Title: Re: POKENCHI 2: 手の中で固まる不思議な砂を使ってポケモンアートに挑戦!/「ポケだちあつまる?」板橋後編/...
The "Pokénchi" hosts attempt to create Pokémon art using a mysterious type of sand. But then Abareru-kun starts talking about Ebiwalar Mega Punching the poorly done creations, and...
"Let's try Pokémon!"
Everyone tries making Pokémon art using a mysterious type of sand. What will the punishment for making the poorest creation be!?
"Pokénds gather?"
It's part 2 of Antony's birthplace: Itabashi, Tokyo. Antony is doing his best to gather Pokénds in his home town. How many Pokénds will he manage to make in Itabashi!?
"Pokémon Battle"
Shokotan VS Hyadain
It's Shokotan's experience VS Hyadain's smarts! Who will win?