It looks like another Mass Outbreak event is starting tonight! Take part to earn exclusive card flair and extra Dark-type Pokémon to help fill out those collections! What's your favorite Dark-type card in the game at the moment? Darkrai seems like the obvious choice for now.
Darkness-type Pokémon Mass Outbreak Event underway
During the Darkness-type Pokémon Mass Outbreak Event, Darkness-type Pokémon cards wil appear in rare picks and bonus picks. There will also be additional flair available via exchanges during the event. During this event period, there will be missions where you can obtain shop tickets by wonder picking and collecting certain cards.
Rare Picks
During the event, rare picks will occasionally appear on the list of wonder pics. In these wonder picks, you can use wonder stamina to get one of the featured cards at random. The following cards will appear in rare picks:
- Honchkrow - 2 Diamond Space-Time Smackdown: Dialga
- Mightyena - 2 Diamond Space-Time Smackdown
- Skuntank - 2 Diamond Space-Time Smackdown: Dialga
- Spiritomb - 2 Diamond Space-Time Smackdown: Palkia
- Murkrow - 1 Diamond Space-Time Smackdown: Dialga
- Sneasel - 1 Diamond Space-Time Smackdown: Palkia
- Poochyena - 1 Diamond Space-Time Smackdown
- Stunky - 1 Diamond Space-Time Smackdown: Dialga
- Croagunk - 1 Diamond Space-Time Smackdown: Dialga
- Koffing - 1 Diamond Genetic Apex: Mewtwo
Bonus Picks
The following cards will be featured in bonus picks during the mass outbreak event:
- Weavile ex - 4 Diamond Space-Time Smackdown: Palkia
- Darkrai - 3 Diamond Space-Time Smackdown: Dialga
- Weezing - 3 Diamond Genetic Apex: Mewtwo
- Honchkrow - 2 Diamond Space-Time Smackdown: Dialga
- Mightyena - 2 Diamond Space-Time Smackdown
- Skuntank - 2 Diamond Space-Time Smackdown: Dialga
- Spiritomb - 2 Diamond Space-Time Smackdown: Palkia
Weavile ex Bursts Flair: Purple (Cosmetic)