Home / Episode Guide / Gardie and Kojiro / A 'Pokémon Quiz Caravan' is Held at a Grade School that Uses 'Pokémon PC Challenge' for Studying / Psychic-type Group Member Yamamoto's Elite Four Battle!/ガーディとコジロウ / 「ポケモンPCチャレンジ」で勉強した小学校で「ポケモンクイズキャラバン」を開催 / 四天王バトルはエスパータイプの山本隊員!
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  • Japan ガーディとコジロウ / 「ポケモンPCチャレンジ」で勉強した小学校で「ポケモンクイズキャラバン」を開催 / 四天王バトルはエスパータイプの山本隊員!
  • Japan Gardie to Kojiro / 'Pokémon PC Challenge' de benkyōshita shōgakkō de 'Pokémon Quiz Caravan' wo kaisai / Shitennō Battle wa Esper Type no Yamamoto-taiin!
  • Japan Gardie and Kojiro / A 'Pokémon Quiz Caravan' is Held at a Grade School that Uses 'Pokémon PC Challenge' for Studying / Psychic-type Group Member Yamamoto's Elite Four Battle!


OP/ED List

Episode Actors Regions
The announcer introduced the show by saying: "All right today we'll going to feature Pokémon Quiz Caravan and a lot more! It's all happens right here! Pokémon Smash!". Golgo started off by saying that on November 6th, 1947, Japan's first mass group date matchmaking was done (1947年 日本で初めて集団でのお見合いが行われたひ).

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They then decide to do a matchmaking party for 26 year old Shoko-tan. First up was Akiyama who presented Professor Akido. Then Golgo revealed a picture of Golgo+Baba from Pokémon Sunday #261. Yamamoto then presented Yamamoto Victini. Shoko-tan didn't really want to make a decision about any of the selections though.

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Baba introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and she also announced this weeks theme, Looks can be deceiving (人は見かけによらない). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was Gardie and Kojiro (ガーディとコジロウ) from the original series. A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.

After the Pokémon Library episode, Yamamoto Victini showed up. He started off by saying the corny joke: "You all seem cold. You're not catching a cold, are you?" (みなさん寒くなってきたけどカゼとかひいてない?) which got Misaki and Shoko-tan laughing hard. Yamamoto Victini then changed the "V" on its head upside down to make a "へ". へ indicates direction or goal. Yamamto Victini then challenged them to do the Victini Relay Quiz with the "V" as a "へ" which meant the "V" was upside down when trying to hold the balls in.

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The first part of the relay, Maria had to stack a can on top of one another. She kept one hand on one end of the balls but needed the other hand free to stack the can so some of the balls came out. Baba had to just walk across the room to Akiyama so he decided to crawl through his legs so the 'V' was rightside up and the balls wouldn't fall out. Akiyama then had to put on a skirt and he managed to do so by wiggling his legs and hips but just as he did so and adjusted it a bit, all the balls fell out.

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The VTR of Golgo and Red doing a Quiz Caravan then played. For this Pokémon Quiz Caravan, Red and Golgo visited Wada Suginami, Elementary School, Tokyo (東京都 杉並区立 和田小学校). Golgo and Red went into a Computer Lab where all the kids were playing the new PC game "Pokémon PC Challenge" (ポケモンPCチャレンジ) which helps people learn to type better.

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This time 78 grade 4 students participated in the Pokémon Quiz Caravan. The first segment of the quiz was the 'Black/White Quiz' (ブラックホワイトクイズ). The kids were all on their own this time but were also divided up into two main groups and they would move to either the Black (X) or White (O) side of the gym when the questions were asked.
Below are the questions that were asked in Round 1:
# Question Answer
1 Game - In Hiun City, players can take the blue boat to the United Tower (ヒウンシティにある青い船にのるとユナイテッドタワーにいける)
(O) Yes
Spoiler: Click to show!
2 Pokémon Smash - Yamamoto is the leader of the Adventure Division (アドベンチャー部のリーダーは山本隊員である)
(X) No, Director Zoroark is the leader of the Adventure Division
Spoiler: Click to show!

Below are the questions that were asked in Round 2:
# Question Answer
1 Game - Kojondo is the Kung Fu Pokémon (コジョンドはカンフーポケモンである)
(X) No - Martial Arts Pokémon (ぶじゅつポケモン)
Spoiler: Click to show!
2 Game - In Pocket Monsters Black, the 8th badge Gym Leaders name is Jaga (ボゲットモンスターブラック8荷目のバッジのジムリーダーの名前はジャガである)
(X) No - It's Shaga (シャガ)
Spoiler: Click to show!

Black team won the first round and got 30 points while the White Team won second round and got 20 points. The next portion of the quiz was Iwapalace's Letter Sorting Quiz (イワパレスの文字ならべかえクイズ). 5 team members would have a letter placed on their back and the other team members would have to tell them which order they needed to go into to spell a Pokémon's name. They would crawl around until they got it right.

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Below are the Pokémon names that were rearranged in the quiz:
# Letters Answer
1 カジブメキ
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2 マルチフタ
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3 イカラブゼ
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4 ッナーヤキ
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5 ライタンク
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6 ストロルボ
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7 カッチラマ
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8 インダキケ
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9 フーエルン
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10 クーロアゾ
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11 ドコツッテ
Spoiler: Click to show!

Black team was now winning with 80 points and White team had 50 points. The next portion of the quiz was the Victini's V-Generate Find the Mistake Obstacle Course Quiz (ビクティニのVジェネレート障害物まちがいさがしクイズ). Participants would wear a helmet with a V shaped container that had balls in them. They would have to go through the obstacle course while trying not to drop the balls. The first part was finding a candy ball in a flour pan, the second part was looking in a mirror to put balls in the V helmet, the third part was popping a balloon and the final part was group skipping. For each ball that they had left at the end of the obstacle course, the team would get 1 second on the clock.

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Black team ended up winning the quiz caravan with 170 points while white team ended up with 130 points. 10 year old Yui Tezuka (手塚結衣) was up to battle a Smash Elite Four member. She battle against Yamamoto and almost ended up beating him but Yamamoto was barely able back in the end.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Shoko Nakagawa
  • Japan 中川翔子
  • Japan Shōko Nakagawa
  • Japan Shoko Nakagawa
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 馬場裕之
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 山本博
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 秋山竜次
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan ゴルゴ松本
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan レッド吉田
  • Japan Red Yoshida
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misaki Momose
  • Japan 桃瀬美咲
  • Japan Misaki Momose
  • Japan Misaki Momose
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Hana Watt
  • Japan ハナ・ワット
  • Japan Hana Watt
  • Japan Hana Watt
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Maria Israel Cialdini
  • Japan マリアイスラエル・チャルディーニ
  • Japan Maria Israel Cialdini
  • Japan Maria Israel Cialdini
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Mijumaru
  • Japan ミジュマル
  • Japan Mijumaru
  • Japan Mijumaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Director Zoroark
  • Japan ゾロアーク
  • Japan Zoroark
  • Japan Zoroark
No notes available for this episode.
Episode Music Regions
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Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
28 Oct 2011 09:59 AM
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13 Nov 2011 09:45 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Wow the kids sucked a the Black/White quiz and the questions weren't that hard either. Glad to see they did the second round in this one.

Link to Summary: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/episodes/1322#Summary