Fire Punch
Fire Punch
First Seen:
DP 179
Dawn wondered how Electivire was blocking Leaf Storm with Fire Punch.
DP 179
Dawn wondered how Electivire was blocking Leaf Storm with Fire Punch. |
Ice Punch
Ice Punch
First Seen:
DP 179
It impacted Torterra and stunned it making it unable to battle. Brock noted that Volkner had Electivire learn Ice Punch as a counter-strategy against Ground-type Pokémon.
DP 179
It impacted Torterra and stunned it making it unable to battle. Brock noted that Volkner had Electivire learn Ice Punch as a counter-strategy against Ground-type Pokémon. |
Thunder Punch
PM2019 77
Lucario defended it with its arms up but it paralyzed it. |
Iron Tail
PM2019 77
Countered Pikachu's Iron Tail. |
Wild Charge
PM2019 77
It missed hitting Lucario at it used Double Team. |