The announcer introduced the show by saying: "Today Robert will strugle to challenge genius kids! It's time for Pokémon Smash!" Golgo then greeted the viewers with a "Pokéyou gozaimasu" (ポケようございます), a variation on "Good morning" (ohayou gozaimasu おはようございます). Golgo then stated that the date was February 5th (2月5日) and slurs the pronunciation of 'ni go' to 'niko ニコニコ' to make it a pun on
'Smile Day' (笑顔の日), an annual event that takes place on February 5th.
Golgo then introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library. The theme for the episode was: As long as you're with friends, you can make it through tough times as well! (仲間といっしょならつらいことも乗りこえられる!). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was
Hikozaru's Tears! (ヒコザルの涙!) from the
Diamond and Pearl series.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.

Click on image for higher resolution
After the Pokémon Library, scenes from previous episodes of Pokémon Sunday were shown that had the Child Champion' Corner. They decided to resurrect that segment for Pokémon Smash and the Adventure division went out and visited the 2011 International König Fencing Tournament Girls Champions, 12 year old gold medalist Sera Azuma (東莉央), 13 year old silver medalist Rio Azuma (東晟良) as well as 11 year old bronze medalist Tokiho Fukutsuka (福塚世帆).
The girls showed off their fencing skills to Robert and were then introduced to their instructor
Sousuke Toda (戸田壮介), an olympic fencer who competed in the 1964 Summer Olympics. He then showed Robert the basic way to hold the sword as well and the different stances. They then practiced for a bit and then the girls fenced against the champion girls. In the first round Baba fenced against Rio Azuma (東晟良) but he lost pretty quickly. In the second round, Akiyama faced Tokiho Fukutsuka (福塚世帆) and he too lost quickly. In the final round, Yamamoto faced Sera Azuma (東莉央) but he too was no match for her but he faired better than Baba and Akiyama did.
In the second part of the episode, Robert was joined by haiku champions: 8 year old Hana Mishiro (三代華), 10 year old Shunta Tada (多田竣汰) and 10 year old Kain Oosugi (大杉魁音). A
haiku is a 17 syllable poem formed by 3 phrases in a 5-7-5 structure. The International division girls also showed up for this segment. The kid haiku champions were put on one team, Robert was a team and the International division girls were the other team. The judges for the competition were: Masami Oyama (小山正美), Yuuki Horimoto (堀本裕樹) and Jonathan from the Pokémon Company. Robert ended up with 5 points, the International division had 7 points and the kids champions team had 13 points.

Click on image for higher resolution
Below is a list of all the haiku's that were written during this segment of the show:
Hana Mishiro (三代華) |
春一番 わたしの先生 たからもの |
Shunta Tada (多田竣汰) |
うんていで 足をぶらぶら 春の空 |
Kain Oosugi (大杉魁音) |
ニワトリが テトテト歩く 夏休み |
Akiyama |
木々枯れる ひろしの口元 やや枯れる |
Kain Oosugi (大杉魁音) |
セレビィが つめたいはっぱで ひるね中 |
Maria |
日本の冬 いろとりどりで きれいだね |
Shunta Tada (多田竣汰) |
セレビィの うしろに見える おちばかな |
Kain Oosugi (大杉魁音) |
エンブオー きたかぜの空 見つめてる |
Hana Mishiro (三代華) |
レシラムと ゼクロムがたつ ふゆのいわ |
Maria |
森の色 トマトパスタに にているね |
Hana Watt |
Winterに crowがカーカー 話してる |
Kain Oosugi (大杉魁音) |
ピカチュウが ふゆのカラスの こえをきく |
Shunta Tada (多田竣汰) |
ピカチュウが 冬のけしきに とけこんだ |
Hana Mishiro (三代華) |
ふゆのいけ かもがすいすい およいでる |
Misaki |
冬の池 泳がせたいな ロバートを |
Shunta Tada (多田竣汰) |
ツタージャが さけて通るよ 冬の道 |
Baba |
松の木も ポケモン達も 冬じたく |
Kain Oosugi (大杉魁音) |
カモうごく ナゲキとダゲキ 休んでる |
Misaki |
寒い冬 ♪あいたくて あいたくて ふ~るえる |
Akiyama |
先生の しんさはきびしい 冬のよう |
15th Anniversary Vote
After the battle, Baba as the Dragon Type Smash Elite Four member, talked about the 15th Anniversary vote results and announced the Rayquaza information to Smash viewers.
The event Rayquaza has been added to our event database.
To celebrate the 15th anniversary of Pocket Monsters Red and Green in Japan, the official Japanese Pokémon website
announced a nationwide vote for players to vote for the #1 Pokémon. The vote took place between
November 12, 2011 and December 25, 2011 at participating Ito-Yokado, Aeon Toys R Us, Apita, Piago, Arupuraza, Heiwado Co., Ltd., Daiei, Fuji and Pokémon Center locations in Japan. The winner of the vote was
Pocket Monsters Emerald 『ポケットモンスター エメラルド』 - Rayquaza (レックウザ) and it will be distributed to players of Japanese versions of Pokémon Black and White from
February 10, 2012 until February 27, 2012. The present distribution locations will be published at a later date.
The vote results are as follows:
- Pocket Monsters Emerald 『ポケットモンスター エメラルド』 - Rayquaza (レックウザ)
- Pocket Monsters Pikachu 『ポケットモンスター ピカチュウ』 - Pikachu (ピカチュウ)
- Pocket Monsters Black 『ポケットモンスターブラック』 - Reshiram (レシラム)
- Pocket Monsters Platinum 『ポケットモンスター プラチナ』 - Giratina (ギラティナ)
- Pocket Monsters Crystal 『ポケットモンスター クリスタルバージョン』 - Suikun (スイクン)
- Pocket Monsters Ruby 『ポケットモンスター ルビー』 - Groudon (グラードン)
- Pocket Monsters Red 『ポケットモンスター 赤』 - Lizardon (リザードン)
- Pocket Monsters White 『ポケットモンスターホワイト』 - Zekrom (ゼクロム)
- Pocket Monsters Sapphire 『ポケットモンスター サファイア』 - Kyogre (カイオーガ)
- Pocket Monsters Silver 『ポケットモンスター 銀』 - Lugia (ルギア)
- Pocket Monsters Diamond 『ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド』 - Dialga (ディアルガ)
- Pocket Monsters Gold 『ポケットモンスター 金』 - Houou (ホウオウ)
- Pocket Monsters Pearl 『ポケットモンスター パール』 - Palkia (パルキア)
- Pocket Monsters Blue 『ポケットモンスター 青』 - Kamex (カメックス)
- Pocket Monsters Green 『ポケットモンスター 緑』 - Fushigibana (フシギバナ)
The details for the
Rayquaza (レックウザ) that will be distributed are as follows: