The official Korean Pokémon website has announced that Plasma Gang Te-okiseu will be distributed on May 4th, 2013 and May 5th, 2013 in Yangjae-dong, Seoul, South Korea at the
aT Center (양재동 aT센터 제 2전시장). It will be distributed to players of the Korean Versions of
Black 2 and White 2 via local area IR from 9AM until 6PM both days as part of the Pokémon Town 2013 (포켓몬타운 2013) event festivities.
The Te-okiseu is similar to the
Masuda Dexoys distributed at the end of 2012 in Japan. Te-okiseu is level 100, has the Ability Pressure, the OT: Plasma Gang (플라스마단) and is holding a Life Orb. Te-okiseu knows the following moves:
Nasty Plot,
Dark Pulse,
Recover and
Psycho Boost.