Home / Episode Guide / First Try! Pokéringer, the Competition in the Sky!!/That's Just Swellow/初挑戦!空中競技・ポケリンガ!!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States That's Just Swellow
  • Japan 初挑戦!空中競技・ポケリンガ!!
  • Japan Hatsu chōsen! Kūchū kyōki Pokéringer!!
  • Japan First Try! Pokéringer, the Competition in the Sky!!
  • Germany Der König der Ringe
  • France Le concours de Pokévolanneau
  • Spain Eso sí que es un Swellow
  • Sweden Pokéringer-tävlingen!
  • Italy Il gioco dell’anello
  • Mexico Convertido en un Swellow
  • Finland Swellow´n rengas
  • Taiwan 初次挑戰!空中競技.神奇圓環!
  • Netherlands Pico Bello Swellow!
  • Brazil Esse é o Swellow
  • Israel תחרות בשמיים
  • Norway Konkurranse i skyene
  • Denmark Det er bare Swellow
  • Portugal Mas Que Swellow
  • Russia Появление Свэллоу


OP/ED List

포켓몬스터 AG
Pocket Monsters AG
행복한 여행
A Happy Journey
Pokémon Roll Call
Episode Director
Animation Director

English Official Summary

Outside Crossgate Town, the kids meet a Trainer named Shane and his Swablu. He is practicing for the PokéRinger competition, a contest where flying Pokémon battle in the sky to capture a ring and place it on the goal post. Ash and May both sign up with Taillow and Beautifly. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has also arrived in town. As a child, James received training from a champion PokéRinger, and decides to enter the competition as well. The competitors are matched up into three separate groups of four. In the first group, Shane and his Swablu use the wind to their advantage and win the round. Ash faces the previous PokéRinger champion in the next group, but knocks out his Volbeat to win. In the last group, May and James face off against each other, but Dustox (borrowed from Jessie) scores the goal. In the next round, Ash's Taillow faces off against a Skarmory and wins easily. Shane goes up against James, but his Swablu gets blinded by the sun, giving Dustox a chance to score. While the competition is going on, Jessie and Meowth have been tricking Trainers into leaving their Pokémon behind for a special "relaxing" treatment. They trap the Pokémon into a net and prepare to run. Meowth tries to order James to leave with them, but James refuses. Ash and James begin the final round, but they are interrupted by a freak tornado in the middle of the field that blocks their path to the ring. Ash sends Taillow into the swirling wind, and its determination causes it to evolve into Swellow. Swellow snags the ring and leaves the tornado, with Dustox on its tail. Swellow punts the ring onto the goal, and James is dragged away sobbing by Team Rocket. Swellow frees the stolen Pokémon, and then Pikachu sends Team Rocket blasting off with Thunderbolt. Ash attends the award ceremony, where his picture is displayed alongside the previous PokéRinger champions.

French Official Summary

Pendant une compétition, Jessie et Miaouss arnaquent les Dresseurs en les invitant à leur confier leurs Pokémon pour un traitement « relaxant » spécial. Ils piègent alors les Pokémon dans un filet et se préparent à mettre les voiles.

German Official Summary

Während eines Wettbewerbs überreden Jessie und Mauzi die Trainer, ihre Pokémon zu einer besondere Entspannungsbehandlung zurückzulassen. Die beiden fangen daraufhin die Pokémon mit einem Netz ein und versuchen zu fliehen.

Italian Official Summary

Durante una lotta, Jessie e Meowth cercano di convincere gli Allenatori a lasciare loro i propri Pokémon per un trattamento speciale 'rilassante'. Dopodiché, intrappolano i Pokémon in una rete e si preparano a scappare.

Portuguese Official Summary

Ash, May, e James participam na Competição de Pokéargolas, um evento esportivo no qual Treinadores guiam seus Pokémon voadores numa corrida para coletar anéis pendurados em balões de ar quente.

Finnish Official Summary

Ash, May ja James osallistuvat Pokérengas-kilpailuun, erikoiseen urheilutapahtumaan, jossa kouluttajat ohjaavat lentäviä Pokémonejaan keräämään leijuvissa palloissa roikkuvia renkaita.

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Ash, May, y James participan en la Competencia PokéAro, un curioso evento deportivo en el cual los Entrenadores guían a sus Pokémon voladores en una competencia para recolectar aros que cuelgan de globos flotantes.

Spanish Official Summary

Durante el transcurso del concurso, Jessie y Meowth han estado engañando a los Entrenadores para que les dejen a sus Pokémon y que estos reciban un tratamiento "relajante" especial. Atrapan los Pokémon en una red y se preparan para huir.

English Great Britian Official Summary

Outside Crossgate Town, the kids meet a Trainer named Shane and his Swablu. He is practicing for the PokéRinger competition, a contest where flying Pokémon battle in the sky to capture a ring and place it on the goal post. Ash and May both sign up with Taillow and Beautifly. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has also arrived in town. As a child, James received training from a champion PokéRinger, and decides to enter the competition as well. The competitors are matched up into three separate groups of four. In the first group, Shane and his Swablu use the wind to their advantage and win the round. Ash faces the previous PokéRinger champion in the next group, but knocks out his Volbeat to win. In the last group, May and James face off against each other, but Dustox (borrowed from Jessie) scores the goal. In the next round, Ash's Taillow faces off against a Skarmory and wins easily. Shane goes up against James, but his Swablu gets blinded by the sun, giving Dustox a chance to score. While the competition is going on, Jessie and Meowth have been tricking Trainers into leaving their Pokémon behind for a special "relaxing" treatment. They trap the Pokémon into a net and prepare to run. Meowth tries to order James to leave with them, but James refuses. Ash and James begin the final round, but they are interrupted by a freak tornado in the middle of the field that blocks their path to the ring. Ash sends Taillow into the swirling wind, and its determination causes it to evolve into Swellow. Swellow snags the ring and leaves the tornado, with Dustox on its tail. Swellow punts the ring onto the goal, and James is dragged away sobbing by Team Rocket. Swellow frees the stolen Pokémon, and then Pikachu sends Team Rocket blasting off with Thunderbolt. Ash attends the award ceremony, where his picture is displayed alongside the previous PokéRinger champions.

Russian Official Summary

Мэй и Эш, а также их летающие покемоны, принимают участие в уникальном состязании, где участники должны собрать кольца, подвешенные к воздушным шарам. Услышав об этом удивительном соревновании, Джесси и Мяут из Команды Р не очень заинтересованы, а Джеймс вспоминает свои тренировки у признанного мастера этого вида состязаний. Джеймс решает принять в них участие вместе с Эшем и Мэй, но можно ли рассчитывать на честную игру со стороны коварного соперника?

Dutch Official Summary

Ash, May en James doen mee aan de Pokéringer Competitie, een vreemd sportevenement waarbij Trainers hun vliegende Pokémon inzetten in een race om ringen te verzamelen die aan zwevende ballonnen hangen.

Norwegian Official Summary

Ash, May og James deltar i Pokéringer-konkurransen, en merkelig sport der trenere dirigerer sine flyvende Pokémon i et kappløp der de skal samle ringer som henger fra svevende ballonger.

Swedish Official Summary

Ash, May och James deltar i Pokéringer-tävlingen, ett märkligt sportevenemang där Tränarna dirigerar sina flygande Pokémon i ett race där de ska samla in ringar som hänger ned från svävande ballonger.

Danish Official Summary

Ash, May og James deltager i Pokéringer-konkurrencen. Det er et pudsigt sportsarrangement, hvor Trænerne instruerer deres flyvende Pokémon, som skal samle ringe fra balloner i luften.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock
  • Japan タケシ
  • Japan Takeshi
  • Japan Takeshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States May
  • Japan ハルカ
  • Japan Haruka
  • Japan Haruka
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Max
  • Japan マサト
  • Japan Masato
  • Japan Masato
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Swellow
  • Japan サトシのオオスバメ
  • Japan Satoshi no Osubame
  • Japan Satoshi's Osubame
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Taillow
  • Japan サトシのスバメ
  • Japan Satoshi no Subame
  • Japan Satoshi's Subame
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie's Dustox
  • Japan ムサシのドクケイル
  • Japan Musashi no Dokucale
  • Japan Musashi's Dokucale
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie's Wobbuffet
  • Japan ムサシのソーナンス
  • Japan Musashi no Sonansu
  • Japan Musashi's Sonansu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States May's Beautifly
  • Japan ハルカのアゲハント
  • Japan Haruka no Agehunt
  • Japan Haruka's Agehunt
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Volt
  • Japan ボルト
  • Japan Volt
  • Japan Volt
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Shane
  • Japan カイト
  • Japan Kaito
  • Japan Kaito
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Volt's Volbeat
  • Japan ボルトのバルビート
  • Japan Volt no Barubeat
  • Japan Volt's Barubeat
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Shane's Swablu
  • Japan カイトのチルット
  • Japan Kaito no Tyltto
  • Japan Kaito's Tyltto

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Golbat
  • Japan ゴルバット
  • Japan Golbat
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Crobat
  • Japan クロバット
  • Japan Crobat
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Hoppip
  • Japan ハネッコ
  • Japan Hanecco
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Skiploom
  • Japan ポポッコ
  • Japan Popocco
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Jumpluff
  • Japan ワタッコ
  • Japan Watacco
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Yanma
  • Japan ヤンヤンマ
  • Japan Yanyanma
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Skarmory
  • Japan エアームド
  • Japan Airmd
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Wingull
  • Japan キャモメ
  • Japan Camome
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Pelipper
  • Japan ペリッパー
  • Japan Pelipper
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Ninjask
  • Japan テッカニン
  • Japan Tekkanin
No notes available for this episode.

Trainer's Choice Advanced Challenge

Pokémon Trainer's Choice
Question Trainers, which one of these Pokémon evolves into Swampert?
Choices Spheal, Marshtomp, Golduck
Answer Ok, Trainers! If you chose Marshtomp, you were right!


Eyecatch Groudon and Kyogre Eyecatch

Groudon Commercial Intro Eyecatch with Pikachu, Satoshi, Haruka, Masato and Takeshi.

Kyogre Commercial Return Eyecatch with Pikachu, Satoshi, Haruka, Masato and Takeshi.

Special First-Airing Segment Senryu Contest

Everyone's Pokémon Senryū Mass Recruitment (みんなのポケモン川柳大募集) contest was introduced during the original airing of this episode. Contestants were asked to select from 1 of 4 different Pokémon: Achamo (アチャモ), Ametama (アメタマ), Kinococo (キノココ) or Kibanha (キバニア) and write a Senryū based on them.

The Application Rules (応募のお約束) stated that the Senryū must contain the name of the chosen Pokémon (お題のポケモンの名前が必ず入っていること) and the syllable meter must be in the 5-7-5 (5・7・5の七五調になっていること) style.

The winning senryū's were featured in the Okido segment during the following Advanced Generation episodes:
The Achamo (アチャモ) Senryū was used in: AG91
The Ametama (アメタマ) Senryū was used in: AG92
The Kinococo (キノココ) Senryū was used in: AG94
The Kibanha (キバニア) Senryū was used in: AG95

A Pokémon teacup with the writer's senryu on it was given as a present! (採用者にはあなたの川柳入り「ポケモン湯のみ」をプレゼント!)

The rental DVD that included this episode did not have an Okido segment.
Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: チャレンジャー!!
Japanese (Romanized): Challenger!!
Japanese (TL): Challenger!!
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:28
Title: 1997-1998-M18B トキワへの道‐マサラより
Japanese (Romanized): Tokiwa e no michi - Masara yori
Japanese (TL): The Road to Tokiwa - From Masara
The group arrives in Crossgate Town.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:50
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M42 進化おめでとう
Japanese (Romanized): Shinka omedetō
Japanese (TL): Congratulations for the Evolution
Advanced Generation Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:59
Title: Hanada Gym - Swimming Ballet
Kaito explains the PokéRinger competition.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:51
Title: 1997-1998-M68 闘志
Japanese (Romanized): Tōshi
Japanese (TL): Fighting Spirit
The PokéRinger competition is presented.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:08
Title: 1997-1998-M26 ロケット団隠密作戦
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan Onmitsu Sakusen
Japanese (TL): The Rocket Gang's Secret Schemes
Kojiro talks enthusiastically about the sport amidst Musashi's and Nyarth's lack of interest in it.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:55
Title: 1997-1998-M20 なんだかんだと聞かれたら…
Japanese (Romanized): Nandakanda to Kikaretara…
Japanese (TL): If You Ask Us About Whatever…
Kojiro makes his entrance speech in the tournament.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:29
Title: 1997-1998-M20 なんだかんだと聞かれたら…
Japanese (Romanized): Nandakanda to Kikaretara…
Japanese (TL): If You Ask Us About Whatever…
Kojiro adresses Haruka directly by wishing her good luck.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:52
Title: 1997-1998-M13 戦い(VS野生ポケモン)
Japanese (Romanized): Tatakai (VS yasei Pokémon)
Japanese (TL): Battle (VS Wild Pokémon)
The PokéRinger competition gets underway.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:10
Title: 1997-1998-M15 襲撃!
Japanese (Romanized): Shūgeki!
Japanese (TL): Attack!
Satoshi makes his debut in the tournament.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:04
Title: 1999-2001-M38 ~OK!~ (BONUS-TRACK)
Satoshi's Subame is able to withstand Volt's Barubeat's Thunder.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:24
Title: 1997-1998-M15 襲撃!
Japanese (Romanized): Shūgeki!
Japanese (TL): Attack!
Haruka and Kojiro make her debut in the tournament.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:29
Title: Movie 1 Short - Yadon Eyecatch
Nyarth is dressed in a Camome's shallow disguise.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:16
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M44
Eyecatch Break
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:23
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M43
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:45
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M14
Kojiro and Kaito are about to face off.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:13
Title: 乱れ飛ぶモンスターボール
Japanese (Romanized): Midaretobu Monster Ball
Japanese (TL): Wildly Flying Monster Balls
Movie 1 BGM - Kojiro and Kaito begin their match.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:37
Title: 1997-1998-M28 Today's Pokémon Curiosity
Kojiro spots Nyarth way below and the latter tries to begin a conversation aided by flags.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:22
Title: 嵐の海を
Japanese (Romanized): Arashi no umi wo
Japanese (TL): In the Stormy Sea
Movie 1 BGM - Kojiro and Satoshi begin their match in the final.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:46
Title: コピーポケモン目覚める!
Japanese (Romanized): Copy Pokémon mezameru
Japanese (TL): The Copy Pokémon Awaken
Movie 1 BGM - Satoshi tells Subame to try getting through the tornado and take the ring.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:26
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M40 ~アドバンス・アドベンチャー~ (BONUS-TRACK) 競技中 OPテーマ「アドバンス・アドベンチャー」INST.
Japanese (Romanized): OP thema 'Advance Adventure' INST.
Japanese (TL): Opening Theme 'Advance Adventure' INST.
Satoshi's newly-evolved Ohsubame begins the turn-around in the match.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:53
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M32 ロケット団参上!のテーマ(ホウエン・バージョン)
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan sanjō! no thema (Houen Version)
Japanese (TL): Rocket Gang Arrival Theme (Houen Version)
Musashi and Nyarth appear on the balloon with the stolen Pokémon and recite the Motto.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:32
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M39 タイトル ~メインテーマ~
Japanese (Romanized): Title ~Main thema~
Japanese (TL): Title ~Main Theme~
Satoshi tells Ohsubame to cut Rocket Gang's net.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:44
Title: スマイル
Japanese (Romanized): Smile
Japanese (TL): Smile
2nd Part of the Ending Theme
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:05
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M40 ~アドバンス・アドベンチャー~ (BONUS-TRACK) 競技中 OPテーマ「アドバンス・アドベンチャー」INST.
Japanese (Romanized): OP thema 'Advance Adventure' INST.
Japanese (TL): Opening Theme 'Advance Adventure' INST.
Advanced Generation Episode 81 preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:35
Title: 1997-1998-M44 I Choose Who?
Professor Okido's Senryū Submission Contest
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:40
Title: 1997-1998-M18B トキワへの道‐マサラより
Japanese (Romanized): Tokiwa e no michi - Masara yori
Japanese (TL): The Road to Tokiwa - From Masara
Okido explains the contest.

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:21
Title: This Dream
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:07
Title: 1997-1998-M52 Title Card
Title card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:30
Title: 1997-1998-M26 ロケット団隠密作戦
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan Onmitsu Sakusen
Japanese (TL): The Rocket Gang's Secret Schemes
James wants to participate in the poke ringer
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:08
Title: 1997-1998-M20 なんだかんだと聞かれたら…
Japanese (Romanized): Nandakanda to Kikaretara…
Japanese (TL): If You Ask Us About Whatever…
James begins a speech to tell Ash and May that he is in the competition.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:42
Title: 1997-1998-M20 なんだかんだと聞かれたら…
Japanese (Romanized): Nandakanda to Kikaretara…
Japanese (TL): If You Ask Us About Whatever…
James says May won't stand a chance.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:07
Title: 1997-1998-M13 戦い(VS野生ポケモン)
Japanese (Romanized): Tatakai (VS yasei Pokémon)
Japanese (TL): Battle (VS Wild Pokémon)
The race starts.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:24
Title: 1997-1998-M15 襲撃!
Japanese (Romanized): Shūgeki!
Japanese (TL): Attack!
Ash begins his part of the competition.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:37
Title: 1997-1998-M15 襲撃!
Japanese (Romanized): Shūgeki!
Japanese (TL): Attack!
May and James make their debut in the competition.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:28
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M40 ~アドバンス・アドベンチャー~ (BONUS-TRACK) 競技中 OPテーマ「アドバンス・アドベンチャー」INST.
Japanese (Romanized): OP thema 'Advance Adventure' INST.
Japanese (TL): Opening Theme 'Advance Adventure' INST.
Tailow evolves and manages to finish up in the competition.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:55
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M32 ロケット団参上!のテーマ(ホウエン・バージョン)
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan sanjō! no thema (Houen Version)
Japanese (TL): Rocket Gang Arrival Theme (Houen Version)
Team rocket motto
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:42
Title: This Dream
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 27
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 11
10 Jun 2004 03:00 AM
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