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Game Details:

Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Game Boy
Release Date(s): February 27, 1996 (USA), October 5, 1999 (EUR), November 1, 1998 (AUS)
Mode(s): Single Player, Mulitplayer
Rating(s): PEGI: 12 (EU), ESRB: E (USA)
Controller(s): Game Boy
Extra Contents: Red and Blue Main Page


Pokémon Red Version and Pokémon Blue Version were the first Pokémon games to be released to a worldwide audience allowing many people to play the games that the Japanese had been raving on about for many months. Red and Blue were paired together outside of Japan, but it was actually Pocket Monsters Red and Green that were released first in Japan on February 27, 1996. The games sold for a manufactures suggested retail price of 3800yen. The games ended up being two of the most successful selling games for the Nintendo Game Boy.


Red Blue
Ekans Sandshrew
Arbok Sandslash
Oddish Vulpix
Gloom Ninetales
Vileplume Meowth
Mankey Persian
Primeape Bellsprout
Growlithe Weepinbell
Arcanine Victreebel
Scyther Magmar
Electabuzz Pinsir
Pokémon are exclusive to each version
The games at the heart are an RPG and strategy game what allows players to battle, collect, train and showcase their Pokémon. Both Pokémon Red and Blue are independent games but both feature the same story and gameplay. Players start off the game in Pallet Town (マサラタウン) of the Kanto region. One of the first things the player is required to do is choose between three starter Pokémon at Professor Oak laboratory. The three starter Pokémon are: Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. The players rival will choose the starter Pokémon who's strong against the Pokémon type that the player has chosen.

The games objective it to become the greatest Pokémon trainer in the world. While on the journey, players will battle several over skilled trainers and encounter many wild Pokémon that they can battle and get. In order to be allowed to participate in the Pokémon League at the Indigo Plateau (セキエイこうげん), players must battle 8 different gym leaders and obtain a gym badge from them. The gym badge indicates that the trainer has successfully defeated the gym leader and has shown the necessary skills in training their Pokémon for battling.

The gym leaders in the games are as follows:
Brock, Misty, Lt. Surge, Erika, Koga, Sabrina, Blaine and Giovanni.

The Pokémon in the games can only be found in specific locations and some of them are harder to find and obtain than others. The Pokémon locations are also different between the games as players will have to search harder between games to find the Pokémon they are looking for. When a wild Pokémon is encountered, the player is sent into battle with it and once its hit points are low enough, the player can choose to capture it with a Poké ball and trainer it. Some Pokémon also have the ability evolve into new and more powerful Pokémon through various evolution methods that were introduced in the first generation games.

The game features Pokémon from the first generation but not every Pokémon is available in each version of the game. On the right is a list of version exclusive Pokémon. Player need to use the Game Boy Link Cable and trade Pokémon with other people in order to get all the Pokémon. The Game Boy Link Cable allows players to link up their Game Boy's together with compatible games like Pokémon Red and Blue in order to use multiplayer features. Once the games are linked, players can choose to trade Pokémon or initiate a Pokémon battle with their human opponent.


  • Use the Game Boy Link Cable and trade Pokémon with your friends or test your skills against them in a Pokémon battle.
  • Battle, collect and train up to 150 different Pokémon.
  • Play on the go or at home. With the Game Boy, players can play and collect Pokémon wherever they are.


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Last updated 29 Dec 2011 23:25 by Sunain.
Revision #37
Page Tags: Game Boy Games