Home / Content DB / Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs Areas (ポケモンレンジャー 光の軌跡 地域)

Game Details:

Developer: Creatures, Inc.
Publisher: Nintendo / The Pokémon Company
Platform: Nintendo DS
Release Date(s): March 6th, 2010 JPN (DS), August 3rd, 2016 JPN (Wii U VC), October 4th, 2010 USA, August 18th, 2016 ISA (Wii U VC), November 25th, 2010 AUS, June 9th, 2016 AUS (Wii U VC), November 5th, 2010 EU, June 9th, 2016 EU (Wii U VC)
Mode(s): Single Player, Multiplayer
Rating(s): CERO: A (JPN), ESRB: E (USA), PEGI: 3 (EUR)
Controller(s): Nintendo DS
Extra Contents: Guardian Signs Main Page, Areas, Ranger Signs, Boss Pokémon, Ranger Browser, Ranger Browser Past, Missions, Temple Missions, Wifi Missions, Importing/Exporting Pokémon


Pokémon Ranger: Paths of Light takes place in the Oblivia (オブリビア). Below is a list of areas that the player visits throughout the game and the Pokémon they encounter.

Picture Main Areas Captureable Pokémon in the Area Description
Area Sky Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Honchkrow, Starly, Staravia, Skarmory, Drifloon, Drifblim, Chatot, Togekiss During the intro of the game, players encounter a Pidgey that fly's in the battle area between the and the Nappers. Players are forced to capture it. Once its captured it is registered in a Ranger Browser.
Area Docle Island - Southern Beach
(ドロップじま みなみのはまべ)
Krabby, Wingull, Pachirisu, Hoppip This is the area where the player first washes up on shore. Player fix the communication and also type in their name.
Area Docle Island - Hill
(ドロップじま たかだい)
Pichu, Mareep, Sunkern, Sentret, Bulbasaur, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Staraptor Players encounter Ukulele Pichu and capture it. A capture tutorial is also available at the beginning of the game. Booker (ブッカー) also appears just after the player captures Ukulele Pichu.
Area Docle Island - Eastern Beach
(ドロップじま ひがしのはまべ)
Marill, Wingull Booker's boat is missing from the dock and the player must use at Pokémon that has the Slam Field Ability to move the other boat into the water.
Area Renbow Island - Cocona Village
(レインボじま ココナむら)
Wingull, Krabby, Celebi, Staraptor, Pichu Players arrive in the village from Drop Island with Ukulele Pichu and Booker. Bookers hour in the middle of the village.
Area Renbow Island - Lapras Beach
(レインボじま ラプラスビーチ)
Pachirisu, Hoppip, Lapras, Kingler, Igglybuff Laplace Beach is located just east of Cocona Village on Renbow Island. Players can capture Laplace and then use it to travel on the sea.
Area Renbow Island - Teakwood Forest
(レインボじま チークのもり)
Kricketot, Hoothoot, Hoppip, Stantler, Spinarak, Pachirisu, Croagunk, Murkrow, Pichu Teak Forest is located west of Cocona Village on Renbow Island. Half way through the forest the player meets up with Pokémon Nappers and they must attempt to stop them.
Area Renbow Island - Rasp Cave
(レインボじま ヤスリどうくつ)
Poochyena, Zubat, Koffing, Pachirisu, Geodude, Dunsparce, Stunky, Cranidos, Rampardos, Ledian, Ampharos, Primeape, Absol, Skuntank After defeating the Pokémon Nappers and rescuing Ukulele Pichu at the entrance to the Yasuri Cave, Pichu runs into the cave.
Area Coral Sea
Luvdisc, Chinchou, Mantyke, Corsola, Clamperl, Horsea, Carvanha, Sharpedo The Coral Sea is located between Renbow Island and Drop Island. The player is sent out on Lapras out to retrieve the UFO the Raikou hit. The player needs to capture a Corsola which has a Break 2 field ability that is strong enough to dislodge the rock underwater and block the water flow in order to get to the Napper vehicle.
Area Renbow Island - Curl Bay
(レインボじま クルリのいりえ)
Munchlax, Buizel, Aipom, Shellos Located just north of the Laplace Beach, the player encounters more Pokémon Nappers who send out a Piplup and Eevee.
Area Renbow Island - Rand's House
(レインボじま タルガのいえ)
Totodile, Staraptor Located north of the cove on Renbow Island, the Ranger HQ is also located in this area. When the players first enter this area, the Ranger building is on fire and the player must use Water Pokémon to put out the flames.
Area Renbow Island - Latolato Trail
(レインボじま ラトラトさんどう)
Ledyba, Flaaffy, Mudkip, Bellossom, Venusaur, Skiploom, Cherrim Located west of Rand's House. There is bridge that covers a stream.
Area Renbow Island - Mt. Latolato
(レインボじま ラトラトやま)
Bonsly, Tyrogue, Graveler, Electrike Located at the north side of Renbow Island. As the players climb the steps the come across a stuck Bonsly. A Water Pokémon can get it unstuck. A Pokémon Nappers with an Ivysaur is also further up the mountain.
Area Renbow Island - Wireless Tower
(レインボじま むせんきち)
Shuckle, Magnemite, Gligar, Elekid, Voltorb, Aron, Lairon, Shinx, Aipom, Hitmonchan, Raikou, Porygon2, Staraptor, Luxio, Jolteon, Beldum, Chimecho Located at the top of Latolato Mountain on Renbow Island, players defeat 3 Pokémon Nappers in the base and then head on to the area that is under construction.
Area Renbow Island - Hinder Cape
(レインボじま ドンツキみさき)
Cherubi, Ralts, Oddish, Piplup, Bidoof, Pelipper, Ivysaur, Staraptor, Sunkern, Mareep, Bulbasaur, Turtwig After players have bean the Radio Base mission they will be able to access this area. There are a few Pokémon Nappers at a building near the bridge but they quickly flee.
Area Mitonga Island - Tilt Village
(ミロンダじま ナナメむら)
None Players arrive in the village after the summon Raikou with its Ranger Sign and ride it across the broken bridge that Red Eye damaged. The village is located on the southwest corner of Mitonga Island.
Area Mitonga Island - Mitonga Road
(ミロンダじま ミロンダかいどう)
Magnemite, Treecko, Budew, Mothim, Cyndaquil, Jumpluff, Sunflora, Magby, Sandshrew, Staraptor, Probopass, Pineco, Togepi This area can be accessed once players have accepted the Old Mansion investigation mission. The area features a large stone wall with a gate and lock.
Area Mitonga Island - Noir Forest
(ミロンダじま サマヨイのもり)
Dusclops, Happiny, Dusknoir The Wandering Forest is located near the center of Mitonga Island. It is dark and the vegetation is quite dense. The are many Dusclops wandering around and if they spot the player they will transport them to the entrance of the forest. There are also a lot of logs blocking paths through the forest that require a Pokémon with a Slash field ability of 3.
Area Mitonga Island - Old Mansion
(ミロンダじま ふるいやしき)
Wooper, Duskull, Noctowl, Magnemite, Grovyle, Misdreavus, Glameow, Mightyena, Gastly, Ariados, Golbat, Vulpix, Espeon, Eevee, Mime Jr., Gloom, Togetic, Chikorita, Bayleef, Quagsire, Purugly, Ursaring, Blissey Located just north of the Wandering Forest and the Mitonga Road, the players are sent to investigate in the Old Mansion. When players enter the Old Mansion they are forced to battle 3 Misdreavus.
Area Mitonga Island - Daybreak Ruins
(ミロンダじま アサヒのいせき)
Baltoy, Kirlia, Natu, Xatu, Sableye, Magnemite, Shieldon, Quilava, Sandshrew, Bibarel, Mankey, Bronzor, Entei, Gible, Sandslash Players escort Blue Eye to the Ruins located in the center of Mitonga Island. While in the ruins, players are required to activate ancient statues that generate and light beams that lower stone walls allowing people to venture further into the ruins.
Area Mitonga Island - Dangerous Cliff
(ミロンダじま キケンながけ)
Combee, Mankey, Kricketune, Kabutops Players go through the cave in the Naname Village that takes people to the Dangerous Cliff at the south side of Mitonga Island. A bunch of rocks block the way and players must use Entei to clear them. Then further down the coastline, Raikou must be summoned so the player can jump over large gaps, rock pillars and finally onto the submarine.
Area Offshore Mitonga Island - Submarine
(ミロンダじまのおき せんすいぼかん)
Sandslash, Gligar, Pikachu, Luxio, Chimchar, Dusclops, Makuhita, Sneasel, Combee, Yanma, Mothim, Rampardos, Mismagius, Gible, Ledyba, Furret Raikou must be summoned so the player can jump over onto the submarine which is departing Mitonga Island. Blue Eye sends out a Feraligatr to try to stop the player. The sub then begins sinking as Blue Eye tries escaping and the player has 10 minutes to get out as well.
Area Faldera Island - Faldera Volcano
(ファルデラじま ファルデラかざん)
Pikachu, Charmander, Weezing, Donphan, Phanpy, Charmeleon, Numel, Torchic, Makuhita, Golem, Larvitar, Shelgon, Combusken, Pupitar, Primeape, Gastrodon, Marshtomp, Staraptor, Camerupt, Flareon, Magmortar, Chimecho, Monferno, Blaziken, Chimchar The player arrives on Faldera Island (ファルデラじま) with a mission to defend Fire from being captured by Red Eye. Players need to capture a few Shelgon in order to move rocks into the lava so they can proceed further into the volcano.
Area Sophian Island - Aqua Resort
(ソピアナじま アクアリゾート)
Snubbull, Granbull, Smeargle After rescuing the Staraptor's in the warehouse, players will be able to fly to other islands if they capture a Staraptor. Players can fly to Sophian Island as one of the destinations.
Area Sophian Island - Sophian Road
(ソピアナじま ソピアナかいどう)
Raichu, Staraptor, Roselia, Yanma, Carnivine, Forretress, Sudowoodo, Staraptor The Sophian Road is located just north of the Aqua Resort on Sophian Island.
Area Sophian Island - Canal Ruins
(ソピアナじま カナルのいせき)
Politoed, Girafarig, Grotle, Ludicolo, Lombre, Raichu, Vaporeon, Finneon, Gorebyss, Huntail, Lanturn, Relicanth, Suicune, Dodrio, Vileplume, Lickilicky, Furret, Vespiquen, Ledian, Heracros, Phione The Canal Ruins are located on the southern west side of Sophian Island. The series of canals runs through the old run down building and it is similar to a rain forest. Part of the ruins are also submerged underwater and the player dives down. Players eventually save Suicune from a group of Pokémon Nappers and then capture Suicune.
Area Sophian Island - Mt. Solbelas
(ソピアナじま ソルベラスやま)
Prinplup, Bagon, Buneary, Spheal, Raichu, Hitmontop, Snover, Delibird, Abomasnow, Smoochum, Sneasel, Lopunny, Monferno, Empoleon, Sealeo, Glaceon, Walrein, Ninetales, Salamence Once the player completes the Calm Suicune's Anger!(スイクンの いかりをしずめよ!) mission they will be able to enter the cave just north of the Aqua Resort in the Sophian Road.
Area Sophian Island - Silver Falls
(ソピアナじま シルバーフォール)
Lotad, Azumarill, Blastoise Players need to be on Suicune to access this area and follow the main river that goes through Sophian Island.
Area Sophian Island - Oblivia Ruins
(ソピアナじま オブリビアいせき)
Chingling, Skorupi, Riolu, Houndour, Bastiodon, Magmar, Gible, Haunter, Magneton, Metang, Floatzel, Armaldo, Anorith, Staraptor, Umbreon, Raichu, Bronzong, Gabite, Claydol, Kabuto, Sceptile, Gengar, Swampert, Lucario Players need to be on Suicune to access this area and follow the main river that goes through Sophian Island.
Area Tilikule Island - Tilikule Monument
(シクレレじま シクレレのせきひ)
Staraptor Players arrive on the island via Staraptor and get the Tilikule Island Mystery Revealed! (シクレレじまの なぞをとけ!) mission.
Area East Sea - Seafloor Cave
(ひがしのうみ かいていどうくつ)
Lumineon, Chinchou, Remoraid, Qwilfish, Tentacool, Mantine, Tentacruel, Octillery, Lanturn, Kingdra This area becomes unlocked when players start the Tilikule Island Mystery Revealed! (シクレレじまの なぞをとけ!) mission. Players must take the ship to the area as they cannot fly there.
Area Layuda Island - Layuda Mountain
(ライウンじま ライウンやま)
Magneton, Swinub, Piloswine, Drapion, Chimecho, Manectric, Electabuzz, Electivire, Gliscor, Ampharos, Weavile, Electrode, Luxray, Hippopotas, Hippowdon This area becomes unlocked when players finish the Tilikule Island Mystery Revealed! (シクレレじまの なぞをとけ!) mission. Players must fly on Latios/Latias and traverse the lightning to arrive on the island.
Area Oblivia Region - Air Fortress
(オブリビアちほう くうちゅうようさい)
Magmar, Weavile, Ampharos, Mismagius, Hitmonlee, Electivire, Magnemite, Roserade, Porygon-Z, Gliscor, Toxicroak, Leafeon, Houndoom, Gabite, Magneton, Froslass, Gardevoir, Metang, Kabutops, Hariyama, Tangrowth, Probopass, Gallade, Magmortar, Chimecho After player lower the barrier surrounding the Air Fortress by capturing Ho-oh, players can land on the outside of the Fortress.

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Last updated 24 Nov 2011 23:29 by Sunain.
Revision #126
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