Home / Episode Guide / チラーミィはきれいずき!?/Chillarmy is Tidy!?/Mincinno-Neat and Tidy
Titles and Airdates


  • United States Minccino—Neat and Tidy!
  • Japan チラーミィはきれいずき!?
  • Japan Chillarmy wa kireizuki!?
  • Japan Chillarmy is Tidy!?
  • Germany Picochilla – ein niedlicher Putzteufel!
  • France Chinchidou, le roi de la propreté !
  • Spain ¡Minccino limpito y aseado!
  • Sweden Mincinno - snygg och prydlig!
  • Italy Le pulizie di Minccino!
  • Mexico ¡Minccino limpio y prolijo!
  • Finland Minccino – ja sillä siisti!
  • Taiwan 泡沫栗鼠有潔癖!?
  • Poland Minccino - czyścioszek!
  • Netherlands Mincinno, Schoon en Netjes!
  • Brazil Um Minciccno arrumadinho!
  • Norway Mincinno – rent og ryddig!
  • Denmark Mincinno -pæn og ordentlig!
  • South Korea 치라미는 깨끗한 걸 좋아해?!
  • Portugal Um Minccino, Limpo e Arrumado!
  • Russia Не всё Минчино, что блестит!


Staff List
Anime Studio Logo
OLM Team Kato

Japan Screenplay 武上純希 (Junki Takegami)
Japan Storyboard 浅田裕二 (Yūji Asada)
Japan Episode Director 浅田裕二 (Yūji Asada)
Japan Animation Director 岩根雅明 (Masaaki Iwane)

OP/ED List

Best Wishes!
心のファンファーレ (バージョン1)
Kokoro no Fanfare (Variant 1)
Best Wishes!
함께 걸어가는 길
Walking Together Along a Road
Pokémon Roll Call
Open your Hand
Episode Director
Animation Director
On his quest to become a Pokémon Master, Ash and his friends continue their journey to Nacrene City, the location of the Nacrene Gym, in order to get the second badge. A young woman shouts out, “Hey Hey!” dashing down the dirt path in an attempt to catch up to our heroes. Ash, Iris, and Cilan turn to see the woman trip on a small rock in her pathway, forcing her to lose her balance, knocking Ash and Cilan into a nearby stream. After taking a splash into the stream, Ash and Cilan remove their clothing and prepare a fire and begin drying their drenched clothes. The woman begins apologizing, shouting that she is sorry repeatedly. Iris questions the woman who she is. She looks towards Ash, responding that she has a delivery for him. The woman rushes over to Ash and presents her Xtransciever to Ash, initiating a call into Professor Juniper. The connection is successfully established with Juniper greeting Ash and questioning him on his progress with gym battles. Ash responds that he currently has one badge. Juniper apologizes to Ash for not giving him a Badge Case during his prior visit and has given one to her assistant, Bel. The young woman introduces herself as Bel, the assistant that Juniper had been referring to. Bel begins rummaging through her shoulder bag, attempting to secure the badge case to present to Ash.

After a few moments, Bel continues to rummage around through her purse, still unable to locate the case. Ash and Cilan begin drying their clothes and finishing dressing as Bel finally manages to recover the badge case from her unorganized bag. The badge case is two-toned (black and blue) and covered in dust. Ash receives the case from Bel, opening it to reveal eight slots used to hold a trainer’s victory badges of Unova. Ash places his Tri Badge in its slot, stating that he wants to collect all eight badges soon. Cilan reminds Ash that they are very close to his next gym battle in Nacrene City. Bel questions Ash to allow her to examine the badge. Ash obliges, handing the case over to Bel. As Bel begins to grasp the case, a wild Minccino snatches the case and dashes into the dense forest foliage. Ash dashes away in pursuit of Minccino, following shortly behind by Bel, Iris, and Cilan. Ash soon becomes exhausted from the pursuit, stopping at a fallen tree in his path and begins gasping for air stating that he can’t believe how fast Minccino actually is. Bel responds that it only represents how great Minccino is. Iris states that it isn’t the time for Bel to smile. Bel responds that she has never seen such a nimble Pokémon such as Minccino, which causes her to become psyched. Ash climbs atop the fallen tree, shouting that he has to recover his badge at any cost. Bel suggests that Ash can simply obtain a replacement badge if he were to tell the Gym Leader what happened. Ash responds that the badge is filled with his and his Pokémon’s passionate feelings. A distant “Pika Pika” is heard, alerting Ash that Pikachu has located Minccino.

Our heroes successfully reach Mincinno, who is busily polishing the stolen badge case with its tail. Bel queries her Pokédex for Minccino’s entry: “Minccino, the Chinchilla Pokémon. A Pokémon that loves clean and pretty things. When it finds something dirty, it uses its tail as a broom to sweep the dirt off”. Cilan suggests that the badge case must have bothered Minccino because it was dirty. Bel responds that Minccino is perfect for a trainer that is lazy like her. Ash begins to confront Minccino, however is interrupted by the anxious Bel, shouting that she as finally decided to capture Minccino. Cilan sighs that he cannot believe how wayward Bel is. Iris suggests that Bel is simply selfish. Bel shouts that Ash should leave it to her, as she will capture Minccino and recover his badge case. Minccino opens his mouth and devours the badge case, nestling it within his mouth. Bel launches a lone Pokéball, which blasts open in a shimmering light revealing her Pignite. Ash opens his Pokédex, recalling the entry for Pignite: “Pignite, the Fire Pig Pokémon. The evolved form of Tepig. It turns the things it eats into fuel, causing a flame to burn in its stomach. When the pouches in its body flare up, its mobility and speed increase.” Pignite forcefully dashes forward with Tackle; however Minccino gracefully dodges the attack with minor effort. Pignite begins stomping at the ground, generating flame energy around its body in preparation for Flame Charge. A few seconds later, Pignite blazes forward with Flame Charge, crashing into the ground nearby Minccino which creates a huge plume of debris. After the debris settles, Minccino is revealed to have successfully avoided the attack, climbing up a nearby tree. Cilan suggests that in contract to her appearance, Bel battles quite forcefully. Ash demands for Bel to hurry up and recover his badge. Mincinno removes the badge case from its mouth, placing it on a nearby tree branch. Pignite begins stomping its hooves again, preparing to launch another devastating Flame Charge.

In response, Minccino closes its ears and bellows a forceful wave of sound energy, which envelops Pignite rendering it unable to move. Iris identifies the attack as Hyper Voice. Mincinno dashes down the tree branch during Pignite’s temporary immobility, hopping atop his shoulders. Mincinno begins using the tip of its tail to tickle Pignite, forcing him to uncontrollably dance around in response to Mincinno’s attack. Bel recalls Pignite into its Pokéball, responding that Minccino is truly amazing despite being so small. Ash rushes up to Bel, stating that he will have to recover his badge back by himself after all. Pikachu takes to the battlefield, preparing to confront Minccino. As Pikachu crouches into a battle stance, a Pokéball explodes releasing Oshawott. Bel questions if Ash's Pokémon ever come out on their own without being called. Iris responds that it is only related to his Oshawott. Bel giggles, stating that it is quite funny. Ash suggests to Pikachu that he should allow Oshawott to battle this time. Oshawott dashes forward with Tackle, however Mincinno’s exceptional agility allows it to effortlessly evade the attack, forcing Oshawott to slam into the ground. Ash commands for Oshawott to respond with Razor Shell, however is interrupted by Bel who shouts for Oshawott to use Hydro Pump. Ash shouts to Bel that Oshawott is unable to use Hydro Pump and shouts for Oshawott to use Razor Shell. Oshawott successfully removes his scallsword, enveloping it in an aura-like energy. Oshawott swings his attack forward, however Mincinno is nowhere in sight. Taking advantage of the element of surprise, Minccino dashes down from a nearby tree and begins tickling Oshawott, forcing him to roll back and forth from the stimulation. After a few moments, Minccino follows up with Double Slap, knocking Oshawott unconscious. Bel complains that she was only one step away from capturing Minccino. Iris explains that while the opponent is caught completely off guard due to Tickle, it strikes with DoubleSlap. Cilan examines Minccino’s battle style, stating that the way it battles is fragrant with mellow ripeness. Oshawott returns to Ash and beings pushing Pikachu into the open field as Minccino’s next opponent. Minccino replaces the badge case within its mouth and disappears into the dense foliage. Bel shouts that Minccino was able to get away. Ash responds that Minccino simply escaped because she kept butting in unnecessarily during the battle. Bel suggests that she was only giving Ash advice on the battle and soon after, questions him if he will assist her in capturing Minccino. Ash reluctantly agrees, stating that he has no choice due to having to recapture his badge case. Bel giddily hops up and down, excited that she will be able to capture Minccino. Ash sighs, complaining that he had thought he would finally be able to challenge his 2nd gym. Cilan responds that they only have one more mountain to cross in order to reach Nacrene City, so there is no need to rush.

Meanwhile in Nacrene City, Team Rocket is perched atop a structure, examining the city architecture. Jessie states that the city is full of storehouses. James reveals a tablet, which boots revealing Team Rocket’s data interface. James selects an item on the screen, revealing a map of Nacrene City. James explains that railroads were developed in Nacrene many years ago. Meowth suggests that they should check the location of the museum first. James swipes his finger, moving the map to the location of the museum. Jessie suggests that they should work on securing their escape route prior to mission execution.

Our heroes stand in an open pathway, pondering where Mincinno could have escaped. Bel questions Cilan if he has any sparkling pots or tableware. Cilan removes a single spoon from his pouch, presenting it to Bel and informing her that he polishes his silverware very thoroughly. Bel snatches the utensil with vigor and begins rubbing it in the dirt, giving it a tarnished appearance. Ash questions Bel about her intentions with the spoon. Bel responds that they will use the spoon to lure out Minccino. Iris states that Bel will take advantage of the fact that Minccino likes to polish dirty things. In an open field, Bel props a cover up with a frail stick, attached to a rope leading back to her location in a group of bushes several feet away. The cover is propped up by the stick, covering the dirty spoon in which Bel hopes to attract Minccino. Moments later, Minccino appears and begins polishing the spoon with its tail. Bel responds by yanking the cord which forces the top to fall atop Minccino, trapping him. After a few moments, MInccino manages to use its strength to lift the lid, skittering across the dirt path and successfully thwarting Bel’s capture attempt. Ash responds that he will have to take his badge case back by battling MInccino after all. Bel lectures Ash that he will have a disadvantage in close range battle. Cilan suggests that Minccino will probably use Tickle to render his Pokémon unable to fight. Soon after, Ash, Iris, Cilan, and Bel begin traversing a shallow stream and soon meet a large tree, containing Minccino perched within whom is polishing its captured wares.

Ash dashes out with confidence, calling upon Snivy. Upon sight of Snivy, Minccino hops down from the tree branch, prepared to confront its new foe. Bel compliments Ash on having a wide variety of Pokémon. Cilan questions Bel if she has any Pokémon other than Pignite. Bel responds that she has only ever had Pignite. Cilan and Iris stare at Bel in a surprised state, pondering how Bel has been able to make it as far as she has with just Pignite. Bel states that she has won most of the time by continuing to use Flame Charge over and over. Cilan questions Bel how long she has been traveling. Bel responds that she has been studying at home for a while, and has only recently started traveling. Bel explains that her father simply wouldn’t allow her to begin a journey, which is why she only has two badges. Snivy launches a strong Attract; however Minccino avoids the attack by retreating into the forest foliage. Minccino retaliates with its own Attract, successfully rending Snivy unable to battle. Moments later, Pikachu dashes to Ash’s aid, suggesting he would like to battle Minccino next. Cilan states that with choosing Pikachu, Minccino’s Attract becomes useless against another male. Pikachu blazes into battle, encasing his tail in a layer of iron and soon smashing into the ground afterwards with Iron Tail. Minccino manages to barely dodge the devastating attack. Pikachu responds with Quick Attack, using the attack’s speed boost to counter Minccino’s agility. Pikachu flips forward once more, launching Iron Tail however; Minccino retaliates with DoubleSlap. The two Pokémon clash midair, negating each of their attacks. Minccino closes its ears, and lets forth a wave of sound energy, rendering Pikachu immobile. Minccino takes advantage of the temporary opening and dashes behind Pikachu. Minccino begins to use its tail to tickle Pikachu, rubbing it lightly across his entire body.

After a few moments, Minccino grows fatigued from the attack and begins panting from exhaustion. Bel shouts out commanding for Pikachu to use Zap Cannon. Ash sighs, responding that Pikachu cannot use Zap Cannon. Pikachu launches an astounding Thunderbolt, which strikes MInccino for a direct hit. Mincinno begins stumbling from the attack, dazed from the electric-type move. Bel begins fumbling in her bag, attempting to locate a Pokéball to capture Minccino. As Bel continues to search for the Monster Ball, Minccino manages to recover from the attack and escapes into the nearby forest. Moments after Minccino’s escape, Bel reveals the Pokéball which is covered in dust and debris. The sight of dust lures Minccino back towards Bel, whom dashes across the stream and climbs atop Bel to begin polishing the Pokéball. Seconds later, Minccino’s contact with the Pokéball forces it to open, capturing Minccino’s essence. A few seconds later, the red lamp delaminates on the Pokéball, signifying Minccino’s successful capture. Cilan suggests that Minccino must have been extremely bothered by the dirt on the Pokéball. Iris questions if Minccino and Bel will be fine as partners. Cilan responds that a marriage between a quirky trainer like Bel and a steadfast Pokémon like Minccino is wonderful. With Minccino’s capture, Ash successfully reclaims his badge case.

Later in the afternoon, our heroes visit a local Pokémon Center in which they restore their Pokémon to their previous healthy states. Joy and Audino present Ash and Bel with two trays, containing their respective Pokémon. Joy explains that she has additionally completed examining his Pokémon Egg (Note: The Egg was previously obtained in Best Wishes #12) and it is very healthy. Bel questions Ash what Pokémon is inside the egg. Ash responds that he is unsure as to which Pokémon is inside the egg. Afterwards, Bel challenges Ash to a battle, who confidently accepts. An open area is located outside of the Pokémon Center, which contains chalk lines to represent a battlefield. Ash explains that each trainer will be allowed one Pokémon, and if either one becomes unable to battle, it will be over. Bel launches a Pokéball, calling upon Pignite. Ash begins to ponder what Pokémon he will use in response to Pignite; however Bel interrupts, demanding for him to use Pikachu. Ash obliges, with Pikachu dashing over to take the battlefield. Pignite blazes forward with Take Down, successfully striking Pikachu. Taking advantage of Pikachu’s damaged state; Pignite takes skyward and envelops itself in a sphere of fire energy, striking down with Heat Crash. Pikachu struggles for a few moments however; manages to recover from the attack. Pignite responds with Flame Charge, stomping its hoofs up and down against the battlefield to generate fire energy around itself. Pikachu retaliates with Volt Tackle, with both Pokémon clashing violently. As the debris settles, Pignite is announced as unable to battle, rendering Ash as the victor. Bel recalls Pignite into his Pokéball, thanking it for the hard work. Bel dashes over to Ash, stating that while she may have lost, she has only began traveling and by the time they meet again, she will have raised Pignite and Minccino to a higher level. Bel wishes good luck to Ash, and begins her departure, escaping down the forest path.

Ash and his friends have been thrown back and forth by Bel, Juniper’s messenger. Ash sets off with renewed determination for his next battle at Nacrene Gym.

English Official Summary

Our heroes meet up with Bianca, who was sent by Professor Juniper with a gift for Ash: a case for his Gym badges. But when Bianca hands over the dusty case, it’s quickly grabbed by a Minccino, who loves to keep things clean and shiny! Bianca goes after Minccino to get Ash’s case back, and brings out her Pignite to help. But Minccino proves to be a tough opponent, which makes Bianca want to catch it! After Minccino takes out Bianca’s Pignite and then Ash’s Oshawott, it runs off with the badge case. Bianca lures the Pokémon out of hiding by rubbing one of Cilan’s shiny spoons in the dirt. When Minccino shows up to “rescue” the spoon, Bianca is determined to catch it, and pulls a dusty Poké Ball from her bag. Minccino can’t resist giving it a shine—and much to everyone’s surprise, the Poké Ball activates and captures Minccino! After Ash reclaims his badge case, Bianca challenges him to a battle, which Ash and Pikachu win handily. And so, vowing to improve by the time they meet next, Bianca says goodbye to our heroes, and wishes Ash good luck for his upcoming Nacrene City Gym battle!

French Official Summary

Toujours en route vers l’Arène de Maillard et le prochain Combat d’Arène de Sacha, nos Héros rencontrent Bianca, envoyée par le Professeur Keteleeria pour donner à Sacha l’Étui à Badges qu'elle avait oublié de lui fournir. Mais lorsque Bianca lui tend l’étui, il est brusquement subtilisé par un Chinchidou. Chinchidou est un Pokémon qui aime nettoyer les objets, et l’Étui à Badges s'était sali à l'intérieur du sac de Bianca. Batailleuse et rapide, Bianca insiste pour que Sacha la laisse récupérer son étui, et appelle son Grotichon à la rescousse. Mais Chinchidou est un Pokémon puissant, et il s'avère très difficile à vaincre, ce qui incite Bianca à vouloir le capturer ! Comprenant qu'il doit prendre les choses en main s’il veut récupérer son Badge et son Étui, Sacha appelle alors son Vipélierre pour combattre Chinchidou, mais sans succès. Pikachu demande alors à jouer un rôle dans l'action. Bianca supplie Sacha de la laisser attraper Chinchidou. Elle sort sa Poké Ball, et découvre qu'elle s’est salie à l'intérieur de son sac exactement comme l’Étui à Badges de Sacha. Lorsque Chinchidou s'en aperçoit, il ressent immédiatement le besoin de la nettoyer, il se précipite et est accidentellement aspiré par la Poké Ball de Bianca – au grand étonnement de nos héros ! Sacha récupère son Étui à Badges, puis Bianca et lui décident de se livrer un Combat à un contre un, dont Sacha ssort vainqueur. Après quoi, après avoir juré de s'améliorer d'ici à leur prochaine rencontre, Bianca dit au revoir à nos Héros, en souhaitant à Sacha bonne chance pour ses prochains Combats à l'Arène de Maillard.

German Official Summary

Auf ihrem Weg zur Arena von Septerna City und somit zu Ashs nächstem Arenakampf begegnen unsere Helden Bell, die Professor Esche geschickt hat, um Ash das Ordenskästchen zu überreichen, welches sie ihm mitzugeben vergessen hatte. Als sie Ash jedoch das Kästchen übergeben will, schnappt es sich ein Picochilla. Picochilla ist ein Pokémon, das es liebt, Dinge zu säubern. Und das Ordenskästchen ist in Bells Tasche ganz schön dreckig geworden. Temperamentvoll wie Bell nun einmal ist, besteht sie darauf, Ashs Kästchen für ihn wieder zurückzuholen. Zur Unterstützung ruft sie ihr Ferkokel aus seinem Pokéball. Aber Picochilla ist ein schnelles und robustes Pokémon und deshalb nur schwer zu besiegen. Und das ist auch der Grund, weshalb Bell es unbedingt für sich fangen möchte! Da sich in dem Ordenskästchen bereits Ashs erster Orden befindet, wird ihm klar, dass er diese Sache in die eigenen Hände nehmen muss, wenn er sowohl den Orden als auch das Kästchen wiederhaben möchte. Ash kämpft mit Serpifeu gegen Picochilla. Als das zu keinem Erfolg zu führen scheint, will Pikachu weiterkämpfen. Aber Bell bittet Ash, sie allein gegen Picochilla kämpfen zu lassen. Sie sucht nach ihrem Pokéball. Aber den in ihrer Tasche zu finden, scheint genau so schwierig zu sein wie im Falle von Ashs Ordenskästchen. Als sie ihn endlich gefunden hat, sieht Picochilla, dass der Pokéball dringend gereinigt werden muss. Es läuft zu Bell und landet mehr aus Versehen denn aus Absicht in Bells Pokéball. Unsere Freunde trifft fast der Schock! Nachdem Ash sein Ordenskästchen wiedererhalten hat, tragen er und Bell einen Eins-gegen-Eins-Kampf aus, den Ash gewinnt. Bell schwört, dass sie das nächste Mal, wenn sie sich treffen, besser sein wird und verabschiedet sich von unseren Helden. Sie wünscht Ash viel Glück bei seinem bevorstehenden Arenakampf in Septerna City.

Italian Official Summary

Durante il viaggio verso la Palestra di Zefiropoli e verso la prossima lotta in Palestra di Ash, i nostri eroi incontrano Belle, mandata dalla Professoressa Aralia per consegnare ad Ash un Portamedaglie che si era scordata di dargli. Ma quando Belle consegna il Portamedaglie, ecco che un Minccino l’afferra. Minccino è un Pokémon che ama pulire le cose e il Portamedaglie si era sporcato nella borsa di Belle. Belle insiste con energia per recuperare il Portamedaglie di Ash e chiama in aiuto il suo Pignite. Ma Minccino è un Pokémon tenace e si dimostra difficile da battere. Belle tenta invano di acchiapparlo. Capendo di dover prendere in mano la situazione se vuole recuperare la sua medaglia e il suo Portamedaglie, Ash chiama Snivy per lottare contro Minccino, ma quando Snivy è sconfitto, Pikachu chiede di entrare in azione. Quando Belle chiede ad Ash di lasciarla combattere contro Minccino, tira fuori la Poké Ball e scopre che è sporca, essendo stata nella stessa borsa in cui era il Portamedaglie di Ash. Anche Minccino se ne accorge e corre a pulirla, finendo per caso nella Poké Ball di Belle e lasciando i nostri eroi senza parole. Ash recupera il suo Portamedaglie, e Belle lo sfida a una Lotta Uno Contro Uno, da cui Ash esce vincitore. Così, promettendo di migliorare per il loro prossimo incontro, Belle saluta i nostri eroi, augurando ad Ash buona fortuna per la sua lotta in Palestra a Zefiropoli.

Portuguese Official Summary

Continuando a jornada para o Ginásio da Cidade de Nacrene e a próxima Batalha de Ginásio de Ash, nossos heróis encontram com Bianca, que foi mandada pela Professora Juniper para dar a Ash o Estojo de Insígnias que ela havia esquecido de entregar a ele. Mas quando Bianca entrega o estojo, ele, rapidamente, é agarrado por um Minccino. Minccino é um Pokémon que adora limpar coisas, e o Estojo de Insígnias estava muito sujo dentro da bolsa de Bianca. Irritada e ligeira, Bianca insiste em poder trazer de volta o estojo de Ash, e leva seu Pignite para ajudar. Mas Minccino é um Pokémon durão e prova ser muito difícil de se derrotar, o que faz Bianca querê-lo para ela! Percebendo que se ele quiser reaver sua insígnia e o Estojo de Insígnias terá que resolver o problema sozinho, Ash, então, traz seu Sinvy para batalhar com Minccino, mas quando ele prova que não obtem sucesso, Pikachu pede para entrar em ação. Mas quando Bianca pede a Ash para deixá-la batalhar com Minccino, ela procura sua Pokébola e depois a encontra suja em sua bolsa, igual a como o Estojo de Insígnias de Ash estava. Mas quando Minccino a vê, ele sente a necessidade de limpá-la, e ele acidentalmente entra na Pokébola de Bianca, o que é um choque para nossos heróis! Após Ash pegar seu Estojo de Insígnias de volta, ele e Bianca têm uma batalha de Um-contra-Um e Ash é o vencedor. E assim, prometendo melhorar no próximo encontro deles, Bianca despede-se de nossos heróis, desejando boa sorte a Ash para a batalha que está por vir na Batalha de Ginásio da Cidade de Nacrene.

Finnish Official Summary

Jatkaessaan matkaansa Nacrene Cityn salille Ashin seuraavaan saliotteluun sankarimme tapaavat Biancan, jonka professori Juniper lähetti tuomaan Ashille merkkirasian, jonka unohti antaa aiemmin. Mutta Biancan ojentaessa rasiaa Minccino sieppaa sen. Minccino on Pokémon, joka tykkää putsata kaikenlaista, ja merkkirasia on likaantunut ollessaan Biancan laukussa. Ärhäkkä Bianca vaatii, että hän saisi hankkia Ashin rasian takaisin ja kutsuu Pignitensa auttamaan. Minccino on kuitenkin kova Pokémon ja osoittautuu vaikeaksi vastukseksi, mikä saa Biancan haluamaan sen omakseen! Tajuttuaan, että hänen on hoidettava asia itse, jos haluaa saada merkkinsä ja merkkirasiansa takaisin, Ash kutsuu Snivynsa ottelemaan Minccinon kanssa. Kun se epäonnistuu, Pikachu pyytää saada kokeilla. Bianca anoo kuitenkin Ashiltä, että saisi itse otella Minccinoa vastaan. Hän kaivaa laukustaan Poképallonsa, joka on likainen aivan, kuten Ashin merkkirasiakin oli. Kun Minccino näkee sottaisen Poképallon, sen on ihan pakko saada putsata se ja niinpä se päätyy vahingossa pallon sisälle – sankareidemme hämmästykseksi! Ashin saatua merkkirasiansa takaisin hän ja Bianca ottelevat yksi-yhtä-vastaan-ottelun, jonka Ash voittaa. Bianca vannoo olevansa parempi ensi kerralla, sanoo näkemiin sankareillemme ja toivottaa Ashille onnea tämän tulevaan Nacrene Cityn saliotteluun.

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Continuando su viaje a Ciudad Nacrene y a la siguiente Batalla de Gimnasio de Ash, nuestros héroes se encuentran con Bianca, quien fue enviada por la profesora Juniper para entregarle a Ash el estuche de medallas que había olvidado darle. Pero cuando Bianca entrega el estuche, Minccino lo arrebata rápidamente. Minccino es un Pokémon que adora limpiar cosas, y el estuche de medallas se había ensuciado en la bolsa de Bianca. Con energía y rapidez, Bianca insiste en recuperar el estuche por Ash, y llama a su Pignite para que le ayude. Pero Minccino es un Pokémon rudo, que resulta muy difícil de vencer, ¡lo que hace que Bianca lo quiera para ella! Dándose cuenta de que tiene que hacer algo si quiere recuperar su estuche, Ash llama a su Snivy y enfrenta a Minccino, pero cuando falla, Pikachu pide entrar en acción. Cuando Bianca le pide a Ash ser ella quien pelee con Minccino, saca su Pokébola sólo para encontrar que está sucia por haber estado en su bolsa, justo como ocurrió con el estuche de Ash. Pero cuando Minccino la ve y corre para limpiarla, accidentalmente queda atrapado en la Pokébola, ¡para sorpresa de nuestros héroes! Después de que Ash recupera su estuche, Bianca y él tienen una batalla uno-a-uno, y Ash resulta ganador. Entonces, Bianca jura mejorar para la próxima vez que se encuentren. Les dice adiós a nuestros héroes, deseándole buena suerte a Ash en su próxima Batalla en el Gimnasio de Ciudad Nacrene.

Spanish Official Summary

Continuando su viaje hacia el Gimnasio de Ciudad Esmalte para el siguiente combate de Gimnasio de Ash, nuestros héroes se encuentran con Bel, a quien la Profesora Encina ha enviado para darle a Ash el Medallero que había olvidado entregarle. Pero cuando Bel le entrega el Medallero, un Minccino se apodera de él rápidamente. Minccino es un Pokémon al que le encanta limpiar cosas, y el Medallero se había ensuciado dentro del bolso de Bel. Resuelta y rápida, Bel insiste en que se le permita recuperar el Medallero, y saca a su Pignite para que la ayude. Pero Minccino es un Pokémon duro y resulta muy difícil de derrotar, lo que hace que Bel quiera a Minccino para ella. Al comprender que tiene que tomar el asunto en sus propias manos si quiere recuperar su Medalla y su Medallero, Ash saca a Snivy para que combata contra Minccino, pero, cuando no tiene éxito, Pikachu pide entrar en acción. Cuando Bel le suplica a Ash que la deje combatir contra Minccino, saca su Poké Ball, pero se la encuentra sucia por haber estado en su bolso, igual que el Medallero de Ash. Y cuando Minccino ve esto y siente el deseo de limpiarla, corre hacia ella y, por accidente, termina dentro de la Poké Ball de Bel, para sorpresa de nuestros héroes. Tras recuperar Ash su Medallero, Bel y él libran un combate de uno contra uno, y Ash es el ganador. Y así, prometiendo mejorar para cuando vuelvan a encontrarse, Bel se despide de nuestros héroes deseando buena suerte a Ash en su próximo combate de Gimnasio en Ciudad Esmalte.

English Great Britain Official Summary

Our heroes meet up with Bianca, who was sent by Professor Juniper with a gift for Ash: a case for his Gym badges. But when Bianca hands over the dusty case, it’s quickly grabbed by a Minccino, who loves to keep things clean and shiny! Bianca goes after Minccino to get Ash’s case back, and brings out her Pignite to help. But Minccino proves to be a tough opponent, which makes Bianca want to catch it! After Minccino takes out Bianca’s Pignite and then Ash’s Oshawott, it runs off with the badge case. Bianca lures the Pokémon out of hiding by rubbing one of Cilan’s shiny spoons in the dirt. When Minccino shows up to “rescue” the spoon, Bianca is determined to catch it, and pulls a dusty Poké Ball from her bag. Minccino can’t resist giving it a shine—and much to everyone’s surprise, the Poké Ball activates and captures Minccino! After Ash reclaims his badge case, Bianca challenges him to a battle, which Ash and Pikachu win handily. And so, vowing to improve by the time they meet next, Bianca says goodbye to our heroes, and wishes Ash good luck for his upcoming Nacrene City Gym battle!

Russian Official Summary

По пути в Накрин Сити, наши герои встречают Бьянку. Ее послала профессор Джунипер, чтобы вручить Эшу ящичек для значков, который та забыла передать ему раньше. Но не успевает Бьянка его отдать, как его сразу крадет Минчино.Минчино любит все чистое, а ящик испачкался, пока Бьянка его несла. Она обещает Эшу вернуть ящик и призывает на помощь своего  Пигнайта. Но Минчино не так-то просто одолеть. В итоге Бьянка решает поймать его для себя. Эш же решает, что, если он хочет вернуть ящик, ему надо сделать это самому. Он вызывает Снайви, но, когда он проигрывает бой с Минчино, просит о помощи Пикачу. Бьянка просит Эша не вмешиваться, ведь она уже считает Минчино своим покемоном. Но, когда она достает покешар, оказывается, что он так же грязен, как и ящик. Минчино бросается его чистить, но неожиданно оказывается пойман в него! Вернув свой ящик, Эш с Бьянкой устраивают битву один на один, и Эш побеждает. Бьянка обещает, что в следующий раз будет сильнее и прощается с нашими героями. А они продолжают свой путь в Накрин сити.

Dutch Official Summary

Onze helden vervolgen hun reis naar de Nacrene City Gym waar Ash zijn aankomende Gym Gevecht zal houden en ontmoeten Bianca, die gestuurd is door Professor Juniper om Ash zijn Badge Doos te geven. Maar als Bianca de doos wil geven, wordt deze snel door Minccino afgepakt. Minccino is een Pokémon die graag dingen schoonmaakt en de Badge Doos is vies geworden in Bianca’s tas. Bianca staat erop om de Doos van Ash terug te brengen en haalt haar Pignite te voorschijn. Maar Minccino is een behendige Pokémon en is niet snel te verslaan. Daardoor wil Bianca Minccino voor zichzelf hebben! Ash haalt zijn Snivy tevoorschijn om tegen Minccino te vechten, maar als dat onsuccesvol blijkt te zijn, neemt Pikachu het van hem over. Bianca smeekt Ash om haar tegen Minccino te laten vechten, maar als ze haar Pokéball tevoorschijn haalt is deze net zo vies als de Badge Doos van Ash. Als Minccino de vieze Pokéball ziet wil hij deze schoonmaken en komt hij er  per ongeluk in. Nadat Ash zijn Badge Doos heeft terug gekregen, houden hij en Bianca een één tegen één Gevecht en wint Ash. Daarna neemt Bianca afscheid van onze helden en wenst ze Ash veel succes met zijn aankomende Nacrene City Gym Gevecht.

Norwegian Official Summary

Mens de fortsetter på reisen mot Nacrene City-gym og Ash sin neste Gym-kamp, møter våre helter Bianca, som er blitt sendt av professor Juniper for å gå Ash en Badge case hun har glemt å gi ham. Men når Bianca gir ham esken, blir den raskt snappet opp av en Minccino. Minccino er en Pokémon som elsker å rengjøre ting, og Ash sin Badge case var blitt skitten inne i Biancas veske. Raskt og greit insisterer Bianca på at hun vil hente Ash sin eske til ham, og henter ut sin Pignite for å hjelpe. Men Minccino er en tøff Pokémon, og viser seg å være vanskelig å slå, noe som får Bianca til å ønske seg å ha Minccino selv! Når han skjønner at han må ta saken i egne hender hvis han vil ha tilbake sin Badge case, kaller Ash ut sin Snivy for å slåss mot Minccino, men når det ikke fungerer spør Pikachu om å få være med på kampen. Når Bianca spør Ash om hun får kjempe mot Minccino, tar hun ut sin Poké Ball, og ser at den er skitten etter å ha ligget i veska – akkurat som Ash sin Badge case var. Men når Minccino ser det og får lyst til å vaske den, løper den til og ender ved et uhell oppi Biancas Poké Ball – til våre helters overraskelse! Etter at Ash får sin Bagde case tilbake, har han og Bianca en tve-kamp, og Ash er vinneren. Og så, etter å ha lovet å gjøre det bedre neste gang de møtes, sier Bianca ha det til våre helter, og ønsker Ash lykke til med den kommende kampen i Nacrene City-gym.

Swedish Official Summary

På sin väg mot Nacrene City-gym och Ashs nästa Gym-strid, möter våra hjältar Bianca, som har sänts ut av professor Juniper för att ge Ash den Badge-ask hon glömt att ge honom. Men när Bianca räcker över asken knycks det snabbt av en Minccino. Minccino är en Pokémon som älskar att städa saker och Badge-asken hade blivit smutsigt inuti Biancas väska. Ivrig och snabb insisterar Bianca att får återbörda Ashs ask till honom och kallar sin Pignite för att hjälpa till. Men Minccino är en tuff Pokémon och visar sig vara mycket svår att besegra, och detta gör att Bianca vill ha den som sin egen! Ash inser att han får ta saken i egna händer om han vill återfå sin Badge och sin ask och då kallar han på Snivy för att strida mot Minccino. När detta visar sig icke-framgångsrikt, ber Pikachu att få blanda sig i striden. Men när Bianca ber Ash att få lov att strida mot Minccino, tar hon fram sin Poké Ball och den visar sig vara lika smutsig som Ashs Badge-ask var. När Minccino ser detta blir den ivrig att städa den, rusar fram och hamnar oavsiktligt inuti Biancas Poké Ball – till våra hjältars stora förvåning! När Ash har fått sitt fodral tillbaka, utkämpar han och Bianca en en mot en strid och Ash vinner. Och lovandes att förbättras nästa gång de möts, säger Bianca farväl till våra hjältar och önskar Ash lycka till i sin kommande Gym-strid i Nacrene City.

Danish Official Summary

Vores helte fortsætter rejsen mod Nacrene City-salen og Ash’ næste Sal-kamp og møder nu Bianca, som er sendt ud af professor Juniper for at overlevere Ash den Badge-æske, hun havde glemt at give ham. Men idet Bianca rækker ham æsken, bliver den lynhurtigt snuppet af en Minccino. Minccino er en Pokémon, der elsker rene ting, og Badge-æsken er blevet beskidt af at ligge i Biancas taske. Hurtigt og iltert insisterer Bianca på at få lov til at hente Ash’ æske tilbage for ham, og kalder sin Pignite til hjælp. Men Minccino er en sej Pokémon og viser sig at være meget svær at besejre, hvilket får Bianca til at ønske at den var hendes! Ash indser, at hvis han vil have sit Badge og æsken tilbage, må han tage sagen i egen hånd. Han kalder sin Snivy frem så den kan kæmpe mod Minccino, men da det ikke giver resultat, beder Pikachu om at få lov at prøve. Men da Bianca trygler Ash om lov til at lade hende kæmpe, tager hun sin Poké Ball frem og må konstatere, at den er blevet beskidt af at ligge i hendes taske, fuldstændig som Ash’ Badge-æske var. Men da Minccino ser dette og får trang til at gøre den ren, løber den op og ender ved et tilfælde inden i Biancas Poké Ball – til vores heltes store chok! Da Ash har fået sin Badge-æske tilbage tager han og Bianca en én mod én-kamp, som Ash vinder. Og med et løfte om at forbedre sig inden næste gang de mødes siger Bianca farvel til vores helte og ønsker Ash held og lykke i Sal-kampen i Nacrene City.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris
  • Japan アイリス
  • Japan Iris
  • Japan Iris
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris' Axew
  • Japan アイリスのキバゴ
  • Japan Iris no Kibago
  • Japan Iris' Kibago
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Professor Juniper
  • Japan アララギ博士
  • Japan Araragi-hakase
  • Japan Professor Araragi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Oshawott
  • Japan サトシのミジュマル
  • Japan Satoshi no Mijumaru
  • Japan Satoshi's Mijumaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan
  • Japan デント
  • Japan Dent
  • Japan Dent
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nurse Joy (Unova)
  • Japan ジョーイ (イッシュ地方)
  • Japan Joy (Isshu-chihō)
  • Japan Joy (Isshu Region)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nurse Joy's Audino
  • Japan ジョーイのタブンネ
  • Japan Joy no Tabunne
  • Japan Joy's Tabunne
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Snivy
  • Japan サトシのツタージャ
  • Japan Satoshi no Tsutarja
  • Japan Satoshi's Tsutarja
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Bianca
  • Japan ベル
  • Japan Bel
  • Japan Bel
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Bianca's Minccino
  • Japan ベルのチラーミィ
  • Japan Bel no Chillarmy
  • Japan Bel's Chillarmy
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Bianca's Pignite
  • Japan ベルのチャオブー
  • Japan Bel no Chaoboo
  • Japan Bel's Chaoboo
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Unova Pokédex
  • Japan サトシのイッシュのポケモン図鑑
  • Japan Satoshi no Isshu no Pokémon Zukan
  • Japan Satoshi's Isshu Pokémon Zukan

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Minccino
  • Japan チラーミィ
  • Japan Chillarmy

Script Error

The English dub misspelled Minccino as Mincinno during the title card.

Script Error

In the Japanese original, Iris asks the girl who she is. In the English dub, Iris asks the girl what she's doing here.

Iris English Dub: So what are you doing here?
Iris Japanese: So, who are you?
(アイリス): で あなた何者なの?

Script Error

Satoshi in the Japanese original is worried about his badge being stolen by the Chillarmy. Ash in the English dub isn't worried about the badge but the badge case instead.

Ash: Hey! C'mon, that's my badge case!
Satoshi: Ah, my badge!
(サトシ): ああ! 俺のバッジが!

Paint Edit

The Zukan entry animation is the same one from BW001. Anime Language transcriptions:

Anime Language Decrypted
[bwtext]TSUTAZYA[/bwtext] TSUTAZYA


Paint Edit

The Zukan entry animation is the same one from BW001. Anime Language transcriptions:

Anime Language Decrypted
[bwtext]TSUTAZYA[/bwtext] TSUTAZYA


Paint Edit

Satoshi's hair is colored the same as his skin just near his left ear.

Script Error

Kojiro indicates while looking at the display that the railway network has been in the city for a long time. James in the English dub says the tracks are no longer in use even though they are all in good condition from the looks of them in the previous scene.

James:It appears that these train tracks are no longer in use.
Kojiro: Looks like railroads were developed here many years ago.
(コジロウ): 昔は鉄道が発達していたらしいな。

Script Error

The English dubs "Who's That Pokémon?" scene misspelled Minccino as Mincinno.

Script Error

Guess Cilan doesn't care about his cloche in the English dub as he's only worried about his spoon. In the Japanese original Dent is worried about his cloche and spoon.

Cilan: And it's got my spoon, too!
Dent: My cloche and spoon too...
(デント): 僕の クロッシュとスプーンまで…。

Paint Edit

Chaoboo's left hand is the wrong color.

Who's that Pokémon Black and White


Eyecatch Zekrom and Reshiram Updated Eyecatch

Zekrom Commercial Intro Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Reshiram Commercial Return Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Okido Segment Pokémon Live Caster

Pokémon Live Caster & Senryu
Pokémon Yanappu (ヤナップ)
Japanese つかれたら はっぱいちまい ヤナップの
Romaji tsukaretara happa ichimai yanappu no
Translated When you get tired, take one leaf of Yanappu's

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: BW M15 4番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 4
The group walks beside a river, when...
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:23
Title: ベストウイッシュ!
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes!
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes!
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:51
Title: BW M07 なみのり
Japanese (TL): Surf
Best Wishes Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:17
Title: BW M14B New Pokémon B
Satoshi communicates with Araragi over a Live Caster.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:19
Title: BW M01B ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M01 B
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M01 B
Satoshi has caught a Badge Case!
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:48
Title: ギザみみピチューにつづけ!
Japanese (Romanized): Giza mimi Pichū ni tsuzuke
Japanese (TL): Jagged-eared Pichu Carries On
Movie 12 BGM - A Chillarmy steals the Badge Case.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:16
Title: BW M38A Let's Give It A Try
Bel decides to battle Chillarmy.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:38
Title: BW M19A 進化
Japanese (TL): Evolution
Chillarmy uses Hyper Voice on Chaoboo.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:49
Title: BW M34B 戦闘!野生ポケモン
Japanese (TL): Battle! Wild Pokémon
Satoshi battles Chillarmy with Mijumaru.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:16
Title: ギザみみピチューにつづけ!
Japanese (Romanized): Giza mimi Pichū ni tsuzuke
Japanese (TL): Jagged-eared Pichu Carries On
Movie 12 BGM - Chillarmy escapes (the music begins 37 seconds through).
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:08
Title: BW M05 Rocket Gang's Plan
Rocket Gang arrives at Shippo City.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:49
Title: BW M16 Rivals In Isshu
Eyecatch Break
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:55
Title: BW M06A World of Pokémon
Sponsor Message
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:05
Title: BW M38A Let's Give It A Try
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:25
Title: BW M14C Today's Isshu Curiosity
Dent gives Bel a "shiny object", a spoon.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:00
Title: ギザみみピチューにつづけ!
Japanese (Romanized): Giza mimi Pichū ni tsuzuke
Japanese (TL): Jagged-eared Pichu Carries On
Movie 12 BGM - Chillarmy appears from the bushes.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:46
Title: BW M15 4番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 4
The group follows Chillarmy.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:39
Title: BW M16 Rivals In Isshu
Pikachu decides to battle Chillarmy.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:31
Title: BW M23A 戦闘!ジムリーダー
Japanese (TL): Battle! Gym Leader
Chillarmy uses Hyper Voice again.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:01
Title: BW M22B トレーナーに勝利!
Japanese (TL): Victory over a Trainer!
hillarmy tries to clean the Poké Ball and activates it, forcing the capture.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:18
Title: BW M13 ポケモンセンター
Japanese (TL): Pokémon Center
Nurse Joy takes care of the Pokémon and the Egg in the Pokémon Center.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:46
Title: BW M19A 進化
Japanese (TL): Evolution
Satoshi and Bel have a one-on-one battle.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:00
Title: BW M16 Rivals In Isshu
Pikachu gets up and keeps battling.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:03
Title: BW M26A Trying It Out
Bel says that she'll be stronger in the future and runs away.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:54
Title: 心のファンファーレ
Japanese (Romanized): Kokoro no Fanfare
Japanese (TL): Fanfare of the Heart
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:15
Title: BW M06C World of Pokémon
Professor Okido's Pokémon Live Caster
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:16
Title: BW M15 4番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 4
Best Wishes Episode 14
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:45
Title: ベストウイッシュ! (オリジナルカラオケ)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: BW M15 4番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 4
The group are walking by a river when...
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:23
Title: Black & White
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:54
Title: BW M07 なみのり
Japanese (TL): Surf
Title card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:20
Title: BW M14B New Pokémon B
Ash and Juniper communicate via Live caster.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:22
Title: BW M01B ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M01 B
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M01 B
Ash has the badge case
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:51
Title: ギザみみピチューにつづけ!
Japanese (Romanized): Giza mimi Pichū ni tsuzuke
Japanese (TL): Jagged-eared Pichu Carries On
Movie 12 BGM- A mincino steals the badge case
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:18
Title: BW M38A Let's Give It A Try
Bianca tries to battle Minccino
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:41
Title: BW M19A 進化
Japanese (TL): Evolution
Pignite readies a flame charge.(The main guitar is removed)
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:52
Title: BW M34B 戦闘!野生ポケモン
Japanese (TL): Battle! Wild Pokémon
Oshawott decides to battle Minccino himself.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:20
Title: ギザみみピチューにつづけ!
Japanese (Romanized): Giza mimi Pichū ni tsuzuke
Japanese (TL): Jagged-eared Pichu Carries On
Movie 12 BGM- Minccino got away
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:11
Title: BW M05 Rocket Gang's Plan
Team rocket overlook Nacrene city.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:19
Title: BW M14C Today's Isshu Curiosity
Cilan shows Bianca his shiny spoon to which bianca makes dirty.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:54
Title: ギザみみピチューにつづけ!
Japanese (Romanized): Giza mimi Pichū ni tsuzuke
Japanese (TL): Jagged-eared Pichu Carries On
Movie 12 BM-Minccino finds the dirty objects but runs away.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:40
Title: BW M15 4番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 4
The group follow Minccino.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:33
Title: BW M16 Rivals In Isshu
Pikachu steps up to the challenge.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:25
Title: BW M23A 戦闘!ジムリーダー
Japanese (TL): Battle! Gym Leader
Minccino readies a hyper voice.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:55
Title: BW M22B トレーナーに勝利!
Japanese (TL): Victory over a Trainer!
Minccino runs to Bianca's dirty pokeball.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:12
Title: BW M13 ポケモンセンター
Japanese (TL): Pokémon Center
Nurse Joy returns the pokemon to the trainers.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:40
Title: BW M19A 進化
Japanese (TL): Evolution
Ash and Bianca prepare for battle.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:54
Title: BW M16 Rivals In Isshu
Pikachu gets up again.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:58
Title: BW M26A Trying It Out
Bianca says she will beat Ash next time.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:50
Title: Black & White
English ending.

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 28
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 22
19 Nov 2010 01:14 AM
AnimeBot Automated Bots
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
Posts: 3189
New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: チラーミィはきれいずき!?/Chillarmy wa kireizuki!?. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
16 Dec 2010 05:38 PM
Joined: 25 Sep 2009
Posts: 92
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The Chillarmy in this episode seemed realy evil. It had a creepy smile, especially when it was tickling its opponents. I really didn't like it. Tsutaja looked really cool when it was sent out but it was really random that Chillarmy would use Attract on it. I guess it was just that smart.
THe battle at the end between Chaobu and Pikachu was really interesting. It showed just how strong Pikachu actually is, since it was able to take three attacks and not faint. It doesn't seem like Ash's other Pokémon are strong enough.
I really didn't expect Chillarmy to be such a vicious Pokémon since it looks really cute. But the only time it seemed cute to me was when it was polishing items with its tail. The look on its face was really innocent. Otherwise its smile was just scary coming from such a cute Pokémon.
22 Dec 2010 07:58 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Characters in Episode: Current Episode Guide Info Correct? [Yes]

Written Biographies for Characters in Episode:
Bel - Bel only recently started traveling as her father just wouldn't allow her to start a journey when she wanted to. She is fully motivated for battling and getting gym badges but considers herself quite lazy when it comes to cleaning chores. Her purse contains many items that she carries around with her but the inside of it is quite dusty. When she originally met Iris and Dent, she told them she had two badges at that time.

Pokemon in Episode: Current Episode Guide Info Correct? [Yes]

Characters Pokemon Attacks used in Episode:
- Satoshi's Pikachu - Iron Tail, Quick Attack, Thunderbolt
- Satoshi's Mijumaru - Tackle, Shell Blade
- Satoshi's Tsutarja - Attract
- Bel's Chaoboo - Nitro Charge, Heat Stamp, Take Down
- Bel's Chillarmy - Hyper Voice, DoubleSlap, Attract, Tickle

Episode Location:
- Forest Near Shippo City (Satoshi and Friends) & Shippo City (Rocket Gang)

Episode Highlights:
- Satoshi and friends meet Bel, an energetic trainer that delivered Satoshi's Badge Case that Professor Araragi forgot to give him.
- Bel captures a wild Chillarmy
- Satoshi's Pikachu beats Bel's Chaoboo in a battle.

Number of Times Team Rocket Blasted off in the episode: 0
Team Rocket Balloon Enhancements: None
Did Team Rocket use a Mecha in the episode?: No
Did Team Rocket use a motto variation in the episode?: No motto recitation

Episode Extras:
- Pokémon Live Caster - Yanappu
- Okido Senryuu - When you get tired, take one leaf of Yanappu's
14 May 2011 09:44 PM
Sunain Administrator
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
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Minccino is misspelled multiple times in this episode which is kind of hard to not notice. Generally in the past, errors like this are fixed before they are released on DVD so will see what happens there.

Link to Edits: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/episodes/1203#Edits

20 Jun 2011 07:10 PM
bgt Administrator
Joined: 23 Jun 2007
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Characters in Episode:
Ash, Cilan, Iris, Ash’s Pikachu, Bel, Professor Juniper, Iris’s Axew, Bel’s Pignite, Ash’s Oshawott, Jessie, James, Meowth, Ash’s Snivy, Joy, Joy’s Audino

Pokémon in Episode:

Pokemon Attacks used in Episode - Timecode (mm:ss):
Pignite – Tackle – 05:51

Pignite – Flame Charge – 06:06, 20:14

Minccino – Hyper Voice – 06:48, 15:37

Minccino – Tickle – 07:02, 08:42, 15:56

Oshawott – Tackle – 07:55

Oshawott – Razor Blade – 08:24

Minccino – DoubleSlap – 08:49, 15:21

Snivy – Attract – 14:00

Minccino – Attract – 14:10

Pikachu – Iron Tail – 14:57, 15:20

Pikachu – Quick Attack – 15:09

Pikachu – Thunderbolt – 16:24

Pignite – Take Down – 19:32

Pignite – Heat Crash – 19:42

Pikachu – Volt Tackle – 20:25

Episode Location: Enroute to Nacrene City (Shippou City シッポウシティ), Nacrene City (Shippou City シッポウシティ), Pokémon Center, Pokémon Center Battlefield

Episode Highlights:
- Ash receives a Badge Case delivered by Juniper’s messenger, Bel. Bel is a quirky individual who has secured two badges.
- Ash encounters a wild Minccino who adores to polish dirty objects. Mincinno manages to steal Ash’s badge case forcing him to track Mincinno over a large forest area.
- Team Rocket examines the Nacrene City architecture to develop an escape plan for their next objective
- Bel successfully captures the wild Minccino, making him her 2nd Pokémon
- Ash and Bel battle after restoring their Pokémon at a local Pokémon Center, however Ash proves to be victorious, proving that badges do not represent a trainer’s ability

Eyecatch info:
English - Who's that Pokémon? Mincinno

PokeDex/Zukan Entries:

Mincinno (Japanese-Translated): Minccino, the Chinchilla Pokémon. A Pokémon that loves clean and pretty things. When it finds something dirty, it uses its tail as a broom to sweep the dirt off.

Pignite (Japanese-Translated): Pignite, the Fire Pig Pokémon. The evolved form of Tepig. It turns the things it eats into fuel, causing a flame to burn in its stomach. When the pouches in its body flare up, its mobility and speed increase.”

Mincinno (English): Mincinno, the Chinchilla Pokémon. Mincinno love shiny things and will use its tail as a brush to clean any objects that are dirty.

Pignite (English): Pignite, the Fire Pig Pokémon and the evolved form of Tepig. Pignite’s food converts into fuel for the flame that burns in its stomach. And when fuel burns in its stomach, its speed increases.

Number of Times Team Rocket Blasted off in the episode: None

Team Rocket Balloon Enhancements: None

Did Team Rocket use a Mecha in the episode?: No

Did Team Rocket use a motto variation in the episode?: No

Episode Extras:

Professor Oak’s Pokémon Live Caster: Pansage (Yanappu ヤナップ)
The Grass Monkey Pokémon, Pansage, is a Pokémon who has a big leaf on its head as a special trait. This leaf contains components that improve blood circulation. When you eat it, your body will become warm and your physical condition will improve. That’s why Pansage shares the leaf with every unwell Pokémon it sees. Presently, it’s being researched whether this effect can be used for humans as well. Pansage have a mild personality and don’t like fighting. Apparently, they often reside in deep forests or on top of trees.

Professor Oak’s Senryuu
When you get tired, take one leaf of Pansage’s (つかれたらはつぱいちまいヤナップの)

On his quest to become a Pokémon Master, Ash and his friends continue their journey to Nacrene City, the location of the Nacrene Gym, in order to get the second badge. A young woman shouts out, “Hey Hey!” dashing down the dirt path in an attempt to catch up to our heroes. Ash, Iris, and Cilan turn to see the woman trip on a small rock in her pathway, forcing her to lose her balance, knocking Ash and Cilan into a nearby stream. After taking a splash into the stream, Ash and Cilan remove their clothing and prepare a fire and begin drying their drenched clothes. The woman begins apologizing, shouting that she is sorry repeatedly. Iris questions the woman who she is. She looks towards Ash, responding that she has a delivery for him. The woman rushes over to Ash and presents her Xtransciever to Ash, initiating a call into Professor Juniper. The connection is successfully established with Juniper greeting Ash and questioning him on his progress with gym battles. Ash responds that he currently has one badge. Juniper apologizes to Ash for not giving him a Badge Case during his prior visit and has given one to her assistant, Bel. The young woman introduces herself as Bel, the assistant that Juniper had been referring to. Bel begins rummaging through her shoulder bag, attempting to secure the badge case to present to Ash.

After a few moments, Bel continues to rummage around through her purse, still unable to locate the case. Ash and Cilan begin drying their clothes and finishing dressing as Bel finally manages to recover the badge case from her unorganized bag. The badge case is two-toned (black and blue) and covered in dust. Ash receives the case from Bel, opening it to reveal eight slots used to hold a trainer’s victory badges of Unova. Ash places his Tri Badge in its slot, stating that he wants to collect all eight badges soon. Cilan reminds Ash that they are very close to his next gym battle in Nacrene City. Bel questions Ash to allow her to examine the badge. Ash obliges, handing the case over to Bel. As Bel begins to grasp the case, a wild Minccino snatches the case and dashes into the dense forest foliage. Ash dashes away in pursuit of Minccino, following shortly behind by Bel, Iris, and Cilan. Ash soon becomes exhausted from the pursuit, stopping at a fallen tree in his path and begins gasping for air stating that he can’t believe how fast Minccino actually is. Bel responds that it only represents how great Minccino is. Iris states that it isn’t the time for Bel to smile. Bel responds that she has never seen such a nimble Pokémon such as Minccino, which causes her to become psyched. Ash climbs atop the fallen tree, shouting that he has to recover his badge at any cost. Bel suggests that Ash can simply obtain a replacement badge if he were to tell the Gym Leader what happened. Ash responds that the badge is filled with his and his Pokémon’s passionate feelings. A distant “Pika Pika” is heard, alerting Ash that Pikachu has located Minccino.

Our heroes successfully reach Mincinno, who is busily polishing the stolen badge case with its tail. Bel queries her Pokédex for Minccino’s entry: “Minccino, the Chinchilla Pokémon. A Pokémon that loves clean and pretty things. When it finds something dirty, it uses its tail as a broom to sweep the dirt off”. Cilan suggests that the badge case must have bothered Minccino because it was dirty. Bel responds that Minccino is perfect for a trainer that is lazy like her. Ash begins to confront Minccino, however is interrupted by the anxious Bel, shouting that she as finally decided to capture Minccino. Cilan sighs that he cannot believe how wayward Bel is. Iris suggests that Bel is simply selfish. Bel shouts that Ash should leave it to her, as she will capture Minccino and recover his badge case. Minccino opens his mouth and devours the badge case, nestling it within his mouth. Bel launches a lone Pokéball, which blasts open in a shimmering light revealing her Pignite. Ash opens his Pokédex, recalling the entry for Pignite: “Pignite, the Fire Pig Pokémon. The evolved form of Tepig. It turns the things it eats into fuel, causing a flame to burn in its stomach. When the pouches in its body flare up, its mobility and speed increase.” Pignite forcefully dashes forward with Tackle; however Minccino gracefully dodges the attack with minor effort. Pignite begins stomping at the ground, generating flame energy around its body in preparation for Flame Charge. A few seconds later, Pignite blazes forward with Flame Charge, crashing into the ground nearby Minccino which creates a huge plume of debris. After the debris settles, Minccino is revealed to have successfully avoided the attack, climbing up a nearby tree. Cilan suggests that in contract to her appearance, Bel battles quite forcefully. Ash demands for Bel to hurry up and recover his badge. Mincinno removes the badge case from its mouth, placing it on a nearby tree branch. Pignite begins stomping its hooves again, preparing to launch another devastating Flame Charge.

In response, Minccino closes its ears and bellows a forceful wave of sound energy, which envelops Pignite rendering it unable to move. Iris identifies the attack as Hyper Voice. Mincinno dashes down the tree branch during Pignite’s temporary immobility, hopping atop his shoulders. Mincinno begins using the tip of its tail to tickle Pignite, forcing him to uncontrollably dance around in response to Mincinno’s attack. Bel recalls Pignite into its Pokéball, responding that Minccino is truly amazing despite being so small. Ash rushes up to Bel, stating that he will have to recover his badge back by himself after all. Pikachu takes to the battlefield, preparing to confront Minccino. As Pikachu crouches into a battle stance, a Pokéball explodes releasing Oshawott. Bel questions if Ash's Pokémon ever come out on their own without being called. Iris responds that it is only related to his Oshawott. Bel giggles, stating that it is quite funny. Ash suggests to Pikachu that he should allow Oshawott to battle this time. Oshawott dashes forward with Tackle, however Mincinno’s exceptional agility allows it to effortlessly evade the attack, forcing Oshawott to slam into the ground. Ash commands for Oshawott to respond with Razor Shell, however is interrupted by Bel who shouts for Oshawott to use Hydro Pump. Ash shouts to Bel that Oshawott is unable to use Hydro Pump and shouts for Oshawott to use Razor Shell. Oshawott successfully removes his scallsword, enveloping it in an aura-like energy. Oshawott swings his attack forward, however Mincinno is nowhere in sight. Taking advantage of the element of surprise, Minccino dashes down from a nearby tree and begins tickling Oshawott, forcing him to roll back and forth from the stimulation. After a few moments, Minccino follows up with Double Slap, knocking Oshawott unconscious. Bel complains that she was only one step away from capturing Minccino. Iris explains that while the opponent is caught completely off guard due to Tickle, it strikes with DoubleSlap. Cilan examines Minccino’s battle style, stating that the way it battles is fragrant with mellow ripeness. Oshawott returns to Ash and beings pushing Pikachu into the open field as Minccino’s next opponent. Minccino replaces the badge case within its mouth and disappears into the dense foliage. Bel shouts that Minccino was able to get away. Ash responds that Minccino simply escaped because she kept butting in unnecessarily during the battle. Bel suggests that she was only giving Ash advice on the battle and soon after, questions him if he will assist her in capturing Minccino. Ash reluctantly agrees, stating that he has no choice due to having to recapture his badge case. Bel giddily hops up and down, excited that she will be able to capture Minccino. Ash sighs, complaining that he had thought he would finally be able to challenge his 2nd gym. Cilan responds that they only have one more mountain to cross in order to reach Nacrene City, so there is no need to rush.

Meanwhile in Nacrene City, Team Rocket is perched atop a structure, examining the city architecture. Jessie states that the city is full of storehouses. James reveals a tablet, which boots revealing Team Rocket’s data interface. James selects an item on the screen, revealing a map of Nacrene City. James explains that railroads were developed in Nacrene many years ago. Meowth suggests that they should check the location of the museum first. James swipes his finger, moving the map to the location of the museum. Jessie suggests that they should work on securing their escape route prior to mission execution.

Our heroes stand in an open pathway, pondering where Mincinno could have escaped. Bel questions Cilan if he has any sparkling pots or tableware. Cilan removes a single spoon from his pouch, presenting it to Bel and informing her that he polishes his silverware very thoroughly. Bel snatches the utensil with vigor and begins rubbing it in the dirt, giving it a tarnished appearance. Ash questions Bel about her intentions with the spoon. Bel responds that they will use the spoon to lure out Minccino. Iris states that Bel will take advantage of the fact that Minccino likes to polish dirty things. In an open field, Bel props a cover up with a frail stick, attached to a rope leading back to her location in a group of bushes several feet away. The cover is propped up by the stick, covering the dirty spoon in which Bel hopes to attract Minccino. Moments later, Minccino appears and begins polishing the spoon with its tail. Bel responds by yanking the cord which forces the top to fall atop Minccino, trapping him. After a few moments, MInccino manages to use its strength to lift the lid, skittering across the dirt path and successfully thwarting Bel’s capture attempt. Ash responds that he will have to take his badge case back by battling MInccino after all. Bel lectures Ash that he will have a disadvantage in close range battle. Cilan suggests that Minccino will probably use Tickle to render his Pokémon unable to fight. Soon after, Ash, Iris, Cilan, and Bel begin traversing a shallow stream and soon meet a large tree, containing Minccino perched within whom is polishing its captured wares.

Ash dashes out with confidence, calling upon Snivy. Upon sight of Snivy, Minccino hops down from the tree branch, prepared to confront its new foe. Bel compliments Ash on having a wide variety of Pokémon. Cilan questions Bel if she has any Pokémon other than Pignite. Bel responds that she has only ever had Pignite. Cilan and Iris stare at Bel in a surprised state, pondering how Bel has been able to make it as far as she has with just Pignite. Bel states that she has won most of the time by continuing to use Flame Charge over and over. Cilan questions Bel how long she has been traveling. Bel responds that she has been studying at home for a while, and has only recently started traveling. Bel explains that her father simply wouldn’t allow her to begin a journey, which is why she only has two badges. Snivy launches a strong Attract; however Minccino avoids the attack by retreating into the forest foliage. Minccino retaliates with its own Attract, successfully rending Snivy unable to battle. Moments later, Pikachu dashes to Ash’s aid, suggesting he would like to battle Minccino next. Cilan states that with choosing Pikachu, Minccino’s Attract becomes useless against another male. Pikachu blazes into battle, encasing his tail in a layer of iron and soon smashing into the ground afterwards with Iron Tail. Minccino manages to barely dodge the devastating attack. Pikachu responds with Quick Attack, using the attack’s speed boost to counter Minccino’s agility. Pikachu flips forward once more, launching Iron Tail however; Minccino retaliates with DoubleSlap. The two Pokémon clash midair, negating each of their attacks. Minccino closes its ears, and lets forth a wave of sound energy, rendering Pikachu immobile. Minccino takes advantage of the temporary opening and dashes behind Pikachu. Minccino begins to use its tail to tickle Pikachu, rubbing it lightly across his entire body.

After a few moments, Minccino grows fatigued from the attack and begins panting from exhaustion. Bel shouts out commanding for Pikachu to use Zap Cannon. Ash sighs, responding that Pikachu cannot use Zap Cannon. Pikachu launches an astounding Thunderbolt, which strikes MInccino for a direct hit. Mincinno begins stumbling from the attack, dazed from the electric-type move. Bel begins fumbling in her bag, attempting to locate a Pokéball to capture Minccino. As Bel continues to search for the Monster Ball, Minccino manages to recover from the attack and escapes into the nearby forest. Moments after Minccino’s escape, Bel reveals the Pokéball which is covered in dust and debris. The sight of dust lures Minccino back towards Bel, whom dashes across the stream and climbs atop Bel to begin polishing the Pokéball. Seconds later, Minccino’s contact with the Pokéball forces it to open, capturing Minccino’s essence. A few seconds later, the red lamp delaminates on the Pokéball, signifying Minccino’s successful capture. Cilan suggests that Minccino must have been extremely bothered by the dirt on the Pokéball. Iris questions if Minccino and Bel will be fine as partners. Cilan responds that a marriage between a quirky trainer like Bel and a steadfast Pokémon like Minccino is wonderful. With Minccino’s capture, Ash successfully reclaims his badge case.

Later in the afternoon, our heroes visit a local Pokémon Center in which they restore their Pokémon to their previous healthy states. Joy and Audino present Ash and Bel with two trays, containing their respective Pokémon. Joy explains that she has additionally completed examining his Pokémon Egg (Note: The Egg was previously obtained in Best Wishes #12) and it is very healthy. Bel questions Ash what Pokémon is inside the egg. Ash responds that he is unsure as to which Pokémon is inside the egg. Afterwards, Bel challenges Ash to a battle, who confidently accepts. An open area is located outside of the Pokémon Center, which contains chalk lines to represent a battlefield. Ash explains that each trainer will be allowed one Pokémon, and if either one becomes unable to battle, it will be over. Bel launches a Pokéball, calling upon Pignite. Ash begins to ponder what Pokémon he will use in response to Pignite; however Bel interrupts, demanding for him to use Pikachu. Ash obliges, with Pikachu dashing over to take the battlefield. Pignite blazes forward with Take Down, successfully striking Pikachu. Taking advantage of Pikachu’s damaged state; Pignite takes skyward and envelops itself in a sphere of fire energy, striking down with Heat Crash. Pikachu struggles for a few moments however; manages to recover from the attack. Pignite responds with Flame Charge, stomping its hoofs up and down against the battlefield to generate fire energy around itself. Pikachu retaliates with Volt Tackle, with both Pokémon clashing violently. As the debris settles, Pignite is announced as unable to battle, rendering Ash as the victor. Bel recalls Pignite into his Pokéball, thanking it for the hard work. Bel dashes over to Ash, stating that while she may have lost, she has only began traveling and by the time they meet again, she will have raised Pignite and Minccino to a higher level. Bel wishes good luck to Ash, and begins her departure, escaping down the forest path.

Ash and his friends have been thrown back and forth by Bel, Juniper’s messenger. Ash sets off with renewed determination for his next battle at Nacrene Gym.
Last edited 20 Jun 2011 07:13 PM by bgt