Home / Episode Guide / Lucky's Clinical Records / The PokéSma Members Start their Training for the World Championships, Joined by New Members! / Misaki the Fighting-user Takes the Stage in the Elite Four Battle!/ラッキーのカルテ / 世界大会を目指してポケスマメンバーが特訓を始動、新メンバーも参加! / 四天王バトルはかくとう使いのミサキ!
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  • Japan ラッキーのカルテ / 世界大会を目指してポケスマメンバーが特訓を始動、新メンバーも参加! / 四天王バトルはかくとう使いのミサキ!
  • Japan Lucky no karte / Sekai taikai wo mezashite PokéSma member ga tokkun wo shidō, shin member mo sanka! / Shitennō battle wa Kakutō-tsukai no Misaki!
  • Japan Lucky's Clinical Records / The PokéSma Members Start their Training for the World Championships, Joined by New Members! / Misaki the Fighting-user Takes the Stage in the Elite Four Battle!


OP/ED List

Episode Actors Regions
The show's announcer started the episode off with the words "Hello, boys and girls! We're back to get you the latest Pokémon news! It's time for Pokémon Smash!" TIM and Shoko-tan walked onto the set as Maria was flipping one of the giant coins used in the PokéSma Card Battles, and they asked what she was doing. Robert explained she was testing her luck in getting heads on the coin, and that this tied into the special project the Adventure Division and the International Division were working on. Golgo asked if it was time to reveal the project soon, and Misaki told him they were just about done with their preparations, and they could reveal it afterwards.

This prompted Golgo to introduce the Pokémon Library segment. Today's episode was selected and presented by Yamamoto, who explained its moral as "Show kindness towards all kinds of people" (どんな人にも優しくしよう). The episode was Lucky's Clinical Records (ラッキーのカルテ) from the original series. A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.


After the rerun episode had ended, Golgo finally came forward and revealed the mysterious, secret project they had been talking about earlier: The Adventure Division and the International Division will be participating in the video game tournament Japan Cup 2012 Spring and the card game tournament Battle Carnival 2012 Spring, attempting to become Japan representatives at the world championships in Hawaii. Shoko-tan asks which members will participate in which cup, and they reveal that Robert and Misaki will be entering the video game tournament, while Hana and Maria will go to the card game tournament. Shoko-tan asks if two members isn't a bit too little for the card game tournament, but Hana assuraes her that's "No problem" , and Red starts saying the new members will take care of that, before getting interrupted by Yamamoto, who launches today's VTR segment.


The segment starts by explaining the layout of the video game tournament. Participants start out by registering for the May 2012 wi-fi tournament Japan Cup 2012 Spring, which is open for everyone, but has a limited number of positions. The highest ranking players here continue on to the Japan Representative Election Tournament to be held in June, and the winners in each division get to travel to Hawaii as Japan representatives in the Pokémon World Championships 2012, which takes place in August.

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In order to "level up" their skills before the tournament, the four PokéSma representatives head to Game Freak, where they get another private lecture with Battle Director Shigeki Morimoto (森夲茂樹) himself.
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Akiyama is the one most concerned about his own battling abilities (and about the possibilities of sleeping on the plane to Hawaii), and requests a lecture on combo moves similar to the Water Absorb combo he's already familiar with.

The first combo he explains is the one of Yadon's "Own Tempo" Ability and Dredear's "Teeter Dance" move. Teeter Dance is a move that always hits and confuses all other Pokémon on the field, while "Own Tempo" prevents Confusion, so if Dredear uses it with Yadon as its partner, both opponents get confused without any negative effects to your own team.

Next, he describes a combo of Nyorotono's "Drizzle" Ability, which can only be found on Nyorotono acquired through the PGL, and Tornelos "Hurricane" move. The Drizzle Ability automatically changes the current weather to rain, and Tornelos' very powerful but not particularly accurate Hurricane move gets a 100% hit rate when used during rain.

The next combo is that of Nyorotono's Drizzle and Voltolos' Thunder move. Like Hurricane, Thunder is a very powerful but inaccurate move that gains a 100% hit rate during rain.
Next, he describes the combo of Yukinooh's "Snow Warning" Ability and Yukimenoko's "Blizzard" move. Working similarly to the above combos, Snow Warning automatically changes the weather to a hailstorm, while Blizzard is a similarly strong, but inaccurate move that gains a 100% hit rate during hail.

Another, different type of weather combo is Bangiras' Ability "Sand Stream" and Doryuzu's Ability "Sand Rush". Like the earlier Abilities, Sand Stream automatically changes the weather to a sandstorm, while Doryuzu's Sand Rush Ability doubles its Speed in such weather, in addition to preventing the automatic damage caused by sandstorm weather.

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Next, the segment focuses on Hana and Maria's card game tournament, and Baba reveals what Red hinted at earlier - since their video game team of Robert and Misaki has four members, and Hana and Maria's card game team only has two, they'll have to recruit a pair of new members for it. The two are asked what kind of members they would want on their team; Hana says she wants someone knowledgeable about the card game, and Maria says she wants someone lucky. Baba says they'll then gather up a group of kids, and select the most knowledgeable and the luckiest among them to join the Hana/Maria team.

15 kids between the ages 6-11, all experienced with the card game, are assembled to participate in the selection.
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The first selection is for the most knowledgable among the group. The 15 kids are gathered into one room and given a set of 20 true/false questions on various aspects of the card game. Three examples of questions from the test are given:

At present, there are 10 different Pokémon types in the card game?
A Pokémon can not be evolved immediately after playing it from the hand?
Your resistance reduces damage inflicted by Pokémon of that type?

After time is up, Robert announces the correct results - the answer to every single question on the test was "True". This shocks all the kids, and when Robert asks all who answered True on all 20 questions to raise their hands, not a single hand is raised. When everyone who had 19 "True" answers are asked to raise their hands, two kids raise their, though: 8-year-old Tsubasa Funasaki (船崎飛翼) and 6-year-old Isshin Osawa (大澤一心).

The two are picked out and put through a final quiz to determine which is the most knowledgable. They'll be given True/False questions to answer by jumping to the right for "True" and to the left for "False" until only one remains.
Some of the following questions were asked:
# Question Answer
1 A Confused Pokémon can not retreat?
(X) False
Spoiler: Click to show!
4 A Pokémon affected by the special condition Paralysis is not cured of the condition if the coin flip during the condition check phase is not heads.
(X) False - Paralysis is cured automatically without any coin flips
Spoiler: Click to show!

Tsubasa gets the fourth question wrong, which means Isshin is declared a member of the PokéSma card game team.
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The second selection is for the luckiest of the kids present. This selection starts with a contest where, after spinning around for 10 seconds and getting dizzy, the kids are to run over to one of several face-down energy cards and select one. Those who selected the same cards as the ones Hana, Maria and Isshin are revealed to be holding. The three cards were revealed to be Psychic, Steel and Lightning Energy, which were held by 6 kids total: 10-year-old Masayuki Haruhara (春原雅之), 10-year-old Tomoya Shikano (鹿野智哉), 8-year-old Taiyo Sugino (杉野大陽), 8-year-old Sakura Kobayashi (小林さくら), 7-year-old Yume Kobayashi (小林ゆめ) and 8-year-old Yuto Oya (大矢悠人).

The six continue on to the next part, where they will each flip a giant coin at the same time, trying to get heads. Three of the participants will continue to the next stage; Yume and Taiyo are the only two to get heads on the first flip, so the four remaining kids get to flip again. Sakura and Yuto get heads this time and face off against each other, where Sakura gets heads again and get to join Yume and Taiyo in the finals.

In the finals, the three members of Robert are each seated under a metal tray held up by a string, and the kids play rock-paper-scissors to determine which order they get to choose a string in. After choosing one string each, they are then given a pair of cissors to cut it with at the count of three. Only one string is actually connected to the tray so cutting it will cause the tray to fall onto the Robert member's head, and the one to select this string will be deemed the luckiest of the contestants. When the strings are cut, the tray above Yamamoto's head falls onto him, and Taiyo, who chose that string, wins the contest and gets to join Isshin as a member of the card game team.
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We are then given an explanation as to how the card game works. The Pokémon Card Game Battle Carnival 2012 Spring tournament will be held in May and June 2012, and the winners of this go on to represent Japan in the Pokémon World Championships 2012 in Hawaii.
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Wanting further instructions on how the card game is played, Hana and Maria head to The Pokémon Company to see Teacher Takashima, though he tells them that since he'll be acting as a judge during the tournament, he's not allowed to give them any coaching. The group decides to go elsewhere for help, seeing Shigeru Kanda (神田繁), one of the developers at Creatures, who design the card game, and who has represented Japan in the World Championships as a card game player several times in the past.
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Kanda explains that the tournament is played with a 60-card deck, and that they will have to learn how to construct a deck to win at a tournament-level. He brings out the two recently released half deck sets, the "Sazandora Deck 30" and the "Gablias Deck 30", which he'll use as the basis of his lecture.
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He explains that, like these decks, one has to build a deck with a specific theme that can lead to victory, like a "Pokémon EX deck" that focuses on using a Pokémon EX to win, a "combo deck" that creates a combo using the powers of multiple cards to support each other, or a "coin toss deck" that focuses on luck with the coin. Either way, one should focus on a theme for the deck. As an example, one can replace the Tamagetake card from the Sazandora Deck 30 with the Giratina EX card from the newly released Dragon's Blast explansion pack to strengthen that deck.
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Kanda asks Hana and Maria what kind of decks they would like to build; Hana says she has enjoyed combining moves in her earlier card game sessions and would like to make a combo deck, while Maria trusts her good luck and wants to create a coin deck. They're then told to start creating such decks, and we're told one should aim at having roughly 20 Pokémon cards, 20 Trainer's cards and 20 Energy cards in a 60 card deck.

As we cut back to the studio, the crew reveals that the two new members of the card game team, Knowledge King Isshin and Super Luck King Taiyo, are right there in the studio, and they are brought onto the set to introduce themselves properly. Golgo dubs the two full teams the "PokéSma 8", and tells them to combine their forces and head for Hawaii!

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This episode's Elite Four challenger is 10-year-old Rito Wakatsuki (若月莉都), who challenges Misaki. Yamamoto reveals that she ranked best 8 in the Saitama Preliminaries for the Pokémon World Championships 2010, and Golgo says the medal for beating an Elite Four member might find itself an owner now. And true enough, Rito wins easily, only losing a single Pokémon, and becomes the first challenger to win the Battle Master Gold Medal.
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Character Thumbnail
  • United States Shoko Nakagawa
  • Japan 中川翔子
  • Japan Shōko Nakagawa
  • Japan Shoko Nakagawa
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 馬場裕之
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 山本博
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 秋山竜次
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan ゴルゴ松本
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan レッド吉田
  • Japan Red Yoshida
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Teacher Takashima
  • Japan タカシマ先生
  • Japan Takashima-sensei
  • Japan Teacher Takashima
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misaki Momose
  • Japan 桃瀬美咲
  • Japan Misaki Momose
  • Japan Misaki Momose
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Hana Watt
  • Japan ハナ・ワット
  • Japan Hana Watt
  • Japan Hana Watt
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Maria Israel Cialdini
  • Japan マリアイスラエル・チャルディーニ
  • Japan Maria Israel Cialdini
  • Japan Maria Israel Cialdini
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Mijumaru
  • Japan ミジュマル
  • Japan Mijumaru
  • Japan Mijumaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Director Zoroark
  • Japan ゾロアーク
  • Japan Zoroark
  • Japan Zoroark
No notes available for this episode.
Episode Music Regions
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Japanese Music:


Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
15 Mar 2012 11:09 AM
AnimeBot Automated Bots
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25 Mar 2012 08:26 PM
Sunain Administrator
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
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The young kids were so cute in this episode! The two girls had really nice outfits on. All the kids seemed to have fun trying to compete for a position as a Smash member. Its unfortunate that people lately are only watching this show for new game news and not take the show for what it actually is: a variety show.
26 Mar 2012 08:10 AM
Adamant Administrator
Joined: 12 Jul 2007
Posts: 1363
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Really impressive that the youngest kid present was the one to perform the best in the knowledge test.

I looked up Shigeru Kanda, it appears he made it all the way to the world championships in at least both 2004, 2005 and 2006. Working at Creatures must be a dream job for him. Wonder if they'll bring him back for further coaching of the card game team, the things he said in this episode was mostly just stuff straight from the beginners' guide manual.
Last edited 26 Mar 2012 08:15 AM by Adamant