Home / Characters / Leon's Charizard/ダンデのリザードン/Dande's Lizardon
Character Names
  • English / United States: Leon's Charizard
  • Japanese / Japan: ダンデのリザードン
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: Dande no Lizardon
  • Japanese (TL) / Japan: Dande's Lizardon
Voice Actors
Leon's Charizard battled against Lance's Gyarados (Red Gyarados) in the finals of the Pokémon World Championships, the tournament that determines the world's best at Pokémon battling. In the one-on-one final, the two Daimaxed but Leon's Charizard came out victorious. Leon was then crowned world champion. Leon's Charizard can Gigantamax into Gigantamax Charizard.

Raihan's Duraludon battled against Leon's Charizard during a Masters Eight 1-on-1 battle but it was defeated by Charizard.

Pokémon World Championships Master Class Battle vs Flint's Infernape

Flint's Infernape battled against Leon's Charizard in a Pokémon World Championships Master Class Battle that Ash Ketchum just managed to see the end of at the Shoot Stadium in the Galar region. Charizard was able to avoid the deciding Infernape attack, a Mach Punch by using Flamethrower to give it some distance away from Infernape. It then followed up with a Dragon Claw, knocking Infernape to the ground to win the match. As a result of the match, Flint's ranking dropped from 7th to 8th.
Known Moveset
Thunder Punch Type
First Seen: PM2019 12
It proved to be effective against Lance's Gyarados.
Flamethrower Type
First Seen: PM2019 12
Leon's go to move to get Charizard into the battle.
Fire Spin Type
First Seen: PM2019 12
Aqua Tail put out the fire.
Air Slash Type
First Seen: PM2019 12
A decent Flying-type move to keep Charizard balanced against its opponents types.
Max Lightning Type
First Seen: PM2019 12
Gigantamax Charizard move.
Max Airstream Type
First Seen: PM2019 12
Gigantamax Charizard move.
Dig Type
First Seen: PM2019 27
Avoided Raihan's Duraludon's Metal Claw.
Brick Break Type
First Seen: PM2019 27
Duraludon countered it using Stone Edge!
Dragon Claw Type
First Seen: PM2019 27
Charizard showed its claws too right after Duraludon used Metal Claw.
Max Knuckle Type
First Seen: PM2019 27
The massive rock tried to fall on Charizard but it broke through with Max Knuckle.
G-Max Wildfire Type
First Seen: PM2019 27
G-Max Wildfire broke through Max Steelspike and knocked out Duraludon.
Rock Tomb Type
First Seen: PM2019 42
Helped protect some citizens.
Flare Blitz Type
First Seen: PM2019 100
Countered Flint's Infernape's Flare Blitz.
TCG Cards
#3: Charizard
Ultra Rare
Retreat Cost:
Energy Energy Energy
#1: Charizard
Retreat Cost:
Energy Energy Energy