Home / Episode Guide / ダイヤモンド&パールリターンズ「ポケモンハンターJ!」有名人ポケモンだいすきクラブ(3)ポケモンゲームアリーナ「ポケモンカードゲーム」/Diamond & Pearl Returns 'Pokémon Hunter J!' / Celebrities' Pokémon Daisuki Club (3) / Pokémon Game Arena 'Pokémon Card Game'
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  • Japan ダイヤモンド&パールリターンズ「ポケモンハンターJ!」有名人ポケモンだいすきクラブ(3)ポケモンゲームアリーナ「ポケモンカードゲーム」
  • Japan Diamond & Pearl Returns 'Pokémon Hunter J!' / Yūmeijin Pokémon Daisuki Club (3) / Pokémon Game Arena 'Pokémon Card Game'
  • Japan Diamond & Pearl Returns 'Pokémon Hunter J!' / Celebrities' Pokémon Daisuki Club (3) / Pokémon Game Arena 'Pokémon Card Game'


OP/ED List

ポケモン☆サンデー (バージョン5)
Pokémon Sunday (Version 5)
Episode Actors Regions
Ash and co. are continuing their journey to Floaroma Town. They soon come to a site with beautiful flowers. At the far end is a house. Suddenly, Ash and co. see a Pokémon fly in the sky. Ash looks up the Pokémon in his Pokédex. It is a Salamence, and someone is riding it. At the house is a girl and her Gardevoir. They are watering the flowers. The suspicious woman who was riding the Salamence approaches the girl and her Gardevoir. She orders the girl to give her Gardevoir. The girl refuses to do so, and the woman sends out Ariados. Ariados uses its String Shot attack to tie the girl to a tree. The girl tells her Gardevoir to run away. Gardevoir uses its Teleport attack. The woman puts on special googles to find Gardevoir's location. When she finds it, she uses a special weapon to turn Gardevoir into stone. Then a truck comes out of nowhere. A capsule is launched from the truck, and the capsule traps Gardevoir in. The truck then takes Gardevoir away, and the suspicious woman flies away on her Salamence.

Ash and co. run up to the girl to make sure she's okay. Then Ash runs out to get Gardevoir back. Ash notices that the truck is driving around a cliff, so he decides to cut in the middle of it. Ash tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt. Pikachu delivers a huge shock at the truck, but the attack does no damage. The woman on Salamence tells Ash that Pikachu is very powerful. She sends out Drapion. Ash looks up Drapion in his Pokédex. The woman tells Ash to battle Drapion because she wants to see what other attacks Pikachu can do. Pikachu use Volt Tackle, but Drapion dodges the attack. The woman notices that Pikachu is very powerful. She traps Pikachu in stone. Then a capsule is launched from the truck and it traps Pikachu inside. Ash begins to run to get Pikachu, but Ariados stops him with its String Shot attack. Then they take off with Pikachu.

Team Rocket notices that the woman captured Pikachu. They won't tolerate that because they want Pikachu, so they decide to get Pikachu back and make the woman work for them. Dawn, Brock, and the girl then run up to Ash. Ash tells them that the woman got Gardevoir and Pikachu. Dawn sends out Pachirisu. It uses Spark to cut the threads that tied Ash up. Then they run out to find the woman.

Suddenly, smoke appears, preventing the truck from going any further. Team Rocket comes out, and they say their motto. The woman notices that Meowth can talk, and she thinks it would make a good price when she sells it. Jessie orders Seviper to attack, but Ariados uses its String Shot attack to tie Jessie, James, and Seviper together. Then the woman uses her weapon on Meowth, turning it to stone. A capsule flies out again and captures Meowth, and then she continues her escape. Ash and co. continue to chase after the woman and the truck. Suddenly, a huge blimp flies into the air. The woman has made her getaway.

Officer Jenny meets up with Ash and co. She also has been chasing down the woman. Brock asks Officer Jenny who the woman is. Officer Jenny explains that her name is J, and she is a Pokémon Hunter. Dawn wonders what a Pokémon Hunter is. Officer Jenny tells her that a Pokémon Hunter captures Pokémon and then sells them for money. Ash can't take it anymore. He swears that he will get Pikachu back no matter what it takes.

One of J's henchmen walks into the room where Pikachu, Meowth, and Gardevoir are at. He moves down the switch on Meowth's capsule. The stone dissolves up to Meowth's neck, so that Meowth can talk. The man tells Meowth to smile for the camera because his team plans on selling it. Meowth refuses to do so. It doesn't matter for them anyway, so the man leaves. Meowth tells itself that it has to get free. He notices that Pikachu is stuck in the stone, too.

Ash and co. try to think of a plan on how they can find J. Officer Jenny states that J's location is a mystery. Brock knows that they can't locate J, but if they can predict where J is going next, then that will give them a chance to find their Pokémon. The girl sends out Kirlia. Kirlia can help them find out J's next location. The girl shows a picture of J to Kirlia. She tells Kirlia to find out where J will be going next. Kirlia sends an image of J's next location to Ash and co.'s minds. Officer Jenny knows where the location is. So Ash and co. head down their right away.

J's location is at the end of the forest. When they get there, they already see J stealing another Pokémon. Ash and co. run up to J, and they demand for their Pokémon back. Salamence uses Hyper Beam at the group. Then J tells the truck driver to start things up again. Ash runs under the truck and holds on the bottom of it. He finds Jessie and James are there, too. The truck and J drive up to their blimp again. They go inside and take off. Officer Jenny notices that Ash is gone. Brock thinks that Ash might have gone into the blimp. Ash, Jessie, and James walk out from underneath the truck. They open the door and notice that the blimp is a very large place. Ash sends out Aipom to help them search for the Pokémon, and then they all split up.

Meanwhile, J and the truck driver is in the room with the Pokémon. They are talking to Meowth. Meowth tells them that he wants to work for them. He offers to be a translator where he can translate what the other Pokémon are thinking. Aipom opens the door just a bit to see J with the Pokémon. J tells Meowth that she doesn't need that kind of help. Then J notices that door that Aipom opened. She knows that intruders are on the loose, and they plan to find them. Aipom runs up to Ash and tells him that it knows where Pikachu is. Meanwhile, James sees a door. He presses the switch. The door opens and a bunch of henchmen are revealed. They begin to chase James. On the other side is Jessie being chased by more men. They run for their lives.

Ash and Aipom are running to Pikachu's location. Suddenly, Drapion comes out and holds onto Ash tightly. J then comes out, too. Aipom uses its Fury Swipes attack on Drapion to let Ash go. Then Ash prepares for battle. He send out Turtwig. J notices that Aipom and Turtwig are worthless, so she tells Drapion to attack them. Turtwig uses Razor Leaf, and Aipom uses Swift, but the attacks don't do much damage to Drapion. Drapion uses its Cross Poison attack to hurt Aipom and Turtwig. Suddenly, Jessie and James run up towards Ash. The men are still chasing after them. Aipom finds a vent in the wall. Ash and Aipom run inside it, followed up by Jessie and James. Turtwig goes in last. The men continue to chase them in the vent, but Turtwig uses its Razor Leaf on them to prevent the men from going any further.

The vent leads to the room with the Pokémon. Meowth tells Ash and co. to use the switch on the capsule to get them free. They pull the switch down for each capsule, freeing Pikachu, Meowth, and Gardevoir. Suddenly, the men come through the door. One of them sends out Golbat. Golbat uses Steel Wing attack, but Pikachu counters with Volt Tackle. Golbat is weakened, but it uses Supersonic. The Supersonic atttack doesn't affect Pikachu, and it uses Thunderbolt to beat Golbat. Part of the Thunderbolt attack blasts a hole in the blimp. A big wind comes inside. Turtwig and Aipom almost fall out of the blimp, but Ash returns them back into their Pokéballs just in time. Then Ash sends out Staravia to tell Officer Jenny where they are at.

The captain reports to J that there has been some damage in one of their rooms. J orders the captain to release the room even though some of their men are still on board. The captain follows orders. The room is released, and it begins to fall from the sky. Officer Jenny and the others see it. Officer Jenny uses her binoculars and sees that Ash is in it. Gardevoir uses its Teleport attack to teleport Ash, Pikachu, Jessie, James, and Meowth to safety. The room crashes to the ground. Dawn and Brock meet up with Ash to make sure he's alright. The girl meets up with her Gardevoir, too. Officer Jenny ties a rope around the men and tells them that they are under arrest. Team Rocket walks away. They know that J is more eviler than them, so they will try their best to overcome that.

J tells the captain to search for a new target. The captain follows her order. Ash and co. are very upset at the fact that J just captures Pokémon and sells them for money. However, they know that Officer Jenny will eventually capture J. Now Ash and co. continue their way towards Floaroma Town.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Shoko Nakagawa
  • Japan 中川翔子
  • Japan Shōko Nakagawa
  • Japan Shoko Nakagawa
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 馬場裕之
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 山本博
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 秋山竜次
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan ゴルゴ松本
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan レッド吉田
  • Japan Red Yoshida
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Director Lucario
  • Japan ルカリオ部長
  • Japan Director Buchō
  • Japan Director Lucario
No notes available for this episode.
Episode Music Regions
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Japanese Music:


Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
24 Jan 2009 11:09 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Professor Red brings out his latest invention, the RED047 - The Thunderbolt Experience Machine. He demonstrates, while dressed up like Pikachu, that with his machine, he can shock the crew just like Pikachu shocked Satoshi in the first episode of the anime. I found that scene to be hilarious and quite inventive, wish they spent more time doing live action segments like this.
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25 Jan 2009 03:00 AM
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25 Jan 2009 04:06 AM
Adamant Administrator
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Agreed, sadly the rest of the episode was relatively boring. Was probably more interesting for the Japanese, who knew who these celebrities were, though.
05 Feb 2009 09:04 PM
Joined: 24 Aug 2008
Posts: 27
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This episode was really fun for me.

I know Suzanu, Kino****a Yukina from video, Quiz! Hexagon Two!!