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25 Jan 2007 03:00 AM
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31 Mar 2011 01:44 PM
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Characters in episode: Satoshi, Satoshi's Pikachu, Takeshi, Hikari, Musashi, Kojiro, Nyarth, Hyouta, Iwao, Shinji, Satoshi's Eipam, Hyouta's Zugaidos, Satoshi's Naetle, Hyouta's Iwark, Hikari's Pochama, Hikari's Mimirol, Shinji's Elekid, Hyouta's Ishitsubute, Shinji's Hikozaru, Takeshi's Usokkie, Momoan, Contesta, Sukizo, Kenzo, Shinji's Marilli, Junsa, Musashi's Sonansu, Kojiro's Manene, Hyouta's Rampard, Takeshi's Gureggru

Pokemon in Episode: Armaldo, Omnite, Kabutops, Anopth, Lilyla, Kabuto, Ptera, Himeguma, Koduck, Ootachi, Ruriri, Kimawari,

Characters Pokemon Attacks:
Satoshi's Pikachu - Iron Tail
Satoshi's Eipam - Focus Punch
Satoshi's Naetle - Razor Leaf
Takeshi's Usokkie - Rock Head (Ability)
Takeshi's Usokkie - Double-Edge
Hyouta's Zugaidos - Flamethrower
Hyouta's Zugaidos - Zen Headbutt
Hyouta's Rampard - Zen headbutt

Eyecatch: Hikari, Satoshi, Takeshi (first DP eyecatch style)

Location: Mountains outside Kurogane City, Kurogane City, Kurogane Pokemon Center, Kurogane Research Center

Brief list of major episode highlights:
- Satoshi is training with his Pokemon, planning to rechallenge the gym with the same Pokemon he just lost with.
- Hikari goes off on her own to train contest moves. At the Pokemon center, she hears a video announcement from Momoan advertising the upcoming Sonoo Town Pokemon Contest, and decides to enter that.
- At the Research Center, Kenzo discovers the Fossil Revival Machine has been stolen.
- The Rockets, who stole the machine, are planning to build the Sinnoh conquest army by reviving fossils, but discover they forgot to bring any actual fossils with them. just then, the machine finishes reviving the Ptera fossil that was already put into it. Musashi tries to get the Ptera, but it avoids the monster ball and flies off towards the city.
- The Ptera attacks the research center, freeing a Kabutops and an Armaldo kept there, and they start attacking the city as well. Iwao goes to get help from Hyouta, who has met up with Satoshi and Takeshi outside the city.
- Hyouta confronts Armaldo and Kabutops and attack them with his Zugaidos, however the Rockets attack in their remodeled Fossil Revival Machine and captures both Zugaidos and the fossil Pokemon. Before they can escape, however, Ptera attacks and knocks out the mech, freeing the captured Pokemon. The researchers return the escaped fossil Pokemon to their balls.
- Ptera attacks Satoshi and Pikachu with its Giga Impact, but they are saved by Hikari's Pochama, as she arrives on the scene. Using her newly developed spin jump technique, Pochama and Mimirol manage to knock down Ptera, and Kenzo catches it.
- The Rockets get the Fossil Revival machine back on its feet and attempt to escape with it. Hyouta sends Zugaidos after them, and after initially getting caught in a net, it evolves into Rampard, recovers the machine and send the Rockets flying.
- Satoshi asks Huyota for a rematch the next day, stating he has found a strategy for defeating him.

Team Rocket Balloon Enhancements? No

Number of Times Team Rocket Blasted off in the episode: 2

Did Team Rocket use a Mecha in the episode? The Fossil Revival Machine (with certain upgrades installed)

Okido's Lecture: "Hikari's Pochama"