Home / Episode Guide / ライバル対決!VSマサムネ!/Choose It or Lose It/Rival Showdown! VS Masamune!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States Choose It or Lose It
  • Japan ライバル対決!VSマサムネ!
  • Japan Rival taiketsu! VS Masamune!
  • Japan Rival Showdown! VS Masamune!
  • Germany Jetzt oder nie!
  • France Le choix de Morrison
  • Spain Elígelo o piérdelo
  • Sweden Vinna eller försvinna!
  • Italy La forza dell'amicizia
  • Mexico Decídete o Pierde
  • Finland Ratkaiseva päätös
  • Taiwan 勁敵對決!VS政宗!!
  • Netherlands Kiesen of verliezen!
  • Brazil Escolha ou Perca
  • Norway Velg den eller tap!
  • Denmark Vælg eller forsvind!
  • Portugal Perder ou Ganhar!
  • Russia Пан или пропал


Staff List
Anime Studio Logo
OLM Team Ota

Japan Screenplay 米村正二 (Shōji Yonemura)
Japan Storyboard 秦義人 (Yoshito Hata)
Japan Episode Director 秦義人 (Yoshito Hata)
Japan Animation Director 山下惠 (Megumi Yamashita)
Japan Animation Director 志村泉 (Izumi Shimura)

OP/ED List

GLORY DAY 〜輝くその日〜 (バージョン2)
GLORY DAY ~That Shining Day~ (Version 2)
포켓몬스터 AG
Pocket Monsters AG
행복한 여행
A Happy Journey
Pokémon Roll Call
Episode Director
Animation Director
The second round of the Hoenn Tournament is about to begin but his second round opponent is no other than Morrison. Ash battles at full power while Morrison is hesitant to fight and has finally become unable to move. The fight between friendship and victory has just begun. The current battling field in the first round is an Ice Field. Morrison is delayed in selecting his next pokemon as the battle coordinator is about to announce Ash as the victor. Ash interrupts the coordinator stating that Morrison will still battle. Morrison releases Growlithe in an fiery rage to take on Ash's corphish. Corphish begins the battle by firing an array of bubblebeams at Growlithe. Growlithe evades Corphish's barrage of bubblebeams while Growlithe continues to dodge with Agility. Morrison is still hesitating to fight his friend and rival, Ash, as his only commands are in defense and taking no offense action towards Ash. Corphish delivers a devasting Crabhammer to Growlithe counting as a critical hit and announcing Growlithe as unable to battle. Morrison has now lost two pokemon in a row to Ash and at this rate will lose the round. Morrison confirms to Growlithe that he did an excellent job while Ash questions Morrison with why he wont fight him seriously. Ash harshly attacks Morrison's honor and confidence. "If all you can do is run from me, then just do that!" - Ash. Ash goes on to explain the pitiful battling strategy that Morrison is displaying and that it is a disgraceful performance and battle. Morrison seems really upset telling Ash that he doesn't need to be told that and apologizes to Growlithe for his weak actions. Morrison unleashes in a fiery rage stating that he'll show Ash real battling spirit. May, Max, Brock, and Tyson are relieved that Morrison has reclaimed his fighting spirit and honor. Morrison chooses Swampert as his 3rd pokemon. Corphish delivers a Crabhammer to Swampert while Swampert launches a devasting Focus punch as the two abilities clash together creating tremendous power. Ash is excited that Morrison is giving him a serious and honorable performance as Morrison states that if you don't put your heart into it then it isnt a battle is it. Corphish launches another barrage of bubblebeam while Swampert releases its Hydro Pump. Both pokemon seem to be evenly matched. Corphish delivers a "Crabhammer of Courage" while Swampert delivers a "Focus Punch with Spirit" making both abilities direct hits! Both Swampert and Swampert are announced as unable to battle.

The battle goes into intermission as it is announced that Morrison is left with three pokemon and Ash with five. Max congragulates Ash telling him to keep doing his best. Ash confirms to Max that he can leave it to him. Morrison enters wanting to apologize to Ash for his prior actions while Ash is surprised that Morrison is apologising. Morrison explodes saying that even he has times like this. Morrison continues on that up until now, he has always thought it'd be great to have fun battles as losing is painful but it'd be fine as long as he had fun with the pokemon. When Morrison actually won his first round he started wanting to win the next one too! "Winning at a tournament certainly is different from a normal battle" - Ash. When Morrison relealized that Ash was his second round opponent he didn't know what to do. When Ash yelled at him but there in the battle it made Morrison realize that fighting with all you have is what a real friend would do! Ash confirms Morrison's statement by saying that they should finish the second round at full power. Both trainers accept a handshake confirming to one another that they won't lose.

The second half of the round starts as the announcer states that this round will be on a Grass Field. Ash chooses Pikachu as his second pokemon as Morrison then releases Steelix making it his fourth pokemon choice. Steelix releases a spew of Dragon Breath while Pikachu dodges with Agility. Steelix delivers an devasting Iron Tail to Pikachu which strikes for a direct hit. Morrison seems to be at the advantage in this battle since Pikachu is Electric Type while Steelix is Rock type. Steelix digs deep into the ground and comes above smashing Pikachu into the air. Ash tells Pikachu to not give up and respond with Iron Tail. Steelix performs dig again dodging Pikachu's Iron Tail and smashing Pikachu from underground into the air again. Pikachu delivers a Quick Attack to Steelix which is a direct hit while Morrison shouts to Steelix to not give up and perform an "Iron Tail with spirit" while Pikachu is commanded to unleash an "Iron Tail of courage". The two Iron Tails clash creating an array of colors and sparks. Pikachu is blasted towards the ground and announced as unable to battle leaving Ash with four available pokemon and Morrison with three. "Pikachu just couldn't overcome Steelix's superior stamina." - Tyson

The scene changes as James, Jessie, and Nyaasu can now be seen walking down a pair of steps announcing that they are selling Rice Crackers, Caramel, Boxed Lunches, Juice, and Bubblegum. One fan asks for a cracker while another asks for ice cream. Team Rocket seems to be now flooded with orders from various guests in the crowd as they scramble to complete all the orders of the hungry customers. Both Jessie and James are exstatic as they vogue to work as hard as they can as they can obtain an all-you-can eat buffet.

Ash releases Torkoal as his third pokemon choice. "Torkoal is a perfect match for Steelix". - Max. Morrison seems to be confident as he notes that he nor Steelix care about Ash's Pokemon Types. Steelix unleases a barrage of Dragonbreath while Torkoal uses Iron Defense to guard against Steelix's incoming attack. Torkoal performs Overheat while Steelix unleases a second round of Dragonbreath as both abilities clash together! The first shot of Overheat intensifies overcoming Steelix's attack and connecting for a direct hit. Torkoal unleases a spew of Flamethrower while Steelix performs its acclaimed Dragonbreath. Both abilities clash again but it results in a draw. Creating a huge cloud of smoke and dust, Steelix digs deep underground appearing to have vanished. Torkoal does into an defensive state going into Iron Defense while a second later Steelix's Dig attack strikes! Steelix launches a colorful array of Dragonbreath which scorches Torkoal and scores for a direct hit. Torkoal is announced as unable to battle and Steelix is announced as the victor. This leaves Ash and Morrison tied with three usuable pokemon in the second round.

In a fury of might and strength Ash chooses Grovyle as his fourth pokemon. Steelix unleases its Iron Tail at the beginning of the batte but Grovyle quickly dodges it. This is where stamina and agility meet each other in a battle of might and fury. Grovyle unleases a load of bullet seeds towards Steelix but burrows into the ground once again in retreat. Just as Steelix comes from underground Grovyle dodges Steelix's dig attack but responds with Dragonbreath. Grovyle goes directly into the Dragonbreath shielding itself from the Dragonbreath and dispersing it and then deliveres a finishing blow to Steelix. Steelix is announced as unable to battle which leaves Ash with three usuable pokemon while leaving Morrison with two. Grovyle's moves were just amazing and its speed while its speed has increased recently.

Morrison states that he wont loose in a battle of speed and releases Gligar as his fifth pokemon choice. Grovyle performs Quick Attack but Gligar swiftly dodges it and performs Steel Wing. Grovyle just barely dodges Gligar's onslaughth of attacks hiding in the deep grass on the field. Grovyle reveals itself from the grass jumping up into the air and unleasing a barrage of Bullet Seed at Gligar which is very effective. Grovyle once again retreats back into the grass while Gligar replies with trimming the grass and reducing Grovyle's hiding space with Steel Wing! Grovyle jumps onto Gligar to perform Leaf Blade but is shaken off by Gligar. Free Falling through the sky, Grovyle is unable to move leaving a perfect position for Gligar to unleash Gullitine. Grovyle attempts to defend itself with Bullet Seed but proves to be ineffective as Gullotine makes contact forcing Grovyle to the ground. Grovyle is announced as unable to battle leaving both Ash and Morrison with two usuable pokemon.

Ash releases Swellow as his fifth pokemon choice in this second round challenge. Gligar attempts to quickly end it with Guillotine but Swellow responds with a defensive Double Team. Gligar goes for the fake illusion while Swellow responds with a barrage of Pecks. Gligar dodges and tries to deliver an Iron Tail while Swellow evades with Quick Attack. Gligar unleases Hidden Power which is a direct hit forcing Swellow uncontrollably towards the ground. Swellow just barely recovers and unleases Aerial Ace while Gligar launches its total body at Swellow with Steel Wing. Both pokemon collide in mid-air creating a giant plume of smoke and dust as their abilities are tied in power. Ash commands Swellow to perform an "Aerial Ace of Courage" while Morrison tells Gligar to unleash a "Steel Wing with Spirit". Another violent collision happens as this is a battle of wills! "Aerial Ace with all the courage" and "Steel Wing with True Spirit" are two attacks shouted from both trainers, Ash and Morrison. The same abilities make a third collision creating the question on peoples minds of which pokemon will be victorious. More smoke and dust is created as both Swellow and Gligar can be seen falling through the cloud towards the ground. Both Swellow and Gligar are announced as unable to battle. This leaves both Ash and Morrison with only one usuable pokemon making this a unbelivable match.

The announcer questions asking what will each trainer's final pokemon be? Ash chooses Glalie while Morrison releases Metang. May is surprised that Morrison released Metand while Max states that Ash is at an overwhelming disadvantage! Glalie performs Headbutt while Metang unleashes Take Down. Both pokemon smash right into each other but this time Glalie takes the bigger hit. Glalie responds with Ice Beam while Metang performs Confusion forcing Ice Beam right back towards Glalie. Metang unleases Take Down which scores for a direct hit! Glalie unleases another stream of Ice Beam but is yet returned again towards the source from Metang's Confusion. Glalie responds to the incoming Ice Beam with Icy Wind which reflects the Ice Beam once again back towards Metang. The reflected Ice Beam hits for a direct hit forming a icy aura around Metang. May is surprised by Ash's great idea while Glalie responds with Headbutt making a clean hit. Metang releases an intense Comet Punch which scores for a direct hit! "Headbutt with all your courage" and "Comet Punch with true spirit" are two phrases yelled out by opposing trainers, Morrison and Ash. The match will be decided with this final clash of titans and claim who will move on to the third round of the Hoenn Tournament. Glalie uses its rotation to change direction and get a clear hit. Metang is announced as unable to battle and Glalie as the victor. Ash will now advance to the third round of the Hoenn Tournament. With a magnificent effort, Ash has beaten Morrison to move into the best 8!

The crowd cheers as Tyson is seen commanding Sceptile to fire Solar Beam. Rhydon takes an direct hit making Solar Beam super effective. Rhydon is announced as unable to battle making Sceptile the victor. With a flawless performance Tyson moves on to the best 8!

Morrison is viewing the brilliant flame of the Hoenn Tournament as he shouts out in disappointment that he lost to Ash but relealizes that it can't be helped. Ash tells Morrison that he was really fired up during their battle while May states that it was a really great battle. Morrison then wishes Ash the best of luck in his next round but also confirms that the next time they meet, he won't lose! Ash responds back stating that he won't lose either. Tyson says they should all call it a day and rest their pokemon. The two agree and are seen blazing towards the rest area. May, Max, and Brock are relieved that Morrison and Ash are back to their old selves.

A giant buffet can be seen containing of appetizers, the main course, and desserts are seen shouting out in glory and eating very fast. After James, Jessie, and Meowth have finished their meal the owner states that if they work a littler harder then can watch the store next time. They are overcome with joy with the idea of a temporary promotion to be store managers.

The next round is decided as a clash of titans between Ash and Tyson. Tyson confirms that he thought it would come to this eventually and to have a battle with no regrets. Ash states that he'll fight with his full power as May and Max wish him luck.

Both James and Jessie have fallen asleep after their big meal while Meowth is admiring the tournament pairings for round three. Meowth seems to be plotting some sort of plan towards being in charge of the store.

Tyson lectures his pokemon to put their heart into the battle as they confirm back with various replies. Tyson tells his pokemon that Ash is a strong opponent but they have trained hard and can't afford to lose. Tyson starts to prepare his team for tommarrow with some special training.

Meowth of Jessie and James starts to call Tyson's Meowth towards the bushes where he is hiding. Meowth of Jessie and James goes on to state that they say a strong pokemon can tell when another one is strong and that he will give Tyson's Meowth some good advice. He goes on to state to stay away from Ash's Pikachu as he pretends to be cute but has unbelievable power! Pikachu has not only destroyed the mecha they built one after another, but he has also sent them flying through the air! Tyson's Meowth goes on to confirm that he will not lose to anyone and goes on to display his strength and power. Meowth is surprised at this display and wonders how he could be so confident. Two branches fall down from atop as Meowth quietly walks away. A tree then beings to fall as Tyson's Meowth's cut becomes visible.

Morrison and Ash are resting outside while Morrison questions Ash telling him that he has a big match tommarrow and should sleep inside. Ash states that he feels more relaxed sleeping outside while Morrison notices that Ash is unusually nervous. Ash is nervous because he will be facing Tyson tommarrow which is a powerful foe. Morrison says that they shouldn't worry over it and go to sleep and tells Ash to not lose. Ash confirms that he will not fall to Tyson in the third match.

The tournament flame can be seen flaming brightly and beautifully as the third match is about to begin. "The first match will be Ash from Pallet Town versus Tyson from Kinsetsu City!" - Announcer. The first half of the battle will be fought on a grass battlefield. Ash chooses Glalie as his first pokemon while Tyson's releases Sceptile. The match is quickly started as Sceptile unleashes an array of Ice Beam while Sceptile releases Solar Beam. Both abilities clash creating a magnificent aura of light from within the stadium.

At last, Tyson and and Ash must battle to advance to Best 4.

English Official Summary

Morrison and Ash are battling each other in the Hoenn League, and Morrison is so upset he can't bring himself to choose his next Pokémon after his Girafarig is knocked out! He's almost disqualified before he decides to send Growlithe out against Ash's Corphish. But Morrison doesn't have Growlithe attack, and his Pokémon is quickly knocked out. Ash angrily demands to know why Morrison isn't fighting, which makes Morrison realize his Pokémon are counting on him to give it his best, too. He rallies and brings out Swampert—both it and Corphish unleash their strongest attacks, resulting in a double KO! It's time for a battlefield change and Morrison apologizes to Ash. Then, Pikachu and Morrison's Steelix take to the grass battlefield. Another head-to-head battle results in Pikachu out of the match, and Torkoal is defeated as well! It's up to Grovyle to beat Steelix, but Morrison's agile Gligar gets the better of their aerial battle. Gligar and Ash's Swellow have another double KO, so this match will be decided by Glalie and Metang. Some clever strategy wins the day for Ash, who becomes one of only 8 semifinalists! Elsewhere, Team Rocket's work as snack sellers pays off when their boss takes them to the all-you-can-eat buffet as a reward. But is he making a big mistake in trusting them? And Ash and Tyson will face each other in the semifinals, in a match that begins with a real bang!

French Official Summary

Morrison et Sacha s'affrontent lors de la Ligue Hoenn. Morrison est tellement énervé qu'il n'arrive pas à choisir son prochain Pokémon pour remplacer son Girafarig qui a été mis K.O. !

German Official Summary

Morrison und Ash kämpfen in der Hoenn-Liga gegeneinander. Morrisons Girafarig geht K.O. und er ist darüber so wütend, dass er nicht weiß, welches seiner Pokémon er nun einsetzen soll!

Italian Official Summary

Nella Lega di Hoenn, Ash deve ora affrontare Morrison, irritato perché non può più scegliere il prossimo Pokémon dopo la sconfitta del suo Girafarig!

Portuguese Official Summary

Ash enfrenta seu amigo e rival Morrison no segundo round da Liga Hoenn!

Finnish Official Summary

Ash kohtaa ystävänsä ja kilpailijansa Morrisonin Hoenn-liigan toisella kierroksella!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

¡Ash enfrenta a su amigo y rival Morrison en la segunda ronda de la Liga Hoenn!

Spanish Official Summary

Morrison y Ash están luchando el uno contra el otro en la Liga Hoenn, ¡Morrison está tan enfadado que no puede elegir a su siguiente Pokémon después de que su Girafarig haya sido eliminado!

English Great Britian Official Summary

Morrison and Ash are battling each other in the Hoenn League, and Morrison is so upset he can't bring himself to choose his next Pokémon after his Girafarig is knocked out! He's almost disqualified before he decides to send Growlithe out against Ash's Corphish. But Morrison doesn't have Growlithe attack, and his Pokémon is quickly knocked out. Ash angrily demands to know why Morrison isn't fighting, which makes Morrison realize his Pokémon are counting on him to give it his best, too. He rallies and brings out Swampert—both it and Corphish unleash their strongest attacks, resulting in a double KO! It's time for a battlefield change and Morrison apologizes to Ash. Then, Pikachu and Morrison's Steelix take to the grass battlefield. Another head-to-head battle results in Pikachu out of the match, and Torkoal is defeated as well! It's up to Grovyle to beat Steelix, but Morrison's agile Gligar gets the better of their aerial battle. Gligar and Ash's Swellow have another double KO, so this match will be decided by Glalie and Metang. Some clever strategy wins the day for Ash, who becomes one of only 8 semifinalists! Elsewhere, Team Rocket's work as snack sellers pays off when their boss takes them to the all-you-can-eat buffet as a reward. But is he making a big mistake in trusting them? And Ash and Tyson will face each other in the semifinals, in a match that begins with a real bang!

Russian Official Summary

Эш приобрёл достаточно опыта, чтобы понимать, что тренеру необходимо заручиться дружбой своего покемона. В отличии от его нового друга и соперника. Когда менее опытному тренеру приходится противостоять Эшу в поединке, он теряет уверенность и рискует проиграть, не начав сражение. Позволит ли он хорошим отношениям с Эшем помешать вести битву, или сможет осознать, что иногда следует приложить массу усилий и достойно сражаться из уважения к другу и сопернику.

Dutch Official Summary

Ash staat tegenover zijn vriend en rivaal Morrison in de tweede ronde van de Hoenn League!

Norwegian Official Summary

Ash møter vennen og rivalen Morrison i andre runde i Hoenn-ligaen!

Swedish Official Summary

Ash möter sin vän och rival Morrison i Hoenn-ligans andra rond!

Danish Official Summary

Ash møder sin ven og rival Morrison i anden runde af Hoenn-ligaen!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock
  • Japan タケシ
  • Japan Takeshi
  • Japan Takeshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States May
  • Japan ハルカ
  • Japan Haruka
  • Japan Haruka
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Max
  • Japan マサト
  • Japan Masato
  • Japan Masato
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Grovyle
  • Japan サトシのジュプトル
  • Japan Satoshi no Juptile
  • Japan Satoshi's Juptile
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Swellow
  • Japan サトシのオオスバメ
  • Japan Satoshi no Osubame
  • Japan Satoshi's Osubame
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Torkoal
  • Japan サトシのコータス
  • Japan Satoshi no Cotoise
  • Japan Satoshi's Cotoise
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Corphish
  • Japan サトシのヘイガニ
  • Japan Satoshi no Heigani
  • Japan Satoshi's Heigani
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Glalie
  • Japan サトシのオニゴーリ
  • Japan Satoshi no Onigohri
  • Japan Satoshi's Onigohri
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie's Wobbuffet
  • Japan ムサシのソーナンス
  • Japan Musashi no Sonansu
  • Japan Musashi's Sonansu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Morrison
  • Japan マサムネ
  • Japan Masamune
  • Japan Masamune
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Morrison's Metang
  • Japan マサムネのメタング
  • Japan Masamune no Metang
  • Japan Masamune's Metang
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Tyson
  • Japan テツヤ
  • Japan Tetsuya
  • Japan Tetsuya
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Tyson's Meowth
  • Japan テツヤのニャース
  • Japan Tetsuya no Nyarth
  • Japan Tetsuya's Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Tyson's Metagross
  • Japan テツヤのメタグロス
  • Japan Tetsuya no Metagross
  • Japan Tetsuya's Metagross
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Morrison's Gligar
  • Japan マサムネのグライガー
  • Japan Masamune no Gliger
  • Japan Masamune's Gliger
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Morrison's Growlithe
  • Japan マサムネのガーディ
  • Japan Masamune no Gardie
  • Japan Masamune's Gardie
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Morrison's Girafarig
  • Japan マサムネのキリンリキ
  • Japan Masamune no Kirinriki
  • Japan Masamune's Kirinriki
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Morrison's Swampert
  • Japan マサムネのラグラージ
  • Japan Masamune no Laglarge
  • Japan Masamune's Laglarge
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Morrison's Steelix
  • Japan マサムネのハガネール
  • Japan Masamune no Haganeil
  • Japan Masamune's Haganeil
Character Thumbnail
  • United States New Boss
  • Japan 売店の親方
  • Japan Baiten no Oyakata
  • Japan Kiosk Boss
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Tyson's Sceptile
  • Japan テツヤのジュカイン
  • Japan Tetsuya no Jukain
  • Japan Tetsuya's Jukain
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Tyson's Donphan
  • Japan テツヤのドンファン
  • Japan Tetsuya no Donfan
  • Japan Tetsuya's Donfan
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Tyson's Hariyama
  • Japan テツヤのハリテヤマ
  • Japan Tetsuya no Hariteyama
  • Japan Tetsuya's Hariteyama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Tyson's Shiftry
  • Japan テツヤのダーテング
  • Japan Tetsuya no Dirteng
  • Japan Tetsuya's Dirteng

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Machoke
  • Japan ゴーリキー
  • Japan Goriky
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Rhydon
  • Japan サイドン
  • Japan Sidon


The original airing of the English dub of this episode on Kids WB misspells the title card "Choose It or Loose It!". This is fixed in all future releases.

Trainer's Choice Advanced Battle

Pokémon Trainer's Choice
Question Trainers, which of these Pokémon would you catch by fishing?
Choices Lickitung, Feebas, Wobbuffet
Answer Ok, Trainers! If you chose Feebas, you were right!


Eyecatch Regirock Eyecatch

Regirock Commercial Intro and Return Eyecatches with Pikachu, Satoshi, Haruka, Masato and Takeshi.
Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: ポケモン シンフォニック メドレー(TVバージョン) ~Pokémon Symphonic Medley~
Japanese (Romanized): Pokémon Symphonic Medley (TV Version)
Japanese (TL): Pokémon Symphonic Medley (TV Version)
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:28
Title: 逆襲のはじまり
Japanese (Romanized): Gyuakushū no hajimari
Japanese (TL): The Counterattack Begins
Movie 1 BGM - The narrator recaps last episode's battles.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:59
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M42 進化おめでとう
Japanese (Romanized): Shinka omedetō
Japanese (TL): Congratulations for the Evolution
Advanced Generation Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:29
Title: 1999-2001-M23 ラジオとう占拠!
Japanese (Romanized): Radio-tō senkyo
Japanese (TL): The Radio Tower Takeover
Masamune halfheartedly sends out Gardie for the battle against Heigani.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:01
Title: 1999-2001-M28 The Day Is Conquered!!
Masamune's spirit is lifted and he becomes ready for a real battle.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:43
Title: Movie 3 BGM - Bedtime
Movie 3 BGM - Masamune tells that he has always thought it'd be great to have fun battles as losing is painful but it'd be fine as long as he had fun with the Pokémon.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:23
Title: タイプ:ワイルド
Japanese (Romanized): Type: Wild
Japanese (TL): Type: Wild
The second half of the round between Masamune and Satoshi begins.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:14
Title: 嵐の海を
Japanese (Romanized): Arashi no umi wo
Japanese (TL): In the Stormy Sea
Movie 1 BGM - Satoshi sends out Cotoise against Masamune's Haganeil.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:35
Title: Movie 5 BGM - Latios and Latias Attack Zanner and Lions
Movie 5 BGM - Satoshi sends out Juptile for the battle against Haganeil. The music overlaps the Eyecatch Break.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:46
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M43
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:18
Title: 乱れ飛ぶモンスターボール
Japanese (Romanized): Midaretobu Monster Ball
Japanese (TL): Wildly Flying Monster Balls
Movie 1 BGM - Satoshi sends out Ohsubame to battle Gliger.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:45
Title: スイクンのテーマ
Japanese (Romanized): Suicune no thema
Japanese (TL): Suicune's Theme
Movie 4 BGM - Satoshi and Masamune send out their last Pokémon in the battle: Onigohri and Metang, respectively.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:07
Title: 1999-2001-M02 タイトル
Japanese (Romanized): Title
Japanese (TL): Title
The main part of the music plays as Satoshi defeats Masamune. Tetsuya is also seen progressing to the next round.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:03
Title: Movie 2 Short - たんけんたいをつくろう (インストルメンタル)
Japanese (Romanized): Tankentai wo Tsukurou! (Instrumental)
Japanese (TL): Let's form an Exploration Party (Instrumental)
Masamune and Satoshi resume their little rivalry, as they race to the rest area.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:06
Title: 1999-2001-M25 Imminent Danger
The tournament determines that Tetsuya and Satoshi meet in the next round.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:14
Title: 1997-1998-M26 ロケット団隠密作戦
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan Onmitsu Sakusen
Japanese (TL): The Rocket Gang's Secret Schemes
Rocket Gang's Nyarth gives advice to Tetsuya's Nyarth on Pikachu's power.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:38
Title: Movie 5 BGM - Latias and Latios Watch Satoshi
Movie 5 BGM - Masamune tells Satoshi to not lose the next day.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:52
Title: サトシ戦いの決意
Japanese (Romanized): Satoshi tatakai no ketsui
Japanese (TL): Satoshi's Battle Resolve
Movie 1 BGM - The second part of the music plays as Tetsuya and Satoshi begin their battle.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:44
Title: GLORY DAY ~輝くその日~ 
Japanese (Romanized): Glory Day ~Kagayaku Sono Hi~
Japanese (TL): Glory Day ~That Shining Day~
2nd Version of the Ending Theme
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:05
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M40 ~アドバンス・アドベンチャー~ (BONUS-TRACK) 競技中 OPテーマ「アドバンス・アドベンチャー」INST.
Japanese (Romanized): OP thema 'Advance Adventure' INST.
Japanese (TL): Opening Theme 'Advance Adventure' INST.
Advanced Generation Episode 132 preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:35
Title: 1997-1998-M33A Professor Okido's Pokémon Lectures
Professor Okido's Special League Segment
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:43
Title: 1999-2001-M24 むしとりたいかい
Japanese (Romanized): Mushitori taikai
Japanese (TL): Bug Catching Contest
Okido talks about the Victory Tournament's battle's rules and characteristics.

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:30
Title: Unbeatable
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:30
Title: 1997-1998-M52 Title Card
Title card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:30
Title: 1997-1998-M26 ロケット団隠密作戦
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan Onmitsu Sakusen
Japanese (TL): The Rocket Gang's Secret Schemes
Meowth talks with the Meowth in boots.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:42
Title: Unbeatable
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 22
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 4
26 May 2005 03:00 AM
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Joined: 18 Jun 2007
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