Game Details:
Developer: Creatures, Inc.
Publisher: Nintendo / The Pokémon Company
Platform: Nintendo DS
Release Date(s): March 6th, 2010 JPN (DS), August 3rd, 2016 JPN (Wii U VC), October 4th, 2010 USA, August 18th, 2016 ISA (Wii U VC), November 25th, 2010 AUS, June 9th, 2016 AUS (Wii U VC), November 5th, 2010 EU, June 9th, 2016 EU (Wii U VC)
Mode(s): Single Player, Multiplayer
Rating(s): CERO: A (JPN), ESRB: E (USA), PEGI: 3 (EUR)
Controller(s): Nintendo DS
Extra Contents: Guardian Signs Main Page,
Ranger Signs,
Boss Pokémon,
Ranger Browser,
Ranger Browser Past,
Temple Missions,
Wifi Missions,
Importing/Exporting Pokémon
Downloadable Missions:
The Deoxys mission was available from March 6th, 2010 to May 17th, 2010 in Japan. The first
Pokémon Ranger game also had a Deoxys mission, but players were unable to transfer it from the Ranger cart to any of the other Nintendo DS titles.
Deoxys and the Odd Temple (Deoxys' Mysterious Temple デオキシスとナゾのしんでん)
Deoxys |
This multiplayer only mission allows players to play the mission with friends. One group leader is chosen and only that leader can capture Deoxys at the end of the mission. Different formes of Deoxys can be downloaded in this mission.
Download Dates: Japan: 2010-03-06 to 2010-05-17 USA: 2010-10-04 to 2011-01-11 Europe: 2010-11-05 to 2011-01-11 |
Protect the Blue Sphere! (Protect the Legendary Blue Orb! でんせつのあおいたまをまもれ!)
Manaphy, Poochyena, Lapras, Luvdisc, Chinchou, Mantyke, Horsea, Carvanha, Qwilfish, Tentacool |
A Manaphy Egg is found in the Oblivia Region and the Pokémon Nappers want to obtain it for their own purposes. The player is sent out to prevent them from obtaining the egg. Once the egg is retrieved, players can transfer it over to another Nintendo DS game.
Download Dates: Japan: 2010-03-06 to 2010-05-17 USA: 2010-10-04 to 2011-01-11 Europe: 2010-11-05 to 2011-01-11 |
Investigate the Odd Eruption! (The Mysterious Eruption Investigation! なぞのふんかをちょうさせよ!)
Heatran, Charmander, Pikachu, Weezing, Donphan, Phanpy, Charmeleon, Numel, Bidoof, Camerupt, Torchic, Makuhita, Golem, Larvitar, Shelgon, Combusken, Pupitar, Primeape, Gastrodon, Marshtomp, Flareon |
A nearby volcano has been mysteriously erupting endangering the nearby tourists. The player is sent to investigate the cause of the eruptions which ends up being the legendary Pokémon Heatran. Once Heatran is captured, players can transfer it over to another Nintendo DS game.
Download Dates: Japan: 2010-03-18 to 2010-05-17 USA: 2010-10-14 to 2011-01-11 Europe: 2010-11-28 to 2011-01-11 |
Rescue the Lost Shaymin! (Protect the Lost Shaymin! まよえるシェイミをほごせよ!)
Shaymin, Totodile, Ledyba, Skiploom, Torchic, Flaaffy, Mudkip |
The legendary Pokémon Shaymin has arrived the Oblivia region and the Pokémon Nappers are trying to capture Shaymin. The players are sent out to protect Shaymin and as it transforms into Sky Forme requiring the player to follow it into the sky. Once Sky Forme Shaymin is captured, players can transfer it over to another Nintendo DS game.
Download Dates: Japan: 2010-03-18 to 2010-05-17 USA: 2010-11-15 to 2011-01-11 Europe: 2010-11-15 to 2011-01-11 |
Arceus Must Be Stopped (The Pledge to Arceus アルセウスへのちかい)
Arceus, Ampharos, Gliscor, Porygon-Z, Houndoom, Gabite, Hitmonlee, Roserade, Haunter, Gengar, Ariados, Giratina, Metang, Kabutops, Hariyama, Tangrowth, Probopass, Dialga, Mismagius, Gallade, Gligar, Gardevoir, Palkia |
To destroy the human-dominated world, Arceus appears! Arceus fights the humans, but their stories are too interwoven with Pokémon! Players must journey through the Air Fortress (くうちゅうようさい) and capture Dialga, Palkia and Giratina.
Download Dates: Japan: 2010-04-15 to 2010-0 USA: 2010-12-14 to Europe: 2010-12-14 to |
Giratina's Griseous Orb (Giratina's Platinum Orb!! ギラティナにはっきんだまを!!)
Giratina, Umbreon, Raichu, Bronzong, Metang, Gabite, Swampert, Claydol, Magneton, Kabuto, Haunter, Sceptile, Gengar |
In ancient times, Giratina' Platinum Orb was taken away and it has been wandered the world more than a millennium searching for it.
Download Dates: Japan: 2010-04-15 to 2010-0 USA: 2010-12-14 to Europe: 2010-12-14 to |
Importing/Exporting Pokémon:
Pokémon Ranger: Paths of Light allows players to transfer certain Pokémon from the missions to other games. Players can download missions via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection for a limited time to their Nintendo DS cart. Players can then transfer the Pokémon to
Pokémon Diamond,
HeartGold and

Deoxys Transfer to 4th Generation Games
This page has been viewed 19705 times.
Last updated 24 Nov 2011 23:24
by Sunain.
Revision #26