The Official Movie 17 Website has updated today with several new articles and their translation is below. It has been decided that the 4-member girls' band
SCANDAL will be responsible for the theme song to
"Pokémon the Movie XY: The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie", which premieres this summer.
The Four-Member Girls' Band SCANDAL Will be Responsible for the Theme Song
The song is titled
Meteor Shower at Dawn (夜明けの流星群) and part of it can be heard in the new movie trailer premiering in theaters April 19th.
All the members of SCANDAL are huge Pokémon fans. The first video game RINA (drummer and vocalist) bought in her life was "Pocket Monsters", and the first movie she went to see in a theater was "Pocket Monsters the Movie" (this was also the case with MAMI). Because of this, they feel very strongly about this song, and were extremely motivated about it.
Now for some comments from SCANDAL themselves:
When I heard we were going to do the theme song this year, I got so happy I started jumping around with joy. While the four of us are from what you call the first generation of Pokémon fans, I still remember me and my friends excitedly looking forward to the very first Pokémon movie "Mewtwo Strikes Back" during the summer vacation when it first premiered as if it was yesterday. Every year since then, children have been falling in love with another such Pokémon movie during summer vacation, and I want our song to help burn this movie into the memories of the children that will be running the world in the future just like those older movies remain in our memories.
今回主題歌を担当させていただけると聞いたときは、飛び上がるぐらい嬉しかったです。ポケモン第一世代と呼ばれる私達ですが、夏休みのポケモン映画第一弾「ミュウツーの逆襲」が上映される時に友達みんなでワクワク待ち遠しくしていたのをつい最近のことのように覚えています。そんな長年に渡ってキッズ達に愛されてきた夏休みのポケモン映画、私達の記憶にずっと残っているようにこれからの未来を担う子供たちの記憶に焼きつくよう私たちの楽曲で更に盛り上げていければなと思います! |
Back when we were in grade school, Pokémon was always the subject when we had time off. It practically was our youth. I think there's a lot of children who will be watching "Pokémon the Movie XY: The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie" as their first movie ever, and we're going to do our absolute utmost to make those children come back home as excited and emotionally moved as we were back then... or no, even more excited and moved than we were. We will be very happy if you enjoy the movie all the way till the end.
小学生の頃、休み時間の話題はいつだってポケモン。まさに私たちの青春そのものでした。今回の『ポケモン・ザ・ムービーXY 「破壊の繭とディアンシー」』が初めて観る映画になる子供たちも沢山いると思います。あの頃の私たちが抱いた興奮と感動と同じくらい、いやそれを越えるものを持って帰って頂けるように、精一杯心を込めて作りました。ラストまで楽しんで頂けたら嬉しいです。 |
Pokémon was the first movie I ever saw in my life. It was so intense I thought the Pokémon were going to jump out of the screen at any moment, and I still remember the tears that fell as I entered the world of movies way back then. I also really love the Pokémon video games and have played them all the way since "Pocket Monsters Red/Green" and "Pocket Monsters Blue" up to the recent "Pocket Monsters X/Y", and I'm incredibly happy I get to take part in the production of something as indispensable to my life as Pokémon. I think our song will cheer the Pokémon in the movie on.
生まれて初めて観た映画はポケモン。今にもポケモンたちが画面から飛び出してくるんじゃないかと思うくらいの迫力と子どもながらに映画の世界に入り込んでボロボロ泣いたのを覚えています。ポケモンのゲームも大好きで、『ポケットモンスター赤・緑』『ポケットモンスター青』の頃から最新作『ポケットモンスターX・Y』までプレイしているので、そんな自分の人生には欠かせないポケモンに携われて、とても嬉しいです!ポケモンたちの活躍を私たちの曲で応援できたらなと思います! |
We've been chosen to do the theme song for "Pokémon XY the Movie: The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie"! Since the four of us were born right into the Pokémon generation, this makes us very happy. Pokémon was the very first video game I ever got as a birthday present, and if I look back on my childhood, I remember Pokémon always being part of it. It makes me very happy to think that the children who will be watching this as their first movie, and who make "Meteor Shower at Dawn" the first song they memorize, will have that song automatically play in their heads when they reflect back on their childhood after growing up. I'm also really looking forward to the live performance we'll be doing of the song!
今回、映画『ポケモン・ザ・ムービーXY 「破壊の繭とディアンシー」』の主題歌を担当させていただくことになりました!ポケモン世代ド真ん中の私たちにとっても、とても嬉しいことです。誕生日プレゼントで初めてもらったゲームもポケモンで、思い返せばポケモンがそばにある幼少期でした。今回が初めて観る映画になる子供たちが、初めて覚えた歌が「夜明けの流星群」になって、それが大人になった時に子供の頃を振り返ると頭の中で自然に再生されたら嬉しいです。ライブでやるのも楽しみです! |
A profile on SCANDAL
SCANDAL was formed in Osaka in 2006, and made their debut in 2008. The year after, their single "Girl S" (少女S) won the Best New Artist category at the Japan Record Awards. They set a new record as the fastest a girls' band has performed at the Nippon Budokan after debuting, and not too long ago, they topped even that achievement when they fulfilled their goal of holding a concert at the Osaka Jo Hall. Then, in June 2014, they will be performing the annual Yokohama Arena 2days concert as the first girls' band to do so in 23 years. Truly, they are the very model of Japanese girls' bands.

From left to right: TOMOMI(Bass & Vocal), HARUNA(Vocal & Guitar), RINA(Drums & Vocal), MAMI(Guitar & Vocal)
Director Yuyama's Location Scouting Report
This time, Director Yuyama chose Canada as the country he would go scouting in. He went there in search of the landscapes where Yveltal would sleep, where Xerneas would hide, and Diancie would journey.
Part 6: The Jewel of the Rideau, Merrickville

The group continued onward to the town of
Merrickville, which is known as "the Jewel of the Rideau".
The streets of this town were filled with locations we could use for the movie, with colorful buildings lining the picturesque scenery. Thanksgiving was just around the corner too, leading to the stores having lots of decorations on display. The entire city felt like one big, cute general store.
Director Yuyama and Art Director Akiba went to a local book store and bought reference material, so you'll get to see landscapes resembling this town in the movie.
For earlier parts, please go here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
The "Get Pokémon with Namco!!" Campaign
Starting Friday April 11th, the "Get Pokémon with Namco!!" campaign will be held at Namco arcades all over Japan. Lots of games! Lots of prizes! Make sure to go to Namco!
Join the "Namco Pokémon Club" and get a "Puffy Pokémon Key Ring"
1) First, get registered
Go to a Namco arcade during the campaign period, enter the "Namco Pokémon Club" and receive a "Namco Pokémon Club Membership Card".
2) Get a collection
If you take the membership card to a Namco arcade, you'll receive a Pokémon sticker every day. First, select your favorite Pokémon among Harimaron, Fokko and Keromatsu. Then, collected one sticker for each of their evolved forms, and once you've reached their final form, you'll receive a "Puffy Pokémon Key Ring" featuring that very Pokémon you raised yourself. Then, if you get all three such key rings, you'll receive a "The Final Evolutions Gathered Together" key ring!
3) Get playing
By completing missions listed on your membership card, you'll receive "monster ball stickers". Once you've collected 3 or more monster ball stickers, you'll get a "Mega Evolution sticker".
Get exclusive Namco "Pokémon Kids" figures
Also, between Friday April 25th and Tuesday May 6th you can obtain the special limited Nacmo edition Pokémon Kids figures "Fokko: Pearl-coating Version", "Keromatsu: Pearl-coating Version" and "Harimaron: Pearl-coating Version" from special campaign vending machines for 500 yen a piece!! Get Pokémon with Namco!!
*Membership in the "Namco Pokémon Club" is free.
*You can receive up to one "Pokémon sticker" a day.
*The stickers are limited in number, and will only be available as long as supplies last.
Sources:,, and