Home/Episode Guide/サンシャイン池崎等、ポケんちにやってきたポケだちから年賀状が届いて思い出話で大盛り上がり!Excited Reminiscing Caused by New Years' Cards From Sunshine Ikezaki and other Pokénds That Have Visited Pokénchi!
It's a mass assembly of extravagant Pokénds, from familiar hosts like Sunshine Ikezaki and Kasuga from Audrey to suddenly rising comedy stars and popular artists! Let's continue visiting Pokénchi in 2019!!
New Year's cards have arrived from lots of the Pokénds that visited Pokénchi in 2018! There's cards from familiar Pokénds like Sunshine Ikezaki, Kasuga from Audrey and Professor Ichiohka, a certain comedian whose victory brought him lots of attention, mad popular artists, a certain Pokémon fan actor, and more... the reminiscing gets really excited! Abareru-kun also looks back at the fun Pokénds he met during his Pokémon Trade Journey! Please enjoy "Pokémon no Uchi Atsumaru?" in 2019 as well!