The announcer introduced the show by saying: "Today our show will feature Hiroshi's mother Tokiko! The Hiroshi tour, right here on Pokémon Smash!" The episode started off with Yamamoto posing for Akiyama who was drawing a picture of him which ended up be a picture of him being poured into a bowl. Akiyama had been working on a collection of artwork based on Hiroshi Yamamoto.
Akiyama then introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library. The theme for the episode was: Cute Pokémon set-off on a Journey! (かわいいポケモンには旅をさせろ!). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was
Pikachu in Charge! (ピカチュウのおるすばん!) from the
Diamond and Pearl series.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.
After the Pokémon Library episode, the International girls showed up and noticed Akiyama was dressed up as an artist. Akiyama then started to show off some of the pictures he had drawn of Yamamoto. The first picture was a picture of what Yamamoto would look like as a chick (ひなひろし). The next one was what Yamamoto looked like during the rainy season (梅雨ひろし). The third picture was Kabuto Hiroshi(カブトひろし). A Kabuto is a Japanese rhinoceros beetle. The forth picture was Hiroshi's mouth shaped as a firework (ひろし口元花火大会). The fifth picture was a pun on Halloween and Hiroshi's name, Hiroween (ひろウィン). The sixth picture was Sports Hiroshi (スポーツひろし). The seventh picture was a picture of what Akiyama thought Yamamoto would look like as the number 11 (11ひろし).
The VTR for this episode was the Adventure Division's Great Investigation of Group Member Yamamoto and he is challenged to a Quiz Together with his Mother Tokiko who had been mentioned on the show for ages as Akiyama has kept showing the picture he drew of her on many different occasions. Robert headed off to Tatebayashi, Gunma Prefecture (群馬県館林市). While on the way Baba asked the first quiz question. They then visit an area of the city that has a lot of Brazilian based stores, one of which, Tomi Padaria and Lanches, they entered to see all the staff members had shirts on saying "I love Tokiko" and had Akiyama's artwork of her on the back of the shirt. Yamamoto wondered why they were wearing the shirts that generally would have said "I love Tokyo".

Click on image for higher resolution
The next question in the quiz was asked by Akiyama. The spoof idol group girl TTB43° then showed up and performed their 'hit single' Day☆Before☆The☆Show. The TTB part of the title is from '
BAYASHI". The highest recorded temperature in Tatebayashi is 40.3 degree's C and by omitting the 0 it goes to 43 degrees (館林市の最高気温40,3°Cの0をはぶくななめ上に行けるように角度の43°に変更). The special idol guest TKK62 was then announced by Akiyama and Yamamoto's actual mom Tokiko showed up. TKK62 is Tokiko and her age which is 62.(TKK62 -> TO
62). Akiyama then gave his artwork picture of her to compare. The next quiz question was asked to the girls and Yamamoto and his mother. Yamamoto ended up getting the grilled fish question wrong though.
Robert and Yamamoto's mom then went back to Yamamoto's parents place where the special guest, Yamamoto's father joined them. They ended up talking a lot about Yamamoto and Yamamoto ended up laughing a lot at his expense.
For the viewer battle, 11 year old Mai Kuwahara (桑原舞衣) battled against Yamamoto but he proved to be too strong for her as he defeated all four of her Pokémon without loosing any of his.
1 |
Ōizumi has many people living there that are from which country? (大泉町はある国の人達がたくさん住んでいるどこの国の人達?) |
Brazil (ブラジル) Spoiler: Click to show! |
2 |
Which idol group from Tatebayashi was created in 2011? (2011年に館林から生まれたアイドルグループは?) |
3 |
What shop sells the grilled fish? (このたいやきをうっているお店は?) |
Yagiya (ヤギヤ) Spoiler: Click to show! |
15th Anniversary Vote
After the battle, the announcer talked about the 15th Anniversary vote results. To celebrate the 15th anniversary of Pocket Monsters Red and Green in Japan, the official Japanese Pokémon website
announced a nationwide vote for players to vote for the #1 Pokémon. The vote took place between
November 12, 2011 and December 25, 2011 at participating Ito-Yokado, Aeon Toys R Us, Apita, Piago, Arupuraza, Heiwado Co., Ltd., Daiei, Fuji and Pokémon Center locations in Japan. The winner of the vote was
Pocket Monsters Emerald 『ポケットモンスター エメラルド』 - Rayquaza (レックウザ) and it will be distributed to players of Japanese versions of Pokémon Black and White from
February 10, 2012 until February 27, 2012. The present distribution locations will be published at a later date.
The vote results are as follows:
- Pocket Monsters Emerald 『ポケットモンスター エメラルド』 - Rayquaza (レックウザ)
- Pocket Monsters Pikachu 『ポケットモンスター ピカチュウ』 - Pikachu (ピカチュウ)
- Pocket Monsters Black 『ポケットモンスターブラック』 - Reshiram (レシラム)
- Pocket Monsters Platinum 『ポケットモンスター プラチナ』 - Giratina (ギラティナ)
- Pocket Monsters Crystal 『ポケットモンスター クリスタルバージョン』 - Suikun (スイクン)
- Pocket Monsters Ruby 『ポケットモンスター ルビー』 - Groudon (グラードン)
- Pocket Monsters Red 『ポケットモンスター 赤』 - Lizardon (リザードン)
- Pocket Monsters White 『ポケットモンスターホワイト』 - Zekrom (ゼクロム)
- Pocket Monsters Sapphire 『ポケットモンスター サファイア』 - Kyogre (カイオーガ)
- Pocket Monsters Silver 『ポケットモンスター 銀』 - Lugia (ルギア)
- Pocket Monsters Diamond 『ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド』 - Dialga (ディアルガ)
- Pocket Monsters Gold 『ポケットモンスター 金』 - Houou (ホウオウ)
- Pocket Monsters Pearl 『ポケットモンスター パール』 - Palkia (パルキア)
- Pocket Monsters Blue 『ポケットモンスター 青』 - Kamex (カメックス)
- Pocket Monsters Green 『ポケットモンスター 緑』 - Fushigibana (フシギバナ)
The details for the
Rayquaza (レックウザ) that will be distributed are as follows: