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22 Dec 2012 10:05 AM
ivantuga2 Administrator
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24 Dec 2012 10:33 AM
ivantuga2 Administrator
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26 Dec 2012 04:16 PM
ivantuga2 Administrator
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27 Dec 2012 01:45 PM
ivantuga2 Administrator
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29 Dec 2012 03:59 PM
ivantuga2 Administrator
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31 Dec 2012 12:29 PM
ivantuga2 Administrator
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Diamond & Pearl is complete as well!


Note: this is a first. Two BW musics were played in DP191 (a previous series), which obviously haven't been released yet. I won't add them to the database until they're released. I'll be registering them in private, but not assigning until they become available.
In addition, an unreleased version of the "In Your Heart, Lalala" ending played in the episode and the sponsor commercials. It has been added to the database. Only the sample is pending.

The first three series are now finished!
Last edited 31 Dec 2012 02:45 PM by ivantuga2
31 Dec 2012 04:41 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Quote From: ivantuga2
Diamond & Pearl is complete as well! In addition, an unreleased version of the "In Your Heart, Lalala" ending played in the episode and the sponsor commercials. It has been added to the database. Only the sample is pending.

Added the sample for that track http://www.pocketmonsters.net/cd/view/375#Track-5189 that aired in DP191.

Amazing work on the music database Ivan. Its a really good reference for people now to used to identify tracks in the series.
31 Dec 2012 05:19 PM
Adamant Administrator
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Congratulations, Ivan. Very impressive work you've done.
31 Dec 2012 05:30 PM
Erlade Administrator
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Congratulations on completing this amazing project, Ivan! The music database has become an amazing reference for any Pokémon fan interested in the show's music thanks to your hard work. Your dedication is remarkable! :)
31 Dec 2012 07:11 PM
eviltrainer Administrator
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Congratulations for your hard work! I wish I could have the time and the courage to finish such an amazing project!