The announcer introduced the show by saying: "Hello boys and girls! We'll feature Poké Park 2 Beyond the World in our own way. It's time for Pokémon Smash!". Golgo showed up and noticed that Akiyama and Professor Red were battling on their DS's. He went over to see how they were doing only to realize that their DS's were actually bento boxes shaped like Nintendo DS's. Golgo then got them to stop eating to introduce the Pokémon Library.

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Golgo introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and she also announced this weeks theme, Don't disturb the team harmony (チームの和をみだしちゃイカン). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was
The Assault of the Konohana Tribe!(コノハナ族の襲撃!!) from the
Advanced Generation.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.
After the Pokémon Library episode, the International division girls showed up with their Nintendo 3DS's. Shoko-tan went crazy when she saw that they had 3DS's, especially the pink colored one Misaki had. Shoko-tan then announced the Water Up+ Daikenki password for
Pokémon Rumble Blast (スーパーポケモンスクランブル). The password was:

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The International and Adventure group then introduced a VTR on the new game
PokéPark 2 Beyond the World (ポケパーク2 ビヨンド・ザ・ワールド). Misaki dressed up as Pikachu while Baba dressed up as Tsutarja, Akiyama dressed up as Pokabu and Yamamoto dressed up as Mijumaru. In the game, those are the four Pokémon people can select while playing. The four of them then emulated the selection screen from the game by jumping around in front of the camera.

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The three of them then emulated a blue loading screen and then started walking around. They came upon a wall with a marker with a Pokabu head. Realizing that Pokabu was required to break it just like in the games, Akiyama charged at it and broke the wall.

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In the games, there are mystery boxes that often contain items to help the player. Misaki Pikachu and friends approached one of those boxes and Robert told her to run at it to bash it open. Misaki did so only to realize it was full of flour (コナ). Unimpressed with Robert, she started throwing flour at them to get them dirty as well.
Baba then showed how fast Tsutarja was by running really fast around (video sped up). To make it fair, they gave Baba Tsutarja a 20kg backpack to wear while Misaki Pikachu played the 'Tag' game together. The two of them went at it for quite awhile as Misaki chased Baba. Finally the time was up and Misaki Pikachu couldn't catch Baba Tsutarja. Next, to show that Mijumaru was really good in water, Yamamoto Mijumaru got a bowl of water and put his head in it to see how long he could hold his breath. Misaki, Baba and Akiyama didn't want to bother seeing how long he could last and ran off while Yamamoto was still holding his breath.
In PokéPark 2, there is a new area called the Wish Park. Misaki Pikachu and friends arrived there and came upon the Attraction Master Deathkarn (アトラクションマスタデスカーン) who was played by Hana and Maria. They introduced the Sweets Factory (スウィーツファクトリー) attraction. In the attraction, there are holes in the cake where players have to hit the green treats that appear. To emulate this process, Misaki Pikachu was given a volleyball serving machine to shoot volleyballs at a tent where Robert was appearing out of the holes with green and red colored balls and she had to hit them.
The group continues onward until they meet up with Attraction Master Gothiruselle Hana (アトラクションマスタゴチルゼル ハナ) who runs the Slash Fight (スラッシュファイト) attraction. Players have to time their attack perfectly and accurately to hit the opponent. To emulate this attraction, they once again used volleyballs to try to hit the person as they appeared from behind the wall.

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For the next attraction visit, Misaki Pikachu and friends met up with Attraction Master Chandela Maria (アトラクションマスタシャンデラ マリア) who was in charge of the Gorgeous Dancing (ゴージャスダンシング) attraction. The
comedy duo 2700 which consists of Tsune (ツネ) and Yasoshima (八十島) also showed up dressed as
Mimilop. They all danced a routine with everyone.
In studio, Golgo, Red, Shoko and Hana played the Gorgeous Dancing (ゴージャスダンシング) attraction together. Hana was Pikachu, Shoko-tan was Mijumaru, Golgo was Tsutarja and Red was Pokabu.
In the Marketing Department segment, the
Battle Gift Set Voltolos VS Tornelos (バトルギフトセット「ボルトロスVSトルネロス」) was showcased. The set includes the super rare Landlos card (112 BW Promo).
Also showcased was the
Beginners Set DX Pikachu Version (「はじめてセットDX」 ピカチュウver.) which comes in a case and includes a special Pikachu card (108 BW Promo).

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They then decided to play the Pokémon Smash Original Concentration game using the new Pokémon card products that were just introduced. A bunch of cards were placed on the table faced down and everyone was broken into 3 groups, the adventure group, the international group, and Golgo's group which consisted of Golgo, Red and Shoko. They each took turns trying to match the cards attack energy with faced down Energy cards. Each team took turns until they matched the required energy of the attack. They would then get points based on the attacks damage. The Internation group ended up winning with 280 points.