Title: Pokémon Center Shibuya - Pokémon Design Lab - Sinnoh Region ...
The Pokémon Design Lab is a service that allows you to design your own T-shirts using a large touch screen and purchase them on the spot and it now features Pokémon from the Sinnoh region! A total of 121 Pokémon from Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, including those with different forms, will be added to the Pokémon art available for design. Choose your favorite Pokémon and make your own original T-shirt!
All prices shown include tax. It takes 30 to 60 minutes for the product to be completed after the selection experience at the Pokémon Center Shibuya.
Product Details:
Adult size - 4,400 yen - 5 sizes from S to XXL
Children's sizes: 3,300 yen - 5 sizes from 110cm to 150cm