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Norman J. Grossfeld

Norman J. Grossfeld
First Name: Norman J.
Last Name: Grossfeld
Main Country: United States United States
Main Language: English
Birthdate: 1963-12-15
Age : 60
Norman J. Grossfeld is a New York City based voice actor, executive producer, producer, script adaptor, and commentator for the main series English dub. He was the president of 4Kids Productions from 1992 to 2009, and as such served as one of the executive producers of the show for all of 4Kids' run. He would serve as a standard producer as well from Seasons 1 to 2, and help with script adaptation for them as well. He has made voice acting cameos in Movie 1 and 2, being credited as "Eric Grossfeld" and "Norman Altman", and also was featured in the commentary tracks for the DVDs of Movies 1, 3, and 4. He is married to fellow producer and voice actress Kathy Pilon

Norman has appeared and been mentioned on many interviews and podcasts since his time on the show. Dub musician John Siegler states that he and John Loeffler, part of the company Rave Music, were personally brought on by Norman for "Pokémon Theme", due to them being able to produce "those big, advertising-type melodic hooks that people were going to sing and whistle". On a podcast called The Big Hit Podcast hosted by Alex Pappademas, Grossfeld stated that one of the studios he tried getting distribution rights to for Movie 1 wanted Leonardo DiCaprio to play Ash, but he refused as he wanted kids to recognize the voices from the show.