Title: Re: POKENCHI 68: あばれる君のポケモン交換旅、今回は福岡県! / あばれる君としょこたんが伝説のポケモン...
This episode features Abareru-kun's Pokémon Trade Journey. The setting is Fukuoka. He has a surprise for a Pokénd that sent him a postcard, but will it work out?
There will also be a Pokémon battle where Solgaleo and Lunala will be used!
Abareru-kun's Pokémon Trade Journey: Fukuoka Edition. Abareru-kun meets all kinds of different kids... how many Pokénds will he manage to trade Pokémon with this time? He also decides to go on a surprise visit to a Pokénd that sent Pokénchi a postcard!
Then, at Pokénchi, Abareru-kun and Shokotan have a Pokémon battle using their legendary Pokémon! Who will win?!
Shoko Nakagawa
Rinka Otani
Support Pokénd for Abareru-kun's Trade Journey: Miyu Koike