Home / Content DB / The Full Report of Abareru-kun's Completion of the Kalos Central Dex (あばれる君のポケモンずかん完成の旅 完全レポート)

The Full Report of Abareru-kun's Completion of the Kalos Central Dex (あばれる君のポケモンずかん完成の旅 完全レポート)


In Pokémon Get TV (ポケモンゲット☆TV), Abareru-kun hosted a segment called the "Pokémon Zukan Completion Journey" where he traveled through Japan, seeing the sights and attempting to complete the Central Kalos Zukan in Pocket Monsters Y purely by trading with people he meets on his way. He could only catch Yayakoma (ヤヤコマ) in the game and he had to trade them to other players.


The Central Kalos Zukan Completion Journey took place over 8 episodes and each episode was from a different city or area of Japan.

Pokémon Get TV - Episode 6 - Soya
Pokémon Get TV - Episode 8 - Sapporo (札幌)
Pokémon Get TV - Episode 12 - Iwate (岩手)
Pokémon Get TV - Episode 16 - Niigata
Pokémon Get TV - Episode 17 - Sado (佐渡)
Pokémon Get TV - Episode 20 - Fukushima (福島)
Pokémon Get TV - Episode 22 - Tsukuba (つくば)
Pokémon Get TV - Episode 24 - Makuhari

The official Pokémon website posted the results of his journey with animated gif's on a separate page dedicated to his adventure challenge. Below are the results from his Central Kalos Zukan Journey.

Abareru-kun's Completed Kalos Central Zukan

# Art Pokémon OT Trade Location Trade Number Picture
#001 Chespin Chespin Abareru-kun thumbnail
#002 Quilladin Quilladin Abareru-kun thumbnail
#003 Chesnaught Chesnaught Abareru-kun thumbnail
#004 Fennekin Fennekin めい
Sapporo 009 thumbnail
#005 Braixen Braixen サナ
Fukushima 054 thumbnail
#006 Delphox Delphox さいきょうさ
Niigata 038 thumbnail
#007 Froakie Froakie りょうた
Iwate 022 thumbnail
#008 Frogadier Frogadier りく
Tsukuba 106 thumbnail
#009 Greninja Greninja セレナ
Tsukuba 089 thumbnail
#010 Bunnelby Bunnelby サトシ
Sapporo 010 thumbnail
#011 Diggersby Diggersby ゆうと
Sapporo 012 thumbnail
#012 Zigzagoon Zigzagoon そうのすけ
Fukushima 083 thumbnail
#013 Linoone Linoone たいこくん
Tsukuba 107 thumbnail
#014 Fletchling Fletchling Abareru-kun thumbnail
#015 Fletchinder Fletchinder あらた
Iwate 019 thumbnail
#016 Talonflame Talonflame ゆうだい
Iwate 032 thumbnail
#017 Pidgey/ Poppo Pidgey/ Poppo ♠×♠ Fukushima 075 thumbnail
#018 Pidgeotto/ Pigeon Pidgeotto/ Pigeon ありさ
Sapporo 005 thumbnail
#019 Pidgeot/ Pigeot Pidgeot/ Pigeot よしのぶ
Iwate 025 thumbnail
#020 Scatterbug Scatterbug はやと
Sapporo 013 thumbnail
#021 Spewpa Spewpa チトセアメ
Sapporo 007 thumbnail
#022 Vivillon Vivillon たくみ
Sado 052 thumbnail
#023 Caterpie/ Caterpie Caterpie/ Caterpie バージル
Fukushima 071 thumbnail
#024 Metapod/ Transel Metapod/ Transel とらのすけ
Fukushima 065 thumbnail
#025 Butterfree/ Butterfree Butterfree/ Butterfree のぞむ
Iwate 018 thumbnail
#026 Weedle/ Beedle Weedle/ Beedle みく
Sapporo 014 thumbnail
#027 Kakuna/ Cocoon Kakuna/ Cocoon しょうや
Fukushima 084 thumbnail
#028 Beedrill/ Spear Beedrill/ Spear つくる
Iwate 029 thumbnail
#029 Pansage/ Yanappu Pansage/ Yanappu れんじ
Sapporo 015 thumbnail
#030 Yanakkie/ Simisage Yanakkie/ Simisage こうじ
Sado 044 thumbnail
#031 Baoppu/ Pansear Baoppu/ Pansear げんき
Sapporo 003 thumbnail
#032 Baokkie/ Simisear Baokkie/ Simisear のり
Fukushima 070 thumbnail
#033 Hiyappu/ Panpour Hiyappu/ Panpour はる
Iwate 026 thumbnail
#034 Hiyakkie/ Simipour Hiyakkie/ Simipour けいご
Tsukuba 104 thumbnail
#035 Pichu/ Pichu Pichu/ Pichu くまモン
Tsukuba 087 thumbnail
#036 Pikachu/ Pikachu Pikachu/ Pikachu こうすけ
Iwate 027 thumbnail
#037 Raichu/ Raichu Raichu/ Raichu よしの
Iwate 024 thumbnail
#038 Raichu/ Raichu Bippa わく
Tsukuba 097 thumbnail
#039 Raichu/ Raichu Beadull しいな
Fukushima 085 thumbnail
#040 Dunsparce/ Nokocchi Dunsparce/ Nokocchi そらと
Sado 046 thumbnail
#041  	Ruriri Ruriri thumbnail
#042 Marill/ Maril Marill/ Maril thumbnail
#043 Azumarill/ Marilli Azumarill/ Marilli thumbnail
#044 Burmy/ Minomutchi Burmy/ Minomutchi thumbnail
#045 Wormadam/ Minomadam Wormadam/ Minomadam thumbnail
#046 Mothim/ Garmeil Mothim/ Garmeil thumbnail
#047 Medicham/ Charem Medicham/ Charem thumbnail
#048 Electrike/ Rakurai Electrike/ Rakurai thumbnail
#049 Magikarp/ Koiking Magikarp/ Koiking thumbnail
#050 Gyarados/ Gyarados Gyarados/ Gyarados thumbnail
#051 Gorebyss/ Sakurabyss Gorebyss/ Sakurabyss thumbnail
#052 Relicanth/ Glanth Relicanth/ Glanth thumbnail
#053 Goldeen/ Tosakinto Goldeen/ Tosakinto thumbnail
#054 Seaking/ Azumao Seaking/ Azumao thumbnail
#055 Lileep/ Lilyla Lileep/ Lilyla thumbnail
#056 Cradily/ Yuradle Cradily/ Yuradle thumbnail
#057 Litleo Litleo thumbnail
#058 Pyroar Pyroar thumbnail
#059 Psyduck/ Koduck Psyduck/ Koduck thumbnail
#060 Golduck/ Golduck Golduck/ Golduck thumbnail
#061 Farfetch'd/ Kamonegi Farfetch'd/ Kamonegi thumbnail
#062 Electivire/ Elekible Electivire/ Elekible thumbnail
#063 Magmortar/ Booburn Magmortar/ Booburn thumbnail
#064 Aron/ Cokodora Aron/ Cokodora thumbnail
#065 Lairon/ Kodora Lairon/ Kodora thumbnail
#066 Aggron/ Bossgodora Aggron/ Bossgodora thumbnail
#067 Meditite/ Asanan Meditite/ Asanan thumbnail
#068 Flabébé Flabébé thumbnail
#069 Floette Floette thumbnail
#070 Florges Florges thumbnail
#071 Budew/ Subomie Budew/ Subomie thumbnail
#071 Whiscash/ Namazun Whiscash/ Namazun thumbnail
#072 Crawdaunt/ Shizariger Crawdaunt/ Shizariger thumbnail
#072 Roselia/ Roselia Roselia/ Roselia thumbnail
#072 Corphish/ Heigani Corphish/ Heigani thumbnail
#073 Roserade/ Roserade Roserade/ Roserade thumbnail
#074 Ledyba/ Ledyba Ledyba/ Ledyba thumbnail
#075 Ledian/ Ledian Ledian/ Ledian thumbnail
#076 Combee/ Mitsuhoney Combee/ Mitsuhoney thumbnail
#076 Spiritomb/ Mikaruge Spiritomb/ Mikaruge thumbnail
#077 Vespiquen/ Beequeen Vespiquen/ Beequeen thumbnail
#077 Gible/ Fukamaru Gible/ Fukamaru thumbnail
#078 Spoink/ Baneboo Spoink/ Baneboo thumbnail
#079 Grumpig/ Boopig Grumpig/ Boopig thumbnail
#080 Bulbasaur/ Fushigidane Bulbasaur/ Fushigidane thumbnail
#081 Ivysaur/ Fushigisou Ivysaur/ Fushigisou thumbnail
#082 Venusaur/ Fushigibana Venusaur/ Fushigibana thumbnail
#083 Charmander/ Hitokage Charmander/ Hitokage thumbnail
#084 Charmeleon/ Lizardo Charmeleon/ Lizardo thumbnail
#085 Charizard/ Lizardon Charizard/ Lizardon thumbnail
#086 Squirtle/ Zenigame Squirtle/ Zenigame thumbnail
#087 Wartortle/ Kameil Wartortle/ Kameil thumbnail
#088 Blastoise/ Kamex Blastoise/ Kamex thumbnail
#089 Skiddo Skiddo thumbnail
#090 Gogoat Gogoat thumbnail
#091 Pancham Pancham thumbnail
#092 Pangoro Pangoro thumbnail
#093 Furfrou Furfrou thumbnail
#094 Doduo/ Dodo Doduo/ Dodo thumbnail
#095 Dodrio/ Dodrio Dodrio/ Dodrio thumbnail
#096 Seviper/ Habunake Seviper/ Habunake thumbnail
#096 Plusle/ Plusle Plusle/ Plusle thumbnail
#097 Lunatone/ Lunatone Lunatone/ Lunatone thumbnail
#097 Minun/ Minun Minun/ Minun thumbnail
#098 Baltoy/ Yajilon Baltoy/ Yajilon thumbnail
#098 Gulpin/ Gokulin Gulpin/ Gokulin thumbnail
#099 Swalot/ Marunoom Swalot/ Marunoom thumbnail
#099 Claydol/ Nendoll Claydol/ Nendoll thumbnail
#100 Zuruggu/ Scraggy Zuruggu/ Scraggy thumbnail
#101 Zuruzukin/ Scrafty Zuruzukin/ Scrafty thumbnail
#102 Abra/ Casey Abra/ Casey thumbnail
#103 Kadabra/ Yungerer Kadabra/ Yungerer thumbnail
#104 Alakazam/ Foodin Alakazam/ Foodin thumbnail
#105 Oddish/ Nazonokusa Oddish/ Nazonokusa thumbnail
#106 Gloom/ Kusaihana Gloom/ Kusaihana thumbnail
#107 Rafflesia/ Vileplume Rafflesia/ Vileplume thumbnail
#109 Sentret/ Otachi Sentret/ Otachi thumbnail
#110 Furret/ Ootachi Furret/ Ootachi thumbnail
#114 Espurr Espurr thumbnail
#115 Meowstic Meowstic thumbnail
#116 Registeel/ Registeel Registeel/ Registeel thumbnail
#117 Honedge Honedge thumbnail
#118 Doublade Doublade thumbnail
#119 Aegislash Aegislash thumbnail
#120 Fushide/ Venipede Fushide/ Venipede thumbnail
#121 Wheega/ Whirlipede Wheega/ Whirlipede thumbnail
#122 Pendror/ Scolipede Pendror/ Scolipede thumbnail
#123 Tabunne/ Audino Tabunne/ Audino thumbnail
#124 Wurmple/ Kemusso Wurmple/ Kemusso thumbnail
#125 Gliscor/ Glion Gliscor/ Glion thumbnail
#126 Manmoo/ Mamoswine Manmoo/ Mamoswine thumbnail
#127 Koaruhie/ Ducklett Koaruhie/ Ducklett thumbnail
#128 Swanna/ Swanna Swanna/ Swanna thumbnail
#129 Spritzee Spritzee thumbnail
#130 Aromatisse Aromatisse thumbnail
#131 Swirlix Swirlix thumbnail
#132 Slurpuff Slurpuff thumbnail
#133 Volbeat/ Barubeat Volbeat/ Barubeat thumbnail
#133 Solrock/ Solrock Solrock/ Solrock thumbnail
#134 Illumise/ Illumise Illumise/ Illumise thumbnail
#134 Barboach/ Dojoach Barboach/ Dojoach thumbnail
#135 Hoppip/ Hanecco Hoppip/ Hanecco thumbnail
#136 Skiploom/ Popocco Skiploom/ Popocco thumbnail
#137 Jumpluff/ Watacco Jumpluff/ Watacco thumbnail
#139 Snorlax/ Kabigon Snorlax/ Kabigon thumbnail
#143 Cacturne/ Noctus Cacturne/ Noctus thumbnail
#144 Swablu/ Tyltto Swablu/ Tyltto thumbnail
#145 Zubat/ Zubat Zubat/ Zubat thumbnail
#146 Golbat/ Golbat Golbat/ Golbat thumbnail
#148 Axew/ Kibago Axew/ Kibago thumbnail
#149 Fraxure/ Onondo Fraxure/ Onondo thumbnail
#150 Haxorus/ Ononokus Haxorus/ Ononokus thumbnail

This page has been viewed 14311 times.
Last updated 30 Mar 2014 18:27 by Sunain.
Revision #19
Page Tags: Pokémon Get TV Pokédex