The announcer introduced the show by saying: "Okay let's sing it! Can you say it Ierukana? It's time for Pokémon Smash! Here we go!". Golgo started off the episode with a salute which all the members emulated. The narrator then quickly recapped last weeks Pokémon Library episode, part 1 of
Mewtwo! I Am Here.
As the episode for this weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was announced by the narrator and discussed by the cast, there was no theme for the week. This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was
Mewtwo! I Am Here Part 2 (ミュウツー!我ハココニ在リ) from the
TV Specials & OVA series.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.
After the Pokémon Library episode, everyone wanted to know why Akiyama was crying. He said that: "He was simply touched! (ただ単純に感動しました!) after watching the Mewtwo episode. The international girls showed up and Yamamoto then introduced the Smash Can you say the Pokémon BW? VTR recording.

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The official Japanese Pokémon website announced a special live webcast that was streamed over U-Stream on September 4th, 2011. The broadcast featured the MTM band with Battle Woman M live. The event was called Pokémon Smash! Everyone Sing! Can You Say the Pokémon? BW in Roppongi Hills (「ポケモンスマッシュ!」みんなで歌おう!ポケモン言えるかな?BW in 六本木ヒルズ). The event took place at
Roppongi Hills (六本木ヒルズ) which is part of Tokyo.
Misaki Momose, Shinji Miyazaki, Akihito Toda and Junichi Masuda were once again on hand to perform the song
Battle Gene M (バトル遺伝子M) which is based of the Pocket Monsters Black and White background music track
Battle! Shirona (戦闘!シロナ), track 50 on CD #3 of the soundtrack.

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Junichi Madusa updated his English Director's blog on the GameFreak website to post a bit more information about the event. "Three songs were performed! Long ago, when “Pokémon Smash!!” was called “Pokémon Sunday”, Shokotan visited Game Freak for asking one song from me. Therefore, I created the song, and that song was performed by MTM! And next comes to… MTM with battle woman M’s theme of Cynthia. Lastly, Music of legendary Pokemon’s music with Victini.

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Robert, Shoko-tan and the International girls then showed up on stage to announce the results of the Ierukana contest. 7434 people submitted their entries for the contest and Shoko-tan announced Takeshi Tsuruno (つるの剛士) as the events special guest. Yamamoto wanted to know more about the
Can You Say the Pokémon? BW (ポケモン言えるかな? BW 高速ver.) he'd heard rumors about. He than sang the song really fast.
They then decided to have a drawing contest where they would start off with a picture of a Pokémon and each member of the team would have to draw it based off the last team members drawing. The international girls were on one team and Robert were the other team. Each team also had a member from the audience. Shoko-tan started the drawing for both teams. For Robert, the starting Pokémon was
Daikenki but by the time Akiyama had drawn it, Yamamoto thought it looked like
Pururill. For the girls they started off with
Sazandora but by the time Hana had to guess what it was it looked like a

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The winners of the Smash singing contest were then invited on stage to sing Can You Say the Pokémon? BW with the Smash crew and Takeshi Tsuruno.

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In the marketing department, a Mewtwo card featuring the drawings of Shoko-tan and all the other Smash cast members was revealed. Certain shops in Japan distributed the card for free during the next week.
Junichi Masuda appeared on
Pokémon Smash 50 to announce details about the Mewtwo event revealed by Shoko-tan on
Pokémon Smash 49. The event distribution took place from
September 26th, 2011 until October 31st, 2011 on the Japanese Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection for players of the Japanese versions of Pocket Monsters Black & White. This Mewtwo has PokéSma! (ポケスマ!) as its OT, has the Pressure Ability, has a Premier Ribbon, comes in a Premier Ball, is holding the King's Rock item and knows the moves
Shadow Ball and
Aura Sphere. Mewtwo's fourth move was revealed by Shoko-tan on
Pokémon Smash #51 which aired on September 25th, 2011. The fourth move is:
Electro Ball, a move Mewtwo normally cannot learn.