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26 Sep 2010 04:42 PM
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: 夢の跡地!ムンナとムシャーナ!!/Yume no atochi! Munna to Musharna!!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
27 Sep 2010 06:55 AM
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so, this one, i've heard. is about ash, iris and dento heading to an abandoned lot of dreams? pretty weird for one of the beginning episodes.
08 Oct 2010 01:36 AM
Adamant Administrator
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As Satoshi is resting in the Pokémon Center after his Gym match, his travelmate Iris rushes in with her Kibago. She says it keeps sleeping and won't wake up no matter what. Before the puzzled group appears Professor Makomo, accompanied by the 'Dream Eater Pokémon' Munna...
Last edited 08 Oct 2010 06:34 PM by Adamant
21 Oct 2010 04:11 PM
Sunain Administrator
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This was leaps and bounds better than last weeks episode. Glad to see Satoshi pulled that Gym badge win out. Would have been epic fail if he lost. The Rocket Gang motto animation was really amazing in this episode. The style was well executed and stylish.

Junsa's car ride animation looked like 'Test Drive' from 10 years ago. The animation was flat and the trees looked like they were pasted. Looked quite rushed.
22 Oct 2010 02:00 AM
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I definitely need to say Team Rocket has gotten better this series. They don't make large mistakes and they are actually progressing through missions!
I felt this episode kind of short since they tried to squeeze two things into the plot. It was really revealing of both Munna and Musharna, though. Musharna looks really scary when it is not peacefully sleeping! And I thought that both of the Dream Eater Pokémon had mouths that were right in front of their faces. Also, they looked much larger than I thought they would be.
23 Oct 2010 10:26 AM
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I am really loving the Rockets at the moment.:) I love the outfits they wear while sneaking around. I'd like to see them get a few more Pokemon soon. I'd like one of them to get a Zuruggu.

I was surprised by the size of Musharna too! It was bigger than I'd expected.
13 Mar 2011 06:41 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Once again the English dub is using French terms they really don't fully understand the meaning to and then they also replace the English terms used in the Japanese original.

English dub edits: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/episodes/1188#Edits
Last edited 13 Mar 2011 07:19 PM by Sunain
14 Mar 2011 02:29 PM
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The Japanese original says nothing about cutting the grass and were most likely referring to the smell of dew on the grass. Generally, when people think of grass being cut, its not a pleasant smell. It smells like oil burning and decomposing and often leads to hay fever for many.

Well, I don't quite agree with you here. I've seen this expression quite a lot in my various readings (It smells like freshly-mawn grass), and most of the time, it was used in a positive way.

On the other, I really don't understand their use of the word 'bouquet'... not as a direct reference to the smell of the flowers anyway.
Though, I understand why they didn't keep the word 'flavour'. In the Japanese dub, the word is rather unusual (it's a foreign word after all), which gives it special weight. Translating it as 'flavour', a rather common word, would have been rather inappropriate, and something would have been lost in the translation... well, something has been lost anyway, as 'bouquet' wasn't the best translation either...
14 Apr 2011 09:30 PM
bgt Administrator
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Ash has challenged his first gym in the Unova region. At the Straiton Gym, which has triplet Gym Leaders, Ash suggested facing off against all three. After experiencing one victory and one loss, the opponent in his third match is Cilan. If Ash wins the match, he will be able to get his first Victory Badge.

Pansage directs an astonishing Solar Beam attack at Oshawott. Moments before the beam strikes, Oshawott utilizes his shell to reflect the beam away from his body and up through the gym ceiling. Oshawott sighs, having just avoided a devasting attack while Cilan stares in astonishment. Cilan suggests that it's quite an interesting way for one to defend themselves. Dent states that he has seen a lot of Oshawott, but never one with its defensive strategy. Ash shouts that there is more to his Oshawott's strength than what it appears. Cilan shouts that he won't hold back either in the battle. Pansage continues its barrage with Bullet Seed, launching a storm of energized seeds at Oshawott. Oshawott continues to use his scallsword to reflect the attacks. Oshawott leaps upwards, enveloping his shell in a blue energy in preparation to launch Razor Shell. Pansage takes advantage of Oshawott's opening and launches another stream of seeds, which forces Oshawott to dodge the attacks midair and results in Oshawott dropping his scallsword. Ash shouts for Oshawott to retrieve his scallsword. Oshawott rushes over to retrieve his scallsword however Pansage intervenes, launching Bullet Seed at Oshawott as his scuttles across the battlefield. Cilan shouts out that it's "Tasting Time". A group of girls begin squealing at Cilan's announcement of "Tasting Time". Iris questions the purpose of "Tasting Time".

Cilan begins examining Ash and Oshawott as a Pokémon Sommelier. Cilan suggests that Ash and Oshawott are far from having reached the kind of "flavor" that he had anticipated. Cilan states that the content of their battle has no depth and their attacking pattern is plain; and personally he is disappointed with their disappointed. Ash questions Cilan about his comment about being Cilan. Cilan suggests for Ash to look at Oshawott, who has limited agility and experience, and compare it to his Pansage. Cilan states that with the lucidity of his attacks, woven by the scent of moist grass, Pansage is truly the star of the battlefield. Iris complains that a Pokémon Sommelier as a Gym Leader can be somewhat tiresome. Cilan suggests that the fact that Ash would challenge a Grass type with a Water type Pokémon in the first place, can only be described as a poor sense of "taste". Ash responds that Pokémon battles aren't just about type compatibilities; if he would come to understand his Oshawott. Cilan laughs, suggesting that Ash is desperate. Cilan continues that with Ash's blend, Oshawott's "taste" will only become worse and worse. Ash states he is doubtful and commands for Oshawott to launch is Water Gun attack at a nearby wall. Oshawott stares in a confused state, with no enemy in sight. Ash shouts that it will be fine. Oshawott launches a stream of water, which reflects off the gym wall and through the battlefield, finally colliding with his scallsword, propelling it into the air. Cilan suggests that Oshawott had been hiding such an unusual "taste". Oshawott flips forward, grabbing the descending scallsword, and blazes forward, striking Pansage with Razor Shell. Pansage launches forward with his mouth gaped wide open, preparing to launch Bite. The two Pokémon manage to successfully strike each other with Bite and Razor Blade, standing still anticipating whom will fall first. After a few moments, Pansage loses consciousness and slams into the ground. Pansage is announced as unable to battle. Chili announces that the winner with two victories and one loss, is the challenger Ash. Cilan, Chili, and Cress present Ash with the Tri Badge. Chili states that it is proof of his victory at the Striaton Gym. Ash shouts out that he obtained his first badge of the Unova region. Ash questions Iris about his battle, shouting that he had won. Iris states that although he won, he went through the trouble of battling all three leaders even when he wasn't required. Iris continues that he deliberately chose to go the hard way and would have looked bad if he hadn't won. Ash questions Iris why she is so mean to him. Iris boldly suggests that overcoming the type disadvantage in the battle only went well because his Pokémon responded to him and he should think a bit more about tactics and choice of moves. Ash demands for Iris to show her skill, challenging her to a battle. Iris agrees however Cilan interrupts suggesting they should battle later. Cilan states that Ash and Iris are producing quite a lovely "flavor". Ash questions Cilan about his reference to "flavor". Iris states that it means "aroma". Cilan questions if the two are traveling together. Iris shouts that they are not together and storms out of the gym congratulating Ash on his battle.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket manages to successfully infiltrate the Dream Site located in the vicinity of Straiton City. Jessie states that it was previously where the future energy was being produced. Meowth contributes that it is now just a shadow of it's former self. The Dream Site is littered in ruins, from a previous structure, which now lies in shambles. Jessie announces that they will begin the mission immediately. James places a case onto the ground, and removes a rectangular object, twisting it to form an axel and wheels. James installs the set of wheels into a small diagnostic machine. Jessie and James complete the construction by attaching two antennas, which are used to monitor the future energy. Jessie initiates the system, stating that it will detect the traces of the future energy and transfer the data back to headquarters. Meowth presses a small diagnostic board on the machine, which forces it to initiate, rotating its antennas towards the ground and begins examining the area. After a few moments, the nearby area begins reacting, emitting a purple energy in response to the machine. Meowth suggests that the response is getting stronger. At Fennels' residence, her Munna begins reacting to the energy.

Afterwards, Ash places Tepig and Oshawott's Monster Ball into a small container at a local Pokémon Center. The resident Joy greets Ash. Ash questions if she is the same woman they previously met in Accumula Town. Joy responds that the person they met was actually her younger sister. Joy reveals a photo, containing herself and her thirteen siblings (This suggests there are fourteen Pokémon Centers in the Unova Region). Joy points to the corner of the picture, pointing out both herself and her younger sister. Ash sighs that they all look identical after all. Joy greets Ash, stating that a Pikachu is rare in Unova. Joy questions if Pikachu will have a Gym Match later in the day. Cilan enters the Pokémon Center, interrupting the conversation and responding that the match has already ended. Cilan states that Ash proved himself to be very strong. Ash questions why Cilan is at the Pokémon Center, and Cilan responds that he would like to talk to Ash for a moment. Ash and Cilan take a seat at a nearby table. Cilan states that the battle was fruitful and the depth of the combination between Ash and his Pokémon intoxicated him. Ash shrugs, suggesting that he is exaggerating. Cilan states that as a Pokémon Sommelier, he has tons of things that he would like to ask for future reference. Ash shouts for Cilan to ask him anything. Cilan begins barraging Ash with questions such as; "How can I bring out Pokémon’s innermost scents and talents like you do?" and "What is the secret behind the hidden flavor of turning type compatibilities over and grasping victory?". Cilan edges towards Ash, demanding for Ash to respond. Ash embarrassed, responds that he doesn't know the answer.

Joy's voice is overheard on the Pokémon Center speaker, announcing that Ash's Pokémon have all recovered. Ash rushes over to recover his Pokémon, and is greeted by a Audino pushing a cart containing Pikachu and his two Monster Balls. Ash questions Cilan about which Pokémon it is. Cilan responds that it is an Audino that assists Joy at the Pokémon Center. Ash reaches for his Zukan, querying its data. The Zukan chirps: "Audino, the Healing Pokémon. When touching a Pokémon with its large ears, it can sense its state of health as well as its feelings.". Iris rushes inside of the Pokémon Center, which Axew grasped in her arms shouting for Joy. Axew is enveloped in future energy, which has forced him to go to sleep. Joy questions Iris what has happened. Iris states that Axew was bathed in a strange, pink light and was put to sleep. Iris continues that she doesn't know what it is, but it's flying around everywhere outside. A few moments after, Fennel dashes inside of the Pokémon Center with her Munna. Fennel commands for Munna to wake Axew up. Munna approaches Axew and begins absorbing the future energy inflicted on Axew. Ash opens his Zukan, retrieving the entry on Munna: "Munna, the Dream Eater Pokémon. After eating the dreams of humans or Pokémon, it can project those dreams into the smoke it ejects from its body.". Munna manages to complete absorbing the energy and begins to emit a pink smoke, which displays Axew's dream. The dream is depicted as Axew racing through a field playfully and finally comes to a stop, evolving into Fraxure. After a few moments, Fraxure soon evolves into Haxorus. The cloud dissipates and Iris looks down upon Axew, stating that he was dreaming about evolution. Fennel, the dreaming maiden, introduces herself as a scientist who performs research on the mysterious powers of Pokémon. The future energy continues to envelope the city as the residents stay inside, unaware of its affects. The group exit the Pokémon Center, and Iris suggest that the energy is what put Axew to sleep. Fennel states that the future energy is produced by Musharna's dream smoke. Ash questions about whom Mursharna is. Cilan suggests that it is the evolved form of Munna. Fennel confirms that he is correct. Ash opens his Zukan, recalling Musharna's entry: "Musharna, the Trance Pokémon. The evolved form of Munna. It can make the dreams it ate materialize in the smoke leaking out of its forehead". Fennel states that Musharna also has the ability to eat dreams and project them into smoke. A police enforcement vehicle hastily approaches the group and screeches to a halt. A young officer, Jenny, exits the vehicle and suggests for them to return their Pokémon to their Monster Balls immediately. Jenny continues that throughout the city, a strange phenomenon is going on which is forcing Pokémon that are bathed in the light to fall asleep. Ash interrupts stating that his Pikachu dislikes going into its Monster Ball. Fennel removes Ash's hat and places it on Pikachu, in an attempt to protect him from the future energy. Cilan questions if Munna will be fine. Fennel suggest that Munna and the light are being drawn to each other, after all and will be fine. Fennel states that the key to solving the mystery of the disturbance should be located at the Dream Site.

An announcement is overhead throughout the city which directs citizens to keep their Pokémon inside. The group enter Jenny's vehicle and begin departure towards the Dream Site. Cilan questions if the Dream site is the ruins on the outskirts of town. Cilan states that he heard there was a huge explosion three years ago. Fennel confirms Cilan's rumors, responding that the ruins are the remains of the Pokémon Energy Laboratory. Fennel states that research was done on how the smoke Musharna produces after eating dreams could be harnessed and turned into energy for everyone. Fennel continues that she was also a part of the research team. Ash questions Fennel about her comments about turning dreams into energy. Fennel suggests that if they had completed the research, they would have been able to produce the ultimate clean energy. Fennel states that the base of the energy was the dreams of humans and Pokémon. Although, during their research, a group of individuals arrive claiming that they own the rights to the energy. Fennel suggests that the greedy ambitions that the individuals possessed also resembled dreams in a sense. Fennel suggests that Musharna had absorbed the greed-filled thoughts and was unable to dispose of the swelling dreams, which resulted in the explosion three years ago that tore the laboratory to pieces. Fennel states that Musharna disappeared after the explosion in the laboratory. Fennel continues that it is the reason why she has stopped researching. Fennel states that after Musharna disappeared, she grew tired of research and moved away from the city, however because Munna sensed something, she returned to Straiton to investigate. Fennel suggests that with the appearance of the future energy, Musharna must be alive somewhere.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket continue their diagnostics at the Dream Site. Jessie examines that it is an amazing response. James states that it exceed expectations. Meowth suggest that the mission was a huge success. After a few moments, our heroes arrive at the scene, racing towards Team Rocket. Jenny questions Team Rocket, questioning them about their actions at the Dream Site. James responds that they are searching for the lingering fragrance of dreams. Fennel states that Team Rocket's machine increases the remaining future energy in the area. Jessie confirms that she is correct. Jenny demands to know who Team Rocket is. Team Rocket shouts that when she asks who they are, the answer she shall receive will be for the sake of tomorrow. Jenny questions why an organization from the Kanto region is in Unova. Jessie states that their project is to gain total control of the Unova region. James contributes that the energy remaining at the Dream Site will be fully revived by the hands of Team Rocket. Meowth shouts that they won't forgive anyone who dares to interfere. Cilan questions Fennel if Musharna could have tried to alert them to Team Rocket through Munna. Munna nods in agreement. A few moments later, the future energy begins reacting and envelops everyone. Jessie questions what Pokémon Musharna is. James states that it is a Pokémon which is said to have assisted in the experiment at the laboratory. Meowth suggests that in addition to accomplishing their mission, they can capture the Pokémon which resulted in the creation of future energy itself. The future energy begins reacting, forming a small sphere. The sphere soon dissipates revealing Musharna. Fennel races over to greet Musharna however Team Rocket utilize their machine to launch a ray of energy at Fennel which collides with the ground at her feet. Team Rocket continues to launch energy at Ash and Fennel, demanding that they will claim Musharna. Team Rocket utilizes one of the antenna to generate a green beam of energy, which envelops Musharna effectively trapping its movements. Jessie proclaims that Musharna now belongs to Team Rocket and they won't let them interfere. Pikachu blazes forward towards Team Rocket, enveloping its body in electrical energy in preparation to launch Volt Tackle. The machine directs its energy towards Pikachu in an attempt to thwart his attack. Munna launches Psychic which manages to severely damage the machine. Pikachu follows-up with Volt Tackle which shatters the machinery, releasing its grasp on Musharna. With the destruction of Team Rocket's mecha, the future energy begins to dissipate. Jessie responds by releasing Woobat whom launches a strong Gust as cover. Team Rocket utilize the opening and escape from the scene successfully. Iris complains that they managed to escape again. Ash suggests that it doesn't matter because Fennel was finally able to reunite with Musharna. Fennel apologizes for not noticing Musharna for such a long time and states they will be together forever. Fennel thanks Ash for his assistance. Ash responds that he is happy for Fennel and Musharna. Jenny suggests that they can finally consider the case as solved. Team Rocket manage to successfully initiate communications with Giovanni. Giovanni states that their current mission is finished and all the data they collected has been successfully transferred. Jessie questions Giovanni about the analysis of the future energy. Giovanni responds that a special team is already assigned and is working on the analysis. Giovanni states that Jessie, James, and Meowth will stand by until the next mission.

Afterwards, Cilan announces to his two siblings that after meeting Ash and battling him, he can no longer stay in Straiton City. Cilan suggests that even outside of battles, there are different combinations of Pokémon and Trainers, which is something that is very important for mastering the art of Pokémon Sommelier. Chili and Cress agree with Cilan's decision and wish him luck on his journey. Ash questions Cilan where he will travel. Cilan responds that he will travel anywhere that Ash travels. Cilan suggests that with Ash, it should become a journey full of different tastes. Ash suggests that they should go together on their journey. Cilan removes a map, stating that the next gym is in Nacrene City. Cilan questions Ash where Iris is, however Ash responds that he doesn't know. Iris interrupts the two by swinging down from a nearby tree, shouting "Boo!". Iris child fully asks if she startled them. Ash shouts that she did. Cilan suggests that the three of them should travel together because personally he thinks that their combination has a really nice feel to it. Ash suggests that he thinks it would be nice to travel together as well. Iris questions why Ash gets to make the decision by himself. Ash suggests that they should travel together so they can achieve their dreams; himself as a Pokémon Master and Cilan as the world's number one Pokémon Sommelier. Ash questions Iris about what her dream was again. Iris responds that it is a secret and begins racing down the sidewalk.

Having won the Tri Badge, Ash now travels with a new friend, Cilan. With the addition of Iris, the trio's journey has now begun.
11 Mar 2012 09:31 AM
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