Title: Mawilite, Beedrillite, Audinite, and Medichamite Mega Stones...
A new news article has been posted!
The official Pokémon website has revealed a code for players of
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon to receive the Mawilite, Beedrillite, Audinite and Medichamite Mega Stones items needed for Mawile, Beedrill, Audino, and Medicham to Mega Evolve during battle.
Mega Stone Power Times Four
Add four more Mega Stones to your Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon game. Increase your stockpile of Mega Stones in
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon and give more Pokémon the power to Mega Evolve with a special code. When you enter the following password in your game, you'll receive Mawilite, Beedrillite, Audinite, and Medichamite Mega Stones, the items needed for Mawile, Beedrill, Audino, and Medicham to Mega Evolve during battle.
Mega Stones password:
These Pokémon aren't available in the wild in Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon, but you can bring them into
Pokémon Bank via Poké
Transporter from earlier games. Pokémon will lose their items in the
process, so this is currently the only way to get these Mega Stones in Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon.
To get the four Mega Stones:
- Select Mystery Gift on the main menu.
- Select Receive Gift.
- Select Get with Code/Password, then Yes, and then
Yes again to connect to the Internet.
- Enter your password.
- Watch as you receive the Mega Stones.
- Speak to the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center
to pick up your Mega Stones.
- Be sure to save your game!
Enjoy bigger battles with the force of Mega Evolution in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon with these awesome Mega Stones.