Title: Re: POKENCHI 12: りんかちゃんの16歳の誕生日をみんなでお祝い、16匹のピカチュウ登場、ポケモン漫才等 ...
A Pikachu outbreak in Pokenchi!? But why? Also, Pistachio come by to perform Pikachu manzai comedy. And in the Pokémon battle, the strongest girl yet appears before Hyadain!
An enormous amount of Pikachu come to Pokénchi, filling the entire house. And then Pistachio come by to perform Pikachu manzai comedy. How do the Pikachu react...? In the Pokémon battle, Hyadain faces a girl who's the best in her class. Hyadain is at the mercy of her tricky battle strategy... what will the result be!?
Shoko Nakagawa
Rinka Otani
Guests: Pistachio