The Photoshop of the Week contest is simple. Download this weeks picture and modify it in a funny, interesting, or bizarre way. You can use any photo editing software program you want. Post your picture as a new thread in the
'Photoshop of the Week' section on the Imageboard. Thanks for participating and we hope you enjoy this weeks Photoshop Challenge.
This week's Photoshop is of Professor Oak. He is currently afraid that he is going to be sprayed by Stunky. What is really Professor Oak afraid of?
The Photoshop of the Week contests will now last 2 weeks instead of one. This will give more people time to think of an edit and allow staff more setup time each week. Please continue to submit Photoshop pictures in the Photoshop Suggestions section. Make sure they are at least 640x480 in size.
Week 21 - Thursday November 22nd, 2007 to Thursday December 6th, 2007.
Good Luck! We are all looking forward to your Photoshops.
We have also added a Request board to the Imageboard. All image requests must be made in the request section. Request answers are to be posted in the appropriate section, not the request board. When you fill an image request, post a link to the image thread in the request section. Be sure to enter a subject and a description of the image you want before you post. All other Imageboard rules also apply to this section.
Image requests do not have to be anime related. Picture requests can be from any sections of the Imageboard. You can view the Request board by clicking