Pokémon Sleep has announced that the Cresselia vs. Darkrai event will take place from March 31st, 2025 at 4:00 a.m. until April 14th, 2025 at 3:59 a.m.
Event: Cresselia vs. Darkrai
There have been reports that Pokémon are being tormented by nightmares in some areas of Greengrass Isle. Upon investigation, it has been discovered that this is caused by the Mythical Pokémon Darkrai’s power to induce nightmares. To rescue the Pokémon, we need the Legendary Pokémon Cresselia’s cooperation. Cresselia’s ability to induce pleasant dreams combined with Snorlax’s Drowsy Power can help us dispel Darkrai’s nightmares!
This two-week event is a special period where Cresselia shines against Darkrai. During the event, the Legendary Pokémon Cresselia is more likely to appear, and a bonus will be applied to Drowsy Power if you have Cresselia on your team when you sleep.
Additionally, you can obtain samples of Cresselia Down during the event through sleep research. You can trade these samples via the Event Exchange for new items—Cresselia Incense and Cresselia Biscuits—to help you discover Cresselia’s sleep styles!
Furthermore, during the event, the average Drowsy Power of researchers worldwide and your own Drowsy Power will be combined to accumulate Event Drowsy Power. This Event Drowsy Power may be the key to dispelling Darkrai’s nightmares!
We encourage you to collaborate with researchers worldwide to dispel Darkrai’s nightmares and rescue the Pokémon! And... if you make good progress during the event, there might be a chance to befriend Darkrai…? We hope you’re looking forward to this!
Event Period:
• Week 1: Mar. 31 (Mon) at 4:00 a.m. to Apr. 7 (Mon) at 3:59 a.m.
• Week 2: Apr. 7 (Mon) at 4:00 a.m. to Apr. 14 (Mon) at 3:59 a.m.
Event Areas: All areas
Mission Period:
• Week 1: Mar. 31 (Mon) at 4:00 a.m. to Apr. 14 (Mon) at 3:59 a.m.
• Week 2: Apr. 7 (Mon) at 4:00 a.m. to Apr. 14 (Mon) at 3:59 a.m.
Event Exchange Period: Mar. 31 (Mon) at 4:00 a.m. to Apr. 16 (Wed) at 3:59 a.m.
Event Drowsy Power
Event Drowsy Power will accumulate during this event. Event Drowsy Power is calculated by adding Global Drowsy Power—which is based on the average Drowsy Power of all researchers playing Pokémon Sleep—to your Personal Drowsy Power.
When you accumulate a certain amount of Event Drowsy Power, your event rank will go up, allowing you to fight back against Darkrai’s nightmares. Additionally, each time your rank increases, you can receive various rewards, such as samples of Cresselia Down or a Handy Candy M.
Global Drowsy Power
• Global Drowsy Power is calculated based on the average Drowsy Power of all researchers worldwide from two days prior (taking researchers’ time zones into account), and as the event progresses, the value will continue to grow.
• Global Drowsy Power for Mar. 31 (Mon) and Apr. 1 (Tue) will be calculated based on the Drowsy Power of all researchers on Mar. 29 (Sat) and Mar. 30 (Sun), respectively.
Event Ranks
• There are a total of 15 event ranks, and the maximum event rank for the first week of the event is Rank 8.
• In the second week of the event, this event rank cap will be unlocked and more luxurious rewards will be added.
Notes on Event Drowsy Power
• Event Drowsy Power accumulated in the first week will carry over to the second week.
• During the second sleep research of the day, only your Personal Drowsy Power will be added to your Event Drowsy Power. Global Drowsy Power will not be added.
• Manually entered sleep data will not be included.
• You can receive event rank rewards until Apr. 16, 2025, at 3:59 a.m.
The following effects will trigger in the applicable areas during the event.
— All Days —
• You can accumulate limited-time Event Drowsy Power and receive rewards based on your event rank.
• The limited-time Event Exchange will be available.
• You can obtain event items through sleep research once per day.
• Certain Pokémon will be more likely to appear during sleep research.
• Each time a Psychic-type helper Pokémon brings you ingredients as it regularly would, it will have one extra.
• The chance of any Psychic-type helper Pokémon’s main skill being triggered will be multiplied by 1.5.
• The Snorlax in the event areas will have Mago Berries (Psychic type) set as one of its favorite Berries. The other two kinds of Berries are chosen at random.
• If you have a Cresselia on your team when you sleep, Drowsy Power will be multiplied by 1.2.
• Pokémon of different sleep types will appear during sleep research regardless of your sleep type for that day.
— Week 1 (Mar. 31 to Apr. 6) —
• Main skill levels of Psychic-type helper Pokémon will be boosted by 1 when they trigger.
— Week 2 (Apr. 7 to Apr. 13) —
• Main skill levels of Psychic-type helper Pokémon will be boosted by 3 when they trigger.
• A big Snorlax will appear, and it can be raised starting at a certain Strength.
Pokémon You Can Encounter in Each Area
The following Pokémon are more likely to appear during this event!
Slightly Greater Appearance Rate: Cresselia, Mr. Mime, Espeon, Wobbuffet, Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Wynaut, Mime Jr., Munna, and Musharna.
Greengrass Isle: Cresselia, Espeon, Wobbuffet, Wynaut, Munna, and Musharna.
Cyan Beach: Cresselia, Mr. Mime, and Mime Jr.
Taupe Hollow: Cresselia, Espeon, Wobbuffet, and Wynaut.
Snowdrop Tundra: Cresselia, Wobbuffet, and Wynaut.
Lapis Lakeside: Cresselia, Espeon, Wobbuffet, Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Wynaut, Munna, and Musharna.
Old Gold Power Plant: Cresselia, Mr. Mime, Mime Jr., Munna, and Musharna.
Cresselia Down
• You can exchange samples of Cresselia Down for other items at the Event Exchange.
• You can check to see how many samples you have at the Event Exchange (the samples won’t go into your bag’s items pocket).
• You can obtain samples only during the event.
• After the event ends, you can still trade samples of Cresselia Down until the Event Exchange closes. Once the exchange period ends, any remaining samples of Cresselia Down will be lost.
How to Get Samples of Cresselia Down
Sleep Research in the Event Areas
• This is the main way to get Cresselia Down.
Note: You cannot get any samples during the second sleep research session of the day.
• The number of Cresselia Down samples you can get depends on the species of Pokémon and the sleep styles you find them in.
• Psychic-type Pokémon you research will give you a greater number of samples of Cresselia Down.
Limited-Time Missions
• You can get samples of Cresselia Down by completing limited-time missions.
Event Rank Rewards
• You can get samples of Cresselia Down by raising your event rank to certain levels.
Research Community
• In rare cases, you can get samples of Cresselia Down from other researchers in your Research Community who are also participating in the event.
• The higher your closeness with a researcher, the more likely you are to receive samples of Cresselia Down from them.
• The following Limited-Time Special Gift will be distributed only to those who do not have the Research Community button on their Main Menu.
Limited-Time Special Gift
The following items will be in your Gift Box at the beginning of the first week and again the beginning of the second week!
• Samples of Cresselia Down ×70
Notes: This applies to players who log in during the event period.
If your gift hasn’t arrived, please restart the app and then check your Gift Box.
Note: Researchers who have the Research Community button on their Main Menu are not eligible to receive this gift.
Event Exchange
You can exchange samples of Cresselia Down for the following.
• Cresselia Incense
• Cresselia Biscuit
• Main Skill Seed
• And more!
• Also, a few Cresselia Incense and Cresselia Biscuits will be added at a slightly lower exchange rate during the second week of the event. Keep an eye out for these during the last stretch!
Cresselia Incense
• If you set Cresselia Incense on the stump labeled “Incense” next to your tent on the home screen before you begin sleep tracking, you will for sure be able to meet Cresselia during your next sleep research session.
• You can have up to one in your bag’s items pocket at one time.
Note: Incense you have set still counts as being inside your bag’s items pocket until it’s consumed during sleep research.
Notes about Cresselia Incense
• Cresselia Incense can be used starting from the time Cresselia begins appearing: Mar. 31, 2025, at 3:00 p.m.
• It will remain in your bag’s items pocket and can also be used after the event has ended.
Cresselia Biscuits
• These can be used during sleep research within the event period and only with Cresselia.
• One Cresselia Biscuit increases Cresselia’s friendship points by 6.
• After the Event Exchange closes, any Cresselia Biscuits you have will be automatically converted into Great Biscuits.
Special Pokémon
• You can have only one Special Pokémon on your team.
Note: It’s possible to befriend more than one Special Pokémon.
• For each species of Special Pokémon, the Nature and sub skills will be identical for the first one befriended by each researcher.
• 【Important】 After the event period ends, Cresselia may still appear during sleep research conducted on Greengrass Isle, Snowdrop Tundra, or Lapis Lakeside—but extremely rarely.
• Each day rolls over at 4:00 a.m.
• Event bonuses apply only to sleep data tracked during the event.
• If you wait to report sleep data tracked before the event began and select “Review Later” during the event, event bonuses will not be applied.
• If you wait to report sleep data tracked during the event and select “Review Later” after the event has ended, event bonuses will be applied.
• Event bonuses do not apply to sleep tracking during the tutorial.
• The bonus that raises Psychic-type helper Pokémon’s main skill levels will not raise them beyond max level. The main skill value displayed on the Pokémon’s details screen is the value before the bonus effects apply. Also, for Pokémon that were already on your team before the event started, the first time their main skill triggers during the event, in some cases, may not include the bonus effect.
• The second and third kinds of Snorlax’s favorite Berries in the event areas other than Greengrass Isle are chosen at random, just like on Greengrass Isle.