Home/Episode Guide/みんなでポケモンのトリック写真に挑戦! / 「ポケだちあつまる?」神奈川県横須賀市前編 / バトル「あばれる君 VS 視聴者」!The Group Try Pokémon Trick Photography! / 'Pokénds Gather?' in Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Part 1 / Battle: Abareru-kun VS a Television Viewer!
Hydain is in top form today, having been dressed up as a Pokémon all day. He drags the three others into this as well, wanting them all to dress up together. Also, a Pokénd finally arrive at Pokenchi!
"A Pokémon Attempt!"
The hosts do pokemon trick photography!. Shokotan and Rinka try doing the move "Fly". And Abareru-kun tries...?
"Pokénds gather?"
Yokosuka, Kanagawa: Part 1. Antony's attempt at gathering Pokénds in his hometown Itabashi was a huge success. How many will he gather this time?
"Pokémon Battle"
A TV viewer battle (VS Abareru-kun)
The scene where they tried to get Abareru-kun to take a stop motion blended picture to make him look like a 7m long Rayquaza reminded me so much of the human centipede episode from South Park instead!
That was quite a close battle for the kids there at the end as well vs Abareru-kun. It looked like he had won that easily but ended up being super close.