Special First-Airing Segment
TV Tokyo 50th Anniversary
To celebrate TV Tokyo's 50th Anniversary, a special eye catch aired at the beginning of the episode that featured Pikachu and Chespin, Fennekin and Froakie.
Japanese Music:
Music Statistics:
Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
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Title: アニメXY放送直前SP!!/Anime XY hōsō chokuzen SP!!.
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A massive presentation of the surprising secrets of the Pokémon anme, like "What is the purpose of Satoshi's travels?" and "Why does the Rocket Gang want Pikachu?". Watching this will make you enjoy the new series even more!
An airplane flies off into the blue sky. And among its passengers are... Satoshi and Pikachu! Their hearts are beating with excitement at the thought of what new Pokémon and friends they'll meet during their new adventure through the Kalos Region. As they recall the encounters and journeys they've had so far, they eventually end up falling asleep.
A massive presentation of the surprising secrets of the Pokémon anme, like "What is the purpose of Satoshi's travels?" and "Why does the Rocket Gang want Pikachu?". Watching this will make you enjoy the new series even more!
An airplane flies off into the blue sky. And among its passengers are... Satoshi and Pikachu! Their hearts are beating with excitement at the thought of what new Pokémon and friends they'll meet during their new adventure through the Kalos Region. As they recall the encounters and journeys they've had so far, they eventually end up falling asleep.