The previously defeated Ryogo Matsumaru gets a rematch! It's Ryogo Matsumaru VS Abareru-kun once again! He's actually really bad at this?! Clear away that regret!!
In addition, Hajime Syacho is really excited about his Pokénchi homestay!
It's Ryogo Matsumaru's attempt at redeeming himself! He challenges Abareru-kun to a Pokémon battle! Matsumaru-kun previously lost to Abareru-kun in the Pokénchi Pokémon battle tournament "HIGH"! The battle where he now attempts to redeem himself begins! Matsumaru-kun is surprisingly bad at Pokémon battles... but the results of his frustrated training makes the battle take a direction that makes even Hajime Syacho watch in breathless suspense!
In addition, Hajime Syacho's really exciting Daimax item arrives at Pokénchi?!