The official movie website has updated with the ninth part of Director Yuyama's scouting report. Translations follow:
This time, Director Yuyama chose Canada as the country he would go scouting in. He went there in search of the landscapes where Yveltal would sleep, where Xerneas would hide, and Diancie would journey.
Part 9: To St. Lawrence Market!

The third day of our location scouting started with a roughly 3 hour long journey to
Toronto, the largest city in Canada. As we drove at full speed down the long, long straight road, we left the idyllic countryside behind as an urban landscape of tall buildings came into view.
Our first destination for the day was
St. Lawrence Market, a lively market located inside an old stone building that has become one of Toronto's major attractions.
While we were walking around the area, we discovered a Canadian McDonald's. The familiar M sign had a small maple leaf symbolizing Canada drawn right underneath it. We've seen lots of such maple leaves decorating store logos, billboards, etc here in Canada.
For earlier parts, please go here:
Movie 17 Scouting Report