Title: SP 0: ポケモンお正月スペシャル/Pokémon o-shōgatsu special
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Title: ポケモンお正月スペシャル/Pokémon o-shōgatsu special.
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Title: Re: SP 0: ポケモンお正月スペシャル/Pokémon o-shōgatsu special
New Year Special:
The next episode of 'Pokémon BW2' will air January 10th at 7PM.
January 3rd at 8:30 AM, we'll air the 'Pokémon New Year's Special'!
During this special, we'll show a constant barrage of hilarious scenes, chosen by Satoshi and Pikachu! In addition, we'll show the latest trailer for 'Episode N', which is right around the corner! And there's more - we might even show new information on the Summer 2013 movie? Let's start the new year by laughing along with Pokémon!