The official movie website has updated with details on new movie-related events. Translations follow:
The New Pokémon Car, the "Fokko Car", Debuts at Toy Show
The popular "Pikachu Car" and "Mijumaru Car" from Toyopet gain a new comrade! It's the "Fokko Car", based on Fokko, a Pokémon well known from the Pocket Monsters XY anime!
The Fokko Car will first be shown at the Pikachu Project Booth at the Tokyo Toy Show, which will be held between Thursday June 12th and Sunday June 15th at the Tokyo Big Sight. Go check it out, everyone!
For further details, please visit the
Tokyo Toy Show 2014 website.
The World Hobby Fair '14 Summer Pokémon Stage Show
The Next Generation World Hobby Fair '14 Summer will be held Sunday June 29th! 160 groups of 3, for a total of 480, will be invited to the Pokémon Stage Show via lottery!
On June 29th, we will hold a Pokémon Stage Show at the Next Generation WHF! We will present the latest info on the Pokémon movies, and amazingly, PokéTV Members will be there as well! This extravagant stage show will only be open to 480 attendants, consisting of 160 groups of 3! Apply for an invitation right away! Applications must be postmarked by Wednesday June 18th! See for details.

Anchor Shoko-tan, Director Yukito, Director Robin and Abareru-kun
Sources: and