This weeks rerun theme, the continuation of last weeks Ghost Pokémon theme, Testing the Shocked Feelings!? Ghost Pokémon Big Special (ドッキリ キモ試し!?ゴートポケモン大特集).
Mikaruge's Keystone! was this weeks repeat episode which featured a Mikaruge that escaped from a monument.
A full summary of this episode is available in the Episode Guide.
A preview clip of this weeks episode of
Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl (ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール),
DP189 - Sinnoh League Semifinal! Darkrai Appears!! (シンオウリーグ準決勝!ダークライ登場!!) was played that displayed a few new images. The episode was also promoted throughout the repeat episode on the widescreen pillar bars. Satoshi and Shinji have finally finished the full battle rematch during the quarter-final round of the Sinnoh League and now Satoshi is faced up against
Takuto, the infamous Darkrai trainer in the semi-finals. The episode airs on Thursday August 26th, 2010.

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The Third PokéSun Champion Match (第3回ポケサン最強王者決定戦) was the main focus of this episode. The object of the tournament is to find the current strongest battler in the PokéSun crew. Golgo and Shoko-tan were exempted from the first round of battling. All Pokémon in the tournament were level 50 and they tournament was played in Pokémon Battle Revolution for the Nintendo Wii.

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The first battle featured Yamamoto and Professor Red. Yamamoto sent out
Kairiky (カイリキー) and
Lugia (ルギア) while Professor Red sent out
Mewtwo (ミュウツー) and
Muma (ムウマ). Mewtwo started off with a Thunderbolt attack against Lugia. Muma also used Thunderbolt against Lugia which dropped its hit points to around 50%. Lugia then used
Calm Mind (めいそう) while Kairiky used
DynamicPunch (ばくれつパンチ) on Red's Mewtwo. Muma and Mewtwo both used Thunderbolt on Lugia again lowering its hit points to near defeat. Muma followed up with yet another Thunderbolt defeating Yamamoto's Lugia. Yamamoto sent out
Mikaruge (ミカルゲ). Mewtwo and Muma both attacked Kairiky with
Shadow Ball (シャドーボール) reducing its hit points to approximately 50%. Kairiky countered with an
Ice Punch (れいとうパンチ) on Mewtwo while Mikaruge also used
Shadow Ball on Mewtwo to knock it out. Professor Red sent out his
Freezer (フリーザー) as Muma used
Shadow Ball on Mikaruge while Freezer used
Hyper Beam on Kairiky but it didn't manage to knock it out. Kairiky used
DynamicPunch (ばくれつパンチ) on Freezer to one hit K.O. it and then Yamamoto's Mikaruge used
Shadow Ball on Muma to almost defeat it. This left Red with just his last Pokémon,
Thunder (サンダー) which he sent out to battle. Yamamoto's Kairiky uses
Bullet Punch (バレットパンチ) against Muma to defeat it leaving Red with only Thunder. Thunder uses
Hyper Beam (はかいこうせん) on Kairiky to knock it down. Yamamoto sends out his last Pokémon, Kyogre (カイオーガ). Kyogre uses
Water Spout (しおふき) to finish off Thunder and eliminate Professor Red from the tournament.

The second battle of the first round featured Baba VS Akishoko-tan (秋しょこたん). Akiyama was dressed up like Shoko-tan. Baba sent out Groudon (グラードン) and Jukain (ジュカイン) and Akishoko-tan sent out Nuoh (ヌオー) and Emperte (エンペルト). Groudon attacked first and used
SolarBeam (ソーラービーム) against Nuoh. Jukain then attacked and also used
SolarBeam (ソーラービーム) but against Emperte. Both attacks one hit K.O'd both Pokémon. Akishoko-tan sends out Lucario and Beadull (ビーダル) and states 'Lucario in the USA'. Groudon uses
Earthquake (じしん) which critically hits Lucario, knocking it out in one hit and moderately damages Baba's Jukain and taking over half of Beadull's hit points. Jukain uses
Giga Drain (ギガドレイン) on Beadull finishing it off to give Baba the win and eliminating Akishoko-tan from the tournament.

The first battle of the semi-final round was between Yamamoto and the real Shoko-tan. Shoko-tan sent out
Blacky (ブラッキー) and
Gablias (ガブリアス) while Yamamoto sent out
Kairiky (カイリキー) and
Dotakun (ドータクン). Shoko-tan started off the battle by using Gablias'
Outrage (げきりん) on Kairiky which dealt about 75% damage. Blacky then attacked using
Curse (のろい). Kairiky used
DynamicPunch (ばくれつパンチ) on Blacky which dealt just over 50% damage. Dotakun followed up with
Trick Room (トリックルーム). Kairiky used
DynamicPunch (ばくれつパンチ) on Blacky again which was enough to knock it out. Shoko-tan sent out Kyogre (カイオーガ) to replace it. Kairiky attacked yet again and used
DynamicPunch on Gablias, severely injuring it. Dotakun used
Confuse Ray (あやしいひかり) on Kyogre and it was now confused. Kyogre used
Water Spout (しおふき) which knocked out both Kairiky and Dotakun. Yamamoto sent out a Kyogre and Lugia. Yamamto's Kyorge used
Water Spout which damaged Shoto-tan's Kyorge and knocked out her Gablias. Lugia then used
Calm Mind (めいそう). Shoko-tan's Kyorge attacked using
Thunder (かみなり) which hit Lugia. Shokto-tan then sent out Mewtwo. Yamamto's Kyorge used
Water Spout which almost knocked out Mewtwo and injured Shoko-tan's Kyorge. Mewtwo used Thunderbolt on Yamamoto's Kyorge dealing over 50% damage. With Trick Room in effect, Mewtwo used Thunderbolt on Yamamoto's Kyorge again, knocking it out. Shoko-tan's Kyorge attacked using
Thunder which once again hit Lugia. Lugia used
Recover (じこさいせい) to almost restore its hit points to max. Lugia then attacked Mewtwo with
Aeroblast (エアロブラスト), knocking it out. Shoko-tan's Kyorge attacked using
Thunder once again on Lugia but it wasn't enough to finish it off. Lugia then attacked Shoko-tan's Kyorge with
Aeroblast (エアロブラスト), knocking it out. Shoko-tan was eliminated from the tournament to Shoko-tan's surprise.

The second battle of the semi-final round was between Golgo and Baba. Golgo sent out Ho-oh and Lugia while Baba sent out Gablias and Giratina. Lugia attacked first using
Psychic (サイコキネシス) on Gablias. Gablias fought back using Dragon Claw (ドラゴンクロー) on Lugia. Ho-oh attacked Gablias using Sacred Fire (せいなるほのお) which also ended up burning Gablias. Lugia used
Earthquake (じしん) which didn't affect Ho-oh but critically injured Gablias. Giratina reappeared from the
Shadow Force (シャドーダイブ) that was used at the beginning of the match and critically injured Lugia. Gablias used Dragon Claw on Lugia to knock it out but the burn knocked it out as well. Baba sent out Kabigon and Golgo sent out Jibacoil (ジバコイル). Jibacoil used
Explosion (だいばくはつ) knocking itself out but severely injuring Golgo's Ho-oh and Baba's Kabigon. Golgo sent out Garura (ガルーラ) and used
Outrage (げきりん) on Kabigon which knocked it out. Giratina reappeared from the
Shadow Force (シャドーダイブ) that was used in the previous round and knocked out Ho-oh. Baba sent out Palkia but Golgo was down to his last Pokémon. Palkia used
Aqua Tail (アクアテール) on Golgo's Garura which knocked it out eliminating Golgo from the tournament.

The tournament final was a match between Yamamoto and Baba. Yamamoto sent out Mikaruge and Dotakun while Baba sent out Giratina and Agnome. Agnome attacked first using
Psychic (サイコキネシス) on Dotakun but it wasn't very effective. Giratina used
Shadow Force (シャドーダイブ) and disappeared. Mikaruge used
Will-O-Wisp (おにび). Dotakun used
Trick Room (トリックルーム). Mikaruge used
Shadow Ball (シャドーボール) on Agnome which knocked it out. Giratina reappeared and used
Shadow Force (シャドーダイブ) on Dotakun, dealing approximately 60% damage. Baba sent out his own Mikaruge. Yamamoto's Mikaruge used
Will-O-Wisp (おにび) on Giratina. Baba's Mikaruge used Ominous Wind (あやしいかぜ) on Yamamoto's Mikaruge, slightly damaging it. Yamamoto's Mikaruge used
Shadow Ball on Baba's Mikaruge, lowering its hit points to critical. Giratina used
Shadow Force and disappeared. Baba's Mikaruge used Dark Pulse (あくのはどう) on Yamamoto's Mikaruge, almost KO'ing it. Yamamoto's Mikaruge used
Shadow Ball on Baba's Mikaruge, but this time it knocked it out. Baba sent out Palkia. Yamamoto's Mikaruge tried to use
Shadow Ball but it failed. Giratina reappeared and used
Shadow Force on Yamamoto's Mikaruge, knocking it out. Yamamoto sent out Lugia. Giratina reappeared again and used
Shadow Force on Lugia this time, dealing significant damage. Dotakun used Rock Slide (いわなだれ) which knocked out Giratina and damaged Palkia. This left Baba with just Palkia and Lugia used
Aeroblast (エアロブラスト), knocking Palkia out to give Yamamoto the victory. Yamamoto ended up winning the Third PokéSun Champion Match tournament.
At the end of today's show, Yamamoto revealed a new Pokémon called
Yanappu (ヤナップ). It is the Grass Monkey Pokémon (くさざるポケモン). It is 0.6m in height and weighs 10.5kg. Its ability is Gluttony (くいしんぼう) and is a Grass-type Pokémon. It also knows a new move
Acrobat (アクロバット) which will double in power if there's no held item. Also in Triple Battles, Acrobat will allow the Pokémon to hit other Pokémon not normally within the attack range.

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