Home / Episode Guide / ピカチュウのおるすばん!/Pikachu in Charge!/Steamboat Willies!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States Steamboat Willies
  • Japan ピカチュウのおるすばん!
  • Japan Pikachū no Orusuban!
  • Japan Pikachu in Charge!
  • Germany Pokémon, allein auf See!
  • France Une croisière mouvementée
  • Spain Marcha en el barco a vapor
  • Sweden Ångbåt på drift!
  • Italy Una crociera da brivido
  • Mexico ¡Viaje En Barco De Vapor!
  • Finland Vaara vesillä
  • Taiwan 皮卡丘留守記!
  • Poland Parostatek
  • Brazil Duas Babás Quase Perfeitas!
  • Czechia Pokémoní večírek
  • Norway Pokémon seiler sin egen sjø
  • South Korea 눈물이 방울방울! 포켓몬들의 우정!
  • Portugal Perigo no Barco a Vapor!
  • Russia Пароходные приключения!


Staff List
Anime Studio Logo
OLM Team Iguchi

Japan Screenplay 松井亜弥 (Aya Matsui)
Japan Storyboard 浅田裕二 (Yūji Asada)
Japan Episode Director 浅田裕二 (Yūji Asada)
Japan Animation Director 岩根雅明 (Masaaki Iwane)
Japan Animation Director 玉川明洋 (Akihiro Tamagawa)

OP/ED List

君のそばで ~ヒカリのテーマ~ Pop-Up Version
Kimi no Soba de ~Hikari no Theme~ Pop-Up Version
Pokémon Diamante e Perla
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl
함께 가는길
On the Road Together
Pokémon Roll Call
Episode Director
Animation Director
Ash and co. are continuing their way towards Hearthome City. They approach the view of a big, beautiful river. Dawn looks down and notices a steamboat. Brock pulls out his guide book. He says that it is a sight-seeing steamboat. Ash and co. all want to ride the steamboat.

Ash and co. have finally went on the steamboat. The first room they see is a huge diner. In the center are band instruments. Pikachu walks up to the cello and plucks one of the strings. Then Pikachu runs up onto the dock. Pikachu is amazed by the wonderful view. Ash and co. follow Pikachu up onto the dock. Him, Dawn, and Brock all send out their Pokémon so that they can also join in on the fun. Pachirisu and Happiny find a few rings on the ground to play with. Piplup points to the board where they have to throw the rings into. It's a ring toss game. Piplup takes one of the rings and throws it, hoping to make one of the shots. Piplup misses, but Pikachu leaps up and makes it in the goal. The rest of the Pokémon cheer for Pikachu.

Ash and co. wonder why nobody is on the boat yet. Dawn notices a man down below. She calls out for him. The man wakes up from his nap. They ask the man when the boat leaves. The man tells them that the steamboat leaves everyday at noon. He asks Ash and co. where they plan on heading off to. Dawn replies that they are going to Hearthome City. Then Brock asks the man if their is a Pokémart anywhere nearby. The man tells him that there is one right past the woods. Ash, Dawn, and Brock all want to go. They turn around and notice that all the Pokémon are having fun. Ash doesn't want to stop them. The man tells them that they can leave their Pokémon on board the ship while they go shopping. Ash and co. thank the man for his kind courtesy. Before Ash and co. leave, they leave Pikachu and Piplup in charge of the others.

After Ash and co. leave, Pikachu and Piplup run back to play with the other Pokémon. When they get back, they notice Pachirisu and Happiny on the edge of the boat. Pikachu and Piplup quickly run towards them before they can jump off the edge. Piplup catches Happiny. Pikachu manages to catch Pachirisu, but Pikachu accidentally slips and falls. Piplup manages to catch Pikachu, however, and the three Pokémon struggle to get back on board the boat. Happiny notices them, and it throws them back on the boat.

Team Rocket are in their balloon. They notice Ash and co.'s Pokémon are on the boat. Their plan is to steal the Pokémon, give them all to the boss, and then make some money from it. Meanwhile, all the Pokémon are back inside the diner room. Croagunk has found a mirror and stares at it for a long time. Sudowoodo bangs on the piano, Pikachu plucks on the cello strings, Buizel is playing the saxophone, and Turtwig is on drums. Happiny, Aipom, and Buneary finds a closet filled with cool clothes and outfits. Pachirisu walks in the same room and notices a ladder. At the top of the ladder are balloons. Pachirisu imagines flying with Staravia, so it climbs up the ladder to get the balloons. Piplup has found a station full of magic stuff, something that Piplup admires. Pachirisu ties the balloons onto itself, and then it begins floating in the air. Pachirisu floats right out of the room.

Meanwhile, Ash and co. are at the Pokémart shopping for supplies. Ash finds a product that he likes and asks for Dawn's opinion on it. Dawn approaches Ash with a Piplup mask, scaring Ash a bit. Dawn then sees a few ornaments that she has always adored. In the next aisle is hair gel. Dawn wants some of that too because she uses Piplup's Bubblebeam to fix her hair everyday. Brock goes crazy over a few girls in the store, and without Croagunk there to stop him, Brock has freedom over it.

Sudowoodo, Pikachu, Buizel, and Turtwig form their own band and begin to play music. Happiny, Aipom, and Buneary have found costumes that they like, and they wear them. Piplup is performing a few magic tricks of its own. Meanwhile, Pachirisu floats into the kitchen and begins to knock over the pots and pans. Pikachu hears the crashes and runs straight into the kitchen. It sees Pachirisu knocking over a stack of plates. Pikachu quickly catches all the plates before they can break. The next room that Pachirisu floats in to is the control room. Pachirisu crashes in the window. The balloons pop and Pachirisu falls on the controls. Pachirisu gives off an electric shock, which turns on the engine to the boat. The steamboat slowly begins to drift away from the dock. With the man sleeping and Ash and co. gone, no one is there to stop the boat from drifting off.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket has boarded the ship. They are in disguises, and they are performing a dance show in front of the Pokémon. Pikachu soon joins them, and all the Pokémon dance with Team Rocket. Team Rocket soon leads the Pokémon in a tunnel. When all the Pokémon are in the tunnel, Team Rocket quickly closes the door. James pulls out the key and is about to lock it, but Pachirisu soon wakes up. It slips off the panel and onto the steering wheel. The steering wheel turns several times causing the boat to move harshly to the left. The turn causes James to drop the key. Team Rocket runs to get the key. When they finally get the key, however, all the Pokémon have escaped the tunnel. The Pokémon all attack Team Rocket, blasting them off again.

The man finally wakes up from his nap. He notices that the steamboat has drifted off. Ash and co. soon walk up to the man. The man tells them what happened. Ash and co. realize that they have to find another boat to catch up with the steamboat, but the only boats around are sailboats. So the man sends out his Mantine. Ash and Dawn jump onto Mantine, and Mantine takes them to the steamboat.

The steamboat approaches a waterfall. The Pokémon begin to think of a plan to turn the boat around. Pikachu notices that Croagunk is missing. Croagunk is still staring at the mirror. Pikachu runs over and gets Croagunk when it hears Ash's voice. Pikachu looks out, and it sees Ash and Dawn riding Mantine. The Pokémon soon all meet up with Ash and Dawn. Mantine jumps over the boat, and Ash and Dawn land on board the boat. Dawn notices that Aipom and Buneary look really cute in their outfits. Ash tells Dawn that they have business to take care of first. Ash heads into the control room. Dawn tells Piplup to use Whirlpool on the river. Piplup throws a gigantic whirlpool in the river, and Ash begins to steer the steamboat away from the waterfall. However, the whirlpool isn't enough as the steamboat inches closer and closer to the waterfall. Buneary finally uses Ice Beam. The steamboat manages to completely turn itself around.

Suddenly, the steamboat approaches a huge chunk of rock. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, and Turtwig uses Razor Leaf at the rock. Their attacks aren't having much effect on the rock, so Buizel helps by using Sonicboom. The Sonicboom does the job. The rock breaks, but a large chunk of it heads straight towards the steamboat. There is no way to dodge it. Fortunately, Mantine comes in and breaks the rock. The steamboat is saved, and they head back to shore.

The man apologizes to Ash and co. for all the trouble that occured. Ash and co. accepts the apology. The man is impressed with Pikachu and Piplup and their brilliant thinking throughout their whole trip. He then wishes them the best of luck as Ash and co. board the ship for Hearthome City.

English Official Summary

On the way to Hearthome City, Ash and his friends spot a sightseeing steamboat and decide to take a ride. But the old man in charge of the boat informs them that it doesn't depart until noon, which leaves our three Trainers with plenty of time to go shop at a nearby Poké Mart. All their Pokémon stay on the boat to have some fun in the meantime, since there are no other passengers yet. The fun starts to get a little messy, however, and on top of that, Pachirisu's clowning around accidentally sets the ship in motion! Team Rocket is already onboard and in disguise, planning to carry out their latest criminal scheme. Using the power of song and dance, they lure Pikachu and the Pokémon into a trap—except all the Pokémon escape when the ship suddenly changes course! Pachirisu is still up in the boat's cockpit, and it accidentally turned the steering wheel. Pikachu and friends have no problem blasting Team Rocket off and overboard, but now the boat's new course is taking it right toward a giant waterfall! Ash, Dawn, and Brock return to the boat dock and discover that their Pokémon are in danger. With the help of the old man's Mantine, Ash and Dawn catch up to the runaway boat and jump onboard. Then, with Ash at the wheel and some Pokémon teamwork, the ship is steered away from the waterfall and back to safety. Our heroes apologize to the old man for all the trouble, but he's proud of what they accomplished and wishes them good luck on their adventures.

French Official Summary

Sur le chemin d'Unionpolis, Sacha et ses amis repèrent un bateau à vapeur et décident de monter à bord.

German Official Summary

Ash und seine Freunde gehen an Bord eines Dampfers, der sie nach Herzhofen bringen soll, aber als sie zum Einkaufen zurück zur Stadt gehen, fährt das Schiff auf einmal mit ihren Pokémon los!

Italian Official Summary

Sulla strada per Cuoripoli, Ash e i suoi amici vedono un battello turistico e decidono di farci un giro.

Portuguese Official Summary

Nossos heróis embarcam num barco a vapor destinado à Cidade de Hearthome – mas quando eles precisam voltar para a cidade, o barco acidentalmente parte com seus Pokémon!

Finnish Official Summary

Sankarimme nousevat höyrylaivaan, joka suuntaa Hearthome Cityyn, mutta kun heidän on palattava kaupunkiin hakemaan tarvikkeita, lähtee laiva vahingossa ilman heitä, vain heidän Pokémoninsa mukanaan!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Nuestros héroes abordan un barco de vapor con dirección a Ciudad Corazonada, pero cuando deben correr de vuelta al pueblo por suministros, ¡el barco accidentalmente se va con sus Pokémon!

Spanish Official Summary

De camino a Ciudad Corazón, Ash y sus amigos ven un barco de vapor turístico y deciden dar una vuelta en él.

English Great Britian Official Summary

On the way to Hearthome City, Ash and his friends spot a sightseeing steamboat and decide to take a ride. But the old man in charge of the boat informs them that it doesn't depart until noon, which leaves our three Trainers with plenty of time to go shop at a nearby Poké Mart. All their Pokémon stay on the boat to have some fun in the meantime, since there are no other passengers yet. The fun starts to get a little messy, however, and on top of that, Pachirisu's clowning around accidentally sets the ship in motion! Team Rocket is already onboard and in disguise, planning to carry out their latest criminal scheme. Using the power of song and dance, they lure Pikachu and the Pokémon into a trap—except all the Pokémon escape when the ship suddenly changes course! Pachirisu is still up in the boat's cockpit, and it accidentally turned the steering wheel. Pikachu and friends have no problem blasting Team Rocket off and overboard, but now the boat's new course is taking it right toward a giant waterfall! Ash, Dawn, and Brock return to the boat dock and discover that their Pokémon are in danger. With the help of the old man's Mantine, Ash and Dawn catch up to the runaway boat and jump onboard. Then, with Ash at the wheel and some Pokémon teamwork, the ship is steered away from the waterfall and back to safety. Our heroes apologize to the old man for all the trouble, but he's proud of what they accomplished and wishes them good luck on their adventures.

Russian Official Summary

Наши герои садятся на лодку, идущую в Хартхоум Сити. Но, когда герои сходят на берег, чтобы пополнить провизию, лодка уплывает с их покемонами!

Dutch Official Summary

Onze helden gaan aan boord van een stoomboot op weg naar Hearthome City—maar als ze terug naar de stad moeten voor voorraden, vertrekt de boot per ongeluk met hun Pokémon!

Norwegian Official Summary

Våre helter går om bord i en dampbåt på vei til Hearthome City - men når de må skynde seg tilbake til byen for å hente forsyninger, drar båten uheldigvis av gårde med deres Pokémon!

Swedish Official Summary

Våra hjältar går ombord på en ångbåt som går till Hearthome City—men när de måste rusa in till stan för att köpa några viktiga saker, far båten plötsligt iväg med deras Pokémon ombord.

Danish Official Summary

Vore helte går om bord på en damper med kurs mod Hearthome City, men da de skynder sig at løbe ind til byen for at skaffe forsyninger, kommer damperen ved en fejl til at sejle af sted med deres Pokémon!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Giovanni
  • Japan サカキ
  • Japan Sakaki
  • Japan Sakaki
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock
  • Japan タケシ
  • Japan Takeshi
  • Japan Takeshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn
  • Japan ヒカリ
  • Japan Hikari
  • Japan Hikari
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Aipom
  • Japan サトシのエイパム
  • Japan Satoshi no Eipam
  • Japan Satoshi's Eipam
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Turtwig
  • Japan サトシのナエトル
  • Japan Satoshi no Naetle
  • Japan Satoshi's Naetle
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Staravia
  • Japan サトシのムクバード
  • Japan Satoshi no Mukubird
  • Japan Satoshi's Mukubird
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Sudowoodo
  • Japan タケシのウソッキー
  • Japan Takeshi no Usokkie
  • Japan Takeshi's Usokkie
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Happiny
  • Japan タケシのピンプク
  • Japan Takeshi no Pinpuku
  • Japan Takeshi's Pinpuku
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Croagunk
  • Japan タケシのグレッグル
  • Japan Takeshi no Gureggru
  • Japan Takeshi's Gureggru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn's Piplup
  • Japan ヒカリのポッチャマ
  • Japan Hikari no Pochama
  • Japan Hikari's Pochama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie's Wobbuffet
  • Japan ムサシのソーナンス
  • Japan Musashi no Sonansu
  • Japan Musashi's Sonansu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James' Mime Jr.
  • Japan コジロウのマネネ
  • Japan Kojirō no Manene
  • Japan Kojiro's Manene
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn's Buizel
  • Japan ヒカリのブイゼル
  • Japan Hikari no Buoysel
  • Japan Hikari's Buoysel
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn's Buneary
  • Japan ヒカリのミミロル
  • Japan Hikari no Mimirol
  • Japan Hikari's Mimirol
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn's Pachirisu
  • Japan ヒカリのパチリス
  • Japan Hikari no Pachirisu
  • Japan Hikari's Pachirisu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Old Man
  • Japan 老紳士
  • Japan Roushinshi
  • Japan Old Man
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Old Man's Mantine
  • Japan 老紳士のマンタイン
  • Japan Roushinshi no Mantain
  • Japan Old Man's Mantain
No notes available for this episode.

Eyecatch 10th Anniversary

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Pocket Monsters anime and movies in Japan (テレビも映画も10周年), a splash screen with Pikachu was shown at the beginning of the episode.

Eyecatch Diamond and Pearl Eyecatch

Fourth variation of the Diamond and Pearl Intro and Return Eyecatches featuring Hikari, Satoshi and Takeshi.
Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:05
Title: スーパー芝刈りクン2
Japanese (Romanized): Super Shibakari-kun 2
Japanese (TL): Super Lawn Mower 2
The cold opening scenes run (the music begins 5 seconds through).
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:34
Title: Together <TVバージョン>
Japanese (Romanized): Together <TV Version>
Japanese (TL): Together <TV Version>
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:01
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-Subtitle
Diamond & Pearl Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:18
Title: Movie 4 Short - Hide-and-Seek C
The group arrives near a river and Hikari notices a steamboat at the dock.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:16
Title: なつやすみファンクラブ
Japanese (Romanized): Natsuyasumi Fan Club
Japanese (TL): Summer Vacation Fan Club
Satoshi, Hikari and Takeshi release their Pokémon at the steamboat's front area to enjoy themselves.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:45
Title: Movie 2 Short - Parting and Sunset
The group notices that their Pokémon are having fun on the steamboat.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:10
Title: Movie 2 Short - The Search for Togepi
Pikachu and Pochama see that Pinpuku and Pachirisu are already almost jumping off the steamboat.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:07
Title: Movie 6 Short - ロケット団隠密作戦 2003
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan Onmitsu Sakusen 2003
Japanese (TL): The Rocket Gang's Secret Schemes 2003
Nyarth's boss fantasy: Sakaki does several activities with the group's Pokémon.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:34
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M11 視線!げいじゅつか
Japanese (Romanized): Shisen! Geijutsuka
Japanese (TL): Eye Contact! Artist
The group's Pokémon define their preferences/pranks on the steamboat's inside.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:07
Title: スーパー芝刈りクン2
Japanese (Romanized): Super Shibakari-kun 2
Japanese (TL): Super Lawn Mower 2
Some Pokémon begin a "concert", while the others are having fun on the ship (the music begins 5 seconds through).
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:47
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-Eyecatch C
Eyecatch Break
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:53
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M21 210ばんどうろ(昼)
Japanese (Romanized): 210-ban dōro (hiru)
Japanese (TL): Route 210 (Day)
Sponsor Message
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:04
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-Eyecatch A
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:12
Title: Movie 4 Short - 芝刈りクン激怒!D
Japanese (Romanized): Shibakari-kun gekido! D
Japanese (TL): Raging Lawn Mower! D
Pachirisu inadvertently turns the steering wheel, making the steamboat change direction.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:19
Title: Movie 2 Short - Storm
The old man finally notices that the steamboat has sailed away and tells it to the group. The old man sends out Mantain to help Satoshi and Hikari retrieve the steamboat and the Pokémon inside.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:03
Title: Movie 2 Short - The Rescuing of Tamatama and Togepi
Satoshi starts maneuvering the steamboat's steering wheel while Hikari orders Pochama a Whirlpool just in front of the waterfall.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:16
Title: アーロンのテーマ~さらばルカリオ
Japanese (Romanized): Aaron no Theme ~ Saraba Lucario
Japanese (TL): Aaron's Theme ~ Farewell Lucario
Movie 8 Unused BGM - The old man thanks Satoshi, Hikari, Pikachu and Pochama for helping to get back the steamboat, and the group boards the ship towards Yosuga City.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:59
Title: 君のそばで~ヒカリのテーマ~(Pop-up.VER)
Japanese (Romanized): Kimi no Soba de ~Hikari no Theme~ (Pop-up Version)
Japanese (TL): By Your Side ~Hikari's Theme~ (Pop-up Version)
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:20
Title: オープニング~水中ポケモンショー~
Japanese (Romanized): Opening ~Suichuu Pokémon Show~
Japanese (TL): Opening ~Underwater Pokémon Show~
Movie 9 BGM - A preview for a future feature of Movies 9 and 10 is shown.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:49
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M01 けんきゅうじょ(オープニング)
Japanese (Romanized): Kenkyūjo (Opening)
Japanese (TL): Laboratory (Opening)
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:30
Title: Diamond & Pearl
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:18
Title: Movie 4 Short - Hide-and-Seek C
The group overlook a giant river.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:07
Title: Movie 6 Short - ロケット団隠密作戦 2003
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan Onmitsu Sakusen 2003
Japanese (TL): The Rocket Gang's Secret Schemes 2003
Meowth wants to give all the Pokémon to the boss(High pitched than usual)
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:35
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M11 視線!げいじゅつか
Japanese (Romanized): Shisen! Geijutsuka
Japanese (TL): Eye Contact! Artist
The Pokémon play around on the boat.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:07
Title: スーパー芝刈りクン2
Japanese (Romanized): Super Shibakari-kun 2
Japanese (TL): Super Lawn Mower 2
Some Pokémon begin a concert while others have fun.(High pitched also...)
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:41
Title: Movie 2 Short - The Rescuing of Tamatama and Togepi
Ash and Dawn work together to take control of the boat.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:39
Title: Diamond & Pearl
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 20
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 7
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