Home / Episode Guide / Different Strokes for Different Blokes/Forest of Hesitation! Shinji Again!/迷いの森!シンジふたたび!!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States Different Strokes for Different Blokes
  • Japan 迷いの森!シンジふたたび!!
  • Japan Mayoi no mori! Shinji Futatabi!!
  • Japan Forest of Hesitation! Shinji Again!
  • Germany Stur wie ein Pokémon
  • France Une rencontre enflammée
  • Spain Jugadas diferentes para chicos diferentes
  • Sweden Snabbt, ge mig en bättre attack!
  • Italy Il bosco delle illusioni
  • Mexico ¡Diferentes Estilos De Batalla, Diferentes Pokémon!
  • Finland Kuin yö ja päivä
  • Taiwan 迷幻之森!再次遇見真司!!
  • Hungary Más fickók, más ütések
  • Poland Dla każdego coś innego!
  • Brazil Duas Ações, Duas Reações!
  • Czechia Co trenér, to styl
  • Norway Mange slag på en dag
  • Denmark Hver mand sin kampstil
  • South Korea 환상의 숲! 진철, 다시 나타나다!
  • Portugal Cada um é para o Que Nasce!
  • Russia Каждому бойцу свой удар по лицу!


Staff List
Anime Studio Logo
OLM Team Iguchi

Japan Screenplay 米村正二 (Shōji Yonemura)
Japan Storyboard 浅田裕二 (Yūji Asada)
Japan Episode Director 浅田裕二 (Yūji Asada)
Japan Animation Director 岩根雅明 (Masaaki Iwane)

OP/ED List

君のそばで ~ヒカリのテーマ~
Kimi no Soba de ~Hikari no Theme~
Pokémon Diamante e Perla
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl
함께 가는길
On the Road Together
Pokémon Roll Call
Episode Director
Animation Director
Ash and co. are in the middle of the forest preparing for lunch. Aipom finds a piece of fruit on a tree and grabs it. It looks down and sees that Piplup wants the fruit. Aipom sticks out its tongue at Piplup. Then Aipom hits its head on the branch of the tree. It drops the fruit, and the fruit lands in Piplup's mouth. Piplup happily eats the fruit. This gets Aipom mad. Aipom and Piplup begin to fight. Turtwig tries to stop the fight, but Aipom and Piplup push Turtwig out of the way. Both Pokémon glare at each other in anger as Bonsly runs up and down screaming. Aipom uses Swift, and Piplup fights back with Bubblebeam. The two attacks result in an explosion. Ash and co. hear the explosion, and they run towards the scene. They see Piplup and Aipom aggressively fighting each other. Turtwig steps in to break up the fight. Aipom uses Focus Punch on Turtwig, and Piplup uses its Peck attack. This makes Turtwig angry. It fires a Razor Leaf at both Pokémon and breaks up the fight. Ash thanks Turtwig for helping out.

Suddenly, Paul shows up. Paul tells Ash that he's doing some training for his Oreburgh gym battle. Ash says that he's going there too. Paul notices that Ash has caught a Turtwig. Ash tells Paul that his Turtwig is very strong, but Paul doesn't think so. Ash challenges Paul to a battle, and Paul accepts Ash's challenge. Paul sends out Chimchar for the battle, and Ash chooses Turtwig. Dawn reminds Ash that Chimchar has an advantage because it's a fire type. Ash doesn't mind because he's confident that he will win. Brock offers to be the referee for the battle again, but Paul tells Brock not to bother since he thinks the battle will be over quickly.

The battle then begins. Turtwig starts off with Tackle, but Chimchar dodges the attack. Then with blazing speed, Chimchar hits Turtwig with its Scratch attack. Ash notices that Turtwig didn't dodge the attack when he commanded it to dodge. Nevertheless, Turtwig uses Razor Leaf, but Chimchar dodges the attack. Then it uses Ember. Ash orders Turtwig to dodge the attack, but Turtwig still doesn't dodge, and it gets hit by the flames. Ash wonders why Turtwig won't dodge any attacks. Turtwig heals itself with Synthesis. Chimchar then uses Flame Wheel. Turtwig still doesn't dodge, and it gets hit by the Flame Wheel attack.

Suddenly, a net comes out of nowhere and captures Turtwig. Up in the air is Team Rocket in their balloon. Team Rocket says their motto. In the middle of the motto, Chimchar uses Ember on Team Rocket. Team Rocket is enraged at Paul for doing that. Paul tells Team Rocket that they are interrupting his battle with Ash. Ash demands for Turtwig back. Jessie says that they have Pikachu. However, she notices that Pikachu isn't with them, and that they have Turtwig instead. Jessie gets angry at James for capturing the wrong Pokémon. Paul notices that Team Rocket is very pathetic. James sends out Carnivine. Carnivine uses Bullet Seed, but Chimchar counters with Ember. Then Turtwig cuts the net with Razor Leaf, and Ash catches Turtwig. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt on Team Rocket, and Team Rocket blasts off again.

Suddenly, an explosion occurs causing Ash and Paul to fall off the cliff. Paul and Chimchar look down and find a tree branch to land on. They jump from branch to branch and land safely on the path. However, Ash and Turtwig fall straight into the water. Ash makes sure that Turtwig is okay. Dawn and Brock call out for Ash. Ash tells them that he is alright, and they plan to meet up at the far end of the forest.

Paul returns Chimchar back into its Pokéball and walks away. Ash notices this and decides to catch up with Paul. Ash asks Paul what he is doing. Paul tells Ash that he is leaving the forest. Ash tells Paul that they should all leave together, but Paul thinks that leaving together is a stupid idea. He warns Ash about any nearby Stantler because they are in the Bewildered Forest. Then he finally leaves. Dawn and Brock are trying to find a way out of the forest. Dawn looks at Brock's guide book and notices that they are in the Bewildered Forest.

Ash and Turtwig continue their way on the path. Ash tells himself that if he keeps following the path, he will eventually make it out of the forest. Suddenly, a Stantler appears out of a bush. Ash looks up Stantler in his Pokédex. Stantler creates an illusion for Ash and Turtwig. They begin to walk but end up back at the waterfall. Ash and Turtwig don't know what happened. They walk back into the forest again and meet up with the same Stantler. Stantler uses the same illusion trick on Ash and Turtwig again. Ash tells Turtwig to bite his head. Turtwig bites Ash's head, and the illusion disappears. Suddenly, a whole bunch of Stantler appear. Ash opens up his Pokédex. He realizes that in order to avoid the illusion, you cannot look at their antlers. Ash accidently looks at the Stantler's antlers, and the illusion appears again.

Ash is soon awaken by Paul's Chimchar. He sees Paul, too. A Stantler walks up to Paul. Chimchar attacks Stantler with its Flame Wheel attack. While Stantler is being burnt, Paul throws a Pokéball and captures the Stantler. He uses his device to scan the Stantler. When he finds out that the Stantler he caught only knows Tackle, he releases the Stantler and walks away. Meanwhile, Brock asks Dawn about the Bewildered Forest. Dawn tells Brock that there's a group of Stantler in the forest that confuses anyone they see. Brock hopes that Ash is okay. Dawn says that you'll be fine as long as you don't look at the Stantler's antlers. Then they walk into the forest to search for Ash.

Ash finds an apple on a tree and gets it. He gives the apple to Turtwig, but Turtwig doesn't accept the apple. Turtwig wants Ash to eat the apple himself. Ash hears Turtwig's stomach growl, and he splits the apple in half. He gives half of the apple to Turtwig. Turtwig accepts the half and eats it. Suddenly, another Stantler pops out of the bushes. Ash immediately closes his eyes and runs, but he runs right into a tree. A swarm of Beedrill appear, and they begin to chase Ash. Dawn and Brock see Ash running their way. Then they see the Beedrill, and they begin to run, too. Ash runs right into an Ursaring. The Ursaring stomps on the ground, scaring the Beedrill away. Dawn looks up Ursaring in her Pokédex. Ursaring isn't too happy right now. It's about to attack Ash when Turtwig jumps onto Ursaring's face. This makes Ursaring even more mad. Turtwig then tackles Ursaring. Ursaring attacks, but Turtwig dodges the attack. Then Pikachu uses Iron Tail, and Turtwig uses Razor Leaf. This combination makes Ursaring even more angry.

Ursaring uses Hyper Beam to create an explosion. It chases Ash and co. out of the forest. Ash and co. see Paul up ahead. Paul orders Chimchar to use Flame Wheel. Chimchar attacks Ursaring, and then Paul throws a Pokéball and captures the Ursaring. Dawn is impressed that Paul was able to catch it. Paul scans the Ursaring. He finds out that it isn't bad, so he decides to keep it. Paul notices that Ash still has Turtwig. He wonders why Ash would keep such a pathetic Pokémon. Ash tells Paul that working with your Pokémon will make it stronger. Ash challenges Paul to another battle. Paul accepts Ash's challenge.

The battle is between Turtwig and Chimchar. Turtwig starts off with Tackle, but Chimchar dodges it and uses Scratch. However, this time Turtwig dodges the Scratch attack. Then Turtwig uses Razor Leaf, but Chimchar fights back with Ember. Turtwig then charges towards Chimchar with a Bite attack, but Chimchar uses Dig to dodge the attack. Paul commands Chimchar to use Scratch. Because Chimchar is underground, Turtwig can't tell where Chimchar will appear next. Chimchar pops out from behind and scratches Turtwig. Turtwig charges towards Chimchar again, but Chimchar uses Dig again. Then it scratches Turtwig again. Ash has had enough. He orders Turtwig to use Razor Leaf in the holes. The Razor Leaf hits Chimchar. Paul then orders Chimchar to use Ember. Chimchar uses the attack, but Turtwig dodges by going into one of the holes. So Chimchar uses Ember in the holes, and the fire attack hits Turtwig. Turtwig takes double the damage because its a grass type. Turtwig recovers by using Synthesis. Chimchar uses Flame Wheel again, but Turtwig dodges by going into the hole. Chimchar is about to use Ember when Turtwig jumps out of the hole and bites on Chimchar. Chimchar then jumps into the hole with Turtwig. Because Turtwig can't dodge any attacks in the hole, Chimchar uses Flame Wheel. The powerful fire attack does some major damage to Turtwig. Turtwig is still able to stand, however. It uses Tackle, but Chimchar counters with Flame Wheel. The attack knocks Turtwig out, and Paul wins the battle.

Ash apologizes to Turtwig for letting it down. Dawn and Brock tell Ash that he battled well. Chimchar cheers for its victory. Paul returns Chimchar back into its Pokéball. Ash asks Paul if he can say anything nice, but Paul doesn't have anything nice to say. Paul then walks away, and Ash swears that he will never lose to Paul again.

English Official Summary

When Ash runs into his new rival Paul, Ash wants a rematch—and a chance to show off his new Turtwig! The battle takes an unexpected turn when Turtwig disobeys Ash's orders, and is then accidentally kidnapped by Team Rocket during their latest attempt to grab Pikachu. Naturally our heroes thwart Team Rocket's plans, but Ash and Paul are knocked off a cliff in the process. Ash tells Dawn and Brock to meet him on the other side of the surrounding forest. He's ready to team up Paul to get out of the woods together, but Paul isn't interested and walks away. Ash soon discovers that the forest is full of Stantler, and he keeps getting lost in the illusions created by their antlers. On the bright side, he and Turtwig have a chance to spend some time together reconciling their differences. Eventually they find their friends again, along with the inevitable swam of Beedrill. If that wasn't enough, our heroes are then chased out of the forest by a grouchy Ursaring. Of all people, it's Paul who comes to the rescue and catches Ursaring in the process. Now Paul and Ash are free to finish their interrupted battle. Ash and Turtwig show off their new and improved teamwork, but even that just isn't enough to beat Paul and his Chimchar. Paul walks away, smug in his victory, and now Ash is more determined than ever to beat him the next time they meet!

French Official Summary

Lorsque Sacha tombe sur son nouveau rival Paul, il veut prendre sa revanche, mais aussi montrer à son adversaire la force de son nouveau Tortipouss ! Le duel prend une tournure inattendue lorsque Tortipouss désobéit aux ordres de Sacha.

German Official Summary

Schon wieder taucht Paul wie aus dem Nichts auf. In mehreren Kämpfen wird klar, dass die beiden sehr unterschiedliche Trainer und Menschen sind.

Italian Official Summary

Quando Ash s'imbatte nuovamente in Paul, il suo nuovo rivale, desidera avere una rivincita, oltre che la possibilità di mettere in mostra il suo nuovo Turtwig! La lottta prende una piega imprevista quando il Turtwig disobbedisce agli ordini di Ash.

Portuguese Official Summary

Depois de aparecer de novo do nada, Paul enfrenta Ash numa série de batalhas que reflete o quanto eles são diferentes como treinadores e como pessoas.

Finnish Official Summary

Ilmestyttyään kuin tyhjästä, Paul on jälleen haastamassa Ashin ottelusarjaan, joka paljastaa miten erilaisia he ovat kouluttajina ja ihmisinä.

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Después de salir aparentemente de la nada, Paul se enfrenta a Ash en una serie de batallas que reflejan lo diferentes que son como Entrenadores y como personas.

Spanish Official Summary

Cuando Ash se encuentra con Polo, su nuevo adversario, quiere una revancha, ¡y una oportunidad de enseñar a su nuevo Turtwig! El combate toma un rumbo inesperado cuando Turtwig desobedece las órdenes de Ash.

English Great Britian Official Summary

When Ash runs into his new rival Paul, Ash wants a rematch—and a chance to show off his new Turtwig! The battle takes an unexpected turn when Turtwig disobeys Ash's orders, and is then accidentally kidnapped by Team Rocket during their latest attempt to grab Pikachu. Naturally our heroes thwart Team Rocket's plans, but Ash and Paul are knocked off a cliff in the process. Ash tells Dawn and Brock to meet him on the other side of the surrounding forest. He's ready to team up Paul to get out of the woods together, but Paul isn't interested and walks away. Ash soon discovers that the forest is full of Stantler, and he keeps getting lost in the illusions created by their antlers. On the bright side, he and Turtwig have a chance to spend some time together reconciling their differences. Eventually they find their friends again, along with the inevitable swam of Beedrill. If that wasn't enough, our heroes are then chased out of the forest by a grouchy Ursaring. Of all people, it's Paul who comes to the rescue and catches Ursaring in the process. Now Paul and Ash are free to finish their interrupted battle. Ash and Turtwig show off their new and improved teamwork, but even that just isn't enough to beat Paul and his Chimchar. Paul walks away, smug in his victory, and now Ash is more determined than ever to beat him the next time they meet!

Russian Official Summary

Пол опять внезапно появляется на пути наших героев. Он устраивает серию поединков с Эшем, которые снова высвечивают то, насколько они с Эшем разные - как тренеры, и как люди.

Dutch Official Summary

Nadat Paul schijnbaar vanuit het niets weer opduikt, staat hij tegenover Ash in een serie gevechten die aantonen hoe verschillend de twee zijn als Trainer en als mens.

Norwegian Official Summary

Etter å ha dukket opp igjen, tilsynelatende ingensteds fra, blir Paul satt opp mot Ash i en serie kamper som viser hvor forskjellige de er som Trenere og mennesker.

Swedish Official Summary

Efter att ha dykt upp igen, tillsynes från ingenstans, ställs Paul och Ash mot varandra i en serie av strider, som verkligen visar hur olika de är som Tränare och människor.

Danish Official Summary

Da Paul tilsyneladende dukker op igen ud af den blå luft, møder han Ash i en række kampe, som afspejler, hvor forskellige de er både som Trænere og som personer.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock
  • Japan タケシ
  • Japan Takeshi
  • Japan Takeshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn
  • Japan ヒカリ
  • Japan Hikari
  • Japan Hikari
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Aipom
  • Japan サトシのエイパム
  • Japan Satoshi no Eipam
  • Japan Satoshi's Eipam
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Turtwig
  • Japan サトシのナエトル
  • Japan Satoshi no Naetle
  • Japan Satoshi's Naetle
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Bonsly
  • Japan タケシのウソハチ
  • Japan Takeshi no Usohachi
  • Japan Takeshi's Usohachi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn's Piplup
  • Japan ヒカリのポッチャマ
  • Japan Hikari no Pochama
  • Japan Hikari's Pochama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Paul
  • Japan シンジ
  • Japan Shinji
  • Japan Shinji
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James' Carnivine
  • Japan コジロウのマスキッパ
  • Japan Kojirō no Muskippa
  • Japan Kojiro's Muskippa
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Paul's Chimchar
  • Japan シンジのヒコザル
  • Japan Shinji no Hikozaru
  • Japan Shinji's Hikozaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Paul's Ursaring
  • Japan シンジのリングマ
  • Japan Shinji no Ringuma
  • Japan Shinji's Ringuma
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Paul's Stantler
  • Japan シンジのオドシシ
  • Japan Shinji no Odoshishi
  • Japan Shinji's Odoshishi

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Beedrill
  • Japan スピアー
  • Japan Spear
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Ekans
  • Japan アーボ
  • Japan Arbo
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Stantler
  • Japan オドシシ
  • Japan Odoshishi
No notes available for this episode.

Eyecatch Diamond and Pearl Eyecatch

Third variation of the Diamond and Pearl Intro and Return Eyecatches featuring Hikari, Satoshi and Takeshi.

Okido Segment Pokémon Encyclopedia

Pokémon Encyclopedia & Senryu
Theme Pokémon Coordinator (ポケモンコーディネーター)
Japanese ポケモンと うつくしくあれ コーディネーター
Romaji Pokemon to utsukushiku are Koodineetaa

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: Movie 2 Short - Elekid Appears
The group and their Pokémon prepare for a lunch.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:38
Title: マニューラ隊見参!!
Japanese (Romanized): Manyula Tai Kenzan!!
Japanese (TL): Manyula's Party Meeting!!
Movie 8 BGM - Pochama and Eipam slam Naetle into a tree (who was trying to stop their brawl) and start fighting.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:33
Title: Together <TVバージョン>
Japanese (Romanized): Together <TV Version>
Japanese (TL): Together <TV Version>
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:01
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-Subtitle
Diamond & Pearl Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:10
Title: 1999-2001-M25 Imminent Danger
Satoshi meets Shinji again.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:36
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M15 視線!からておう
Japanese (Romanized): Shisen! Karate-ō
Japanese (TL): Eye Contact! Karate King
Satoshi tells Naetle to use Tackle on Hikozaru to begin the battle with Shinji.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:23
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M17
Satoshi orders Naetle to use Synthesis.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:07
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M17
Rocket Gang's Diamond & Pearl Motto
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:18
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M23 戦闘!ジムリーダー
Japanese (Romanized): Sentō! Gym Leader
Japanese (TL): Battle! Gym Leader
Kojiro sends out Muskippa to battle Shinji's Hikozaru.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:04
Title: Movie 6 Short - Escaping Destruction
Satoshi, Shinji and their Pokémon begin falling down the cliff behind them.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:51
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M08
Satoshi follows Shinji into the forest.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:30
Title: 危機
Japanese (Romanized): Kiki
Japanese (TL): Crisis
Many Odoshishi appear to use Hypnosis on Satoshi and Naetle.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:25
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-Eyecatch B
Eyecatch Break
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:31
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M21 210ばんどうろ(昼)
Japanese (Romanized): 210-ban dōro (hiru)
Japanese (TL): Route 210 (Day)
Sponsor Message
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:41
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-Eyecatch D
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:33
Title: 千年彗星
Japanese (Romanized): Sen Nen Suisei
Japanese (TL): 1000 Year Comet
Movie 6 BGM - Satoshi shares the apple with Naetle.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:05
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M11 視線!げいじゅつか
Japanese (Romanized): Shisen! Geijutsuka
Japanese (TL): Eye Contact! Artist
Satoshi tries to run away with Naetle from the Odoshishi and slams accidentally into a tree, making Spear appear, from which he also runs.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:36
Title: Movie 2 Short - Gyarados Shocked
Hikari scans a Ringuma with her Zukan, who becomes enraged.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:47
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M24 新サトシのテーマ
Japanese (Romanized): Shin Satoshi no thema
Japanese (TL): Satoshi's New Theme
Naetle fights Ringuma.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:33
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M13 戦闘!野生ポケモン
Japanese (Romanized): Sentō! Yasei Pokémon
Japanese (TL): Battle! Wild Pokémon
Satoshi begins the battle with Shinji by ordering Naetle to use Tackle on Hikozaru.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:44
Title: アドバンス・アドベンチャー ~ファウンスへ!!~
Japanese (TL): Advance Adventure ~To Faunz~
Movie 6 BGM - Satoshi commands Naetle to use Razor Leaf on the holes, where Hikozaru is.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:56
Title: Movie 4 BGM - Pokémon Hunter Wants Celebi
Movie 4 BGM - Shinji orders Hikozaru to jump in the hole with Naetle.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:18
Title: 城、平安~迫り来る危機
Japanese (Romanized): Shiro, Heian~Semari Kuru Kiki
Japanese (TL): Castle, Heian Era~A Crisis that is Imminently Approaching
Movie 8 BGM - Shinji's last words anger Satoshi and the rest of the group, but he walks away.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:54
Title: 君のそばで〜ヒカリのテーマ〜
Japanese (Romanized): Kimi no soba de 〜Hikari no Theme〜
Japanese (TL): By Your Side 〜Hikari's Theme〜
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:15
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M22 206ばんどうろ(昼)
Japanese (Romanized): 206-ban dōro (hiru)
Japanese (TL): Route 206 (Day)
Professor Okido's Pokémon Encyclopedia
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:20
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M08 201ばんどうろ(昼)
Japanese (Romanized): 201-ban dōro (hiru)
Japanese (TL): Route 201 (Day)
Okido explains the characteristics of the Pokémon Coordinator.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:04
Title: Okido's Senryū Theme
Okido recites a Senryū.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:15
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M05 ~君のそばで(ヒカリのテーマ)~ (BONUS-TRACK)
Japanese (Romanized): Kimi no soba de (Hikari no Theme)
Japanese (TL): By Your Side (Hikari's Theme)
Diamond & Pearl Episode 7 preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:45
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M01 けんきゅうじょ(オープニング)
Japanese (Romanized): Kenkyūjo (Opening)
Japanese (TL): Laboratory (Opening)
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:33
Title: Diamond & Pearl
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:12
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M17
Team rocket motto
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:24
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M23 戦闘!ジムリーダー
Japanese (Romanized): Sentō! Gym Leader
Japanese (TL): Battle! Gym Leader
James sends out Carnivine to use bullet seed.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:29
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M24 新サトシのテーマ
Japanese (Romanized): Shin Satoshi no thema
Japanese (TL): Satoshi's New Theme
Turtwig fights the wild Ursaring.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:15
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M13 戦闘!野生ポケモン
Japanese (Romanized): Sentō! Yasei Pokémon
Japanese (TL): Battle! Wild Pokémon
Turtwig starts with tackle.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:26
Title: アドバンス・アドベンチャー ~ファウンスへ!!~
Japanese (TL): Advance Adventure ~To Faunz~
Movie 6 BGM-Turtwig aims razor leaf at the hole, Paul quietly complimenting him.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:34
Title: Diamond & Pearl
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 29
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 7
26 Oct 2006 03:00 AM
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