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29 Aug 2014 08:22 PM
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I don't think it's funny.

And I've been a hardcore Pokemon fan for years, but had not gotten to see Best Wishes yet, I had taken it as fact at first, and I know a fair bit about Pokemon! If I was able to mistake it, what do you think someone who is just getting into Pokemon or has never seen it going to think!

This is a blatant, outright, and disgusting spread of misinformation! If you were a wiki, this information would be removed, and/or the page taken down! Nothing angers me more then someone spreading misinformation!

Your not even the number one source for info anymore, I can think of a ton of others that have more, and they give CORRECT info. I use to visit this site a lot a very long time ago, and had liked it a lot, now I come back, and this is what I find. I've never been more disgusted and disappointed with a website.
~The Eevee Queen~
29 Aug 2014 09:50 PM
Adamant Administrator
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Humor is subjective and I'm sorry you didn't find it funny, but that's all it was intended to be: A silly little easter egg of a joke, something for people to smile at if they happened to come across it, not some cruel attempt at spreading misinformation.

I don't know what else you want me to say, really.
29 Aug 2014 10:55 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Quote From: Mistress Eevee
Your not even the number one source for info anymore, I can think of a ton of others that have more, and they give CORRECT info. I use to visit this site a lot a very long time ago, and had liked it a lot, now I come back, and this is what I find. I've never been more disgusted and disappointed with a website.

I don't think we have or ever will consider ourselves the number 1 source of information. Since I do most of the sites content myself, we can't really compete with other sites in that regard. As Adamant stated, it is an Easter egg, to give people that know and follow Dent's character a bit of a laugh, plus its not that far fetched. On the 10s of thousands of pages on PM.net, we have a grand total of 5 easter eggs. Congrats on finding 1, 4 more to go. You will find that our site provides accurate and detailed information for what we have time to cover. Thanks for visiting the site.

Quote From: Mistress Eevee
And I've been a hardcore Pokemon fan for years, but had not gotten to see Best Wishes yet

When you watch the series in Japanese and actually get to know Dent's character, then perhaps you should comment. You aren't the first person to report that paragraph, but those that have watched and know the character Dent realize its satirical and have a good laugh. Don't visit Pokemopolis if you find something like *that* somehow offensive.

Oh for the record: "In the English closed captions for BW12, the transcribers listed Cilan as 'Cilas'. A quick google search for 'Cilas' and the first result is Cialis, an erectile dysfunction disorder drug." That is actually legit.

Quote From: Mistress Eevee
If you were a wiki, this information would be removed, and/or the page taken down!

We are not a wiki, so comparing us to one is pointless. Wiki's are annoying and a waste of people learning wiki markup when they should just learn html.

Quote From: Mistress Eevee
I use to visit this site a lot a very long time ago, and had liked it a lot, now I come back, and this is what I find.

You are not our target audience. People that visit on a daily or weekly basis is our core audience.

Last edited 30 Aug 2014 05:07 PM by Sunain
Administrator of PocketMonsters.net
29 Aug 2014 11:10 PM
TSS_Killer Administrator
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Quote From: Mistress Eevee

This is a blatant, outright, and disgusting spread of misinformation! If you were a wiki, this information would be removed, and/or the page taken down! Nothing angers me more then someone spreading misinformation!

As previously stated, this was originally part of a hidden easter egg a few years ago, so new visitors wouldn't understand the reference. Just so you know, we do appreciate reporting legitimate mistakes. This however, was a misunderstanding taken a bit too far. Now that we have explained the situation, we hope you now clearly understand how we operate. Yes, we like to inject humor in our website from time to time, but when it comes down to actual reporting at live events, etc. not too many sites come close to the coverage we deliver. Thank you for visiting.
Last edited 29 Aug 2014 11:11 PM by TSS_Killer
Miju Technical
31 Aug 2014 09:17 PM
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When you watch the series in Japanese and actually get to know Dent's character, then perhaps you should comment. You aren't the first person to report that paragraph, but those that have watched and know the character Dent realize its satirical and have a good laugh. Don't visit Pokemopolis if you find something like *that* somehow offensive.

Oh for the record: "In the English closed captions for BW12, the transcribers listed Cilan as 'Cilas'. A quick google search for 'Cilas' and the first result is Cialis, an erectile dysfunction disorder drug." That is actually legit.

1. If I find a consistat sorce to watch the Japanese, I will do so. But going off of how someone acts, and just assuming something about them becuase of it isn't right. I have a lot of friends that if someone didn't know them, something could assumed about them that couldn't be farther from the truth.

2. I wasn't arguing the error, Just calling him gay, when it isn't true.

3. I'm not offended by the subject, just the fact that if someone who doesn't know Pokemon, or know it well would come here first for info, and not realize that this information isn't fact, that they might assume it so.

We are not a wiki, so comparing us to one is pointless. Wiki's are annoying and a waste of people learning wiki markup when they should just learn html.

I happen to love wikis if there well done and managed, but that's beside the point. It was just an example.

You are not our target audience. People that visit on a daily or weekly basis is our core audience.

I use to come here quite a bit, I was a guest though, I spent hours here going through imageborads. Something I'm reconsidering at the moment....

As previously stated, this was originally part of a hidden easter egg a few years ago, so new visitors wouldn't understand the reference. Just so you know, we do appreciate reporting legitimate mistakes. This however, was a misunderstanding taken a bit too far. Now that we have explained the situation, we hope you now clearly understand how we operate. Yes, we like to inject humor in our website from time to time, but when it comes down to actual reporting at live events, etc. not too many sites come close to the coverage we deliver. Thank you for visiting.

I do clearly understand, but I still don't agree with it, I believe there are other ways to keep people interested. I have no issue with adding humor, in fact a have a like for something that some might see as making fun of characters or the show, but I know not any harm is actually meant by it. My issue is with the fact, that unless you know a lot about that character and/or part of the series. Is unless you actually know to/wish to do some actually digging, people may not realize it isn't true. I understand where your coming from, believe it or not, I mean it certainly got me searching, but regardless, not everyone might. You should understand where I'm coming from as well. Here I'm trying to find as much info on the character as I can, because I want to know more. So I'm going though all my favorite sites, trying to find stuff. Then all of the sudden I come and see this, I'm taken back, because I have never heard any source talking about this, and I'll admit it, I'm quite a fan girl of this character, so "finding this out" I'm feeling rather down. And also puzzled, because none of the other sites I've checked mention it. So I start looking, only because I had the sudden thought to search your forum did I even ind out that this was fake. No one even touches on this but fans speculating (which was of no interest to me).

But upon finding out it was fake, my though immanently goes to what someone who has little to no knowledge of Pokemon might think if they saw this site first. There's nothing except in this forum to identify that the information is fake. While it true most people who come to sites like this, are probably Pokemon fans. I know a lot of people who are just getting into it, or know of it but don't know much about it, and on VERY rare occasions people who have never heard of it at all, that last one doesn't happen often though, lol. So that's where I'm coming from on this.

I don't follow many of the live events at the moment, so I won't argue that, simply because I don't know one way or the other.

I also hope I did't out right offend anyone, as that was not my intention, I just simply dislike the idea that it could be seen as fact when it isn't.
~The Eevee Queen~