To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the movies and anime series in Japan (ポケモン映画&TVアニメ15周年), a special eyecatch was displayed at the beginning with Satoshi and Pikachu. A group of kids say "Pokémon anniversary".
To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the movies and anime series in Japan (ポケモン映画&TVアニメ15周年), a special eyecatch was displayed at the beginning with Satoshi and Pikachu. A group of kids say "Pokémon anniversary".
To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the movies and anime series in Japan (ポケモン映画&TVアニメ15周年), a special eyecatch was displayed at the beginning with Satoshi and Pikachu. A group of kids say "Pokémon anniversary".
To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the movies and anime series in Japan (ポケモン映画&TVアニメ15周年), a special eyecatch was displayed at the beginning with Satoshi and Pikachu. A group of kids say "Pokémon anniversary".
To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the movies and anime series in Japan (ポケモン映画&TVアニメ15周年), a special eyecatch was displayed at the beginning with Satoshi and Pikachu. A group of kids say "Pokémon anniversary".