Title: Shigeru Ohmori and Kazumasa Iwao Available for StreetPass Mi...
A new news article has been posted!
Nintendo of Europe has announced that
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Producer Shigeru Ohmori and Director Kazumasa Iwao will be available for StreetPass Mii Plaza in Europe to celebrate the launch of the games.
New arrivals in the Mii StreetPass Plaza
To celebrate the launch of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon, two special Mii characters are heading to a StreetPass Mii Plaza near you!
Until January 9th 2018, producer Shigeru Ohmori will be available in the StreetPass Mii Plaza wearing a pair of golden trousers to mark the occasion! Director Kazumasa Iwao will also be available to StreetPass at Nintendo Zones at GAME until January 9th 2018. And yes – he’ll be sporting a pair of golden trousers too!