empieza a impacientarse porque la fila es interminable, alguien le hace señas para que se acerque. Es Borgoña, una Sibarita de primera clase, como ella misma se nombra. Pero cuando Borgoña decide que Ash necesita deshacerse de todos sus Pokemon porque ninguno de ellos es compatible con él, descubrimos que Millo la había conocido previamente en el Gimnasio Gres, donde una vez ella le desafió. Su derrota contra él la enfadó, por lo que estudió para convertirse en una Sibarita y volvió otra vez a desafiar a Millo. Pero él ya no estaba allí, porque estaba de viaje con Ash e Iris. Por ello, ahora desafía a Millo a una revancha, diciendo que, si gana, Ash tiene que abandonar a todos sus Pokémon, lo cual deja a Ash muy preocupado. Pero Millo acepta y, a la vez que derrota a Borgoña, intenta enseñarle con suavidad el valor de evaluar con una mente abierta la compatibilidad entre Pokémon y Entrenadores. Se va furiosa, prometiéndose volver otra vez para derrotar a Millo. Ash está contento de poder quedarse con todos sus Pokémon, y todos se dirigen hacia el Gimnasio de Ciudad Porcelana.

English Great Britain Official Summary

Ash and his friends come across the grand opening of a huge new Poké Mart. It’s as big as a shopping mall! Inside, they find a shop where a Pokémon Connoisseur is checking the compatibility between Trainers and Pokémon. Ash lines up to be evaluated as well, but just as he’s getting impatient with the wait, another shopkeeper invites him over. The proprietor is a girl named Burgundy, who insists that she’s a Connoisseur, too. But Ash gets suspicious when Burgundy says he should get rid of all his Pokémon because he isn’t compatible with any of them—even his best buddy Pikachu! We then discover that she went up against Cilan at the Striaton Gym—and since her defeat there, she’s been holding a serious grudge. So, she studied to become a Connoisseur, then returned to challenge Cilan again. But by the time she got back, Cilan was already on his journey with Ash and Iris! Burgundy challenges Cilan to a revenge battle, saying that if she wins, Ash has to give up all of his Pokémon. Ash is very worried, but Cilan accepts anyway, and in the process of defeating Burgundy, gently attempts to teach her the value of open-mindedness when evaluating Pokémon and Trainer compatibility. Angrily, she vows to come back again to beat Cilan, then stomps away. Ash is just happy that he can keep all his Pokémon, and they can again set their sights on the Castelia City Gym!

Russian Official Summary

На пути в Кастелия Сити ,наши герои заходят в только что открывшийся Поке-март – большой торговый центр. Там они находят аттракцион, в котором ценитель проверяет покемонов и их тренеров на совместимость. Эш решает проверить себя и своих покемонов на совместимость, однако очередь слишком длинная. Тогда-то его и подзывает к себе Бургунди. Она заявляет, что она – ценительница покемонов высшего разряда. Но, когда она заявляет, что Эшу нужно избавиться от всех своих покемонов, оказывает, что это старая знакомая Сайлана. Она как-то бросала ему вызов в гиме Стриатон. Тогда он ее победил. И теперь она жаждет мести. Она даже решила выучиться на ценительницу покемонов, чтобы однажды вновь бросить ему вызов. Недолго думая, она решает бросить вызов Сайлану сейчас. Заявив, что, если она победит, Эш откажется от всех своих покемонов! Сайлан соглашается и с легкостью ее побеждает. При этом, он деликатно пытается обучить ее особенностям деятельности ценителей покемонов. Бургунди же в ярости. Ведь она опять проиграла! Она клянется отомстить Сайлану и уходит. А Эш рад, что его покемоны остаются с ним. И он вместе с друзьями продолжает свой путь в Кастелия Сити.

Dutch Official Summary

Onze helden reizen naar Castelia City, de plek waar de derde Unova regio Gym Gevecht uitdaging van Ash zal plaatsvinden. Ze stuiten op een groot openingsfeest van een gloednieuwe Poké Markt die lijkt op een enorm winkelcentrum. Als ze naar binnen gaan, zien ze een winkel waar een Pokémon Deskundige de compatibiliteit tussen Trainers en Pokémon checkt. Ash gaat in de rij staan om dat ook te laten checken, maar op het moment dat het wachten eindeloos lijkt te duren, wenkt iemand hem om in haar winkel binnen te komen, omdat zij (Burgundy) ook een top klasse Deskundige is, zoals ze het zelf noemt. Wanneer Burgundy besluit dat Ash al zijn Pokémon moet vervangen, omdat geen van hen bij hem past, ontdekken we dat Cilan haar al eerder heeft ontmoet in de Striaton Gym, waar zij hem ooit heeft uitgedaagd. Hij heeft haar verslagen en dat heeft haar kwaad gemaakt. Dus heeft ze een opleiding gevolgd voor Pokémon Deskundige en is daarna teruggegaan om Cilan uit te dagen. Hij was echter niet daar; hij was op reis met Ash en Iris. Dus daagt ze nu Cilan uit voor een Gevecht om wraak te nemen en zegt dat als zij wint, Ash al zijn Pokémon op moet geven. Ash is diep geschokt en maakt zich zorgen. Maar Cilan neemt de uitdaging aan en probeert tijdens zijn overwinning op Burgundy rustig aan haar te leren dat het beoordelen van de compatibiliteit van Pokémon en Trainer niet altijd volgens het boekje kan. Kwaad zweert zij terug te zullen komen om Cilan te verslaan en ze gaat weg. Maar Ash is blij met het feit dat hij al zijn Pokémon kan houden en ze kunnen zich nu weer richten op de Castelia City Gym.

Norwegian Official Summary

I det våre helter reiser til Castelia City hvor Ash skal ha sin tredje Gym-kamp i Unova-regionen, kommer de over åpningen av et helt nytt Poké-marked, som ser ut som et stort kjøpesenter. Inni ser de en butikk hvor en Pokémon-kjenner sjekker kompatibiliteten mellom trenere og Pokémon. Ash stiller seg i kø for å bli sjekket, men når det virker som om køen skal vare i en evighet, er det noen som signaliserer at han skal komme inn i butikken, fordi hun (Burgundy) også er en kjenner – av "toppklasse", som hun sier selv. Men når Burgundy bestemmer seg for at Ash trenger å kvitte seg med alle sine Pokémon fordi ingen av dem er kompatible med ham, oppdager vi at Cilan har møtt henne før på Striaton-gym hvor hun en gang utfordret ham. Han slo henne, og det gjorde henne sint. Så, hun studerte for å bli kjenner(det riktige navnet på en jentekjenner er kjennerinne), og kom tilbake for å utfordre Cilan. Men han var ikke der, han var jo på reise med Ash og Iris! Så nå utfordrer hun Cilan til en hevnkamp, og sier at hvis hun vinner, må Ash gi opp alle sine Pokémon – noe som sjokkerer og bekymrer Ash. Men Cilan aksepterer, og i prosessen med å slå Burgundy, forsøker han forsiktig å lære henne verdien av å ikke evaluere Pokémon- og trener-kompatibilitet "etter boka". Sint sverger hun på å komme tilbake igjen for å slå Cilan, og drar. Men Ash er fornøyd med at han beholder alle sine Pokémon, og de kan igjen sette kursen mot Castelia City-gym!

Swedish Official Summary

När våra hjältar reser till Castelia City, platsen för Ashs tredje Gym-strid utmaning i Unova-regionen, kommer de till den stora invigningen av ett helt nytt Poké-marknad, som påminner ett enormt köpcentra. När de går in ser de en affär där en Pokémon-kännare kollar kompabiliteten mellan tränare och Pokémon. Ash ställer sig i kö för att också bli kollad, men det verkar som om kön aldrig blir kortare. Då vinkar någon åt honom från en annan affär, för hon (Burgundy) är också kännare. Toppklass, som hon kallar sig själv. Men när Burgundy beslutar att Ash behöver göra sig av med alla sina Pokémon, för att ingen av dem är kompatibel med honom, upptäcker vi att Cilan har mött henne förut på Striaton-gym, där hon en gång utmanade honom. Han besegrade henne och det gjorde henne arg. Så hon studerade för att bli Pokémon-kännare och kom tillbaka igen för att utmana Cilan. Men han var inte där, för han var på sin resa med Ash och Iris! Så nu utmanar hon Cilan för att få hämnd i strid och säger att om hon vinner, måste Ash ge upp alla sina Pokémon och detta gör Ash chockad och orolig. Men Cilan accepterar och när han håller på att besegra Burgundy, försöker han milt få henne att förstå värdet av att inte utvärdera Pokémon- och tränar-kompabilitet endast med hjälp av handboken. Argt svär hon att komma tillbaka och besegra Cilan och lämnar dem sedan för stunden. Men Ash är lycklig för han kan behålla alla sina Pokémon och nu kan de alla åter igen ställa in siktet på Castelia City-gym!

Danish Official Summary

Vores helte er på vej mod Castelia City og Ash’ tredje Sal-kamp udfordring i Unova-regionen, de de tilfældigvis kommer til at overvære den festlige åbning af et splinternyt Poké-marked, som ligner et kæmpestort indkøbscenter. De går ind og ser en butik, hvor en Pokémon-kender undersøger kompatibiliteten mellem trænere og Pokémon. Ash stiller sig i kø for at blive undersøgt, men det ser ud til, at køen er uendelig, og en anden opfordrer ham til at komme ind i hendes butik i stedet, da hun (Burgundy) også er kender – ”i topklasse”, mener hun selv. Men da Burgundy erklærer, at Ash bør skille sig af med alle sine Pokémon, fordi ingen af dem er forenelige med ham, finder vi ud af, at Cilan har mødt hende før i Striaton-salen, hvor hun engang udfordrede ham. Han besejrede hende, og det gjorde hende vred. Så hun læste videre for at blive kender , og vendte tilbage for at udfordre Cilan. Man han var der ikke – han var taget på rejse med Ash og Iris! Derfor udfordrer hun nu Cilan til kamp for at hævne sig og siger, at hvis hun vinder, skal Ash skille sig af med alle sine Pokémon - til Ash store chok og skræk. Men Cilan siger ja, og mens han besejrer Burgundy prøver han blidt at belære hende om værdien af ikke bare at bedømme kompatibiliteten mellem træner og Pokémon efter en manual. Vredt lover Burgundy at hun vil komme tilbage og besejre Cilan, hvorefter hun fordufter. Men Ash glæder sig over at kunne beholde alle sine Pokémon, og igen begiver de sig af sted mod Castelia City-salen!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris
  • Japan アイリス
  • Japan Iris
  • Japan Iris
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris' Axew
  • Japan アイリスのキバゴ
  • Japan Iris no Kibago
  • Japan Iris' Kibago
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Oshawott
  • Japan サトシのミジュマル
  • Japan Satoshi no Mijumaru
  • Japan Satoshi's Mijumaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Tepig
  • Japan サトシのポカブ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pokabu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pokabu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan
  • Japan デント
  • Japan Dent
  • Japan Dent
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Chili
  • Japan ポッド
  • Japan Pod
  • Japan Pod
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cress
  • Japan コーン
  • Japan Corn
  • Japan Corn
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan's Pansage
  • Japan デントのヤナップ
  • Japan Dent no Yanappu
  • Japan Dent's Yanappu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Snivy
  • Japan サトシのツタージャ
  • Japan Satoshi no Tsutarja
  • Japan Satoshi's Tsutarja
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan's Dwebble
  • Japan デントのイシズマイ
  • Japan Dent no Ishizumai
  • Japan Dent's Ishizumai
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Scraggy
  • Japan サトシのズルッグ
  • Japan Satoshi no Zuruggu
  • Japan Satoshi's Zuruggu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Sewaddle
  • Japan サトシのクルミル
  • Japan Satoshi no Kurumiru
  • Japan Satoshi's Kurumiru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Burgundy
  • Japan カベルネ
  • Japan Cabernet
  • Japan Cabernet
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Burgundy's Oshawott
  • Japan カベルネのミジュマル
  • Japan Cabernet no Mijumaru
  • Japan Cabernet's Mijumaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Burgundy's Dewott
  • Japan カベルネのフタチマル
  • Japan Cabernet no Futachimaru
  • Japan Cabernet's Futachimaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Burgundy's Sawsbuck
  • Japan カベルネのメブキジカ
  • Japan Cabernet no Mebukijika
  • Japan Cabernet's Mebukijika
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Unova Pokédex
  • Japan サトシのイッシュのポケモン図鑑
  • Japan Satoshi no Isshu no Pokémon Zukan
  • Japan Satoshi's Isshu Pokémon Zukan

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Snivy
  • Japan ツタージャ
  • Japan Tsutarja
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Tepig
  • Japan ポカブ
  • Japan Pokabu
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Oshawott
  • Japan ミジュマル
  • Japan Mijumaru
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Dewott
  • Japan フタチマル
  • Japan Futachimaru
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Patrat
  • Japan ミネズミ
  • Japan Minezumi
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Pansage
  • Japan ヤナップ
  • Japan Yanappu
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Pidove
  • Japan マメパト
  • Japan Mamepato
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Sewaddle
  • Japan クルミル
  • Japan Kurumiru
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Sandile
  • Japan メグロコ
  • Japan Meguroco
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Minccino
  • Japan チラーミィ
  • Japan Chillarmy
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Deerling
  • Japan シキジカ
  • Japan Shikijika

Culture Reference

In keeping with the English games terminology, Poké Mart was used in the English dub instead of Friendly Shop (フレンドリィショップ), the English term used in the Japanese original.

Script Error

The Japanese original used the English term 'marriage' which in this case means a relationship or union, a food snob term for "combine", not the intimate formal union recognized by law for partners in love. The English dub used 'partnership' instead.

Connoisseur Beauty: The two of you have a beautiful partnership.
Sommelière: Your marriage is truly wonderful.
(女性のソムリエ): うん あなたたちのマリアージュは実に すばらしいわ!

Script Error

Just like the English dub changed Sommelier to Connoisseur for males the dub also changed Sommelière to Connaisseuse for females.

Cilan: The proper name for a female Connoisseur is Connaisseuse.
Dent: Yeah. Female Sommeliers are called Sommelières.
(デント): 女性のソムリエはソムリエールっていうんだ。

Script Error

Dent in the Japanese original states he's going to go refill/stock up (shire 仕入れ) on Pokémon food while Cilan in the English dub says he's just going to browse.

Cilan: I'll go and browse through some of the Pokémon food products.
Dent: I'll go and refill our Pokémon food supply.
(デント): 僕は ポケモンフーズの材料を仕入れてくるよ。

Script Error

The English dub added some horribly pronounced French for Burgundy that wasn't in the original Japanese version.

Burgundy: Bien sur. Come right in.
Burgundy Translation: Of course. Come right in.
Cabernet: Now, now, please come in!
(カベルネ): さぁさぁ 中へどうぞ!

Script Error

Supposedly, the whole reason that the English dub changed Sommelier/Sommelière to Connoisseur/Connaisseuse was to avoid the whole serving wine issue. They changed the girls name from Cabernet, a wine name, to Burgundy, another wine name making Connaisseuse seem like an odd term to use in the English dub when having a girl named after a wine.

Burgundy: My name is Burgundy.
Cabernet: I'm Cabernet!
(カベルネ): 私は カベルネ!

Script Error

When the Japanese original actually has French for Cabernet, the English dub changes the French for Burgundy to something else. The English dub also changed 'tasting' to 'evaluation'.

Burgundy: Oui. Alors, it is evaluating time, s'il vous plaît!
Burgundy Translation: Yes. Now, it is evaluating time, if you please!
Cabernet: Bonjour! Tasting time, s'il-vous-plaît!
Cabernet Translation: Hello! Tasting time, if you please!
(カベルネ): ボンジュール テイスティングタイム シルブプレ?

Script Error

Burgundy insults Ash's Sewaddle while Cabernet in the Japanese original just chalks up the fact that it used String Shot on her head as part of a bugs nature.

Burgundy: Why, the nerve of that annoying pesky little Bug-type!
Cabernet: Geez, bugs will always be bugs.
(カベルネ): ったく 虫は虫ね!

Script Error

Burgundy swears in French in the English dub. "Zut!" almost always translates as "Damn it!". While it can be translated in a less vulgar way as: "Darn it!", the tone of Burgundy's harsh voice implies the more vulgar meaning. The Japanese original does not have a swear word before Cabernet starts talking about Mijumaru.

Burgundy: Zut!
Burgundy Translation: Damn it!


Script Error

Cabernet says nothing about a shoe like Burgundy does in the English dub.

Burgundy: Scraggy has the aroma of an old shoe.
Cabernet: I'd say it smells like tanned leather...
(カベルネ): なめし皮のような香りっていうか…

Script Error

Burgundy insults Ash in the English dub by insisting he's a loser for liking his current Pokémon. Cabernet just asks if he's willing to accept keeping his Pokémon that she'd just judged as needing to be replaced.

Burgundy: Then you don't mind being a loser?
Cabernet: Are you really okay with this?
(カベルネ): あなたは それでいいの!?

Script Error

Cabernet in the Japanese original exaggerates that its been a hundred years since she lost against Dent.

Burgundy: And I've been waiting for this day ever since, because this day is my revenge day!
Cabernet: I've waited 100 years to take revenge here!
(カベルネ): ここで会ったが100年目。今日こそあなたにリベンジするから。

Script Error

The 'hundred' actually shows up later in Burgundy's dialog in the English dub when it wasn't in the Japanese original.

Burgundy: I already know a hundred times more than you'll ever know and I'll prove it to you by beating you in a Pokémon battle!
Cabernet: I'll prove that my prowess is superior to yours in a battle.
(カベルネ): 今の私の実力があなた以上だってことをバトルで証明してみせるわ。

Script Error

Cabernet in the Japanese original states a wine bottle sommelier metaphor where she tells Dent that his skills are so rotten that he doesn't even get to open the bottle before they become evident. Burgundy forgoes the wine bottle sommelier metaphor in the English dub and compares Cilan's abilities to spoiled food instead.

Burgundy: If your ability to choose wisely were a food, I'd say it had spoiled!
Cabernet: Did your skills become rotten before the cork was pulled?
(カベルネ): あなたの腕もコルクの栓を抜く前に腐っちゃったのかしら?

Script Error

Cilan talks about loosing a Pokémon battle in the English dub while Dent talks about wrong diagnosis in the Japanese original.

Cilan: The word "lose" does not exist anywhere in an A-Class Connoisseur's dictionary!
Dent: There is no term called "wrong diagnosis" on an A-class Sommelier's list!
(デント): Aクラスソムリエのリストに見立て違いという言葉はない!

Script Error

Now the English dub decides to use 'taste' when the Japanese original doesn't.

Cilan: You're about to taste Dwebble's true power!
Dent: This is where Ishizumai's mellowness will become fragrant!
(デント): イシズマイの芳醇さが香り立つのはこれからだ!

Script Error

Numerous times throughout the battle, Cilan and Burgundy use the word 'recipe' in the English dub while Dent and Cabernet used 'taste' in the Japanese original.

Script Error

Burgundy changes from being mad at Dent's 'tasting' explanations to being mad at his supposed lectures.

Burgundy: I'm sick and tired of your lectures!
Cabernet: Your "tasting" is driving me mad!
(カベルネ): そのテイスティングが頭にくるのよ!

Script Error

Ash uses a double contraction while not being clear about what he's referring to about Burgundy personality and Satoshi in the Japanese original says Cabernet seemed frustrated.

Ash: That couldn't've been too easy for her.
Satoshi: She seemed extremely frustrated.
(サトシ): よっぽど悔しかったんだろうな。

Who's that Pokémon Black and White


Eyecatch Zekrom and Reshiram Updated Eyecatch

Zekrom Commercial Intro Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Reshiram Commercial Return Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Okido Segment Pokémon Live Caster

Pokémon Live Caster & Senryu
Pokémon Ishizumai (イシズマイ)
Japanese イシズマイ まんぞくするまで いしさがし
Romaji Ishizumai manzoku surumade ishisagashi
Translated Ishizumai, until it's satisfied, it searches for rocks.

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:15
Title: BW M26A Trying It Out
The group notices a Poké Mart and decides to check it out.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:33
Title: ベストウイッシュ!
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes!
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes!
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:01
Title: BW M07 なみのり
Japanese (TL): Surf
Best Wishes Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:14
Title: ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M04 (ボーナストラック)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes TV BGM-M04 (Bonus Track)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M04 (Bonus Track)
The group enters the Poké Mart.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:27
Title: BW M03A ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03
Dent explains the Sommeliers' class system.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:56
Title: BW M14C Today's Isshu Curiosity
A female Sommelier forces Satoshi into her shed's chair for clients.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:07
Title: BW M24 It's Strange
Cabernet "evaluates" Satoshi's relationship with his Kurumiru.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:56
Title: ギザみみピチューにつづけ!
Japanese (Romanized): Giza mimi Pichū ni tsuzuke
Japanese (TL): Jagged-eared Pichu Carries On
Movie 12 BGM - Cabernet forces Satoshi to show his other Pokémon.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:49
Title: ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03 (ボーナストラック)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Cabernet remembers her defeat with Dent.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:07
Title: BW M28A ポケモンリーグ
Japanese (TL): The Pokémon League
Dent criticizes Cabernet's rudimentary evaluation methods.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:29
Title: BW M16 Rivals In Isshu
Eyecatch Break
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:35
Title: BW M06A World of Pokémon
Sponsor Message
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:45
Title: BW M38B Let's Give It A Try
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:51
Title: BW M27A Something Bad
Cabernet and Dent send out their Pokémon.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:37
Title: BW M03A ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03
Cabernet and Dent "evaluate" each other before actually battling.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:19
Title: BW M21 戦!トレーナー
Japanese (TL): Battle! Trainer
The battle begins.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:15
Title: BW M17 Battle! Shootie
Dent informs Cabernet that his Ishuzimai has the Sturdy ability.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:49
Title: BW M45 It's An Ambush!
Cabernet sends out Mebukijika.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:59
Title: BW M16 Rivals In Isshu
Yanappu emerges from the ground.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:03
Title: BW M06D ポケモンジム
Japanese (TL): Pokemon Gym
Dent wins the battle.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:11
Title: BW M08 カラクサタウン
Japanese (TL): Karakusa Town
After Cabernet flees away, the group proceeds on the journey to Hiun City.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:54
Title: 心のファンファーレ
Japanese (Romanized): Kokoro no Fanfare
Japanese (TL): Fanfare of the Heart
Ending Theme for Japanese Version (2nd Verse)
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:15
Title: BW M06C World of Pokémon
Professor Okido's Pokémon Live Caster
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:16
Title: BW M15 4番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 4
Best Wishes Episode 20 Preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:45
Title: ベストウイッシュ! (オリジナルカラオケ)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:15
Title: BW M26A Trying It Out
The group notices a new pokemart.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:33
Title: Black & White
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:04
Title: BW M07 なみのり
Japanese (TL): Surf
Title card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:17
Title: ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M04 (ボーナストラック)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes TV BGM-M04 (Bonus Track)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M04 (Bonus Track)
The group enters the pokemart.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:31
Title: BW M03A ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03
Cilan explains how the connoisseur system works.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:58
Title: BW M14C Today's Isshu Curiosity
A female connoisseur pushes Ash into her shed for cilents.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:09
Title: BW M24 It's Strange
Burgandy says Sewaddle needs an ability change.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:58
Title: ギザみみピチューにつづけ!
Japanese (Romanized): Giza mimi Pichū ni tsuzuke
Japanese (TL): Jagged-eared Pichu Carries On
Movie 12 BGM- Burgandy forces Ash to send out more of its pokemon.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:53
Title: ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03 (ボーナストラック)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Burgandy wants revenge on Cilan.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:10
Title: BW M28A ポケモンリーグ
Japanese (TL): The Pokémon League
Cilan criticises Burgundy's knowledge.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:46
Title: BW M27A Something Bad
Cilan and Burgundy prepare for battle.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:31
Title: BW M03A ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03
The connoisseurs begin to evaluate each other.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:12
Title: BW M21 戦!トレーナー
Japanese (TL): Battle! Trainer
Dewott uses Water gun.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:09
Title: BW M17 Battle! Shootie
Dwebble hung on with Sturdy.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:44
Title: BW M45 It's An Ambush!
Burgundy sends out Sawsbuck.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:53
Title: BW M16 Rivals In Isshu
Pansage uses dig.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:56
Title: BW M06D ポケモンジム
Japanese (TL): Pokemon Gym
Burgundy loses the battle
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:05
Title: BW M08 カラクサタウン
Japanese (TL): Karakusa Town
The group continues to Castelia city.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:50
Title: Black & White
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 25
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 19
21 Jan 2011 01:48 AM
AnimeBot Automated Bots
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
Posts: 3189
New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: ソムリエ対決! イシズマイVSフタチマル!!/Sommelier taiketsu! Ishizumai VS Futachimaru!!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
Last edited 21 Jan 2011 02:19 AM by Sunain
01 Mar 2011 04:56 AM
Joined: 08 Feb 2011
Posts: 335
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I really enjoyed this episode, for two reason mainly:

1) first of all, looks like Dent get a bit more love than Takeshi did in the previous series, which is definitely a great thing. Looks like he's gonna get some proper character development, and he's even got a real rival, but not the same kind of rival as Satoshi, hopefully.
I'm really looking forward to the next appearance of that semi-French-speaking sommelière in the next episodes!

2) It's really nice to see Dent having a battle, even if the outcome was totally predictable (come on, Satoshi having to replace all his Pokémon?)... actually, that might even be the reason I found the battle so interesting. Dent sure have a nice way to battle. A bit like Takeshi, in a way.

So far, this new series really hasn't been disappointing as far as the characters are concerned. Each one of the three main characters seems to have some proper character development this time, and none of them looks like a different version of a previous character. But more importantly, none of the characters seems to be left behind, semi-ignored by the writers.

And looks like it was Mamepato that Satoshi traded for Kurimuru. Good choice, in my opinion. The bird Pokémon was getting a bit old, since we've had during the two previous series already.

I really can't wait for the next episode. This new duck-like Pokémon seems really hilarious.
01 Mar 2011 12:37 PM
Sunain Administrator
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
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I wasn't a big fan of this episode at all. I really didn't like the character of Cabernet but I know a lot of people thought she would be a good rival for Dent. I guess my dislike with her is the entire idea of Pokemon Sommeliers as it just seems to be a bit too annoying to me. I did like the part where Satoshi's Pokemon kept attacking her when she was doing the tasting of his Pokemon.
01 Mar 2011 02:56 PM
Joined: 08 Feb 2011
Posts: 335
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Well, if there's something I didn't like about here, it's:

1) her chara-design... somethings looks kinda off with her hair
2) her pseudo-French.

'Bonjour. Tasting time, s'il vous plaît'...

... Err... I'm French, and I've got no idea what she means by that. I can understand what it means, if I take each bit separetely, but it simply doesn't make sense as a sentence. Never heard anybody talking like that. I know, it's something the Japanese tends to do often in songs and other things, but sometimes it can be really awkward... like this time.
Last edited 01 Mar 2011 03:01 PM by Chance
01 Mar 2011 03:12 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Yeah we were kinda discussing the whole 'French' aspect the other day and it didn't seem like she was truly 'French' and the only thing we could think of is because she is a beginning Sommelier she had to learn some of the French terms associated with being a Sommelier. Though I found it more of a turn off and was probably just a way to make it seem cool the the Japanese that she was using a different language unlike Melissa who was supposed to be a French native (though they butchered her in the dub).
Last edited 01 Mar 2011 03:14 PM by Sunain
01 Mar 2011 04:07 PM
Joined: 04 Apr 2009
Posts: 69
This episode was pretty good. Easily the best Cilan ep of BW, (better than his previous two or three eps), and much better than any Brock ep in DP.

They're really putting effort into Cilan and making sure he doesn't wind up like Brock did. Its also nice to see his goal properly stated and a good battle to boot.

It also surprises me that Cilan is getting much more attention than Iris is. I would have thought it would be the other way around. Either way you can tell that Cilan is a lot more than "just another Tracey" which is what people thought he would be.

Pretty sure Cilan and Iris are intended to be a better take on Misty and Brock, which makes me think that Misty/Brock won't ever appear in the anime ever again.
02 Mar 2011 05:19 AM
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Quote From: Sunain
Yeah we were kinda discussing the whole 'French' aspect the other day and it didn't seem like she was truly 'French' and the only thing we could think of is because she is a beginning Sommelier she had to learn some of the French terms associated with being a Sommelier. Though I found it more of a turn off and was probably just a way to make it seem cool the the Japanese that she was using a different language unlike Melissa who was supposed to be a French native (though they butchered her in the dub).

Yeah, I agree, she doesn't look (even remotely) French at all. Her name doesn't sound really French, though it's hard to tell, because the Japanese often come with some nice oddities when trying to imitate foreign names. It's definitely because of that sommelier thing they made her talk "Frenchishese".

And come to think of it, the very concept of Pokémon sommelier does seem a bit weird (though I kinda like it... I love Dent's comments in Pokémon battles, which are quite different from Takeshi's). I mean, a sommelier (in French), is sort of a Wine Expert, who knows which kind of wine to chose to go with certain dishes, etc... I agree this may sounds rather strange for lots of people, though I'm sure it doesn't for most of the Japanese audience (too young to know about sommeliers, anyway).

That whole sommelier thing sure is a nice example of modern 'exoticism'.

By the way, who's that Melissa character? I don't remember a character that was supposed to be a French native. (If it's in the US dub, then there's no way I could've known about it anyway).
Last edited 02 Mar 2011 05:20 AM by Chance
12 Jun 2011 05:00 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Quote From: Chance
By the way, who's that Melissa character? I don't remember a character that was supposed to be a French native. (If it's in the US dub, then there's no way I could've known about it anyway).

Melissa is her Japanese name: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/characters/Fantina

Well from the earlier discussion here about her French just got a lot worse with the airing of the English dub. The VA for Burgundy pronounced 'sur' as 'sir' and then they added a bunch more French that actually detracted from the character as it didn't seem to fit at all.

They were also very inconsistent with the translation usage of 'tasting'. They used three different translations in this episode alone. First it was 'It's evaluating time!' instead of "It's tasting time!', then during the battle Burgundy and Cilan refer to 'taste' as a 'recipe' and then finally near the end Burgundy gets mad at Cilan's 'lectures', which in that case was his 'tasting' explanations.

Link to edits and notes: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/episodes/1235#Edits

Last edited 12 Jun 2011 05:18 PM by Sunain