Home / Episode Guide / Sparkle! The Glow of Fire and Art!/輝け!炎とアートのきらめき/Shine! The Glimmer of Fire and Art
Main Image
Titles and Airdates


  • United States Sparkle! The Glow of Fire and Art!
  • Japan 輝け!炎とアートのきらめき
  • Japan Kagayake! Honō to art no kirameki
  • Japan Shine! The Glimmer of Fire and Art
  • Germany Funkeln! Das Glühen von Flamme und Kunst!
  • France Étincelle ! La lueur des flammes et de l'art !
  • South Korea 빛나라! 불꽃과 예술의 반짝임


OP/ED List

Episode Actors Regions


Japan 三間雅文 (Masafumi Mima) Voice Director

Japan 鈴木みのり (Minori Suzuki) Liko
Japan 林原めぐみ (Megumi Hayashibara) Liko's Nyarote
Japan 寺崎裕香 (Yuka Terasaki) Roy
Japan 山下大輝 (Daiki Yamashita) Roy's Hogator
Japan 青山吉能 (Yoshino Aoyama) Dot
Japan 浪川大輔 (Daisuke Namikawa) Dot's Kuwassu
Japan 川島得愛 (Tokuyoshi Kawashima) Alex
Japan 喜多村英梨 (Eri Kitamura) Nemo
Japan 中井和哉 (Kazuya Nakai) Colza
Japan 置鮎龍太郎 (Ryōtarō Okiayu) Hassaku
Japan 佐倉綾音 (Ayane Sakura) Roy's Kaiden
Japan 真堂圭 (Kei Shindō) Liko's Mibrim
Japan 志田有彩 (Arisa Shida) Colza's Olinyo
Japan 光部樹 (Tatsuki Kobe) Colza's Usokkie
Japan 山下大輝 (Daiki Yamashita) Roy's Smartphone Rotom Uncredited
Japan 八代拓 (Taku Yashiro) Friede Segment Only
Japan 大谷育江 (Ikue Ōtani) Friede's Pikachu (Captain Pikachu) Segment Only
Japan 真堂圭 (Kei Shindō) Parmot Segment Only

Recording Studio
アオイスタジオ (Aoi Studio)
Audio Studio Logo


United States Lisa Ortiz Voice Director
United States Daman Mills Voice Director

United States Alejandra Reynoso Liko
United States Alejandra Reynoso Brassius' Dolliv
United States Anjali Kunapaneni Roy
United States Daman Mills Dot's Quaxly
United States Faye Mata Dot
United States Faye Mata Terapagos
United States J. Michael Tatum Brassius
United States Kira Buckland Liko's Floragato
United States Ross Marquand Hassel
United States Zeno Robinson Roy's Fuecoco
United States Zeno Robinson Roy's Rotom Phone
United States Anthony Bowling Alex
United States Bill Rogers Brassius' Sudowoodo
United States Edward Bosco Roy's Wattrel
United States Erica Schroeder Nemona's Pawmot
United States Jenny Yokobori Liko's Hatenna
United States Sarah Natochenny Dot's Tinkatink
United States Yolis Arroyo Nemona
United States Sarah Borges Audio Description

Recording Studio
Audio Studio Logo
Episode Director
Animation Director
Assistant Animation Director
Chief Animation Director
Assistant Director
Guest Setting
Screenplay Assistance
Key Animation
In-Between Animation Check
In-Between Animation
Color Coordination
Line Photography
CGI Designer
Production Assistant
Production Assistance
Animation Production
Segment Organization
Segment Storyboard
Segment Unit Director
Segment Key Animation
Segment In-Between Animation Check
Segment Production Assistant
Recording Studio

Japanese Summary:



Japanese Summary Translation:

Colza has to postpone Roy's training due to being busy preparing the art festival, though Nemo asks Roy for a battle, which he agrees to. But when Colza watches their battle, it seems he has some thoughts about Roy's battle style...?

Roy's opponent for his Terastal training assessment test is Colza! Roy is eager to battle him, but Colza has to postpone the training due to being busy preparing the art festival that's going to be held in Bowl Town. Just then, Nemo happens to pass by and asks Roy for a battle, which he agrees to. But when Colza watches their battle, it seems he has some thoughts about Roy's battle style...?


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nemona
  • Japan ネモ
  • Japan Nemo
  • Japan Nemo
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brassius
  • Japan コルサ
  • Japan Colza
  • Japan Colza
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Katy
  • Japan カエデ
  • Japan Kaede
  • Japan Kaede
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Hassel
  • Japan ハッサク
  • Japan Hassaku
  • Japan Hassaku
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Liko
  • Japan リコ
  • Japan Liko
  • Japan Liko
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Roy
  • Japan ロイ
  • Japan Roy
  • Japan Roy
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Murdock
  • Japan マードック
  • Japan Murdock
  • Japan Murdock
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Liko's Rotom Phone
  • Japan リコのスマホロトム
  • Japan Liko no Smartphone Rotom
  • Japan Liko's Smartphone Rotom
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dot's Quaxly
  • Japan ドットのクワッス
  • Japan Dot no Kuwassu
  • Japan Dot's Kuwassu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Roy's Fuecoco
  • Japan ロイのホゲータ
  • Japan Roy no Hogator
  • Japan Roy's Hogator
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Murdock's Rockruff
  • Japan マードックのイワンコ
  • Japan Murdock no Iwanko
  • Japan Murdock's Iwanko
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Murdock's Alcremie
  • Japan マードックのマホイップ
  • Japan Murdock no Mawhip
  • Japan Murdock's Mawhip
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Roy's Rotom Phone
  • Japan ロイのスマホロトム
  • Japan Roy no Smartphone Rotom
  • Japan Roy's Smartphone Rotom
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dot
  • Japan ドット
  • Japan Dot
  • Japan Dot
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Alex
  • Japan アレックス
  • Japan Alex
  • Japan Alex
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brassius' Sudowoodo
  • Japan コルサのウソッキー
  • Japan Colza no Usokkie
  • Japan Colza's Usokkie
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brassius' Dolliv
  • Japan コルサのオリーニョ
  • Japan Colza no Olinyo
  • Japan Colza's Olinyo
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Roy's Wattrel
  • Japan ロイのカイデン
  • Japan Roy no Kaiden
  • Japan Roy's Kaiden
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Liko's Hatenna
  • Japan リコのミブリム
  • Japan Liko no Mibrim
  • Japan Liko's Mibrim
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Terapagos
  • Japan テラパゴス (パゴゴ)
  • Japan Terapagos (Pagogo)
  • Japan Terapagos (Pagogo)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Katy's Teddiursa (Teddi)
  • Japan カエデのヒメグマ (クマちゃん)
  • Japan Kaede no Himeguma (Kuma-chan)
  • Japan Kaede's Himeguma (Kuma-chan)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dot's Rotom Phone
  • Japan ドットのスマホロトム
  • Japan Dot no Smartphone Rotom
  • Japan Dot's Smartphone Rotom
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dot's Tinkatink
  • Japan ドットのカヌチャン
  • Japan Dot no Kanuchan
  • Japan Dot's Kanuchan
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Liko's Floragato
  • Japan リコのニャローテ
  • Japan Liko no Nyarote
  • Japan Liko's Nyarote
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nemona's Pawmot
  • Japan ネモのパーモット
  • Japan Nemo no Parmot
  • Japan Nemo's Parmot
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Hassel's Gible
  • Japan ハッサクのフカマル
  • Japan Hassaku no Fukamaru
  • Japan Hassaku's Fukamaru

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Psyduck
  • Japan コダック
  • Japan Koduck
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Mankey
  • Japan マンキー
  • Japan Mankey
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Weepinbell
  • Japan ウツドン
  • Japan Utsudon
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Chikorita
  • Japan チコリータ
  • Japan Chicorita
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Scizor
  • Japan ハッサム
  • Japan Hassam
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Teddiursa
  • Japan ヒメグマ
  • Japan Himeguma
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Smeargle
  • Japan ドーブル
  • Japan Doble
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Larvitar
  • Japan ヨーギラス
  • Japan Yogiras
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Torchic
  • Japan アチャモ
  • Japan Achamo
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Nuzleaf
  • Japan コノハナ
  • Japan Konohana
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Azurill
  • Japan ルリリ
  • Japan Ruriri
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Chimecho
  • Japan チリーン
  • Japan Chirean
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Wynaut
  • Japan ソーナノ
  • Japan Sohnano
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Gible
  • Japan フカマル
  • Japan Fukamaru
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Pansage
  • Japan ヤナップ
  • Japan Yanappu
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Gossifleur
  • Japan ヒメンカ
  • Japan Himenka
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Silicobra
  • Japan スナヘビ
  • Japan Sunahebi
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Grafaiai
  • Japan タギングル
  • Japan Taginguru
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Klawf
  • Japan ガケガニ
  • Japan Gakegani


The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted comments from Kazuya Nakai who plays Colza and Eri Kitamura who plays Nemo on April 26th, 2024.

Colza and Nemo are going to appear in episode 48, "Shine! The Glimmer of Fire and Art", and we've received comments from Kazuya Nakai-san, who plays Colza, and Eri Kitamura-san, who plays Nemo. Please give your full attention to Roy's Terastal training match opponent Colza and Orange Academy student council president Nemo:

While it makes me really happy that people have been waiting for Colza's return appearance after his lengthy absence, I guarantee nobody's been waiting for it more than I have. I had actually resigned myself to thinking he just wasn't going to ever appear again (laughs).
The last time we saw Colza I'd say he came across as the kind of person you feel worried about, but this time around he has it all together. I did try to show how he's still kind of an oddball at the end of the day though, so I hope you'll find that aspect of him entertaining.
-Kazuya Nakai, the voice of Colza

It's been quite a while since Nemo had a major role in the show, but in this episode she'll once again be showcasing her assured, confident and firm energy. She made a strong impression in her debut episode, and she's definitely going to leave a solid impact this time as well; Nemo may be a very steadfast character, but I've played her in a way that lets you feel how she's developed and grown over time.
This episode has a lot of scenes that really make you feel how important a character she is to Liko and Roy's development, so I hope you'll enjoy it!
-Eri Kitamura, the voice of Nemo

コルサ役の中井和哉 さん、ネモ役の喜多村英梨 さんからコメントが到着しました

久々のコルサの登場を待ってくださった人がいると嬉しく思いますし、何より僕自身が相当待っていました。あれ、もう出ないのかな?と思っていたところだったので(笑)。前回のコルサは見ていて心配になるような人だったと思いますが、今回はしっかりした姿、でもその中に 「 やっぱりちょっと変だな 」 という面も滲ませてみましたので、そのあたりを楽しんでいただけたらと思います。

本格的な登場は久々となるネモですが、安心と信頼と安定のエネルギッシュさで、今回も輝いております。初回登場時も鮮烈な印象のキャラクターでしたが、今回もしっかりとインパクトを残せるような活躍をしています。ぶれないキャラクターですが、 これ までのネモの中の時系列や成長が感じられるように演じました。 リコ、ロイの成長にとっても大事なキーパーソンだと感じられるシーンがたくさんありますので、今回も楽しみにしていただけると嬉しいです!


The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a notice reminding viewers that there was no new episode on April 26th, 2024.

The Pokémon anime is on a break today. The next episode, episode 48, "Shine! The Glimmer of Fire and Art", will air Friday May 3rd (airdate and airtime may vary depending on region)! Roy is trying his hand at Terastal training, with his battle opponent being Bowl Town Gym Leader and artist Colza. You can see how last episode's battle went in the Youtube upload.

本日の #アニポケ 放送はお休み


The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted an Anipoke Costume Showcase on April 25th, 2024 featuring Roy, Dot, Sango and Onyx.

Anipoke Costume Showcase
Introducing the four students who showed off their new looks for their Terastar debut! Roy and Dot are wearing their Orange Academy uniforms for their first day of school! Sango and Onyx of the Explorers, who have infiltrated the Orange Academy, are also wearing the uniforms! Each of them is dressed in their own way!

アニポケ 衣装紹介
テラスタルデビュー で新たな姿を見せた4人をご紹介


ORICON NEWS posted an interview with Eri Kitamura who plays Nemo on May 2nd, 2024 and the official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account retweeted their post.

Nemo, a Trainer from the Paldea region, will be making an appearance in the popular anime Pocket Monsters (airs on the TV Tokyo Network every Friday at 6:55pm, officially abbreviated "Anipoke") in episode 48 (airing on the 3rd). To celebrate this, Oricon News has interviewed her voice actress Eri Kitamura about what makes Nemo such an appealing character.

In episode 48, "Shine! The Glimmer of Fire and Art", Roy's opponent for his Terastal training assessment test is Colza. Roy is eager to battle him, but Colza has to postpone the training due to being busy preparing the art festival that's going to be held in Bowl Town. Just then, Nemo happens to pass by and asks Roy for a battle, which he agrees to. But when Colza watches their battle, it seems he has some thoughts about Roy's battle style...

Q: This is Nemo's first major appearance in the show in quite a while, what was the dubbing session for the episode like?
Kitamura: Episode 10 had some very memorable scenes, but it also gave me a very strong impression that it was just setting up Nemo for future appearances. When the episodes following that one went on to focus heavily on telling the story of Liko and the others' growth and development, I figured it would probably be about a year until Nemo would make her return. So when I was told she'd be back in this episode, I was just happy she was back so soon.

Q: We finally get to see Nemo battle in this episode, was there anything you were especially attentive of when doing that scene?
Kitamura: I play the character as more energetic than she's depicted in the video games. Liko and Roy have grown a lot as Pokémon Trainers, and in this episode I played Nemo in a way that shows off the contrast between that and Nemo's steadfast nature, but that also lets you feel how she's likewise developed and grown over time. The sound director kept reminding me that Nemo's supposed to be a complete pest (laughs), so I made a point of getting across to the viewers just how brazen and battle-hungry she is, even when compared to Roy.

Q: Her character absolutely has both similarities and dissimilarities with Roy, doesn't she?
Kitamura: I think Roy is in the same category as her when it comes to hot-blooded passion and a love for battles, but the difference in skill between them is enormous. When I read the script I saw that while they're equally energetic, Roy is battling for his dear life while Nemo's high level of skill is just making her more and more excited, so I was particularly attentive of this while recording. The ways Roy's "Mou ikkai" and Nemo's "Mata yarou ne" come across are just totally different. I think Nemo serves a very important role in showcasing Liko and Roy's characters by serving as a contrast to them, so I took great care in showing off the "energetic pest" side of the character.

Q: Unlike the Gym Leaders, who serve as the adults in Liko and Roy's life, Nemo's position is rather unique in that she's their senior. Did you feel like a senior guiding their way while playing her?
Kitamura: The sound director described Nemo to me as characterized by how candid and straight forward she is, and how she never changes her attitude no matter what her social standing relative to the other is. If you're a Pokémon Trainer, you're her friend! And her rival! And if she finds out you are one, it's time to battle! I feel like she's the kind of character that always acts before considering the consequences, and that she's just plain incapable of thinking of herself as anyone's senior.

『ポケモン』ネモは「バトルに飢えている」意識で演技 喜多村英梨の役作り裏話

 人気アニメ『ポケットモンスター』(テレビ東京系 毎週金曜 後6:55~ ※放送日時・内容は地域によって異なる)の第48話(3日放送)にパルデア地方のトレーナー・ネモが登場する。これを記念してORICON NEWSはネモ役の喜多村英梨にインタビューを実施し、ネモの魅力を聞いてみた。


【喜多村】 第10話での登場は、印象深いシーンもあったのですがネモの顔見せというイメージが強く、その後のエピソードでリコ達の成長ストーリーがすごく濃厚に描かれていたので、次の登場は1年後ぐらいかな~と思っていました。今回は「また出番があってよかったな」と単純に嬉しかったですね。

【喜多村】 ゲームで想像していたよりは、もっとエネルギッシュなイメージでキャラクター作りをしました。ポケモントレーナーとして一皮剥けたリコとロイに対してネモの変わらなさを表現しつつ、その一方でネモの成長も感じられるように収録しましたね。音響監督には「まじでうざったいくらいのキャラクターで」と念押しで言われて(笑)ロイと対比しても、猛々しい感じやバトルに飢えている感じを視聴者に印象付けしていくことを意識しました。

【喜多村】 熱血でバトル大好きというカテゴリーはロイと一緒だと思うのですが、ネモとロイには圧倒的にスキルの差があって。同じエネルギッシュでも、ロイは必死でいっぱいいっぱいな一方、ネモはスキルが高いという前提から出るわくわく感、という差別化があるなと台本を読んでいて思ったので、そこを特に意識しました。ロイの「もう一回」とネモの「またやろうね」の質感は全然違うなと思いますね。ネモは、リコとロイが引き立つようにコントラストをつけていくための重要なキャラクターだと思うので、うざったくエネルギッシュに、という部分は大事にして演じました。

【喜多村】 ポケモントレーナーだったらみんな友達!みんなライバル!という壁のなさとわかりやすさがネモのキャラクターなので、相手の属性によって態度を変えるということはしなかったですね…。ポケモントレーナーだとわかったらとにかくバトル!というキャラクターだと音響監督からも指示されていて、そういう子って損得を計算する前に体が動く性格だと思うんですよね。先輩として接するという考え方自体、持っていないキャラクターだなと思っています。


ORICON NEWS posted an interview with Kazuya Nakai who plays Colza on May 3rd, 2024 and the official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account retweeted their post.

Colza, a Gym Leader from the Paldea region, will be making an appearance in the popular anime Pocket Monsters (airs on the TV Tokyo Network every Friday at 6:55pm, officially abbreviated "Anipoke") in episode 48 (airing on the 3rd). To celebrate this, Oricon News has interviewed his voice actor Kazuya Nakai about what makes Colza such an appealing character.

In episode 48, "Shine! The Glimmer of Fire and Art", Roy's opponent for his Terastal training assessment test is Colza. Roy is eager to battle him, but Colza has to postpone the training due to being busy preparing the art festival that's going to be held in Bowl Town. Just then, Nemo happens to pass by and asks Roy for a battle, which he agrees to. But when Colza watches their battle, it seems he has some thoughts about Roy's battle style...

Q: What was it like to play Colza again for the first time since episode 10?
Nakai: In that episode, Colza was in pretty poor shape both physically and mentally, and while it was fun to play him as he'd suddenly make a bizarre switch from being super excited to super depressed, he was decidedly a lot easier to play in this new episode, where he actually acts like an adult, so to speak.

Q: Have your impressions of Colza changed now that you've played him as he "acts like an adult"?
Nakai: I've realized that he's not just a character that speaks from the heart when talking to children, but that he also makes an effort to show them "how things are". The last time I played him it was clear to me that everyone loved the man even though I didn't quite understand why, but this time around I finally got why. This changed my perception of the character as well.

Q: Colza also battles Roy this episode, what kind of direction did you receive for that scene?
Nakai: I played Colza as being happy to see Roy again and hoping that Roy would come to a realization during the battle. I think that over-eagerness resulted in him coming across as getting a bit too worked up during the battle despite facing a child (laughs). I was directed to sort out which lines were Colza expressing his personal emotions and which lines were him telling someone else something, and also to never lose sight of Colza's position as a person giving Roy guidance.

Q: The episode also has a scene where Colza talks to Hassaku, one of the Elite Four members from the video games, doesn't it?
Nakai: Yes, he has a line in the episode where he introduces Hassaku to Liko and the others, and because I was somewhat aware of the fact that the two of them go way back and that Hassaku is not just Colza's former teacher but also his best friend, I intially overemphasized how happy Colza was to get to talk to Hassaku so much that the sound director had to tell me "I don't care how happy you are, just get to the point and give Liko and the others your explanation"... (laughs). This was the first time I played Colza talking to another adult, and while the were parts of the conversation that got quite friendly, I worked with the sound director during the dubbing session to make sure he didn't talk too passionately in the parts where he wasn't supposed to, making adjustments as needed.

Q: Colza's catchphrase "Avant garde!" is really striking, but is there anything about Colza you personally find to be avant garde?
Nakai: You know how he always jumps off a windmill while yelling "Toh!" before battling? That's the kind of thing the super heroes I watched as a kid would've done, but when I hear it again all these years later, I feel like it's gone full circle and become avant garde. There's a lot of scenes in this episode I feel are more grounded than avant garde, though.

Q: What scenes are these?
Nakai: Scenes like the one where he thanks his Pokémon for doing a good job after the battle, for instance. Colza may be quite the eccentric, but he's a decent human being at heart and never goes out of line in that respect. In fact, I think that it's precisely because he feels these very ordinary emotions that he wants to break new ground as much as he does. When I think about how that might be the reason he's going around shouting "Avant garde!" all the time, the character starts feeling a lot cuter.

Q: Finally, do you have something you want to tell to those who are looking forward to Colza's appearance in episode 48, which airs today, Friday May 3rd, or any highlights of the episode you want to emphasize?
Nakai: While it makes me really happy that people have been waiting for Colza's return appearance after his lengthy absence, I guarantee nobody's been waiting for it more than I have. I had actually resigned myself to thinking he just wasn't going to ever appear again (laughs). The last time we saw Colza I'd say he came across as the kind of person you feel worried about, but this time around he has it all together. I did try to show how he's still kind of an oddball at the end of the day though, so I hope you'll find that aspect of him entertaining.

『ポケモン』コルサは「かわいい」 中井和哉「アヴァンギャルド!」な魅力分析

 人気アニメ『ポケットモンスター』(テレビ東京系 毎週金曜 後6:55~ ※放送日時・内容は地域によって異なる)の第48話(3日放送)にパルデア地方のジムリーダー・コルサが登場する。これを記念してORICON NEWSはコルサ役の中井和哉にインタビューを実施し、コルサの魅力を聞いてみた。


【中井】 前回のコルサは心身ともにコンディションが悪い状態だったので、変にテンションが高かったり、ドーンと落ち込んだりする様子が演じていて楽しかったですが、今回は登場したときからいわゆる”大人”として仕事をする人だったので、違いが明らかで演じやすかったです。

【中井】 子どもたちに対しては自分の感情だけで話すのではなく、ちゃんと”これはこうだ”と示してあげる人なのだと気づきました。前回演じた時は、なぜか知らないけどみんなから慕われているという印象でしたが、今回はその慕われている理由が端々に見え、コルサというキャラクターの捉え方も変わりました。

【中井】 コルサは、ロイとの再会を嬉しく思い、バトルすることで新たな気づきが生まれることを期待していたのではと考え、演じていました。その前のめりな感情を前面に出しすぎた結果、子どもに対してムキになりすぎる感じがバトル中に出てしまったようで(笑)。自分の感情として発する言葉と相手に伝えるための言葉を整理し、あくまでロイを指導する人間という立場を見失わないよう、ディレクションを受けました。

【中井】 リコたちにハッサクを紹介するセリフがあるのですが、ハッサクと話せた嬉しさを出しすぎたあまり、「あなたが嬉しいのはいいから、リコたちに説明してあげてください。」と言われてしまい…(笑)。ハッサクとコルサが旧知の仲で、彼にとっては恩師でもあり大の親友でもある、という知識をうっすら持っていたために、そのようなディレクションを受けてしまいました。対等な大人と話す演技も初めてだったので親しみを込めた部分もあったのですが、何でも熱くなるのではなく、抑えるところは抑えるよう現場の音響監督と調整しながら収録しました。

【中井】 バトル前、必ず「とうっ!」と言いながら風車から飛び降りるところですね。僕が子どものころに見ていたヒーローが言うようなセリフですが、何十年も経って改めて聞くと、一周回ってアヴァンギャルドだと感じます。ただ、アヴァンギャルドというより、むしろ地に足がついていると思う場面も多くあります。

【中井】 バトルの後は一生懸命頑張ってくれたポケモンに「よくやった」と声をかけるなど、変わった人ではありますが、人としての基本を踏み外していないところです。 そういったありきたりなものを自分の中に感じるからこそ、突き抜けてみたくなる部分もあるのかなと。ことさら「アヴァンギャルド!」と叫んでみたりする理由もそこにあるのかな、などと考えるとどんどんかわいいキャラクターに感じてきます。

【中井】 久々のコルサの登場を待ってくださった人がいると嬉しく思いますし、何より僕自身が相当待っていました。あれ、もう出ないのかな?と思っていたところだったので(笑)。前回のコルサは見ていて心配になるような人だったと思いますが、今回はしっかりした姿、でもその中にやっぱりちょっと変だなという面も滲ませてみましたので、そのあたりを楽しんでいただけたらと思います。


On May 3rd, 2024, the official Japanese AniPoke Twitter account reminded that this episode was available to watch on the official Japanese YouTube channel. The video was region locked to Japan only. It was available from May 3rd, 2024 to May 10th, 2024. This episode was specifically labeled as a missed-program webcast (見逃し配信).

The episode was also available on the TV Tokyo YouTube channel and the Official Corocoro Channel and were labeled as limited-time delivery (期間限定配信). The TV Tokyo version included the series trailer at the end of the episode where as the Corocoro version had beginning and ending bumpers promoting Corocoro.

AniPoke Episode 48 Shine! The Glimmer of Fire and Art
What did you think?
Shine! The crystal of your dreams!
Roy and his Terastal debut of Hogator
Please be sure to see the sparkling Hogator by watching the missed stream!
The missed stream will be available for 1 week from today!

アニポケ 第48話「輝け!炎とアートのきらめき」
ロイと ホゲータのテラスタルデビュー


CoroCoro Comic's Official website posted an article about this episode just before the original airing on May 3rd, 2024.


Anipoke is just around the corner! Now it's Roy's turn! It will be a Fire and art Terastal!!


Broadcasting every week from 6:55 pm! The anime "Pocket Monsters" will start airing soon! In this article, we'll introduce you to the Pokémon and characters that will appear in today's episode, as well as comments from the voice actors and director, and other information you won't find anywhere else!

Liko, Roy, and Dot are doing Terastal training in the Paldea region. Last time, Liko battled gym leader Kaede in Cercle Town and passed the basic test. Next, it is Roy's turn! Roy's training partner is Bowl Town's gym leader Colza!


▲ Roy has battled with Colza before. Is he still battling with Usokkie!?


▲ Roy and Hogator are busy training for battle in preparation for their first Terastal!

The three arrive in Bowl Town. Roy immediately asks Colza to battle but...... to his surprise, Bowl Town is in the middle of preparations for an art festival! Colza is the artistic director of this festival and has no time to spare, so Colza puts off his training. Then, by chance(?), Nemo shows up and Roy ends up having a battle with Nemo.......!!


▲ Nemo appears as if she senses the call for a battle. The Champion ranked and talented Trainer love Pokémon battles!


▲ Roy unexpectedly decides to battle in front of Colza. He wants to show off his stuff so that Colza battle with him too!

Colza, who was watching the battle between Roy and Nemo, tells Roy something he never expected to hear!! Check out the Anipoke at 6:55 p.m. today for the rest of the episode!


▲ Liko stares at a large piece of paper with Nyarote. But why!?


▲ Is Dot trying to make something using metal?


▲ And Roy, too! Is that art creation also connected to Terastallizing......?


▲ Will Roy and Hogator be able to pass Terastal training!? Or more importantly, will they actually get to do the training!?

【アニポケまであとちょっと!】こんどはロイの番!! なるか炎と芸術のテラスタル!!
この記事はアニメ放送前に、今日の放送回に登場するポケモンやキャラクターの紹介、声優さんや監督からのコメントなどなど、ほかでは聞けないアニポケ情報をお届けするコーナーだ!! パルデア地方をめぐってテラスタル研修中のリコ、ロイ、ドットの3人。前回、セルクルタウンでジムリーダーのカエデとバトルし、基礎テストに合格したリコ。次はロイの番! ロイの研修相手はボウルタウンのジムリーダー・コルサだ!!
ボウルタウンに到着した3人。ロイは早速コルサにバトルを申し出るが……なんと、ボウルタウンは芸術祭の準備の真っ最中! このお祭りの芸術監督を務めていて時間がないと、コルサに研修を後回しにされてしまう。そこへ偶然(?)通りかかったネモに誘われ、ロイはなぜかネモとバトルをする流れに……!!
ネモとのバトルを終えたロイ。2人のバトルを見ていたコルサは、まさかの一言をロイに告げるのだった!! 気になる続きは今日よる6時55分からのアニポケをチェック!!
▲そしてロイも! まさかこの作品づくりもテラスタルにつながっているとか……?
▲果たしてロイとホゲータはテラスタル研修に合格できるのか!? ……っていうか研修はしてもらえるのか!?


This episode was reposted to watch on the official Japanese YouTube channel on May 3rd, 2024. The video was region locked to Japan only. It was available from May 3rd, 2024 to June 28th, 2024. This episode was specifically labeled as a Limited Time all-at-once Stream (期間限定一挙配信).

All episodes of the current arc of the Pocket Monsters anime are being distributed for a limited time until around noon on Friday, June 28th, 2024!

Production Art

The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a behind-the-scenes look at the making of this Anipoke episode with a production artwork piece on May 2nd, 2024. The picture featured Nemo.

An original drawing of Nemo from episode 48.
"If two trainers' eyes meet, they have to battle!" With these words, Nemo and Roy's long-postponed first battle finally begins! Make sure to keep an eye on how Parmot battles, too.


Paint Edit

The ending credits has a typesetting error for the Globalization (グローバライズ) credit where the ロ had a line through it. Episodes 47 and 49 did not have this error. It was in the original TV broadcasts and the streaming versions of this episode.

Special First-Airing Segment PM2023 Data Broadcast


Eyecatch PM2023

Roy and Hogator

Eyecatch PM2023

Colza and Olinyo

Pokémon Seminar Pokémon Seminar

Pokémon Seminar - Professor Friede and Captain Pikachu share their knowledge of Pokémon.
This time... it's the Hands-On Pokémon Parmot!
In its small body, it can store as much electricity as an electric car...
Now, where does it store that much electricity?

A: Paws
B: Cheeks
C: Fur
Answer: C: Fur

ポケモンゼミ フリードとキャプテンピカチュウが、ポケモンに関する知識を紹介

A: 手のひら
B: ほっペ
C: 体毛


The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account also posted the Question and the answer on May 4th/5th, 2024.

The Pokémon Seminar also has its own separate staff list:
Unit Director: 坂本鼓太郎 (Kotarō Sakamoto)
Organization: 小森さじ (Saji Komori)

Animation Storyboard/Unit Director: 枡大地 (Daichi Masu)
Key Animation: 花井柚都子 (Yutsuko Hanai)
In-Between Animation Check: 関根有理 (Yuri Sekine)
Production Assistant: 田中文子 (Fumiko Tanaka)

            演出 坂本鼓太郎
            構成 小森さじ

アニメーション絵コンテ/演出 枡大地
            原画 花井柚都子
          動画検査 関根有理
          制作進行 田中文子
Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:01
Title: SV M64 テーブルシティ~Tv Anime Ver.
Japanese (TL): Table City
Liko recap
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:50
Title: Will (Anime Size)
Japanese Opening Theme
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:19
Title: SV M65 タイトル~Tv Anime Ver.3
Japanese (TL): Title~ Tv Anime Ver.3
Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:39
Title: ゆるさんぽ
Japanese (Romanized): Yuru sanpo
Japanese (TL): Casual Walk
Bowl Town residents getting ready for a festival.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:50
Title: SV M68 Rival Battle
Roy VS Nemo.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:05
Title: SV M64 テーブルシティ~Tv Anime Ver.
Japanese (TL): Table City
Nemo takes them to the gym.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:08
Title: あの空が私を呼んでいる
Japanese (Romanized): Ano sora ga watashi wo yonde iru
Japanese (TL): The Sky is Calling Me
Liko does paw print artwork.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:58
Title: SV M67 Working with Pokémon Eyecatch
Eyecatch Intro
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:03
Title: SV M47 Eyecatch F 回復
Japanese (TL): Recovery
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:40
Title: SV M70 Working Together with Pokémon
Roy and Hogator finish up their Lizardon art.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:14
Title: ルンルンルンルン♪
Japanese (Romanized): Runrunrunrun ♪
Japanese (TL): La, La, La, La ♪
The festival begins!
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:21
Title: SV M71 Terastal Training Test
Colza literally jumps off a windmill while doing flips to land perfectly on the battlefield. Sign this man up for the Olympics!
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:06
Title: SV M72 The Rising Volt Tacklers 7
Colza's Usokkie uses Substitute.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:44
Title: SV M70B Working Together with Pokémon
Roy figures out how to hit Colza's Usokkie.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:28
Title: SV M73 The Rising Volt Tacklers 8
Roy passes his Terastal Training Test.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:45
Title: 戦闘!ジムリーダー~Tv Anime Ver.2
Japanese (Romanized): Sentō! Gym Leader ~ Tv Anime Ver.2
Japanese (TL): Battle! Gym Leader ~ Tv Anime Ver.2
Pokémon Lecture Question (Track starts 2:22 seconds in)
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:50
Title: ルンルンルンルン♪
Japanese (Romanized): Runrunrunrun ♪
Japanese (TL): La, La, La, La ♪
Pokémon Lecture Question (Track starts 6 seconds in)
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 22:07
Title: Let me battle -Anime Size-
Japanese Ending Theme
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:37
Title: ルンルンルンルン♪
Japanese (Romanized): Runrunrunrun ♪
Japanese (TL): La, La, La, La ♪
Pokémon Lecture Answer (Track starts 6 seconds in)
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:00
Title: エヴリデイ・ハッピィエンド
Japanese (TL): Everyday・Happy Ending
Pocket Monsters Episode 49 preview

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:02
Title: My Favorite Pokémon
English Opening Theme

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 20
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 1
14 Apr 2024 12:09 PM
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New episode titles have been added to the database!
Main Image
Titles: Sparkle! The Glow of Fire and Art!/輝け!炎とアートのきらめき/Shine! The Glimmer of Fire and Art
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Last edited 19 Dec 2024 12:14 PM by AnimeBot
25 Apr 2024 11:23 AM
Adamant Administrator
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Colza has to postpone Roy's training due to being busy preparing the art festival, though Nemo asks Roy for a battle, which he agrees to. But when Colza watches their battle, it seems he has some thoughts about Roy's battle style...?

Roy's opponent for his Terastal training assessment test is Colza! Roy is eager to battle him, but Colza has to postpone the training due to being busy preparing the art festival that's going to be held in Bowl Town. Just then, Nemo happens to pass by and asks Roy for a battle, which he agrees to. But when Colza watches their battle, it seems he has some thoughts about Roy's battle style...?

Voice Cast:
Minori Suzuki: Liko
Megumi Hayashibara: Nyarote
Yuka Terasaki: Roy
Daiki Yamashita: Hogator
Yoshino Aoyama: Dot
Daisuke Namikawa: Kuwassu
Tokuyoshi Kawashima: Alex
Eri Kitamura: Nemo
Kazuya Nakai: Colza
Ryotaro Okiayu: Hassaku
Ayane Sakura: Kaiden
Kei Shindo: Mibrim
Arisa Shida: Olinyo
Tatsuki Kobe: Usokkie

Professor Friede's Pokémon Seminar:
Taku Yashiro: Friede
Ikue Ohtani: Captain Pikachu
Daisuke Namikawa: Kuwassu
Kei Shindo: Parmot
Last edited 29 Oct 2024 09:08 PM by Adamant